Heads up, White Center bus riders: Upcoming ramp closure will affect you

May 10th, 2010 at 11:50 pm Posted in Metro, Transportation, White Center news | Comments Off on Heads up, White Center bus riders: Upcoming ramp closure will affect you

While the upcoming closure of the 1st Avenue South ramp to the westbound (high) West Seattle Bridge won’t affect White Center drivers as much as their WS counterparts, for bus riders, it’s a different story. The ramp closes permanently one week from today, as the Spokane Street Viaduct Widening Project enters a new phase. Our latest update over at WSB includes links to the bus routes expected to be affected, plus detour maps.


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500 volunteers set for White Center Spring Clean

May 10th, 2010 at 1:05 am Posted in White Center news | Comments Off on 500 volunteers set for White Center Spring Clean

Kim at work
(Photo posted on WCN after last year’s Spring Clean)

This Saturday is the big day, and according to the White Center Community Development Association site (you can see its latest headlines any time atop the right sidebar), registration has closed with 500 volunteers – more than last year’s turnout! 8:30 am-2:30 pm is the time, 17th and Cambridge is the starting place. You can also read more about it in the White Center Chamber of Commerce‘s latest newsletter.


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Village Green Perennial Nursery 1 of 2 White Center participants in tomorrow’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day

May 7th, 2010 at 11:07 pm Posted in West Seattle, White Center news | Comments Off on Village Green Perennial Nursery 1 of 2 White Center participants in tomorrow’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day

Earlier this week, we mentioned that White Center Arts Alliance is participating in tomorrow’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, presented by our partner site West Seattle Blog – and we wanted to make sure you also knew that Village Green Perennial Nursery is on the map too. Speaking of maps, you can get yours by going to the official WSCGSD website at westseattlegaragesale.com – there’s a clickable Google Map which has been updated with last-minute cancellations plus an addition, and there’s a printable PDF version of the map (it doesn’t reflect those changes, so be sure to make note of them; they’re listed on that site too). If you don’t have a printer, closest place to get a pre-printed sale map is Bird on a Wire Espresso in the south West Seattle neighborhood of Westwood.

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Toplines from North Highline Unincorporated Area Council, May 2010 edition

May 7th, 2010 at 7:51 pm Posted in Burien, North Highline UAC, White Center news | Comments Off on Toplines from North Highline Unincorporated Area Council, May 2010 edition

Toplines from last night’s North Highline Unincorporated Area Council< meeting: Council members voiced concerns about the county’s public-safety cuts – which elected officials say will have to be made unless new revenue is found, such as the sales-tax increase that’s being proposed for the August ballot. Heidi Johnson proposed writing to County Executive Dow Constantine to voice the NHUAC concerns, and her fellow councilmembers agreed. They’re already worried about a perception of lower King County Sheriff’s Office presence in what remains of the unincorporated area. Other councilmembers are suggesting that KCSO Major Jim Graddon come to a future NHUAC meeting to discuss the staffing situation.

The upcoming election was another big topic. If you’re eligible to vote in the NHUAC elections – check complete information on the council’s home page – you can come to the North HIghline Fire District headquarters between 6 and 8 on Tuesday night, May 20th, to cast your ballot. (Candidates also are listed on that page.) Council members who are not on the ballot this time will be there too, to listen to community concerns.

As usual, the council heard from Burien City Manager Mike Martin. His briefing included news of an opening ceremony at 10 am next Tuesday for the satellite City of Burien office at 11846 Des Moines Memorial Drive (map). The ceremony will include dedication of a plaque honoring the late NHUAC member Barb Peters.

The approaching June 30th closure of the South Park Bridge is on the council members’ minds too – they’ve sent a letter to the federal Department of Transportation, cc’d to Sen. Patty Murray and County Executive Constantine, expressing support for finding money as soon as possible to replace the bridge.

The North Highline Unincorporated Area Council regularly meets the first Thursday of the month, 7 pm, at North Highline FD headquarters; find them online at www.northhighlineuac.org.

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2 big dates for North Highline Unincorporated Area Council: Tonight’s meeting; election 5/20

May 6th, 2010 at 9:32 am Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news | Comments Off on 2 big dates for North Highline Unincorporated Area Council: Tonight’s meeting; election 5/20

Tonight at 7 pm, it’s the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting – the recent annexation of what’s now North Burien has changed the area represented by the council, but they remain – for the remaining unincorporated area – the official community council. And toward that end, they’ve also set the location/time for the upcoming elections: May 20, 6-8 pm. Tonight’s meeting AND the elections are in the same location, North Highline Fire District Headquarters, 1243 SW 112th (map). Full details of candidates and voter eligibility can be found on the NHUAC home page. Now, here’s tonight’s agenda:

7:00 p.m. Call to order
Flag salute
Roll call
Approval of agenda
Approval of minutes
7:05 p.m. Public announcements
7:10 p.m. Public comment – 3 minutes for individuals
5 minutes for groups
7:15 p.m. KCSO – Report
7:25 p.m. Rachael Levine – White Center Library Guild
7:35 p.m. Dick Thurnau – Friends of Hicks Lake
7:45 p.m. Election Candidates
8:00 p.m. Treasurers Report
8:05 p.m. Corresponding Secretary Report
8:10 p.m. Committee Reports
1. Governance
2. Arts and Parks – Flower Planting & Movies in the Park
3. Public Safety
4. Housing and Human Services
5. Public Outreach
6. Transportation
7. Steve Cox Memorial
8.20 p.m. Old business
8:25 p.m. New Business

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Consultant’s report reaffirms plan to close South Park Bridge

May 5th, 2010 at 3:48 pm Posted in South Park, Transportation, White Center news | Comments Off on Consultant’s report reaffirms plan to close South Park Bridge

From partner site West Seattle Blog: King County says the final consultant review of the South Park Bridge’s condition is in, and it reaffirms the county decision to close the deteriorating bridge on June 30th. Full story here.


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White Center Arts Alliance participating in West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day

May 4th, 2010 at 11:00 pm Posted in Arts, West Seattle, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center Arts Alliance participating in West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day

View West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2010 in a larger map

Just four days till the 6th annual – and biggest ever – West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – and White Center Alliance is part of it – look for sale #193, at 18th SW and SW Cambridge. If you’re interested in wandering even further north to shop, here’s the direct Google Map link). We also have a more packet-like printable map. It’s a 12-page Word doc (6 pages if you print both sides). If you’d rather print from a PDF, use this link. The sales are all open for business 9 am-3 pm this Saturday ONLY.


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Learn about energy conservation this Saturday

May 3rd, 2010 at 12:10 pm Posted in Environment, Seattle City Light, White Center news | 2 Comments »

Seattle CIty Light says it’ll have energy-conservation experts at McLendon’s Hardware in White Center this Saturday, 10 am-1 pm, to help you learn about saving money as well as energy. Here are the full details.

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Seattle Channel tells the South Park Bridge story

May 3rd, 2010 at 8:36 am Posted in South Park, White Center news | 2 Comments »

Seattle Channel‘s “Inside/Out” show focuses this time on the South Park Bridge, its impending closure, and the community members who hope it won’t be as devastating as their fear. You can watch the entire program in the video window above (or you can watch it this week on the Seattle Channel, if you have it on your cable system).


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Evergreen Community Aquatic Center dedication: “A shining example … of new partnerships”

May 1st, 2010 at 1:48 pm Posted in Evergreen Pool, Video, White Center news | Comments Off on Evergreen Community Aquatic Center dedication: “A shining example … of new partnerships”

With not just the snip of ceremonial scissors but also shouts of THANK YOU! – the former Evergreen Pool, closed 7 months ago, formally reopened at midday today as Evergreen Community Aquatic Center. King County Executive Dow Constantine was there to help, and he called the public/private endeavor to get it reopened “a shining example … of new partnerships” – here’s his speech:

Also speaking, with proud words at the end of a long, determined effort to make this happen, were WhiteWater Aquatics vice president Bryan Hastings and ECAC general manager “Coach” Joel Schweiger:

A free public swim followed the dedication. The pool’s schedule, as linked here a few weeks ago, can be found here.


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Happening in White Center today: Evergreen Aquatic Center ribbon-cutting and free swim; West Seattle Montessori plant sale

May 1st, 2010 at 8:04 am Posted in Evergreen Pool, How to Help, White Center news | Comments Off on Happening in White Center today: Evergreen Aquatic Center ribbon-cutting and free swim; West Seattle Montessori plant sale

Two big events in White Center today:

*Evergreen Community Aquatic Center‘s official ribboncutting, with King County Executive Dow Constantine scheduled to be on hand, 10:30 am, followed by a free community swim till 1 pm. The pool – reopened thanks to the work of WhiteWater Aquatics and community support, after county budget cuts closed it last fall – is at 606 SW 116th (map)… West Seattle Montessori School and West Seattle Academy are raising money with a plant sale today, and you’ll find more than plants: Student performers, Master Gardener Q/A opportunities, even an espresso bar. 11215 15th SW (map), 9 am-2 pm, full details on the school website.

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Last day to help White Center Food Bank and have it count extra!

April 30th, 2010 at 5:09 am Posted in How to Help, White Center Food Bank, White Center news | Comments Off on Last day to help White Center Food Bank and have it count extra!

