VIDEO: 2nd annual White Center Block Party

August 28th, 2022 at 2:59 pm Posted in Fun, White Center news | Comments Off on VIDEO: 2nd annual White Center Block Party

If you haven’t been to downtown White Center for this year’s Block Party, don’t miss the chance – you have three more hours, and the weather’s glorious. Dozens of vendors and organizations are there. Kid activities, too, like the bouncy toys south of 98th:

The intersection of 98th/16th is where you’ll find the main stage:

South of 98th is also where you’ll find Lariat Bar‘s wrestling ring – we caught part of an early match:

The “Hammer Brothers” (Jack and Sledge) were so dominant in that one, including the pre-match bluster, we didn’t even catch the names of their opponents. So go wander 16th between Roxbury and 100th until 6 pm, and look for the special wristbands you can buy for discounts and freebies at participating businesses! Proceeds this year benefit local nonprofits.

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BACK TO SCHOOL: Free meals for all Highline PS students

August 23rd, 2022 at 9:02 pm Posted in Highline School District, White Center news | 1 Comment »

The first day of school for Highline Public Schools is a little more than a week away – Thursday, September 1st. The district announced today that all students get free meals this year:

Research has shown there is a crucial relationship between nutrition and academic performance. This year, all Highline Public Schools students will be able to eat healthy, kid-friendly meals at school at no cost.

Highline Public Schools has been approved for the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program as part of the National School Lunch Program for School Year 2022-23. Under this provision, all enrolled students on campus can receive a no-cost breakfast and lunch each school day.

Highline participates in Farm to School by promoting and serving locally grown foods. This exposes students to a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables from local farms and growers.

Highline is one of four school districts in Washington State awarded a Team Nutrition grant to develop new recipes. Staff have worked on recipes for fruit leather, salmon tacos, black bean and cheese pupusas, and huckleberry cornmeal muffins.

Highline menus are planned by a registered dietitian to meet USDA specifications based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

“We’re looking forward to creating some delicious recipes and menus this school year. We’re grateful that every child will be able to eat a balanced breakfast and lunch that will fuel their mind and body for a day of learning,” says Lisa Johnson, Director of Nutrition Services. “No-cost meals allow all students to try new foods and eat together while providing convenience to families.”

Even though meals are at no cost for everyone, some families may be asked to complete an income survey to access other discounts and benefits. Income data allows Highline to maintain state and federal school funding. Highline will share a link to the survey this fall with families. Completing the survey is simple and confidential. There are no citizenship requirements for participation in federal Child Nutrition Programs, and immigration status is not requested or disclosed.

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WHITE CENTER BLOCK PARTY: Wrestling @ Lariat Bar

August 23rd, 2022 at 8:44 pm Posted in Sports, White Center news | Comments Off on WHITE CENTER BLOCK PARTY: Wrestling @ Lariat Bar

Lariat Bar sent word that as part of this Sunday’s White Center Block Party, they’re presenting live, free wrestling – the Defy Summer Bash. You’re invited to two rounds 1 pm-2:30 pm and 3:30 pm-5 pm. Spectators have to be 21+ to watch from inside the beer garden but all ages are welcome outside the beer garden. If you haven’t yet been to Lariat, it’s at 9827 16th SW. The Block Party is happening noon-6 pm Sunday (August 28th).

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WHITE CENTER BIZNOTE: New tenant for ex-Northmart building

August 23rd, 2022 at 1:32 pm Posted in Businesses, White Center news | Comments Off on WHITE CENTER BIZNOTE: New tenant for ex-Northmart building

We noticed the banner for Corry’s Dry Cleaning and Fuzzy Wuzzy Rug Company on the former Northmart building in downtown White Center. Those businesses share a location in West Seattle, north of The Junction business district, so we stopped there to ask about the plan for the WC building. No, they’re not moving – the plan is to use the White Center building for an expanded cleaning facility, they told us.

