Strength of Place Village groundbreaking date set: September 15

August 2nd, 2010 at 8:44 pm Posted in housing, White Center news | 4 Comments »

The date’s now set for the groundbreaking ceremony at the 30-unit housing development Strength of Place Village, a collaboration between White Center Community Development Association, Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association, and Capitol Hill Housing. It’ll start at the project site, 13th SW/SW 100th, at 11 am, followed by a barbecue at Steve Cox Memorial Park (one block away) at 11:45. Lots of info here.


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Students introduce you to White Center neighbors: First, meet Anab Abdullahi

August 1st, 2010 at 11:52 am Posted in People, White Center news | 1 Comment »

EDITOR’S NOTE: We are honored to be able to publish, starting today, several stories written by local middle-school-age students, introducing you to neighbors you may never have met. They wrote the stories as part of a White Center program affiliated with Neighborhood House, working with literacy/writing coach Norma Andrade, who asked if we might be interested in publishing them here. Answer – of course!

By Yasin Ali-Halane

Anab Abdullahi is not short or tall. She is just the perfect height.

She smells like blooming apple blossoms. She loves working with children, and is as quiet as a summer breeze. She is a very smart and strong person.

The tough experiences she went through as a child and a young adult made her tough. One of the things that made her stronger is, when a civil war broke out in the early 1990s, she fled her home country to avoid the violence. She moved to Rome, Italy, and lived there for about 6 years, studying medical books in her house near the Roman Coliseum. She was studying to become a doctor in the U.S.

She later decided that she needed to move to the United States because most of her family had moved there after the war. She didn’t want to leave Italy, but felt as though she should, to feel the warmth of her family. So she left.

She moved to Richmond, Virginia, right near Washington, D.C. She stayed with her family nearby. She stayed there for about 4 years, and finally moved to settle in. Now that she resides in Seattle, she works at Harborview Medical Center as an Interpreter.

She also works in Mount View Elementary School, through the Family Connections Program. She feels it is a great way to help Somalian families who live in White Center. She is a caring woman with three kids of her own. Oh, and her home country is Somalia, and I’m her son.

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Organizing meeting ahead in White Center for Eat Local Now!

July 31st, 2010 at 12:25 pm Posted in How to Help, White Center news | Comments Off on Organizing meeting ahead in White Center for Eat Local Now!

Last year, West Seattle, this year, SODO! The annual Eat Local Now! dinner is coming up September 30th and organizers are casting a wide net for help. They’ll be meeting August 5th at Big Al Brewing in White Center, and inviting you to join in – here’s the invitation just posted on partner site West Seattle Blog.

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White Center Food Bank welcomes hundreds at Greenbridge event

July 30th, 2010 at 10:46 am Posted in White Center Food Bank, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center Food Bank welcomes hundreds at Greenbridge event

Beautiful night for a barbecue – and cookout is exactly what happened tonight at Greenbridge Plaza, as the White Center Food Bank played host to hundreds, enjoying food and music during a special “Feeding Washington” dinner with a long list of sponsors.

White Center Food Bank executive director Rick Jump explained how the event came together:

You might remember our coverage of the potato donation Rick mentioned – back in 2008. As you heard him say, the same farm donated corn for tonight’s event, too. Other fare included barbecue chicken.

And local leaders had a few words – State Sen. Joe McDermott was there, as was the person running unopposed for the seat he’s leaving to run for County Council, State Rep. Sharon Nelson:

Tonight’s event also included live music by Septimus:

Here’s what Feeding Washington is all about. Meantime – if you happen to be going to the West Seattle Outdoor Movies presentation of “Fantastic Mr. Fox” this Saturday night (4400 California SW courtyard in WS, free, bring your own chair/blanket, movie starts at dusk but there’s always a preshow activity), donations will be collected for WC Food Bank (and its friends at WS Food Bank).

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White Center Ambassadors to appear in Seattle’s biggest parade

July 29th, 2010 at 1:03 pm Posted in People, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center Ambassadors to appear in Seattle’s biggest parade

If you’re going to the Seafair Torchlight Parade this Saturday night (it leaves Seattle Center at 7:30 pm, southbound on 4th Avenue to the International District) or planning to watch it on TV (Channel 7) – watch for the White Center Ambassadors, with the Rat City Rollergirls – we got the entry list from Seafair this week and spotted WC representing!