Today is the final day of the annual Feinstein Challenge – and that means any help you provide to the White Center Food Bank, today, counts for extra, as part of the match that’s involved. So think about contributing some cash, or dropping off some food, or checking in to see if there’s anything else they need. Donation links and lots of info can be found at whitecenterfoodbank.org. (And while you’re at the WC Food Bank site, don’t miss the “blog” section – lots of interesting tidbits about programs and ongoing efforts “behind the scenes.”)

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Sales-tax increase proposed to save storefront deputies (among others)

April 28th, 2010 at 1:41 pm Posted in Crime, White Center news | Comments Off on Sales-tax increase proposed to save storefront deputies (among others)

About an hour ago, King County Executive Dow Constantine, Sheriff Sue Rahr, Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg and others unveiled a new proposal to reduce the amount of budget cuts faced by the criminal-justice and human-services systems: They will ask voters if they would OK a sales-tax increase of 0.2 percent. Among other things, the explanation of where the money would go says that storefront deputies would be preserved – right now, their jobs are on the chopping block because of impending budget disaster. Read more here.


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South Park Bridge closure-plan meeting: Full report

April 28th, 2010 at 11:02 am Posted in South Park, White Center news | 2 Comments »

If you haven’t already seen it on partner site West Seattle Blog, here’s the link to our full-length article – with one video clip from a particularly impassioned community member – about last night’s meeting on the “draft closure plan” for the South Park Bridge. The plan itself also is available online, and is linked in the story.


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Trash situation settled: Tentative contract deal for Waste Management, Teamsters

April 27th, 2010 at 9:18 pm Posted in White Center news | Comments Off on Trash situation settled: Tentative contract deal for Waste Management, Teamsters

It won’t be final until and unless Teamsters Local 174 members approve it, but they’re voting Sunday on a proposed contract deal with Waste Management. That’s according to our regional-news partners at the Seattle Times. No details of the deal have been made public yet.

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3rd SW/Olson crash turns fatal; witnesses sought

April 27th, 2010 at 5:22 pm Posted in White Center news | Comments Off on 3rd SW/Olson crash turns fatal; witnesses sought

Seattle Police confirm that a victim in last week’s crash on the hill toward 509 (at 3rd/Olson; map) has died, and they are looking for witnesses. Here’s the update.


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Can you open your home to an exchange student?

April 27th, 2010 at 10:33 am Posted in Evergreen High School, White Center news | Comments Off on Can you open your home to an exchange student?

Got this from Kent Horton, who’s hoping you can help::

Two host families are needed for foreigh exchange students who will attend Evergreen High School (HS3 and TEC) for the coming school year. (2010/2011) A potential host family can choose from the following students: a girl from Germany who likes dancing, gymnastics, and snowboarding, or a boy from Kuwait who loves playing soccer and plays on competative teams, or a girl from Brazil who enjoys bowling and participating in family activities like watching movies and playing board games; or a boy from Belgium who enjoys hiking, backpacking, and playing tennis.

New students are constantly added to my list of exchange students available for placement. If you have a particular country or student interest in mind – please give me a call.

Students come here with good English skills, their own insurance and spending money, and mainly a desire to be a member of an American family. Host families do not need to have teenagers of their own; young families as well as empty nesters are excellent ISE host famiolies this year.

For more information about the students and the program, contact Kent Horton at 206-242-4432 or sciman3@comcast.net


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South Park Bridge closure-plan meeting Tuesday night

April 26th, 2010 at 10:45 pm Posted in South Park, White Center news | Comments Off on South Park Bridge closure-plan meeting Tuesday night

This is the next major public meeting about the impending South Park Bridge closure: 6-8 pm Tuesday night at the Machinist Union Hall in South Park. But this isn’t about the hopes of a new bridge – it’s about the plans proposed to help residents, businesspeople and other bridge users get by once the bridge closes on June 30th. This is the “draft” plan, with tweaks to be made after public comments are heard, so it’s important to be there if this is an important issue: Here’s the official announcement; here’s a map.


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4 positions open on North Highline Unincorporated Area Council, and 3 days to file

April 24th, 2010 at 1:59 pm Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news | 2 Comments »

The North Highline Unincorporated Area Council has four positions to fill, and the filing period is open for just three days – this Monday through Wednesday. The districts are described on the NHUAC website’s home page, which is also where you’ll find a link to the filing form. Election Day for NHUAC is May 20th.


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Happening till 4 pm: Fire Muster at Joint Training Facility

April 24th, 2010 at 1:52 pm Posted in White Center news | Comments Off on Happening till 4 pm: Fire Muster at Joint Training Facility

At the Joint Training Facility just east of White Center on Myers Way South, Seattle Fire Department personnel and Fire Explorers/Cadets rallied this morning to get into a high-spirited mood right before the “Fire Muster” competition. The 14- to 21-year-old future firefighters are facing off by showing off a variety of skills, and it’s continuing till 4 pm, so you’ve still got time to go watch – the public is invited.


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