CONTINUING TODAY: White Center Library Guild sale

July 17th, 2022 at 2:28 am Posted in White Center Library, White Center news | Comments Off on CONTINUING TODAY: White Center Library Guild sale

Thanks to Gill Loring for the photo – it’s from the White Center Library Guild sale on Friday, and today we’re reminding you that the sale has an encore day today (Sunday, July 17th) – 11 am to 4 pm at the library, 1409 SW 107th. Support library programs by supporting the Guild!

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SATURDAY REMINDER: White Center Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast!

July 16th, 2022 at 12:09 am Posted in White Center Kiwanis Club, White Center news | Comments Off on SATURDAY REMINDER: White Center Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast!

Don’t cook your own breakfast Saturday morning (July 16th) – let the White Center Kiwanis do it for you! Today’s the day:

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CRIME WATCH: King County Sheriff’s Office investigating White Center shooting

July 14th, 2022 at 4:24 pm Posted in Crime, White Center news | Comments Off on CRIME WATCH: King County Sheriff’s Office investigating White Center shooting

Thanks for the tips. The big emergency response at 15th and Roxbury earlier this afternoon was because of a shooting. The King County Sheriff’s Office tells us the gunfire involved “two separate groups … possibly juveniles.” One person was injured – a bystander hit in the leg, taken to St. Anne’s in Burien for treatment. No arrests so far, but KCSO is “pursuing leads.” If you have any information, the case number is #C22023208.

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ELECTION 2022: Voting is about to begin

July 13th, 2022 at 9:39 pm Posted in Election, Politics, White Center news | Comments Off on ELECTION 2022: Voting is about to begin

checkbox.jpgKing County Elections announced today that the ballots for the August 2nd primary are in the mail – so voting is about to begin. No ballot measures for our area, but there are races to narrow down – including U.S. Senate, U.S. House District 7, Secretary of State, 34th District State Senator and 34th District State House Position 1, which has no incumbent as longtime State Rep. Eileen Cody is retiring. You can see all the candidates listed, with links to their websites, here. You can send your ballot back by postal mail, as long as it’s postmarked by August 2nd, or take it to an official dropbox (here’s where to find them – including the one outside White Center Library). Not registered? It’s not too late – go here.

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UPDATE: North Highline house fire, with smoke visible for many miles around

July 12th, 2022 at 11:15 am Posted in Fire, White Center news | Comments Off on UPDATE: North Highline house fire, with smoke visible for many miles around

11:15 AM: King County Fire District 2 just tweeted that photo from a house fire in North Highline that’s been drawing attention for the past hour-plus because of the massive plume of black smoke that went high into the sky, visible from downtown Seattle and beyond.

Photo by John Graham

This is a house in the 10400 block of 8th Avenue South, not far east of Highway 509, which is closed northbound right now because of a result. KCFD2 says no injuries are reported so far.

3:36 PM: Firefighters continue cleanup at the site and have tweeted this photo:

The freeway, meantime, has fully reopened.

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White Center Library Guild sale this Friday and Sunday

July 11th, 2022 at 6:01 pm Posted in White Center Library, White Center news | 2 Comments »

Go to the library – to shop! The White Center Library Guild has just announced upcoming sale dates:

White Center Library Guild Sidewalk Sale

Friday, July 15 10 AM to 4 PM

Sunday, July 17 10 AM to PM

Books, household items, clothing, exercise items, and other.

White Center Library

1409 SW 107th St

The guild raises money to assist the library with providing programs.

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FOLLOWUP: Zippy’s Giant Burgers moves up closure date

July 9th, 2022 at 9:30 am Posted in Restaurants, White Center news | Comments Off on FOLLOWUP: Zippy’s Giant Burgers moves up closure date

9:30 AM: Just a quick note – after selling out early the past three nights, Zippy’s Giant Burgers now says today (Saturday, July 9th) will be their final day, as they won’t be able to resupply for one more day beyond that. They plan to open at 10 am.

10:30 AM: Our photo above shows the line shortly before 10 am.

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FOLLOWUP: New sheriff moving ahead with big changes

July 9th, 2022 at 3:02 am Posted in King County, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news | Comments Off on FOLLOWUP: New sheriff moving ahead with big changes

We’ve reported before on new King County Sheriff Patti Cole-Tindall‘s plan to create community advisory groups as part of her vision of the office’s future – and that’s part of an announcement from the sheriff and executive on Friday:

Executive Dow Constantine and King County Sheriff Patti Cole-Tindall announced new plans and updates for the vision, structure, and community engagement of the King County Sheriff’s Office, including the creation of a community advisory board.