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Your ballot’s in the mail

July 27th, 2010 at 11:38 pm Posted in Election, White Center news | Comments Off on Your ballot’s in the mail

So says King County Elections. Two races in this area are true primary contests, with more than two candidates in the running – 34th District State House Position 2 and King County Council District 8. The former race is the most hotly contested; at partner site West Seattle Blog, we have published recent “candidate conversation” stories on all four candidates – here are the links:

*Marcee Stone
*Geoffrey “Mac” McElroy
*Mike Heavey
*Joe Fitzgibbon

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Garden updates from Community Harvest: Give help and/or get help!

July 27th, 2010 at 7:10 pm Posted in Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle, Gardening, White Center news | Comments Off on Garden updates from Community Harvest: Give help and/or get help!

From Aviva at Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle:

Interested in gardening, but lack the space? Come to Drop-in-Garden-Night Thursdays 6:30 PM – dusk, throughout July and August at the St. James Community Garden – 9421 18th SW. Help weed or plant, then go home with some of the harvest.

Garden Helpers – Interested in
getting some hands-on advice in your own garden? A Garden Helper, trained by Seattle Tilth, can provide suggestions for starting a garden, or help with your existing garden. Read more about the program.

For more information about any of these programs:

So now you know; dig in!


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Health screenings at Walgreens till 7 pm

July 26th, 2010 at 5:00 pm Posted in Health, White Center news | Comments Off on Health screenings at Walgreens till 7 pm

By Deanie Schwarz
For White Center Now

Today till 7 pm, an AARP/ Wellness Tour (American Association of Retired Persons) mobile health-screening van is on site at the Roxbury Walgreens. Tests include a full panel for blood glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure, body mass index, bone density and waist circumference, a $140 value.

Those tested who are over 50 years old will be given a free membership to the AARP (a $12-$16 value) with discounts offered for a variety of services and products. The only requirement to be tested is that individuals are 18 years or older. The panel of tests takes only 15 minutes. If medical issues are urgent, referrals to emergency facilities will be made. If non-emergency health issues are found, additional referrals will be made to private providers or the Walgreens pharmacy staff for affordable alternative and complimentary plans which might include non-prescription vitamins and other supplements, as well as exercise and nutrition advice.

The tests include:
Waist circumference
Bone Density –
Blood glucose via a simple finger prick
Ultrasound for bone density
Blood pressure

Amanda St Pierre is the lead Certified Health Screener for this van, which will be leaving Washington after a month of testing and heading for Oregon sites tonight. Overall, the AARP/Walgreens Wellness Tour has 10 vans in as many regions in the United States, as well as Puerto Rico.

The Tour hopes to screen 2.6 million people throughout these regions. Each van has a mission to screen 130 people per day. As of 2:45 Monday afternoon, about 25 people had been screened. It was noted that the screeners were unaware of any advance outreach to the community other than Univision. One if the primary target populations are Spanish-speaking communities and homeless individuals. The continued funding by Walgrens is uncertain and the program will be evaluated for effectiveness as the regions are covered over time.

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WestSide Baby’s HQ gets a big diaper delivery!

July 25th, 2010 at 11:56 pm Posted in Full Tilt Ice Cream, How to Help, WestSide Baby, White Center news | Comments Off on WestSide Baby’s HQ gets a big diaper delivery!

A big volunteer effort this afternoon unloaded hundreds of packages of diapers into storage for WestSide Baby in White Center, after the first successful installment of the “Stuff the Bus” donation drive. Executive director Nancy Woodland said they’d brought in more than 27,000 diapers – and there’s another installment coming up, August 7 at Burien Town Square.


