White Center moviemaking: ‘Eden’ to shoot in downtown WC

August 4th, 2011 Tracy Posted in Arts, White Center news 4 Comments »

By Deanie Schwarz
Reporting for White Center Now

Seattle filmmaker Megan Griffiths (whose “The Off Hours” premiered at Sundance) will be filming part of her next production “Eden” in White Center soon.

The businesses along 16th Ave. SW were given advance notice earlier this week by a location scout from Drummond Media notifying them of possible disruptions on the tentatively scheduled shoot date of Wednesday, August 17th from around 2:00 PM till 3:00 AM.

Barricades will be placed along 16th SW days in advance but will only apply on the day of shooting, at which time they will be removed from each area as filming is completed there. Signs will be placed by the production company informing the public that businesses are open even while the filming is under way.

More information about the production and filmmakers can be found on iMDB (go here) and at HollywoodReporter.com The plot is summarized as “A young Korean-American girl, abducted and forced into prostitution by domestic human traffickers, joins forces with her captors in a desperate plea to survive.” Jamie Chung stars; according to that Hollywood Reporter link, she’s been shooting a movie with Rob Lowe.

The filming is being coordinated by the Seattle Mayor’s Office of Film and Music and Washington FilmWorks

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White Center Night Out 2011!

August 3rd, 2011 Tracy Posted in Neighborhoods, Safety, White Center news Comments Off on White Center Night Out 2011!

Thanks to Gill Loring for sharing photos from Tuesday’s Night Out neighborhood crime-fighting celebrations in White Center. He reports, “Great crowd of neighbors numbering some 35. It is just satisfying to get a bunch of people together once a year and share what has been going on in our lives.”

And they had some high-profile visitors: “Peter Tuong, King County Sheriff’s Office Community Service Officer, showed up early on and the North Highline Fire Dept. arrived, lights flashing, a bit later.”

Plus; “(Burien City Manager) Mike Martin was making the rounds on his motorcycle.”

Gill continues, “(Burien City Councilmember) Gerald Robison stopped by as well. And the weather was PERFECT!”

Night Out is always the first Tuesday in August – so mark your calendar for August 7, 2012!

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White Center businesses: Magic Lanes ‘permanently closed’

August 2nd, 2011 Tracy Posted in Businesses, White Center news 6 Comments »

Its casino has been closed for a while – but now the Magic Lanes bowling alley in White Center is closed too. After a note from Michelle saying she had heard a rumor it was shut down, we came over to have a look. The door is padlocked and the signs, as you can see in our photo, say that it’s permanently closed, and refer people to the co-owned Roxbury Lanes bowling center. We called Roxbury Lanes and were told nobody can comment today because no owner or manager is present. We’ll let you know whatever more we find out!

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Burien releases financial report on next potential annexation: ‘Fiscally neutral’ long term

August 1st, 2011 Tracy Posted in Annexation, Burien, White Center news Comments Off on Burien releases financial report on next potential annexation: ‘Fiscally neutral’ long term

7:53 PM: The Burien City Council meeting is still under way right now (live at burienmedia.org), and city manager Mike Martin is offering to take questions about the financial report regarding the potential effects of annexation – starting by saying the report is now posted online. We haven’t read it yet – but you can read it, in its entirety, here.

7:58 PM: Now we’re going through it. Here are the topline findings of the report (each of which is followed, in the report, by elaboration):

Finding #1: The current City has a present-day and structural fiscal challenge

Finding #2: The annexation sales tax credit would cover the City’s incremental cost of annexation

Finding #3: The annexation sales tax credit provides the City with greater flexibility to manage expected future fiscal challenges

Finding #4: Over the long-term, annexation would be a fiscally NEUTRAL proposition to the City

Finding #5: Annexation will bring additional capital facility needs and revenue

We’ll add more as we go through the report.

8:12 PM: Also from the report – it envisions Burien needing to add 37 employees by 2013 if annexation happens in 2012; 23 of those would be police.

Discussing the timetable for moving ahead on discussing the issue, Mayor Joan McGilton bristled at suggestions that the council was “ahead of the citizens” in terms of considering the issue. She recapped the fact that Seattle was given the option to pursue, then tossed the ball back in Burien’s court, and what “forced the issue” to a higher profile was the issue of potential White Center/Boulevard Park county library consolidation.

“I don’t think Seattle is going to annex North Highline, so I think at least the pressure is off in that respect,” said Councilmember Jack Block Jr., advocating slowing down somewhat. Ultimately, the council has just decided to have a study session on August 22nd; the financial report also will be discussed, as planned, at the next council meeting on August 15th.