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August 18th, 2022 at 4:40 pm Posted in King County, White Center news | Comments Off on PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING: The winners are …

After an event last night in Skyway, King County went public with the list of who’s getting what after the first-ever “participatory budgeting” vote in the unincorporated urban areas, including White Center/North Highline. Here are the local organizations/projects chosen, in two groups of recipients (the second for programs/services to be funded by a share of cannabis-tax revenue):

White Center/North Highline

White Center Food Bank “New Location Renovation Fund” ($875,000)
White Center Community HUB “Construction Fund” ($750,000)
Khmer Community Temple Support ($750,000)
Spray Park/Outdoor Cooling Center; Cool Me Down – White Center ($725,000)

White Center/North Highline (Funded by Marijuana Tax Revenue)

Gifts of Hope ($175,000)
Nepantla Cultural Art Programming ($150,000)
Acts on Stage – Programming ($75,000)
Green Education – New Start ($66,000)
Mental Health – Grief Support ($32,500)
White Center Heights Elementary School – Family Resource Center ($25,000)
Wolverine Select – Funding ($16,500)

Between North Highline and other urban unincorporated areas, $11 million of spending was decided in this first-ever round of “participatory budgeting.” The county says more than 2,600 people voted. Here’s the full announcement, including the list of funded projects/programs in other areas.

P.S. The new spraypark is planned for Steve Cox Memorial Park.

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Second annual White Center Block Party a week and a half away

August 17th, 2022 at 6:07 pm Posted in Fun, White Center news | 2 Comments »

(WCN photo from August 2021)

The second annual White Center Block Party is now a week and a half away. Here’s what organizers want you to know:

White Center Block Party 2022

WHERE: White Center Retail Core: 16th Ave. SW between Southwest Roxbury Street and Southwest 100th Street

When: Sunday, August 28, 2022 Noon-6pm

WHO: White Center Block Party and White Center Community Development Association

What: Street festival celebrating White Center

Cost: FREE and family friendly. Wristbands for additional purchase for discounts at participating businesses and special offerings at restaurants and bars during the White Center Block Party hours.

We are thrilled to announce we are bringing back the White Center Block Party! It all started when a group of local business and neighbors came together and decided that White Center needed some love after an extended series of vandalism and fires centered around the retail core last year.

Our mission with the first annual White Center Block Party (WCBP) was to raise money for the victims and businesses affected by all the fires. We are back this year to announce our second annual white center block party that will focus on creating a safe, family friendly, and inclusive place to gather after so much time apart. Proceeds for this year’s event will be donated to two local White Center organizations: White Center Food Bank AND Khmer Community of Seattle King County.

White Center Block Party aims to support and promote local and regional businesses – restaurants, bars, retailers, artists, musicians, etc. – all in one place.


· Street vendors including crafts, food, merchandise and local businesses and non-profits.

· Live music and performances

· Beer gardens

· Bars and restaurants

· Bouncy houses by Aleko

· Defy wrestling summer showcase hosted by Lariat Bar

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CRIME: Shooting in North Shorewood

August 16th, 2022 at 7:14 pm Posted in Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, Shorewood, White Center news | 5 Comments »

No arrests yet in a shooting Monday afternoon in North Shorewood, according to the King County Sheriff’s Office. It happened just after 3:30 pm Monday in the 2600 block of SW 110th. KCSO would only say it happened “in or near a garage of a home” and that one person was shot. The area resident who sent the photo said it appeared the victim was a woman and that firefighters/medics said she was critically injured. If you have any information, the KCSO case number to refer to when reporting it is C22027189.

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King County Public Health says doses remain at monkeypox-vaccination event in White Center

August 14th, 2022 at 4:56 pm Posted in Health, White Center news | Comments Off on King County Public Health says doses remain at monkeypox-vaccination event in White Center

King County Public Health says a community monkeypox-vaccination event still has doses available for eligible walk-ups – until 6 pm or until they run out – at the Lumber Yard Bar, 9630 16th SW in downtown White Center. Here’s who’s eligible.

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August 13th, 2022 at 4:35 pm Posted in White Center Community Development Association, White Center news | Comments Off on WHITE CENTER WEEKEND SCENE: Community Market

Until about 6 pm, the White Center Community Development Association-presented community market is on, at 16th/98th. Along with some food and merchandise vendors, you can check in with local nonprofits, like the White Center Food Bank, which is working on its move to downtown WC:

You can also find out more about the White Center HUB project from nonprofits like Southwest Youth and Family Services:

If you can’t get there today, two weeks from tomorrow is your next chance to shop in the street, the next White Center Block Party (August 28th).