Executive Constantine and King County Sheriff Patti Cole-Tindall announced the first big steps the Sheriff will be taking as the agency rethinks how public safety is delivered across King County. These updates, released just two months since Cole-Tindall was named Sheriff, focus on four main areas of action, including revising the mission, vision, and values of the King County Sheriff’s Office (KCSO), reorganizing the structure to improve service, creating a strategic framework, and establishing a standing community advisory board.

“The health of our community depends on the ability of every person to live a safe and productive life, and Sheriff Cole-Tindall’s new plan for the King County Sheriff’s Office shows exactly how we can rethink and reimagine the delivery of public safety for the people of King County,” said Executive Constantine. “The Sheriff understands that we must move away from broken structures when they aren’t working for our community and toward sensible reforms that bring about systemic change, and her commitment to this is conveyed throughout these new ideas and actions.”

“Our work must always be centered around the vision and values of the communities we so proudly serve,” said King County Sheriff Patti Cole-Tindall. “I am honored to lead an organization of public servants who share my commitment to implement new and contemporary approaches that enhance trust and public safety.”

At the core of the new strategy is a renewed partnership with community. This commitment is reflected in the revised mission, vision, and values that incorporate policing with compassion, showing and leading with grace, and treating everyone with respect and kindness.

It is also incorporated into the reorganization of the office, which will create two new divisions – Community Programs and Services, and Special Operations – in recognition of both the evolution of the criminal legal system and the need to improve how public safety is delivered.

With the adoption of a new strategic framework and the creation of an advisory board, KCSO will be able to ensure accountability, increase transparency, encourage innovation, and have a forum for trust-building between law enforcement and the community that allows for advisement on policy concepts and implementation.

Sheriff Cole-Tindall and KCSO leadership will begin implementing these new changes in September 2022.

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CRIME WATCH: White Center Food Bank burglarized; you can help with recovery

July 6th, 2022 at 12:51 pm Posted in Crime, White Center news | 1 Comment »

(Also published on partner site West Seattle Blog)

The White Center Food Bank was hit by burglars over the holiday weekend. We got a tip about this on Tuesday and inquired; here’s the info we received today in response:

Over the 4th of July holiday weekend, the administrative area of the White Center Food Bank was broken into and burglarized.

We lost computers, tools, grow lights for our garden, headphones, other electronics, and more that we are still trying to sort out.

Please keep an eye out for anyone selling or dumping these items and please let us know at

This is heartbreaking for a non-profit food bank with the sole intent of serving our neighbors, but we know we will get through it with our community’s support. We are filing an insurance claim, but if you wish to support the recovery of stolen items, we have set up a ‘Theft Recovery Fund’ designation on our donation website:

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WHITE CENTER RESTAURANTS: Zippy’s Giant Burgers closing

July 5th, 2022 at 2:36 pm Posted in Restaurants, White Center news | 2 Comments »

Since 2011 – three years after its opening in West Seattle – Zippy’s Giant Burgers has held down the north end of a strip mall on 14th SW just south o Roxbury. Today, Zippy’s announced it’s closing after this Sunday. Zippy’s is West Seattleite-owned and was founded in WS, so you’ll find the full story on our partner site West Seattle Blog.

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FOLLOWUP: Lumber Yard Bar not quite ready to (re)open yet

June 30th, 2022 at 4:26 pm Posted in Businesses, White Center news | Comments Off on FOLLOWUP: Lumber Yard Bar not quite ready to (re)open yet

(WCN photo, June 11th)

When we got a sneak peek inside the Lumber Yard Bar‘s new downtown location during the White Center Pride Street Festival, its owners told us they hoped to open at least part of the space July 1st. That’s tomorrow – but they’re not quite ready yet. They’re still vowing to open sometime in July. (If you’re just catching up – the new place at 9630 16th SW is across the street from the old spot, one of seven businesses gutted by arson a year ago.)

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WEEKEND SCENE: 31 ways to enjoy the Taste of White Center

June 25th, 2022 at 12:45 pm Posted in How to Help, Restaurants, White Center Food Bank, White Center news | 3 Comments »

The booth on the northwest corner of 16th/98th is one of three places you can buy $5 tickets for the Taste of White Center, benefiting the White Center Food Bank – each ticket gets you one of the special menu items that 31 establishments are offering – here’s the list:

Participants are all flying red balloons:

The Taste of White Center is on until 4 pm, but take note that some venues have slightly different participation hours – for example, Tomo has a sign saying it’ll open at 2 pm (it’s offering smoked sable fish congee), and Good Day Donuts is participating until 2 (their menu item is listed as “surprise”). The other two ticket booths are outside Mac’s Triangle Pub at 16th/Delridge/Roxbury and outside Patrick’s Café and Bakery at 15th/100th. Along with the $5 taste tickets, you also can buy tickets for a drawing that’s also benefiting WCFB – two round-trip Alaska Airlines tickets. Alaska is one of the sponsors whose support is enabling compensation for the venues so that all the ticket proceeds can benefit the food bank.

