Yard sale fans! Shorewood on the Sound has dozens next Saturday

May 30th, 2010 at 4:28 pm Posted in Shorewood, White Center news | Comments Off on Yard sale fans! Shorewood on the Sound has dozens next Saturday

In nearby Shorewood on the Sound, next Saturday is a day much like our recent West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – dozens of residents are having yard/garage sales. A couple folks in Shorewood have e-mailed to call our attention to this so we can share with you. They say the map’s not available online, but printed copies will be available in the neighborhood that day, and hopefully we will get a list to sales to share with you before then. Sale hours on Saturday are 10 am-4 pm.


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Bartell Drugs launches 2-week food drive next Tuesday

May 29th, 2010 at 9:28 am Posted in How to Help, White Center news | Comments Off on Bartell Drugs launches 2-week food drive next Tuesday

With a Bartell Drugs location at 15th/Roxbury, you’ve got a chance to participate in this:

Bartell Drugs launches its “Stock the Pantry” food drive for Northwest Harvest by accepting nonperishable food items and cash donations at all 57 Bartell Drug locations from June 1 to June 13.

This two-week food drive, now in its second year, is especially important to help Northwest Harvest replenish food stocks during summer months–when families that normally depend on free or reduced-price school meals may struggle to provide those meals at home.

Last year the two-week drive generated more than 16,767 pounds of food donations as well as cash contributions for food banks in King, Pierce and Snohomish counties. The company also donated 1,500 reusable bags for use by food bank clients.

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King County Fire Marshal posts Evo as “DO NOT OCCUPY”

May 27th, 2010 at 5:15 pm Posted in Safety, White Center news | 6 Comments »

Thanks to Stefanie at White Center’s celebrated Proletariat Pizza for the tip and the photo – The King County Fire Marshal posted that big green DO NOT OCCUPY notice at Evo, formerly Evolucion, today. We got word of this after 4:30 pm and tried half a dozen different county offices – all of which had already shut down, in most cases with the voice mail saying to call back Tuesday (or later). However, as noted earlier, tonight happens to be the White Center/South Delridge Community Safety Coalition meeting, at which the former Evolucion has been a topic of discussion many a time, so we hope to find out more within a few hours. (The notice mentions a violation of the International Fire Code, but we’re having trouble finding the section it appears to cross-reference.) 7:13 PM UPDATE: 1st word from the meeting is that the violation reportedly involves sprinklers that aren’t hooked up, while alleged occupancy violations remain under investigation.

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White Center Community Safety Coalition talks Block Watch tonight

May 27th, 2010 at 2:29 am Posted in Crime, white center community safety coalition, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center Community Safety Coalition talks Block Watch tonight

From White Center/South Delridge Community Safety Coalition leader Sean Healy, the agenda for tonight’s meeting:


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South Park Bridge: “Final closure plan” now public

May 26th, 2010 at 9:00 am Posted in South Park, White Center news | Comments Off on South Park Bridge: “Final closure plan” now public

Its highlights – including the newest changes planned for Metro Route 60, which serves White Center – were discussed as part of a wide-ranging public meeting last night. Here’s the detailed report published on our partner site West Seattle Blog. Bottom line remains, the bridge closes 7 pm June 30th, and the money to replace it hasn’t been rounded up yet.

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South Park Bridge closure-plan meeting tonight

May 25th, 2010 at 12:24 am Posted in South Park, Transportation, White Center news | Comments Off on South Park Bridge closure-plan meeting tonight

Tonight is the second of two meetings for the public to hear about the closure plan for the South Park Bridge – now just a month away (7 pm, June 30th). The meeting’s 6-8 pm at the Machinists’ Union Hall in South Park; full details at the SP Bridge Closure page on the King County website.


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White Center Jubilee Days schedule for 2010 starts to take shape

May 24th, 2010 at 1:41 am Posted in White Center Jubilee Days, White Center news | 1 Comment »

While looking around for more information about Rat City Brass, whose Friday performance in West Seattle is now featured here, we noticed they’re playing during Jubilee Days – and then found that the WCJD schedule is taking shape in a big way. There’ll even be a fireworks show! Find out a lot more by checking out the WCJD website.