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County assessor, ‘public engagement’ part of Thursday’s North Highline Unincorporated Area Council agenda

July 31st, 2011 Tracy Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news Comments Off on County assessor, ‘public engagement’ part of Thursday’s North Highline Unincorporated Area Council agenda

North Highline Unincorporated Area Council president Barbara Dobkin shares the agenda and highlights for this coming Thursday night’s monthly meeting:

*Ever wonder where your property tax dollars go, and why your property taxes may have gone up, but the assessed value of your home has gone down – now is a good time to find out as Lloyd Hara, King County Tax Assessor, will be on hand to provide information and answer questions about these issues.

*Sung Yang, Director of King County External Affairs and Government, will provide information regarding the “Project Team” that has been developing a new model for “Public Engagement” with King County Government and residents.

Full agenda:

7:00 pm Call to Order
Flag Salute
Roll Call
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes

7:05 pm Public Announcements

7:10 pm Public Comment
3minutes for Individuals
5 minutes for Groups

7:15 pm Lloyd Hara, King County Tax Assessor
7:30 pm Mike Martin, Burien City Manager
7:40 pm KCSO – Major James Graddon
7:50 pm Sung Yang, Director of External Affairs and Government
8:15 pm Treasurers Report
8:20 pm Corresponding Secretary Report

8:25 pm Committee Reports
1. Governance
2. Arts and Parks
3. Public Safety
4. Housing and Human Services
5. Public Outreach
6. Transportation

8:30 pm Unfinished Business
• Storefront Deputy Petition
• NHUAC Contract
• NHUAC future

8:40 pm New Business
• Flower Bed Planting (100 Street and 16th Avenue SW)
• White Center Food Bank Dinner
• September and October Agenda Items

The meeting starts at 7 at the North Highline Fire District HQ, 1243 SW 112th.

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Uncle Mike’s Superlicious BBQ closed (temporarily) after kitchen fire

July 30th, 2011 Tracy Posted in Fire, Food, Restaurants, White Center news 3 Comments »

We went over to Uncle Mike’s Superlicious BBQ in White Center after finding out via the restaurant’s Facebook page that they are closed temporarily because of a small fire. Co-owner “Uncle Mike” Gordon explained a grease fire broke out in their smoker; he had it mostly put out even before the North Highline Fire Department crew arrived – but since it’s the weekend, they won’t really know before Monday what they need to do for repairs and replacement, so they don’t know how long they’ll be closed. Mike and his spouse/business partner Elizabeth Gordon want you to know nobody was hurt – they’re OK, and their dining room is undamaged:

The restaurant at 9640 16th SW has drawn rave reviews – not just for its barbecue, but for other menu items like fried chicken and vegetarian options – since its opening almost a year ago.

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Burien annexation? Financial report should be ready for council on Monday, but…

July 30th, 2011 Tracy Posted in Annexation, Burien, White Center news 1 Comment »

The information “packet” published online before every Burien City Council meeting is out (see it here) – and while it promises councilmembers that some information will be available regarding the long-awaited report on potential financial implications of annexing “Area Y” (including White Center), it says the report itself will not be ready in time for packet inclusion. So, the advance document offers councilmembers options: City staff can brief them about the report “at a high level” and answer questions, if they want, while they’re promised that staff and consultant Berk and Associates will give them a detailed report at their next scheduled meeting August 15th. The document also suggests they might want to schedule an extra meeting this month, perhaps August 22nd, devoted solely to the annexation topic.

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Happy birthday, Big Al Brewing! Celebrations this weekend

July 30th, 2011 Tracy Posted in Beverages, Businesses, White Center news 1 Comment »

Our friends at the Washington Beer Blog have the full lowdown on two days of third-birthday partying at White Center’s Big Al Brewingread about it here. The grand opening in 2008 was among the first stories reported here on WCN.

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Date announced for Technology Access Foundation groundbreaking at Lakewood Park

July 29th, 2011 Tracy Posted in Education, Hicks Lake, Lakewood Park, White Center news Comments Off on Date announced for Technology Access Foundation groundbreaking at Lakewood Park

It’s been a long time in the making, but Dick Thurnau of Friends of Hicks Lake tells WCN Technology Access Foundation has announced August 26th as the groundbreaking date for the long-long-awaited learning center in Lakewood Park (home of Hicks Lake). They have raised 92 percent of the $13 million needed for the three-story, 25,000 square-foot building, where students will have access to science, technology, engineering, and math (often shortened to STEM) coaching and learning. The building will be south of Lakewood Park’s upper parking lot; enter from SW 108th; the August 26th event is set for 10:30 am-noon, all welcome.

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Outdoor open-mike night at Greenbridge Plaza, tonight!

July 29th, 2011 Tracy Posted in Arts, Greenbridge, White Center news Comments Off on Outdoor open-mike night at Greenbridge Plaza, tonight!

7 pm tonight (Friday) – come be the talent, the audience, or both, at a new outdoor open-mike night at Greenbridge Plaza. Full details on this Facebook event page.