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New Evergreen High School part of a Highline district bond measure headed for your November ballot

June 23rd, 2022 at 5:06 pm Posted in Election, Highline School District, White Center news | Comments Off on New Evergreen High School part of a Highline district bond measure headed for your November ballot

(Highline Public Schools photo – from left, board members Joe Van, Angelica Alvarez, Azeb Hagos. Aaron Garcia

Highline School Board members hope you’ll support a bond measure they’ve sent to the November ballot, to pay for projects including a new Evergreen High School. Here’s the announcement:

The Highline School Board voted unanimously to place the next school bond on November 8 election ballots as recommended by the volunteer-led Capital Facilities Advisory Committee (CFAC).

The construction bond would pay to rebuild two high schools and a middle school plus fund critical capital needs and improvement projects across the district.

Voters must approve a capital construction bond by 60 percent for the funding measure to pass. If approved, here is the estimated timeline:

Rebuild Evergreen High School — open in fall 2025
Rebuild Tyee High School — open in fall 2025
Rebuild Pacific Middle School — open in fall 2027

Three new schools built with funding from the previous 2016 bond were completed on time and under budget, continuing Highline’s 20-year track record of on-time, on-budget construction.

The district decided to run a bond now for these reasons:

Previous school bonds replaced aging schools for students in Des Moines and Burien. The 2022 bond would replace aging schools in SeaTac and White Center so students across our district have safe and modern places to learn.

The designs for new schools at Evergreen, Tyee and Pacific were funded by the 2016 bond.

This funding measure would not raise the current tax rate due to expiring taxes.

The 2016 bond projects were completed $10 million under budget—this savings is being applied to the costs of the 2022 projects, decreasing the cost to taxpayers.

Approval of this bond would trigger $34 million in additional funding. The funds would come from the Federal Aviation Administration and the Port of Seattle for noise mitigation, and from the state School Construction Assistance Program.

Capped Bond Amount
The bond would raise $518,397,000. The district can only collect that amount and not more. If property values go up more than projected, the tax percentage rate goes down per $1,000 of value.

Critical Capital Improvements Fund Included in Bond
The $17 million fund for critical capital needs and improvements in the November 2022 bond includes roofing, painting, emergency repairs and other improvements districtwide like replacing the Sylvester Middle School dirt field with synthetic turf.

More details and answers to questions are available on Highline’s 2022 Bond website:

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UPDATE: Pride Story Time next Wednesday

June 23rd, 2022 at 11:14 am Posted in Greenbridge, White Center news | Comments Off on UPDATE: Pride Story Time next Wednesday

You’re invited to Greenbridge Plaza (9720 8th SW) for Pride Story Time next Wednesday:

Should be great weather for an outdoor story time.

WEDNESDAY UPDATE: The location has changed – outdoor area at Community School of West Seattle, 9450 22nd SW.

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UPDATE: Shooting at Roxbury Safeway, suspect quickly taken into custody

June 23rd, 2022 at 12:57 am Posted in Crime, White Center news | 2 Comments »

12:57 AM: 1 person was reported to have been shot at the Roxbury Safeway a short time ago, and deputies quickly took a suspect into custody, reporting they had also seized a gun. No other information so far.

10:53 AM: The case was transferred to Seattle PD, after a determination that the primary scene was on their side of the city-limit line; we’ve added information from them to our coverage on partner site West Seattle Blog.

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4TH OF JULY: Two weeks away from first one with North Highline fireworks ban

June 20th, 2022 at 10:32 pm Posted in Holidays, White Center news | 2 Comments »

Two weeks from tonight, it’ll be the first Fourth of July in North Highline since the fireworks ban took effect in unincorporated King County. As county officials have said previously, the first year is educational – violators will get warnings rather than citations. So here’s what you need to know:

With this year being the first that fireworks aren’t permitted, King County is emphasizing community education about the new rules and is deferring issuing citations for a year. However, that doesn’t mean folks will be able to light fireworks without repercussion. As of June 14th, residents have been able to report violators to the King County Permitting Division:

-Online by visiting (Users will have to sign up for our system)

-Phone: 206-848-0800

King County will issue a warning to violators and include them in our records. If the behavior continues, these violators will likely be the first to eventually receive citations.

Local Services is finalizing the details of how violators will be cited beginning in 2023.