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Have breakfast with the White Center Eagles and help WestSide Baby tomorrow

July 24th, 2010 at 5:37 pm Posted in How to Help, WestSide Baby, White Center Eagles, White Center news | Comments Off on Have breakfast with the White Center Eagles and help WestSide Baby tomorrow

White Center-based WestSide Baby needs you – tomorrow, while the first leg of its two-prong Stuff the Bus diaper drive is under way at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market 10 am-2 pm, you can have breakfast at the White Center Eagles and help by bringing a diaper donation! Get $2 off by bringing a package of diapers, 9 am-noon Sunday, 10452 15th SW, you don’t have to be a member.

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As-it-happened coverage: White Center Community Safety Coalition, July 2010

July 22nd, 2010 at 6:14 pm Posted in Crime, Safety, White Center Community Development Association, white center community safety coalition, White Center news | 3 Comments »

6:12 PM: More than 20 people at tonight’s White Center-South Delridge Community Safety Coalition meeting at the DSHS building in WC – including special guest Aileen Balahadia, executive director of the White Center Community Development Association, along with Vary Jackson from the King County Sheriff’s Office, Southwest Precinct’s Lt. Norm James and Community Police Team Officer Jonathan Kiehn. Sean Healy, WCSDCSC chair, is leading the meeting. Updates as we go.

‘NIGHT OUT’ REMINDER: The night for crimefighting, neighborhood-building block parties is August 3rd.

BARBECUE AT HICKS LAKE: 11 am-2 pm on August 14th.

STREETLIGHT TRACKER: Seattle City Light customers can not only report streetlight outages but also track how they’re being handled, by going to a new website. (Added: Here’s the link)

SEATTLE POLICE REPORT: Lt. James is introducing Officer Kiehn as the CPT officer for the West Seattle area that this group covers (among other areas). Next, he mentions that residential burglaries are a focus for the precinct – in Highland Park, there were 15 burglaries last month, and former CPT officer, now Detective, Jill Vanskike started investigating them, got the word out to patrol officers about what appeared to be a trend, and that led to the identification of suspects. Lt. James also is talking about a crackdown on car prowls, after encouraging people to call 911 about them. “Report everything, because we can’t be everywhere,” he reminds those on hand. He’s also letting those on hand know about the online information that SPD has added recently, including the availability of some reports, and the new incident map tools, plus the new online-reporting system launched yesterday for “low-level” crimes. (Added: Here’s the link.)

And Lt. James notes that August 21st, 1-4 pm, is the date for Picnic at the Precinct for the SW Precinct. In response to a question, Lt. James confirms that every precinct is giving two officers to the downtown/Belltown nightlife emphasis on Friday and Saturday nights – but he says they also have access to the same special emphasis on, say, Alki if they need it. Other questions include, from Dick Thurnau of Friends of Hicks Lake, who’s responsible for cleaning up after a car crash? Officer Kiehn’s reply: The tow crew that takes the wrecked car(s) away.

KING COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE REPORT, INCLUDING CLUB EVO: Deputy Jackson briefed the group, saying that a special crackdown is being planned for some ongoing problems. Separately – Club Evo is still a priority for the Gang Unit, she says, and they’re working with code enforcement from North Highline Fire, the Liquor Control Board, and other agencies regarding violations – she says a “case is opening up” and the NHFD will do a site visit; if Evo is not in compliance, then action will be taken. One attendee says that he just learned Evo hasn’t had the proper, complete licensing for years – Deputy Jackson confirms that’s true, and is being addressed.

Legislative candidate and White Center/South Delridge business owner “Mac” McElroy is here and says that he’s been told the best thing to do might be to send a letter to King County Executive Dow Constantine. Deputy Jackson says that’s certainly his prerogative as a citizen. It’s also being suggested from the audience that the King County Council should be a target of letter-writing as well. Another concern voiced: “A lot of homeless people sleeping near the street” near the future Strength of Place Initiative development site at 100th/13th. Deputy Jackson says without anyone in the storefront deputy position formerly held by Jeff Hancock, there is no one to proactively address problems like that; she says the future of that position may be made public by next month.