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FOOTBALL TIME: First Friday tailgate with at Patrick’s Café and Bakery

August 12th, 2022 at 1:30 pm Posted in Food, Sports, White Center news | 1 Comment »

Chef Gino from invites you to the first of his tailgating events, Friday nights in White Center:

This is the first in a series of Friday events:

If you don’t know Chef Gino, he’s a West Seattle-based entrepreneur and says he’ll be vending at Lumen Field on these gamedays:

The Seahawks’ first preseason game is on the road tomorrow vs. the Steelers

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CRIME: Man charged in stolen-car crash that killed North Highline woman

August 10th, 2022 at 7:15 pm Posted in Burien, Crime, White Center news | 18 Comments »

One week ago tonight, 64-year-old North Highline resident Dory Larsen was killed in Burien when a man driving a stolen car ran a red light and hit her. The driver who killed her, 25-year-old Mohamed Tayib, is now charged with three felonies – vehicular homicide, hit and run, and reckless driving. Charging documents say a Burien Police officer was trying to pull Tayib over when he ran the red light and hit Ms. Larsen’s car; Tayib caught the officer’s attention with screeching tires and running a red light at 4th Avenue South and 128th, continuing eastward. The officer activated his lights and, prosecutors say, was behind Tayib when he ran the 1st/128th light, his stolen Subaru Outback smashing into Ms. Larsen’s Ford Fiesta as she drove northbound on 128th. A third car was hit before Tayib pulled into a nearby gas station, where he and another man got out of the car and tried to walk away; a bystander stopped them until the officer caught up. Dispatch subsequently confirmed the Subaru had been stolen in Seattle the day before. Ms. Larsen died at the scene; no one else was seriously hurt. Tayib was booked into jail and remains there, bail set at half a million dollars. Earlier this year, he served time for a five-count conviction including residential burglary and two counts of car prowling; the charging documents say his record also includes assault, theft, hit-and-run, DUI, and speeding

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2 MORE DAYS: Your vote can get $ to local nonprofits

August 9th, 2022 at 1:51 am Posted in How to Help, King County, White Center Food Bank, White Center news | Comments Off on 2 MORE DAYS: Your vote can get $ to local nonprofits

As mentioned last week, the county’s Participatory Budgeting vote is on right now – you have today and tomorrow to vote online and help decide how to spend $3+ million. One of the contenders is the White Center Food Bank, which says it has found a new location in downtown WC (but isn’t saying exactly where yet).The WCFB needs money “to renovate and transform our space into an innovative food bank for all who need it.” You can vote here.=

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NEXT SATURDAY: White Center Community Market!

August 6th, 2022 at 8:45 pm Posted in White Center Community Development Association, White Center news | Comments Off on NEXT SATURDAY: White Center Community Market!

Next Saturday afternoon/evening (August 13th, 3 pm-8 pm), the White Center Community Development Association is continuing to celebrate its 20th anniversary by presenting a Community Market. It’ll happen in the parking lot at 9808 16th SW. They’re recruiting volunteers, too – go here to see how to help.

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NIGHT OUT 2022: Scenes from White Center

August 3rd, 2022 at 1:48 am Posted in Steve Cox Memorial Park, White Center news | Comments Off on NIGHT OUT 2022: Scenes from White Center

Perfect night for the return of Night Out block parties! Our first photos are from Gill:

This happened on 20th SW, with neighbors from 100th to 104th, and, Gill says, some from 21st – more than 35 in attendance, and as the photos show, King County Sheriff’s Office members turned out. … We went to Steve Cox Memorial Park for the Family Night Out presented by the Teen Program – lots of activities for kids, inckuding a treasure hunt:

As those photos show, other county services/departments teamed up with the teens for the event – including KCSO and KCLS as well as Parks.

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TOMORROW: Your chance to vote on how to spend $3.6 million public dollars

August 1st, 2022 at 5:38 pm Posted in King County, White Center news | 1 Comment »

The county’s been talking for a while about “participatory budgeting” – you decide how to spend public dollars – and now it’s time to vote, including an in-person event in White Center tomorrow. Here’s the announcement:

In a first for King County, residents of five urban unincorporated areas can vote on which proposed community projects should receive public funding Aug. 2-10. Residents can cast their votes online or in person at one of several community events.

It’s time to vote! Five urban unincorporated communities will get the chance to decide which proposed community projects will happen as part of King County’s first Participatory Budgeting process.

From Aug. 2-10, anyone who lives, works, owns a business, receives services, goes to school, or worships in the following unincorporated areas can cast their vote to fund projects in their community — projects that were proposed and developed by community members.

East Federal Way
East Renton
North Highline/White Center
Skyway/West Hill

Community members will be able to vote online or at one of several in-person community events.


