BASEBALL: Highline Bears sign manager Josh Evans for second year

September 15th, 2017 Tracy Posted in Sports, White Center news Comments Off on BASEBALL: Highline Bears sign manager Josh Evans for second year

The photo and announcement are from the White Center-based Highline Bears:

On Wednesday, September 13, Highline Bears Manager Josh Evans signed a new contract through the 2018 summer season. Evans will be the Bears’ first two-year manager since the team’s inception in 2014.

“We’re excited to bring back Josh Evans for another season and I’m excited to see what he can do with a full off season to build his team. Last year we were late on getting a manager signed but now we’re hitting the ground running,” explained General Manager Justin Moser. The Bears have already started the recruiting process, attending fall practices for local colleges and reaching out to programs in hopes of finding top talent for their 2018 summer season.

The Bears got off to a rocky start, struggling to put up runs against opponents in early June. But in the second half of the season under the leadership of Evans the Bears came out fighting in big games, taking 3 wins from the West Coast League, the premier summer college league on the west coast, and taking down the league champion Seattle Studs, as well as the Everett Merchants. “We start off slow every year, it was expected. We are a home for a lot of freshmen and red shirts who have very few at bats and innings pitched coming into the season. Our job as a summer collegiate team is to give these guys an opportunity to get better, and go back to their school in the fall ready to win a starting job. Most of the teams we play are older and much more experienced, which is great for our guys to compete against. The teams we are playing now are much more competitive than ever before. We played four or five guys who were drafted or signed to pro contracts this year,” said Moser.

“I’m excited to be resigning with the Bears for another season, and even more excited to have a full off season to recruit players. I’m just pumped!” exclaimed Evans, who is currently looking to sign two additional coaches for next year. “We’re looking for a first base coach and bullpen coach. Guys who can help with throwing B.P. (batting practice) and hit fungos. I’m just really excited to be a part of building this organization, and can’t wait to see what we can do.”

“It’s going to be a great season for us next year, we’re starting at the right time and getting things rolling on and off the field. Steven Finch is going to move full time into a front office role, helping me with marketing and running the business, and we’re going to let Evans run the baseball side of things.” Moser explained that the team will be adding more home games to their schedule in hopes of having 25 games, along with promotional nights and lots of fun and exciting events for kids.

The Bears are currently looking for businesses to partner with for the 2018 season and anyone interested in partnering can contact General Manager Justin Moser at Anyone interested in playing for the Bears can contact Manager Josh Evans at

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UPDATE: Truck fire near 15th/98th

September 13th, 2017 Tracy Posted in Fire, White Center news Comments Off on UPDATE: Truck fire near 15th/98th

6:01 AM: The helicopter that woke many up in White Center/South Delridge about an hour ago was NOT related to last night’s Guardian One search in Top Hat – it was a TV helicopter (the one shared by KING/KOMO, according to our flight tracker) checking out an early morning truck fire that briefly brought a sizable response to 15th/98th. North Highline firefighters tell us a refrigerated truck trailer was destroyed by the fire, and are still trying to find out how it started. No injuries. Also some damage to an adjacent building, including power lines – we’ll be going back once it’s light for a closer look.

6:19 AM: Photos added.

9:58 AM: The investigation continues:

In the photo above, you can see the blackened area where the fire spread to the building by which the trailer was parked.

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UPDATE: Helicopter search after Top Hat marijuana-shop holdup, shooting

September 12th, 2017 Tracy Posted in Crime, Helicopter, White Center news 12 Comments »

11:59 PM: Thanks for all the tips about the Guardian 1 helicopter search over Top Hat. It was helping search for suspects in a shooting and robbery at the Star 21 marijuana store in the 11000 block of 1st Avenue South, we confirmed with a deputy in the area. No arrest(s) reported so far. We will be following up with the King County Sheriff’s Office in the morning.


A K-9 search was done on the ground in addition to the helicopter search, but no one was found.

12:23 PM: Even more details in the newest update from KCSO:

The incident happened just before 10:00pm at the Star 21 marijuana shop in the 11000 block of 1 Ave S. A store employee saw lights and heard loud banging near the front door so he opened the door to see what it was. He saw a vehicle rapidly backing into the barriers placed in front of the store. A group of men, wearing masks, got out of the car and ran towards him at the front door. The employee tried to close the door but the men forced their way inside the store. One of the suspects shot the 25 year old employee in the shoulder as they entered the store. The suspects were described as black males wearing masks and hoodies.