(This was the intense part of the meeting – click ahead for the continuation of our as-it-happened coverage) Read the rest of this entry »


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‘Green jobs’ training showcased at future White Center development site

July 21st, 2010 at 9:08 pm Posted in Development, Environment, White Center Community Development Association, White Center news | 1 Comment »

(Video and photos by Cliff DesPeaux)
For White Center Now and partner site West Seattle Blog, photojournalist Cliff DesPeaux covered today’s “Got Green?” “green jobs”-program media event at SW 100th and 13th SW, on the site of the future Strength of Place Initiative (SOPI) Village in WC. The video above is from the media briefing that kicked off the event, at one of the existing houses that will be demolished as part of the revving-up project:

SOPI is a project to create 30 future housing units, involving the White Center Community Development Association as well as both the West Seattle-based Delridge Neighborhood Development Association and Capitol Hill Housing. The workers who are training in weatherization techniques at the future demolition site are hoping to be providing as part of a City of Seattle project that organizers say will kick off this fall. As part of today’s event, Seattle Deputy Mayor Darryl Smith was on hand (he speaks about 5 minutes into our video clip). RIght now, 14 trainees are learning at this site. A walking tour followed the briefing, going inside the house to see what the trainees are working on – such as measuring for insulation:

In the next photo, Michael Siva is working in the crawl space:

Placards at the training site reminded onlookers what the project’s about:

You can find out more about Got Green? here. As for Strength of Place Initiative, groundbreaking is set to happen later this summer – here’s one of the renderings:

Its description, from project managers:

Located on the corner of SW 100th Street and 13th Avenue SW, the project will have 30 apartments ranging from one-bedrooms to three-bedrooms for low-income families making less than about $55,000/year. Strength of Place Village will also deliver living-wage construction jobs to White Center and will be green built to the Washington State Evergreen Sustainable Development Standard.

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Thursday night: WCCDA leader @ White Center Community Safety Coalition

July 20th, 2010 at 7:30 pm Posted in White Center Community Development Association, white center community safety coalition, White Center news | Comments Off on Thursday night: WCCDA leader @ White Center Community Safety Coalition

This Thursday night at 6, when the White Center-South Delridge Community Safety Coalition meets at the DSHS building in WC, White Center Community Development Association executive director Aileen Balahadia is the special guest. It’s also a great chance to come share your concerns with, and hear about crime trends from, local law enforcement – King County Sheriff’s Office is usually represented, often the state Liquor Control Board too, and often Seattle Police (since South Delridge is part of the group’s coverage area too).


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King County Council puts sales-tax increase on November ballot

July 19th, 2010 at 6:11 pm Posted in Election, King County, White Center news | Comments Off on King County Council puts sales-tax increase on November ballot

King County Councilmembers say it’s in the hands of voters now – approve a two-tenths of one percent sales-tax increase in November (that’s two cents for every $10 spent) or face big budget cuts, particularly in criminal-justice services. We’ve got details on the announcement, and reaction, on partner site West Seattle Blog.


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Video, photos: White Center Jubilee Days Parade 2010!

July 18th, 2010 at 4:41 pm Posted in White Center Jubilee Days, White Center news | 2 Comments »

A bit chilly – but spirited all the same – as the White Center Jubilee Days 2010 parade rolled on down the boulevard. Or trotted. Many of the horseback entries were truly resplendent, as that clip and this next photo, both shared by Deanie, show:

Gill shared this photo of a very young rider in the parade:

Lots of marchers, too. Here’s Deanie’s video of the famous Seattle Schools All-City Band:

And a photo of the Dolls drill team:

Deanie got another drill team, the Electronettes, in fine form:

And what local parade would be complete without the legendary Seafair Pirates? Gill’s photo catches the cannon smoke, too:

You don’t have to wait long for the next local parade – the West Seattle American Legion Post 160 Grand Parade is next Saturday, down California SW in West Seattle from the Admiral District to The Junction business district, starting at 11 am.

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White Center Jubilee Days update: Saturday street-fair scenes!

July 17th, 2010 at 7:33 pm Posted in Fun, White Center Jubilee Days, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center Jubilee Days update: Saturday street-fair scenes!