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ROAD WORK FOLLOWUP: 15th SW reopened at Roxbury

June 16th, 2022 at 8:04 pm Posted in Traffic, White Center news | Comments Off on ROAD WORK FOLLOWUP: 15th SW reopened at Roxbury

Last week, Metro sent conflicting messages about the status of 15th SW at Roxbury, but now it’s official:

The intersection has reopened completely, according to the latest RapidRide H Line update sent by Metro. And if you have questions about other work zones, here’s a perfect chance to ask:

Join us for our next virtual construction office hours on June 23, 2022, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. on ZOOM
We hope you’ll join us on Zoom to learn more about the project and ask questions! These are informal events; we welcome you to come and go as you please.

How to join the meeting:

To join online: Launch Zoom meeting (Meeting ID: 867 4154 5962)
To join by phone: 1-253-215-8782 (Find your local number here)
To request interpretation services for these virtual events, please contact us before the meeting via phone, at 206-257-3079, or email us at

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Taste of White Center set for June 25

June 15th, 2022 at 11:39 pm Posted in How to Help, White Center Food Bank, White Center news | 1 Comment »

This just might be the tastiest fundraiser of the year.

Announced by the White Center Food Bank:


The White Center Food Bank is excited to bring together our neighborhood’s wide variety of restaurants for a family-friendly event and fundraiser. With over 25 restaurants participating, attendees purchase $5 tickets to try a variety of foods from roasted corn, banh mi sandwiches and gyoza dumplings to specialty ice cream, bubble tea and shaved ice. Iconic restaurants like Tomo, La Fondita, Good Day Donuts and more are ready to serve up amazing bites!

Each ticket is an opportunity to taste something from each establishment and all ticket proceeds go to support the White Center Food Bank. Sponsorship dollars from Alaska Airlines, King County Metro, Nucor Steel and others go to the participating restaurants to purchase ingredients and pay for promotion of the event.

Tickets will be available for purchase at three locations in downtown White Center (Patrick’s Café and Bakery, Mac’s Triangle Pub, and on the corner of 16th Ave SW and 98th St). A restaurant passport will be given to each attendee at the time of purchase with a map and details on which restaurants are participating and the menu items available. There will also be a raffle for 2 roundtrip tickets on Alaska Airlines.

White Center food Bank looks forward to hosting people from across the region around the one thing we know always brings together community: FOOD!

See the current list of participants by going here.

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Another anti-displacement discussion ahead for North Highline and other areas of urban unincorporated King County

June 14th, 2022 at 3:26 pm Posted in King County, White Center news | Comments Off on Another anti-displacement discussion ahead for North Highline and other areas of urban unincorporated King County

From King County:

King County’s Department of Community and Human Services and Department of Local Services are partnering with community advisory group members to host a second virtual community meeting on Tuesday, June 21st, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., to discuss specific follow up items: Community Preference implementation and metrics and evaluation ideas from the Skyway-West Hill and North Highline Anti-displacement Strategies Report. This report analyzed potential anti-displacement strategies for the Skyway-West Hill and North Highline communities and, after an extensive community process, recommended ten actions.

Click here to sign up to join us for this meeting!

At this virtual community meeting on Tuesday, June 21st, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., participants will be asked to consider a proposal for defining elements for the Community Preference Program. This is one of the near-term actions identified from the report. A Community Preference Program prioritizes applicants with a connection to community for a percentage of units in new affordable housing developments. We will be looking for feedback on ideas for what criteria will count towards being considered a person with a “connection to community.” In addition, the team will present proposed metrics to track implementation of the ten anti-displacement strategies recommended in the report. Click here for more info and to sign up to join us for this meeting!

To familiarize yourself with content prior to our meeting, review the Skyway-West Hill & North Highline Anti-displacement Report summary.

We hope you will join us for this important meeting and please share this opportunity with other folks who live and work in Skyway-West Hill and North Highline!

If you have any questions or would like more information please contact Alice Morgan-Watson, Planner & Community Engagement Analyst, at

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PHOTOS: White Center Pride Street Festival 2022

June 11th, 2022 at 4:06 pm Posted in Fun, White Center news | Comments Off on PHOTOS: White Center Pride Street Festival 2022

Happening now on two blocks of 16th SW south of SW Roxbury in downtown White Center – the White Center Pride Street Festival is on.

Dozens of booths line the street, for local businesses large and small, as well as resource organizations. Entertainment too – DJ Baby Van Beezly was spinning while we were there (the full entertainment schedule is on the WC Pride website):

And we found something unexpected – a sneak peek inside the soon-to-open new location of the Lumber Yard Bar:

It’s right across 16th SW from the fire-ravaged original location. Proprietors Nathan and Michale told us they’re aiming to open the bar side July 1st:

That’s the north side; the south half of the space will be the performance side. Back to the festival:

There’s plenty of room to roam, or to stop and savor (Moonshot Coffee has a beverage garden out front, for one). Vendors are open until 6, entertainment continues until 11.

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