Once inside the store the suspects rummaged through the store taking items before fleeing northbound in the vehicle. A short time later a deputy found the vehicle unoccupied near S110th St and Occidental Ave S. The vehicle had been reported stolen in a carjacking in SeaTac on Monday. The employee was taken to Harborview with serious injuries.

The carjacking occurred on Monday night around 11:00. The victim was sitting in his car in a parking lot in the 3500 block of S180th St. when he was approached by three males. One of the males produced a handgun, pointed it at the victim and demanded his car keys. The suspects then fled in the vehicle. The suspects in this case were described as two Hispanic males and one black male, all believed to be in their teens. (C17045198)

If you have information about these crimes please call the King County Sheriff’s Office at 206-296-3311. You can remain anonymous and be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000 by calling Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).

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WHITE CENTER McDONALD’S: Teardown to be followed by ‘cutting-edge’ rebuild

September 12th, 2017 Tracy Posted in Restaurants, White Center news 12 Comments »

Thanks to the readers who tipped us that the White Center/North Burien McDonald’s is being torn down. Their tips came with the question: What will replace the 38-year-old building? Answer: A new McDonald’s. This was just confirmed by Derek Morrison, a regional media contact for the fast-food giant, who replied to our inquiry:

To clarify, this restaurant is NOT closing, it is undergoing a complete rebuild. This rebuild is going to reflect the McDonald’s of the future, with a cutting edge and elevated experience in both the drive-through and inside the restaurant.

Also, after going by the site earlier today and seeing the banner identifying the contractor as Ziva Enterprises, we found “before” photos on that company’s Facebook page along with a comment that they’re hoping to be done by Christmas.

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September 11th, 2017 Tracy Posted in Weather, White Center news Comments Off on WHITE CENTER SCENE: Rain needed!

Thanks to Gill for the photo – he says he’s never seen the White Center Bog that low on water! After all this rainlessness, it’s not surprising. But that might change this weekend – some forecasters say Sunday could be very wet.

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ROAD WORK: SW 106th/107th reconfiguration project next week

September 8th, 2017 Tracy Posted in Traffic, Transportation, White Center news 2 Comments »

(Also published on partner site West Seattle Blog)

If you use SW 106th/107th between White Center, North Shorewood, and West Seattle, you might have seen the signboard for road work coming up next week. We did, so we asked King County Roads for details; here’s what we just received from spokesperson Brent Champaco:

We are taking the road from two lanes to a three-lane configuration that will feature:

· Left –turn lanes at 26th Avenue SW
· Two-way, left-turn lanes around 25th Avenue SW
· Striped median in the S-curves between 22nd and 25th Avenues SW
· Two-way, left-turn lane between 17th and 22nd Avenues SW

The restriping work is scheduled to last 3-5 days, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. All lanes of traffic will be open from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m., and from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. At other times, at least one lane will remain open with flaggers directing traffic. No parking will be allowed along this part of the road during the project.

If you live/work near that stretch, you’ve probably already seen this flyer (or a similar door-hanger card) as part of the county’s outreach work.

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NORTH HIGHLINE UNINCORPORATED AREA COUNCIL: Property-tax talk; school funding demystified; more

September 8th, 2017 Tracy Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news Comments Off on NORTH HIGHLINE UNINCORPORATED AREA COUNCIL: Property-tax talk; school funding demystified; more

By Tracy Record
White Center Now editor

The North Highline Unincorporated Area Council roared into fall with two mega-informative hours.

Thursday night’s meeting was led by NHUAC vice president Barbara Dobkin, in president Liz Giba‘s absence, with secretary Pat Price and board members Christine Waldman and Richard Miller.

HIGHLINE PUBLIC SCHOOLS BUDGET: Duggan Harman from the school district was at NHUAC to talk about the public-education funding situation – “what’s going on with the state,” etc. No, the problem has not quite been solved, he said, for starters. “We are still trying to unpack” the situation, he added, offering background on the case that has become known simply as “McCleary,” after the family that brought the lawsuit, and the fact that our state’s constitution says it’s the state’s “paramount duty” to fully fund public education. But by 2010, the state was only funding “70 cents on the dollar,” with the rest being picked up locally, he explained, and that led to the court fight. So the Supreme Court held the state in contempt, and finally, this year, “after three special sessions and in the dead of night,” the Legislature passed a bill. He noted that Highline and Seattle Public Schools – where he worked for more than 20 years – have different perspectives on the bill; he considers the changes “a good start.” Now, instead of a maintenance-and-operations levy, they can have an “enrichment levy,” which he says is “more like a bond,” and considers “transparent.” The state assumes that districts will pursue that levy, and that it will be passed. It’s capped at $1.50/$1,000 of assessed property value, or a certain amount per district student, “whichever is less.” Almost all the state’s districts will be going after the former, but the largest districts will be going after the latter, and it will not “be a level playing field.” And Harman is not sure this will wind up kicking in at the start of next year. He believes the tax rate in Highline will “drop by about 75 cents per $1,000 … not super-significant, but it will be dropping” … and the district will wind up receiving $35 million instead of almost $65 million that it’s getting under the different, current formula. Beginning teachers will get about the same salary they were slated to get previously; classified staffers. He debunked several myths, as he saw them, about the new funding formula. Another one involves special-education funding, and he says Highline will be “OK” under the change, while the Seattle district is looking at reductions. Highline’s not facing reductions immediately but might in three years or so, he said.

