Toplines from last night’s North Highline Unincorporated Area Council< meeting: Council members voiced concerns about the county’s public-safety cuts – which elected officials say will have to be made unless new revenue is found, such as the sales-tax increase that’s being proposed for the August ballot. Heidi Johnson proposed writing to County Executive Dow Constantine to voice the NHUAC concerns, and her fellow councilmembers agreed. They’re already worried about a perception of lower King County Sheriff’s Office presence in what remains of the unincorporated area. Other councilmembers are suggesting that KCSO Major Jim Graddon come to a future NHUAC meeting to discuss the staffing situation.
The upcoming election was another big topic. If you’re eligible to vote in the NHUAC elections – check complete information on the council’s home page – you can come to the North HIghline Fire District headquarters between 6 and 8 on Tuesday night, May 20th, to cast your ballot. (Candidates also are listed on that page.) Council members who are not on the ballot this time will be there too, to listen to community concerns.
As usual, the council heard from Burien City Manager Mike Martin. His briefing included news of an opening ceremony at 10 am next Tuesday for the satellite City of Burien office at 11846 Des Moines Memorial Drive (map). The ceremony will include dedication of a plaque honoring the late NHUAC member Barb Peters.
The approaching June 30th closure of the South Park Bridge is on the council members’ minds too – they’ve sent a letter to the federal Department of Transportation, cc’d to Sen. Patty Murray and County Executive Constantine, expressing support for finding money as soon as possible to replace the bridge.
The North Highline Unincorporated Area Council regularly meets the first Thursday of the month, 7 pm, at North Highline FD headquarters; find them online at