Votes may be cast in one of two ways:

Online (

At an in-person event (see schedule below)

Tuesday, Aug. 2
White Center: 6-8 p.m., Greenbridge (near Dubsea Coffee)

More on participatory budgeting 

In 2021, the King County Council approved Executive Constantine’s new approach to community investment – one that’s centered on racial equity. It gives people who live, work, play, or worship in the county’s five urban unincorporated areas the chance to directly choose how more than $11 million is spent in their communities.

Participatory budgeting allows communities to identify, discuss, and prioritize public spending. Residents help decide how to spend money on capital projects (physical things that are bought, built, installed, or fixed up) or programs and services.

The Community Investment Budget Committee, a group of appointed residents from King County’s urban unincorporated areas, met virtually to create the framework for the new participatory budgeting process.

Where does the money come from? The funds for the capital projects are backed by bonds. The funds for programs and services in North Highline/White Center and Skyway-West Hill come from King County’s general fund and are supported by marijuana retail sales tax revenue. 

Learn more:

In North Highline, your vote involves what to do with $3.6 million – and how to split it among some or all of these projects:

Final Project List – Capital Improvement Projects:

White Center Food Bank – New location renovation fund
White Center Community HUB – Construction fund
Acts on Stage – Building Renovation fund
Acts on Stage – 250-Seat Public Performing Arts Theater
Khmer Community Temple – Sidewalks
Spray Park/Cooling Center “Cool me down – White Center”
Community Garden/P-Patch – “Food in my backyard” – Grant fund
Final Project List – Marijuana Tax Revenue Funds (Programs/Services) Projects:

Acts on Stage – FREE After School/Summer youth programming
Green Education – New Start High School
Youth Drop-In Center @ Log Cabin
Voter Education Bond Levy
Wolverine Select Youth Basketball – Funding
Nepantla Cultural Art – Capacity/Community Building
White Center Heights Elementary School – Family Resource Center
Documentary Film “Gentrification in White Center”
Gift of Hope – Capacity/Community Building support
Salvation Army – Workshops
Gameshape – FREE Youth program
Mental Health / Grief Support
Parent Education / Advocacy Support

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BASEBALL: Final two games this weekend for DubSea Fish Sticks

July 30th, 2022 at 10:30 am Posted in Sports, Steve Cox Memorial Park, White Center news | Comments Off on BASEBALL: Final two games this weekend for DubSea Fish Sticks

Summer goes by so quickly. It’s already the final weekend for the DubSea Fish Sticks! Here’s a reminder we received from the team this morning:

(Photo by Robby Mullikin)

The DubSea Fish Sticks summer collegiate baseball team is wrapping up their season with two final home games at Mel Olson Stadium on Saturday evening at 6:05 pm and Sunday afternoon at 1 pm.

On Saturday, July 30th the team will be running a Christmas in July theme with Christmas décor, songs and iced out jerseys the players will be wearing. The team is donating $5 of every ticket sold to the White Center Food Bank, who will also be running a 50/50 raffle at the event.

On Sunday, July 31st the team will host its final game of the 2022 inaugural season beginning at 1:05pm. Fan appreciation day will feature special give-aways, fun between inning promotions and the last chance for a fan to roll giant dice for a chance to win $50,000 from Burien Chevrolet.

The summer collegiate baseball team recruits players from colleges across the country to come and play for the months of June and July. The 2022 summer roster is compiled of players from twenty-six different colleges. The players report in late May and play with the team to hone their skills and hope to one day play professionally.

You can purchase tickets and find more information on the Fish Sticks at

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HEAT WAVE: Stage 1 burn ban takes effect Friday

July 28th, 2022 at 6:12 pm Posted in Weather, White Center news | Comments Off on HEAT WAVE: Stage 1 burn ban takes effect Friday

Announced this afternoon:

With high temperatures expected to reach the mid-90’s throughout the weekend and with extremely dry conditions, King County Fire Marshal Chris Ricketts has issued a Stage 1 fire safety burn ban for the unincorporated areas starting Friday.

The Stage 1 fire safety burn ban – which is being issued in coordination with the King County Fire Chiefs Association – applies to all outdoor burning, except for barbecues and small recreational fires in established fire pits at approved campgrounds or private property with the owner’s permission.

“Extreme heat and especially dry conditions have increased the risk of wildfire dramatically,” Ricketts says. “People in both rural and urban unincorporated areas need to be careful and use caution.”