In Q&A: Voter-approved bond funding will be enabling another middle school to be built, and that will allow Highline to move 6th graders into middle school, which currently is only 7th/8th in the district, unlike most other districts. That will free up some capacity in elementaries, which currently are bursting at the seams, and that means that K-3 class sizes can be reduced to 17-1 in most if not all Highline elementaries; currently it ranges from 21-1 to 28-1. “The plan is to not depend long term on portables,” which will be phased out over time, Harman added. With that, they’ll have enough elementary capacity “for the next 10 years” or so; middle schools will get crowded sooner, and high schools will be OK for a while. Within 10 years, the district is projected to have 22,000 students.

What about the old Beverly Park campus? It can’t be used currently because it’s not hooked up to sewers and its septic system has failed; the work to connect it to the sewer system is scheduled to happen this school year. The elementary that’s going to be built will be at Zenith Park in Des Moines; the new middle school will be where the old Glacier High School used to be.

Asked about federal funding, Harman said there’s a concern about a noise-mitigation grant negotiated some years back by the FAA and Port of Seattle, which the district used around the rebuild of Highline HS – about $14 million. “The port’s still 100 percent behind it; the FAA’s decided ‘airplanes don’t make as much noise as they used to, so we don’t think you qualify’,” he said, so that money’s future is in question – it’s in a bill that has been caught up in political tug-of-wars.

Dobkin asked what happens to schools in North Highline if the area were annexed by the city of Seattle. Harman reiterated what’s long been the answer to this question – the city and school district are separate entities with separate boundaries, so nothing would change there. But if annexed, the area would likely become more dense, and Highline “doesn’t have the capacity” to handle that – they’re already facing that situation as the Midway area densifies, for example, so the district expects to be negotiating with several municipalities for impact fees, which they’re already getting from Kent. Would the city of Seattle contribute to Highline schools at all? Dobkin followed up. Harman said that the city’s Families and Education Levy might go in part to newly annexed areas, but that doesn’t directly fund schools.

Asked how citizens can advocate for equity, Harman said talking to your elected officials does help, and gave an example of how local representatives were contacted about a problem that needed to be fixed – and passed amendments that made millions of dollars of difference. But while the elected officials hear from people like Harman all the time, “they need to hear from voters,” he emphasized.

His e-mail is – contact him with concerns, questions, etc. “I’m more than willing to talk with anyone at any time about this … if we don’t get (education funding) right this time, it’ll be another 20 years before it comes up.”

COUNTY ASSESSOR: John Wilson also discussed the effects of the education-funding decision. “For us it’s a moving target,” he said, a source of frustration. His department’s computer system is old. King County property owners will see their tax bills go up – they “will pay significantly more so that money can be spent elsewhere around the state to equalize education.” They’re now waiting for districts to tell them which of the funding formulas (mentioned by Harman) they will be using. There might be a bit of a drop in 2019 from 2018. “But what we’re seeing is a failing of our property tax funding,” something he said has long been in the works. He mentioned Seattle’s “Will Rogers” approach to property taxes – the city “never met (one) it didn’t like.” They are finite, he said, and now leading to residents asking if they can afford to live in their houses any more, or do they need to sell and move – “we are basically ripping you out of that home of yours” when that happens. So he said they’re talking with King County Executive Dow Constantine about a “statewide homestead tax exemption,” which would require a state constitutional amendment. The money would have to be made up somewhere, though, he acknowledged.

At this time of year, they start hearing from local governments – and they have to make calculations that include 596 local levy districts around the county. He has a staffer who for 10 years has manually calculated those levy codes because of their computer system’s limitations. The state calls for property tax bills to be sent in mid-February, and that’s what they’re ramping up for now. “The challenge we have … we somehow need to modernize our tax system, and the way we provide services,” so that there’s a balanced revenue system “that doesn’t overburden you.” He said he’d been talking with Dobkin before the meeting about one of its long-voiced concerns, the tax-exempt public housing – on one hand, its tax exemption seems proper, but on the other, that burdens the community that as a result is not getting tax dollars, so a balance needs to be found for that. “We’ve got to have a better system” to be sure that people don’t pay too much, but also do pay their fair share.