Sure, the White Center Jubilee Days street fair is a place for fun. But it’s also a great place to meet the neighbors who keep your community running, often from behind the scenes. The North Highline Unincorporated Area Council has a booth (where they were gathering messages of appreciation for former White Center storefront King County Sheriff’s Deputy Jeff Hancock):

If you saw the annexation-related sign in the background – that wasn’t part of the NHUAC booth, but instead belonged to the one nearby where we found Liz Giba:

Lots more familiar faces at the fair – including at the White Center Food Bank booth (that’s executive director Rick Jump at right) – looking ahead to its big Harvest Dinner and Auction fundraiser on October 16th (5:30 pm, Brockey Center at South Seattle Community College):

Did you notice the little girl checking out the motorcycle in the back of that shot? Mark Elliott told us that if you come to the WC Food Bank booth and make a donation – you can get your photo taken on it too:

Also on hand – Sean Healy from White Center Community Development Association:

Sean also leads the White Center-South Delridge Community Safety Coalition, which has its next meeting at 6 pm Thursday (WC DSHS office), great place to be if you have neighborhood crime/safety concerns and want to bring them up not just with neighbors, but with law-enforcement authorities, who are always represented. Back to who’s at Jubilee Days – we photographed Mark Ufkes in the White Center Chamber of Commerce‘s booth:

The North Highline Fire District, of course, is there – with personnel, fire trucks, and more:

And if you’re interested in talking about politics – say hi to our area’s biggest political group, the 34th District Democrats:

Businesses are represented at the street fair too – Kirk Mead was there on behalf of Alaska USA Credit Union, which is just over the West Seattle line at Westwood Village QFC:

And yes, fun stuff too. Especially for the little ones – look at the great signage for the kids’ zone:

Inside, a shady place to create:

If you missed it on Saturday, it all gets going again on Sunday – but first, a parade! That starts at 10 am. All the Jubilee Days info you could possibly need is here.


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The big weekend’s here! White Center Jubilee Days

July 17th, 2010 at 9:05 am Posted in White Center Jubilee Days, White Center news | Comments Off on The big weekend’s here! White Center Jubilee Days

Find the schedule online in the sidebar here – vendors are scheduled to open at 10 today, the beer garden at 11. The parade, by the way, is tomorrow, 10 am. And if you see this before noon today, the White Center Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast is on now at Holy Family School!

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White Center Heights Park footbridge off-limits a while

July 16th, 2010 at 6:13 pm Posted in King County, Parks, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center Heights Park footbridge off-limits a while

So says King County – they’ve got some work to do. Here are the details.


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Roaring good time at White Center Jubilee Days carnival

July 15th, 2010 at 11:56 pm Posted in Fun, White Center Jubilee Days, White Center news | Comments Off on Roaring good time at White Center Jubilee Days carnival

Lions – TIGERS! – anybody seen bears? Just one scene from opening night at the White Center Jubilee Days Carnival at Steve Cox Memorial Park. The carnival’s open 5 pm-midnight again tonight …

…then Saturday and Sunday are when the big fun happens, starting at 7:30 am Saturday with the White Center Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast. The schedule of events is on the right sidebar on the Jubilee Days website.

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34th District Democrats: Burien councilmember advocates for White Center (etc.) annexation

July 14th, 2010 at 8:24 pm Posted in Annexation, Burien, Politics, White Center news | 7 Comments »

We’re at the 34th District Democrats‘ monthly meeting in West Seattle’s Fauntleroy neighborhood, on behalf of White Center Now and partner site West Seattle Blog, and Burien City Councilmember Brian Bennett – toddler daughter in arms – is currently speaking to the group. Among the topics he’s touched on: Annexation of the rest of North Highline, including White Center. Bennett told the group he feels that “North Highline has the potential to be one of the most thriving, dynamic communities in our region, and they need strong representation – we need to make sure they get that. Personally, I favor giving them the opportunity to join Burien … I think they would have a strong voice, and that we can provide strong services to them … but we’re going to have to provide a strong voice (in making that happen).” (Bennett says he grew up on what is currently the line between North Burien and the remaining unincorporated area.) Currently Seattle is on a not-too-fast-track to pursuing a possible annexation vote next year; Burien considered fast-tracking one some months back, but ultimately pulled back.

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