Recreational fires still pose a risk, so their use shall be limited and respected accordingly.

Approved Recreational Burn Requirements:

Firewood shall be seasoned and dry
Be built in a metal or concrete fire pit, such as those typically found in designated campgrounds; and not be used as debris disposal
Grow no larger than 3 feet in diameter
Be in a clear spot free from any vegetation for at least 10 feet in a horizontal direction, including at least 25 feet away from any structure and allow 20-foot vertical clearance from overhanging branches.
Recreational fires shall be attended at all times by an alert individual and equipment capable of extinguishing the fire with a shovel and a 5-gallon bucket of water or with a connected and charged water hose.
Completely extinguish campfires by pouring water or moist soil in them and stirring with a shovel until all parts are cool to the touch. The use of self-contained camp stoves is encouraged as an alternative.
No burning when winds exceed 15 mph.

If your property is inside city limits, residents must contact their local jurisdiction for their requirements.

This ban remains in effect until further notice.

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ONE WEEK AWAY! White Center Teen Program presents Family Night Out at Steve Cox Memorial Park

July 26th, 2022 at 12:59 am Posted in Fun, Steve Cox Memorial Park, White Center news | Comments Off on ONE WEEK AWAY! White Center Teen Program presents Family Night Out at Steve Cox Memorial Park

One week from tonight – Tuesday, August 2nd – is Night Out, all over the U.S. Here in White Center, you’re invited to Family Night Out at Steve Cox Memorial Park, 5-7 pm – here’s the announcement:

The Annual King County Parks Night Out Against Crime Family event is back on Tuesday, August 2nd!

King County Parks has participated in the National Night Out event for over a decade and is thrilled to be hosting families in 2022 at the Playground Picnic Shelter at Steve Cox Memorial Park (1321 SW 102nd St). This year’s activities will run between 5-7 pm and feature Island Getaway-themed treasure hunts, crafts and games. On site activities will be socially distanced with no touch options, and Grab and Go kits will also be available. In lieu of the annual barbeque, an assortment of individually wrapped ice cream treats will be on hand (while supplies last.) Confirmed guests of honor include Magician Jeff Evans performing Strolling Magic (courtesy of the KCLS), Deputy Bill from the White Center Storefront, Librarians Devon and Destinee from the White Center Library, and a pirate ship full of White Center Teen Program Recreation Aides.

All treasure chests will be hidden above ground (no digging required.) The Treasure Hunt begins at 5pm on Tuesday, August 2nd and runs until all of the chests are found. (One chest per child please!) Clues to the treasure chest locations throughout the park can be picked up from staff at the Picnic Shelter. And finally, please follow all Public Health Safety guidelines while hunting for your treasure!

Night Out at SCMP is once again sponsored by the teens and staff of the White Center Teen Program. The WCTP offers free recreational, educational, and social enrichment programming to youth ages 12-19 between Tuesday – Saturday from 3-8 pm. The WCTP is currently offering small group programs such as games club, book club, art club; 1:1 homework help and job readiness; outdoor programs such as tennis, bicycle club, lacrosse, and garden club; and the Summer Recreation Aide Employment Program.

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SUMMER SCENE: White Center Eagles in West Seattle Grand Parade

July 25th, 2022 at 6:38 pm Posted in White Center Eagles, White Center news | Comments Off on SUMMER SCENE: White Center Eagles in West Seattle Grand Parade

No Jubilee Days parade this year, but leaders of the White Center Eagles got some parading in over the weekend anyway, riding in the West Seattle Grand Parade on Saturday. The sign on their car identified the riders as Worthy President Jose Rivera Jr., Madam President Jan Leatham, First Lady Cheryl Rivera, Auxiliary Officers Patty and Susan, and “Doby Doggie.”

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WHITE CENTER CRIME WATCH: Shooting injures one person

July 22nd, 2022 at 4:58 pm Posted in Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news | Comments Off on WHITE CENTER CRIME WATCH: Shooting injures one person

Thanks for the tip. The King County Sheriff’s Office says one person was injured last night in a shooting. They got a 911 call about possible gunfire in the 10700 block of 16th SW around 11 pm; the 911 log says the call came from the Windemere Estates apartment complex. They found a victim with a gunshot wound to their arm. The victim was taken to Harborview Medical Center. No arrest reported – if you have any information, the KCSO incident number is C22024158.

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