In Q&A, the issue of tax fairness came up again; Wilson noted that our system goes back to the late 1800s, and has not significantly changed, though the economic base has changed dramatically. Because of its structure, even a record amount of new construction did not keep the county budget from suffering a shortfall in the same year the record was set. Same thing goes for gas-tax funding that’s helped with roads – it’s going down because even with more miles being driven, fuel efficiency has gone up, and less gas is being sold, so that’s another case of the tax system not keeping up with changes.

He also ruefully joked about how tax increases are not being explained clearly – the “how many lattes a month” is deployed too often and too inaccurately, to the point where you get a bill and say “wow, that’s 167 lattes!” – so they are working on a “transparency tool” that will help people make voting decisions with clearer information on the results of the decisions we’re making. They also want to create it in a way that will show renters how they’re affected, to get away from the inaccurate perception that renters blithely vote for property taxes because “they don’t pay (them),” which, Wilson said, is not true, as the increases are passed along in rent hikes.

In response to another question, he talked about how the Assessor’s Office tries to keep up with accurate assessments – visiting properties at least one every six years, for example. And he talked about how to accurately assess properties that have been remodeled, telling the tale of a West Seattle house that took out a relatively low-cost “remodel” permit but really tore down almost the entire house – except for one corner – and did work more like 10 times the value of the permit they had taken out.

Wilson was then if seeking equity in the tax system might lead to a new way of taxing higher-end properties. He said state law wouldn’t allow a tiered tax system but there are some other ways to look at it. He also mentioned having met with Seattle City Councilmember Lisa Herbold and discussing concerns about higher-end homes being built and allowed to stay vacant; that’s not a big problem here, he says. But, he said, his office has information on all 700,000 pieces of property in the county, including some government-owned properties that might be available for use for housing because the original intent for those parcels somehow fell away over the years. And, he said, modular housing could help. So they’ve been working with housing providers and companies building modular-type units that are “ready to drop on a site” for about $70,000 a unit – a fifth the cost of building something new. So there’s a site where they’re looking at installing more than 100 such units and taking more than 100 people out of homelessness and off the streets. He said they’re also being mindful of not overloading any particular community with this type of housing – “we have to get our suburban partners on the other side of Lake Washington more involved.”

Next question, about mixed-use development, led to Wilson acknowledging that “affordable retail” is important too, not just “affordable housing.” The city has a glut of street-level retail space but much of it sits vacant because of the price point. So they’ve been talking about innovative ways to use it. “We’re finding that small locally owned businesses – often owned by (members of) historically disadvantage communities – are often the ones being forced out first,” by chains, in most cases. “When you so homogenize the retail base, the only people who can afford to have shops in those are those running national franchises or banks … we have to be smarter about that.” He specifically mentioned the proliferation of Starbucks; an attendee said White Center’s new Starbucks specifically brought him and his wife into WC to shop. He stressed that while he’s not bashing chains, “there has to be a balance.” Also, Seattle has 44 Subway franchises, and 40 of them are for sale, he said a friend told him – while they are generally owned by local franchisees, they are taxed and treated like “multinational corporation” outlets, he noted.

You can reach him at – he says he personally receives and answers all e-mail.

CRIME STATS: Deputy Bill Kennamer brought the latest numbers – comparing July-August of this year to a year earlier. Auto theft is down a bit in White Center, 21 compared to 25; auto recoveries, which is where vehicles stolen elsewhere are dumped in the area, have dropped significantly, 12 compared to 21; commercial burglaries are down significantly, 3 compared to 9; assaults are about the same.

He said someone had asked him about the Westcrest Park stabbing earlier this week (a Seattle case) and while he had no specific information, he did have one note – when Seattle thinks a case is gang-related, there’s usually a regional bulletin issued, and there has NOT been any such bulletin about this case.

He also talked about keeping the White Center Bog area safe – it’s been cleaned up, and when people are caught trespassing there, they are told to leave.

A discussion ensued about the fate of various properties in flux – such as the former Dairy Queen, which is going to be a food-truck kitchen, the deputy said.

And there was a discussion about vehicle problems along local roads – if there’s one parked in front of your house, call the Abandoned Vehicle Hotline, he advised. He also said that he’s “pretty ruthless about RVs” that are parked where they shouldn’t be; in unincorporated King County, you are not allowed to park one anywhere except for a designated camper spot – wherever you park one, you are supposed to have power, water, and sewage.