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King County Sheriff’s Office says apartment east of White Center likely used for dog-fighting, prostitution evidence

July 28th, 2011 Tracy Posted in Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news 2 Comments »

News release just in from the King County Sheriff’s Office:

Deputies found evidence of illegal dog fighting, including four pit bulls in unincorporated King County last weekend. One man was arrested in conjunction with the investigation.

The incident began on July 23rd about 3:00 AM. Deputies were called to a complex of duplex apartments in the 10600 block of Aqua Way South. Some of the units are empty and some occupied. A resident in one of the units heard footsteps in a unit that was supposed to be empty and called 9-1-1.

When deputies arrived they saw a man run from the supposedly empty apartment towards the rear of the complex. As deputies searched for the man, they went into a vacant apartment and found large quantities of both fresh and dried blood on the floor and walls. They also found two “bite sticks” typically used to pry open the mouths of fighting dogs to release the bite.

While searching for the man who ran, deputies came across two pit pulls secured to railings in a walkway. One appeared to be injured and was quite lethargic.

Deputies found an occupied apartment near the chained dogs and learned their suspect was in a back bedroom and possibly armed. When he refused to come out, the Sheriff’s Office SWAT Team was called. After more negotiation, the man surrendered.

Two additional pitbulls were found in the apartment. All four were turned over to King County Animal Control.

The 26 year-old suspect was booked into the King County Jail on a felony arrest warrant for Escape from Community Custody. He is a convicted felon, including convictions for promoting prostitution, robbery, and felon in possession of a handgun. At this time he is still in jail.

Detectives believe the apartment unit was used for illegal dog fighting, and based on evidence recovered, prostitution activity as well.

The investigation of this incident is continuing, and charges are likely.

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Concerned about crime? White Center Community Safety Coalition tonight

July 28th, 2011 Tracy Posted in Crime, Safety, white center community safety coalition, White Center news 1 Comment »

The monthly meeting of the White Center/South Delridge Community Safety Coalition is set for tonight, 6 pm, White Center DSHS building (upstairs) – your chance to hear about the latest trends, voice your current concerns, and join with other community members to make a difference.

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Apartment fire under investigation; Red Cross helping victims

July 25th, 2011 Tracy Posted in Fire, How to Help, White Center news Comments Off on Apartment fire under investigation; Red Cross helping victims

You may have seen the smoke from Sunday afternoon’s huge apartment fire in the unincorporated area east of White Center, in a Union Gospel Mission-owned building in the 9800 block of Des Moines Memorial Drive. Dozens of people are without homes as a result; efforts are under way to help them, from a collection being taken up at the South Park-area Red Apple Market, to a Red Cross shelter set up in a West Seattle church so residents have someplace to sleep and to get meals. Citywide media reports say the fire’s cause is still being investigated.

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Downtown bus stop might be removed – county soliciting comments

July 23rd, 2011 Tracy Posted in Metro, Transportation, White Center news 1 Comment »

We published this Friday on partner site West Seattle Blog and it turned out to be a hot topic. If you take the bus between downtown and White Center, you might want to speak out while the county is taking comments:

King County Metro Transit and the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) are evaluating options to improve traffic flow and transit operations on Columbia Street near the Alaskan Viaduct onramp.

One suggestion is to close the bus stop located on Columbia just east of Second Avenue. It currently serves as the last stop for passengers leaving downtown on Metro routes 21 Express, 54, 55, 56 Express, 113, 120, 121, 122, and 125. If this bus stop closes, riders will need to walk four blocks to Third Avenue just south of Seneca Street to board or exit.

This closure is one of several concepts being considered, and Metro and SDOT are seeking initial feedback on the potential impacts to riders and the general public. They are asking people to provide comments about the possible closure of this stop by Friday, Aug. 12. Send email to: customer.comments@kingcounty.gov with Columbia/2nd Ave in the subject line , or call 206-553-3000.

Even if this bus stop remains open, it may be necessary to temporarily close it without prior notice due to traffic conditions. If that happens, Metro staff and signage will direct bus riders to board buses at the stop on Third Avenue south of Seneca Street.

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Happening now: White Center Promise celebration at Greenbridge Plaza

July 22nd, 2011 Tracy Posted in Greenbridge, White Center Community Development Association, White Center news Comments Off on Happening now: White Center Promise celebration at Greenbridge Plaza

Hundreds of people are having a great time at Greenbridge Plaza right now, as the White Center Promise celebration continues till 6:30 pm. The poverty-fighting initiative is about education in a big way – and local high-school students are helping underscore that, including the cheer team, above, and the Highline High School robotics team, below:

Plenty of sun, and a chance to learn more from WCCDA about the White Center Promise program – “cradle to college to career strategies,” as explained here.