The next point of complaint: Illegal fireworks being shot off year-round. Deputy Kennamer said enforcement can be problematic, as they generally have two deputies in the area per shift, and they have to be prioritized. In the bigger picture, it was noted that for fireworks to become permanently illegal in the unincorporated area, the County Council would have to change the law.

Myers Way came up too – “people don’t even call us any more” due to resignation over some of the unresolved issues, the deputy noted, but community advocate Gill Loring urged from the audience, “If you see something, call 911.” People shouldn’t hesitate.

SEOLA POND RESTORATION: Scott Delfay, a community organizer, took the podium to update the group. He said he had lived in Fauntleroy recently and noted that its creek is a “magnificent place” because of years of stewardship and the resulting work to get grant. Then in 2010, he bought property just east of the city-county line in Seola, on greenspace “that acts as a de facto neighborhood park.” North of 106th and along 30th SW, which is the boundary. It’s historically a peat bog, he noted, that would dry up in the summer, and held runoff because of all the construction around it. He explained that he had obtained $1,600 from Uncle Ike’s (whose proprietor was in attendance) in funding more help for work at the site, done by EarthCorps earlier this week, and they’ll be back in October. Asked if there is anything about his project online, he said he’s a “Luddite” but is hoping that he’s initiated something that’s gaining momentum as did the work in Fauntleroy. He said his church is the fiscal sponsor for what he’s doing. “This is meant to bring awareness of the pond, and hopefully get more volunteers.” To help and/or find out more, you can reach him at satomiscott (at) q (dot) com. He also noted that there’s a landowner on the Seattle side who can’t build on their parcels because it’s peat and he’s been trying to help coordinate a potential donation of that land as a park site.

NEW FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Sarah Margeson from King County Parks/Natural Resources told NHUAC that a new program in Youth and Amateur Sports Grants has $1.5 million dedicated to serving unincorporated areas, “for capital project improvements and programming,” and community groups are eligible to apply too. She said that transportation, nutrition, and other needs can be addressed, and that it’s available for adult programs as well as youth. It’ll be launched at the end of this month, with an online grant-management system that she hopes will make it “pretty simple” for applications – you’ll find the links on this website once it’s available, and informational sessions are planned too (in Kent and South Seattle).

ANNOUNCEMENTS: NHUAC secretary Pat Price thanked the community for support of the Labor Day weekend White Center Library Guild Sidewalk Sale, which she says “did well” … Community advocate Gill Loring brought up a trash problem on 15th SW/SW 107th that’s been brought to the attention of various county departments, with none wanting to take accountability for it; Storefront Deputy Kennamer said he’s pursuing it too.

OCTOBER NHUAC MEETING: Deputy County Executive Fred Jarrett, King County Sheriff John Urquhart, and City of Seattle Homelessness Director George Scarola are tentatively slated as guests for next month’s meeting (7 pm Thursday, October 5th). Watch for the agenda as that date gets closer.

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OPEN HOUSE: Mary’s Place White Center shelter invites you to visit next Wednesday

September 7th, 2017 Tracy Posted in White Center news 1 Comment »

You’re invited to an open house next Wednesday at the new shelter:

That’ll be almost six months after its opening day back in March (WCN coverage here).

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HAPPY 1ST DAY OF SCHOOL! Evergreen High School ‘reopens’

September 6th, 2017 Tracy Posted in Evergreen High School, Highline School District, White Center news Comments Off on HAPPY 1ST DAY OF SCHOOL! Evergreen High School ‘reopens’

It’s the first day of school for Highline Public Schools – and that includes White Center’s newly “reopened” Evergreen High School:

Festivities were scheduled to continue with an 8 am assembly and campus tours for community members.

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THURSDAY: Taxes, parks, crime, and Seola Pond, all on the agenda for North Highline Unincorporated Area Council

September 4th, 2017 Tracy Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news Comments Off on THURSDAY: Taxes, parks, crime, and Seola Pond, all on the agenda for North Highline Unincorporated Area Council

Summer’s over; your fall season of community involvement is about to begin. Thursday night, get it going by being at the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council‘s info-packed September meeting – here’s the announcement!

North Highline Unincorporated Area Council Meeting
When: Thursday, September 7, 2017 at 7 pm
Where: North Highline Fire Station at 1243 SW 112th Street in White Center

(Parking and Entrance are in the Back of the Station)

The Opportunity to Be Informed, Be Involved and Be Heard!

The state legislature finally passed a new state budget. What does it mean for our schools, students and property taxes? Join us and find out! Duggan Harman, Highline School District’s Chief of Staff and Budget, will help educate us about the anticipated effects of the state budget on our schools and young people. John Wilson, King County Assessor, will explain the expected changes to our property taxes.

We will also be joined by Sarah Margeson of King County’s Department of Natural Resources/Parks. Sarah will tell us about Youth and Amateur Sports Grants, which support fit and healthy communities by investing in programs and capital projects that reduce barriers to physical activity. Come learn about the anticipated $1.5 million that will be available to government agencies and nonprofit organizations in North Highline and the other unincorporated areas of King County.

Scott Dolfay is a regular participant in NHUAC meetings. This month, Scott is going to share news about a project that is near and dear to him: the restoration of Seola Pond.

Deputy Bill Kennamer will join us once again to answer our questions, share crime statistics and help increase our awareness of what is happening in North Highline.

Good of the Order: Do you have something of community import on your mind? Join us and share!

See you Thursday, September 7, 2017 at 7 pm – Because Knowledge Is Power!

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EVERGREEN HIGH SCHOOL: You’re invited to ‘grand reopening’ Wednesday

September 1st, 2017 Tracy Posted in Evergreen High School, Schools, White Center news Comments Off on EVERGREEN HIGH SCHOOL: You’re invited to ‘grand reopening’ Wednesday

Evergreen High School is again Evergreen High School, and you’re invited to the “grand reopening” next Wednesday. Here’s the announcement:

Date: Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Time: 6:45 am – 9:30 am
Address: 830 SW 116th St

Evergreen High School administration would like to invite parents, alumni, and community members to join them for the grand (re)opening of Evergreen High School!

Help welcome our students back to campus at a morning rally in the front of the school with the Evergreen band, cheerleaders, and Wolverine mascot! Meet school leaders at a community reception in the Library and learn more about exciting plans for Evergreen and ways to help. Join students at an all-school assembly in the Main Gym to kick off the school year and help us hand out EHS sweatshirts. Finally, tour campus to see improvements for this school year but also the need for updated facilities because our students deserve a high-quality learning environment.

Tentative schedule:
Check-in begins at 6:30am in the Main Office
6:45am – Welcome Rally – Front of School
7:30am – Community Reception – Library
8:00am – Back to School Assembly and hand out sweatshirts – Main Gym
Campus tour to follow

Questions? Email us at

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White Center Library Guild sale continues Saturday

September 1st, 2017 Tracy Posted in Libraries, White Center Library, White Center news 1 Comment »

Sorry we missed day 1 – but here’s word that the White Center Library Guild‘s Sidewalk Sale continues Saturday!

White Center Library Sidewalk Sale

1409 SW 107th Street

Continues Saturday, September 2, 10 am-2 pm

Raffle drawing for a gift basket including a gift card from McLendon’s Hardware. All proceeds benefit White Center Library programs, supplies, and books. Household donations gladly accepted – please no clothing or apparel items.

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FOLLOWUP: What’s planned for the Brass Knuckle Bistro at ex-3.14 space

August 30th, 2017 Tracy Posted in Food, Restaurants, White Center news 2 Comments »

(UPDATED THURSDAY NIGHT with garage-sale dates/times, Saturday and Sunday 10-4)

ORIGINAL EDITOR’S NOTE: We promised more on the Brass Knuckle Bistro when we first mentioned it a week and a half ago. And now – the rest of the story!

By Linda Ball
Reporting for White Center Now & West Seattle Blog

Case Justham says he doesn’t sleep very well, so he stays up and reads cookbooks all night. His mom Linda Justham says her son looks at the science of food, down to the molecular properties of a dish. Case is quick to point out that he’s not a scientist, but he likes to try non-traditional cooking methods.

Case (photo at right), a self-taught chef, is presently the sous chef and butcher at The Swinery in West Seattle. With mom Linda, sister Piper Carscadden, brother Drew Justham, and wife Amy Justham, they are partnering to open the family’s first restaurant, Brass Knuckle Bistro in White Center. Case will be the chef, Carscadden will work the front end and social media and Linda will do the books, eventually turning them over to Carscadden. The others will be mostly silent partners, although Drew has extensive front-end experience and will probably be present in the first few weeks.

The entire family lives in West Seattle but they chose what was until three months ago the location of 3.14 Bakery at 9602 16th SW for the bistro (and are having a “garage sale” there later this weekend – more on that below).

It’s close to home for Case, who resides in the Westwood neighborhood and worked in White Center in the early 2000s; Linda said it’s a place where they were able to find affordable rent. They came close to opening a restaurant on Bainbridge Island, where they all lived at one time, but decided against it when they all moved into Seattle. Case worked at Bene Pizza on Bainbridge before coming to The Swinery, where he’s been for three and one-half years. He appreciates the freedom he was given to be creative at The Swinery. “I wear a lot of hats there,” Case said.