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White Center Promise summer celebration today at Greenbridge

July 22nd, 2011 Tracy Posted in Greenbridge, White Center Community Development Association, White Center news Comments Off on White Center Promise summer celebration today at Greenbridge

Couldn’t be better weather for a big celebration at Greenbridge Plaza (8th SW and SW 98th) today – part of the White Center Community Development Association‘s White Center Promise campaign, aimed at eradicating poverty in WC. Be there 4-6:30 pm for free local food and entertainment.

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Hello, artists and performers! The next White Center Art Walk is looking for you

July 20th, 2011 Tracy Posted in Arts, How to Help, White Center news 4 Comments »

Want to be part of the next White Center Art Walk? Here’s your chance!

Dear Artists & Art Lovers,

White Center Arts and the White Center Art Walk would like to invite you to participate in our 3rd Saturday Art Walk on August 20, 2011 from 6pm – 9pm. Our art walk has been growing at a fast and furious pace in the past two months, and we feel the excitement building. In June, we curated a Mini Short Film Festival with three unique programs shown at Full Tilt, Southgate Skate Rink and Big Al Brewing. Just this past weekend, we curated live painters at 3.14 Bakery, Big Al’s and the sidewalks of 16th Ave SW to great and enthusiastic response.

For August, our theme is Live Performance. We are putting a call out to dancers, dance troupes, spoken word artists, live painters, street performers and musicians. There are many great spaces to accommodate any and all types of performance art in White Center. We have space at 3.14 Bakery, Company Bar, Full Tilt, Big Al’s, Southgate Skate Rink, Triangle Pub, Sidewalks and Crosswalks and more!

Once we get artists’ commitments, we will create a schedule with times and locations.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, please respond by August 8th, 2011 with:

Your Name
Troupe Name
Contact Info
Type of Performance Art
How many in your troupe
Any special needs (power, lighting, etc)

We are aware of the tight timeline of this ambitious event, but feel confident in you, and our White Center family to make it fantastic!

Please call or email us with questions or comments.

Thank you in advance,

Amanda Kay Helmick & Devrim Ozkan
White Center Art Walk Co-Curators
White Center Art Vice Chair / Secretary
Amanda: 206.708.5617
Devrim: 206.484.0399

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Followup: Thai Thai’s successor needs a new home after all

July 19th, 2011 Tracy Posted in Food, Restaurants, White Center news 3 Comments »

By Deanie Schwarz
Reporting for White Center Now

As you might have seen in the comments following our previous story about the former Thai Thai Restaurant‘s future plans – those plans have suddenly changed.

Just a few days after WCN spoke with grieving family members of the late Thai Thai owner Sam about their plans to reopen as Ped Nin Thai, they told us they now have to find a new location.

In what Choothai Chaiboonruang said was as an unanticipated misunderstanding with the property’s owners, lease talks fell apart over terms that the family said were not what they had thought they’d be. So they are instead looking for a new site, after more than a quarter-century at 16th/112th.

Since they don’t have one in mind yet, they would welcome information regarding potential sites at pedninthai@gmail.com. They hope to find a space with more updated equipment and lease terms that serve the long-term vision the family has for the successful business. Chaiboonruang says the family has already removed the appliances and equipment they wish to keep as they prepare to look for a new location in the White Center or Burien area. He will keep us abreast of the family’s journey to bring the new Ped Nin Thai to its new home.

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Baby sign language classes start Thursday at Dubsea Coffee

July 18th, 2011 Tracy Posted in Education, White Center news Comments Off on Baby sign language classes start Thursday at Dubsea Coffee

Parents who want to try communicating with their babies via hand signs – American Sign Language – are invited to join new classes starting up this week at Dubsea Coffee in White Center, presented by Little Creative Hands:

Two Available Beginning Classes:

①. Thursday Classes, at Dubsea Coffee (9910 8th Ave SW, Seattle), 1:30 pm-2:30 pm : July 21, 28, August 4, & 11.
②. Saturday Classes, at Dubsea Coffee (9910 8th Ave SW, Seattle), 11:00 am-12:00 pm : July 23, 30, August 6, & 13.
*For ages 0-2. Attendees are you, your spouse, and/or caregiver, with option to bring your baby/toddler.

Class fees:
Full Session (4 classes) – $100

Pay per class – $30

*fees include flashcards for each class.

You can find out more, and register, by e-mailing the instructors at LittleCreativeHands@gmail.com. They’re also on Facebook.

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Dog found at White Center Jubilee Days carnival – whose is she?

July 17th, 2011 Tracy Posted in Pets, White Center news 3 Comments »

From Celia:

This sweet dog was roaming the White Center Carnival at Steve Cox Park. She is obviously well-loved, and has a collar with a padlock on it. Contact us at (206) 528-2443.

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