So, where did the name Brass Knuckle Bistro come from? “White Center still has a tough-guy characteristic,” Case said. “It evolved from knuckle sandwich to brass knuckle to Brass Knuckle Bistro.”

It will be a casual restaurant, geared toward lunch and early dinner. He found it frustrating on Bainbridge to find a good Mexican or Thai restaurant so he wants to do things differently, for example, putting his own spin on Caribbean pulled pork. He said his Philly is an “anchor sandwich” which he’s perfected at The Swinery, but the Philly he has planned for White Center will “knock people’s socks off.”

Brass Knuckle Bistro will also offer salads and vegetarian and vegan sandwiches. Instead of gluten-free sandwiches, he’s planning dishes that would be presented like sandwich fillings atop, for example, ribs, cole slaw, or gourmet fries. He said the reason is that he hasn’t found gluten-free bread that he finds suitable. Case said he plans a small fixed menu and a large rotating cast of specials, which he said are where he shines. “I like the idea of a secret menu.”

Keeping the price points affordable is very important to the partners – they want everyone to be able to afford to eat there. They have applied for a beer and wine permit, and have a great deal of build-out to do, so opening isn’t anticipated until sometime in November. Expecting a rush in the beginning days, Case plans to call on some of his industry pals to jump in; then, he will gauge what sort of permanent help he will need.

This coming weekend – (updated) Saturday and Sunday, September 2-3 – the Justhams will be having a farewell-to-3.14 sale, like a garage sale, to get rid of fixtures and items they don’t need – espresso machines, a pastry cabinet, and so forth – from 10 a.m. -4 p.m. each day, so stop by if any of that appeals to you. They want the space empty by early next week, so the remodel can begin in earnest.

The Justhams do have a website started up, though not complete, at Tentative hours when they open will be 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily, closed Mondays.

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‘Rocktoberfest’ benefit at Company Store on September 9th for cancer-fighting documentary

August 28th, 2017 Tracy Posted in Fun, Health, How to Help, White Center news Comments Off on ‘Rocktoberfest’ benefit at Company Store on September 9th for cancer-fighting documentary

Coming up in White Center in less than two weeks!

Supporting production of the “Circle of Cells” Documentary

Rocktoberfest is an age 21+ Oktoberfest-themed event benefitting Circle of Cells: a unique, autobiographical documentary about international stem cell donation and cancer survivors. Rocktoberfest takes place on Saturday, September 9th at Company Store in White Center, starting at 6:00 pm.

“Rocktoberfest is a fun way for people to contribute to cancer survival methods,” says Sara Rose Hansen, producer of the Circle of Cells documentary.

“The mission of my film is to increase awareness of the simple, yet often misunderstood, process of stem cell donation; and bolster registration on the National Marrow Donor Program.”

As Zoe Mandels, the owner of Company Store, said, “I am so excited to help Sara Rose get this information out there; her documentary will have such a positive impact on people helping people.”

Rocktoberfest boasts many attractions, including:

“Be The Match” registration and information booth for potential stem cell donors.
Bavarian beer garden, bratwurst and pretzels open at 6:00 pm.

Four talented, local bands starting at 8:00 pm:

Tripp Rezac Band
Cartoon Heart
Valerie Cavell

Silent auction and raffle prizes from Seattle businesses and artists.

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SATURDAY: White Center Food Bank Block Party!

August 25th, 2017 Tracy Posted in White Center Food Bank, White Center news Comments Off on SATURDAY: White Center Food Bank Block Party!

Happening tomorrow (Saturday, August 26th) at 8th/108th:

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CAMP SECOND CHANCE: Community Advisory Committee meeting rescheduled; campers hear from city and likely new operator

August 24th, 2017 Tracy Posted in Myers Way, White Center news Comments Off on CAMP SECOND CHANCE: Community Advisory Committee meeting rescheduled; campers hear from city and likely new operator

Two updates on the changes at City of Seattle-sanctioned Camp Second Chance on Myers Way:

-This month’s Community Advisory Committee meeting, postponed from its early-August date, has now been rescheduled for this Sunday, August 27th, 2 pm at Arrowhead Gardens.

-We’ve published another update on the camp’s status, after covering a meeting Wednesday afternoon at CSC with city reps, campers, and leaders of the camp’s likely new operator, LIHI. Here’s the full story.

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SATURDAY: Mutts ‘n’ Martinis

August 21st, 2017 Tracy Posted in Pets, White Center news Comments Off on SATURDAY: Mutts ‘n’ Martinis

Just announced – happening in White Center next Saturday:

Furry Faces Foundation and Cascade Heights Veterinary Center announce our First-Ever ‘Mutts ‘n Martinis… a yappy hour’.

Get your cocktail attitude on and bring your dog! Guest bartenders from Whisky West and The Lumber Yard Bar, each featuring their signature drink; Gourmet Sausages, including Vegan, plus salads and sides; doggie pools; a dog ruff-le; games for humans; silent auction; dog costume contest, and more. You don’t have to bring a dog to attend…you just need to love dogs like we do.

Location: Cascade Heights Veterinary Center, 9832 15th Ave SW
(Enter the event from 14th Avenue)

Date: Saturday, August 26th
Time: 4 pm – 7:30 pm

-Cascade Heights Veterinary Center: Tour their clinic and learn about their high standards of loving care for your pets
-DJ RAY! Spinning you into a dog dance
-Ola Salon
-K9 Natural Pet Food: Learn about proper nutrition
-Full Tilt Ice Cream: Yummy samples
-The Escape Artist: For just $5, experience deciphering clues and escaping the red room
-Lika Love (mobile fashion van): Get ready to find the outfit of the year

-Best Pool Party Attire: Get your skimpy suit on and remember the accessories
-Best Cocktail Ensemble: It is a cocktail Yappy Hour after all!

TWO OPTIONS: Dog tickets = $5; Human tickets = $20*

Human tickets include a yummy meal* and four $2 drink tickets. Dog Tickets include a ruff-le ticket and costume contest. (*Vegetarian and vegan options are included)

Get your human tickets online (here).

You can purchase dog tickets at the event for $5.

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WHITE CENTER FOOD: Brass Knuckle Bistro on the way to ex-3.14 Bakery space

August 20th, 2017 Tracy Posted in Food, Restaurants, White Center news Comments Off on WHITE CENTER FOOD: Brass Knuckle Bistro on the way to ex-3.14 Bakery space

Spotted while passing through downtown White Center tonight: Papered windows and a liquor-license application at the former 3.14 Bakery space (9602 16th Avenue SW), which has been closed almost three months. According to the State Liquor and Cannabis Board‘s online files, the application is for Brass Knuckle Bistro. We’re working to find out more.

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CAMP SECOND CHANCE: Management changes at Seattle-sanctioned camp

August 19th, 2017 Tracy Posted in Myers Way, White Center news 2 Comments »

For those tracking homelessness-related issues on Myers Way: On our partner site West Seattle Blog, we’re reporting on management changes at city-sanctioned Camp Second Chance. Its official fiscal sponsor and managing organization, Patacara Community Services, is withdrawing, and the city is talking with the Low-Income Housing Institute – which has a role in all five of the other Seattle-sanctioned encampments – about taking over. Meantime, its resident manager and co-founder Eric Davis says he was evicted and fired – he says it happened after camp leaders asked questions about the status of private funding to build more “tiny houses” at CSC; Patacara says it was “because he was failing to uphold the camp’s code of conduct.” Read the full story here.

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SCHOOLS: West Seattle Montessori adding former White Center Library as ‘enrichment center’

August 18th, 2017 Tracy Posted in Schools, White Center news Comments Off on SCHOOLS: West Seattle Montessori adding former White Center Library as ‘enrichment center’

(Photo courtesy West Seattle Montessori: Former library, new enrichment center)

The former White Center Library is becoming an “enrichment center” for neighboring West Seattle Montessori School & Academy. Here’s the announcement:

West Seattle Montessori School & Academy, a Pre-K through 8th grade school serving West Seattle, White Center, North Highline, and Burien families since 1985, is pleased to announce exciting changes this coming school year.

*A fifth pre-primary classroom (2½ – 6 year-olds) will be opening this fall.

*A new enrichment center will be opening this coming school year, located in White Center’s former King County Library. This enrichment center will be home to a performance stage area, kids’ kitchen, and a student-run store, The Owl’s Nest. This new community-centered space will extend student learning and cultivate all-school connections.

West Seattle Montessori School & Academy strives to create an environment where students embrace differences and can connect on compassionate levels with others and the world around them. West Seattle Montessori School & Academy is still accepting applications for the 2017-2018 school year.

The school’s open-house dates looking beyond this coming school year are already set, for preschool through 8th grade – November 7th, 6 pm-7:30 pm; January 27 (2018), 1 pm-3 pm; March 7, 6-7:30 pm. The school is at 11215 15th SW.

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