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Westwood Village Street Fair: Evergreen Aquatic Center reaches out

May 22nd, 2010 at 3:13 pm Posted in Evergreen Pool, West Seattle, Westwood Village, White Center news | 1 Comment »

Evergreen Community Aquatic Center is among the organizations/businesses/entities tabling at today’s Westwood Village Street Fair, close to the White Center/West Seattle line, so if you go to the street fair, drop by and say hi! The events are all happening in the Bed Bath Beyond/Pier 1 Imports parking lot, till 7 tonight. We’ve got a schedule of events and other highlights in our coverage on partner site West Seattle Blog.

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North Highline UAC election: And the winners are …

May 21st, 2010 at 1:20 am Posted in Election, North Highline UAC, White Center news | Comments Off on North Highline UAC election: And the winners are …

Just hours after the voting, the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council has posted news of Thursday night’s winners on its website:

District 1: Pat Price
District 2: Stephen Porter
District 3: Jessica Stoneback
District 4: Christine Waldman
At Large: Rebecca Lopes, Barbara Dobkin, Richard Miller.

They will be seated at the next meeting, June 3, 2010.

That meeting, like other NHUAC meetings, will be at 7 pm on the 1st Thursday of the month at the North Highline Fire District‘s HQ.


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Reminder: North Highline Unincorporated Area Council elections TONIGHT

May 20th, 2010 at 5:28 pm Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news | Comments Off on Reminder: North Highline Unincorporated Area Council elections TONIGHT

Thanks to Gill for sending the nudge – 6-8 pm tonight at North Highline Fire District headquarters, it’s time to vote for North Highline Unincorporated Area Council members. Candidates and eligibility info is here.


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Hit-run crash reported, safety urged

May 20th, 2010 at 1:49 pm Posted in Safety, Schools, White Center news | 1 Comment »

From Maggie Anderson at the King County Food and Fitness Initiative:

This morning a student (a young boy) was struck by a hit and run driver as he was attempting to cross the street to get to school today in white center. The boy is a student at White Center Heights Elementary School. According to the school office manager, the school has been waiting (since it was built a few years ago) for crosswalks to be painted and flashing lights to be installed so that children and families can cross safely. The young boy has leg injuries (possibly a broken leg).

The King County Food & Fitness Initiative (KCFFI) recently received funding from the WK Kellogg foundation to create opportunities for healthy eating and active living at White Center Heights Elementary School and 5 others between 2010-2012. Activities include leading focused efforts in two specific limited income public schools each year over the three year implementation period (totaling six schools over three years) as they relate to school wellness policies, improving meal and snack quality, farm to school, school gardening, safe routes to schools, physical activity and education, and school wellness advisory councils. The KCFFI plans on beginning that work in fall 2010.

What do safe walking and bicycling environments include?

* Neighborhood schools that are within walking and bicycling distance from homes
* Sidewalks or bike-paths that connect homes with schools
* Improved opportunities to cross streets (such as the presence of adult crossing guards, raised medians or traffic and pedestrian signals)
* Slow vehicle speeds accomplished through roadway safety measures (traffic calming) and/or police enforcement where needed

Safety education includes working with:

* Children – to provide them with basic safety education, such as how to cross streets, obey crossing guards and be visible to drivers.
* Parents – to create awareness of the need for pedestrian and bicyclist safety education and opportunities to walk and bike and by practicing safety skills with their children.
* Drivers – to alert all drivers to the presence of walkers and bicyclists and the need to slow down.
* Law enforcement – to enhance pedestrian and bicyclist safety with school zone enforcement.
* Local officials – to identify changes needed to improve walking and bicycling conditions around schools.

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King County Council District 8: Normandy Park councilmember files

May 20th, 2010 at 12:35 pm Posted in Politics, White Center news | Comments Off on King County Council District 8: Normandy Park councilmember files

Just posted at partner site West Seattle Blog: Normandy Park City Councilmember Shawn McEvoy says he’s in the running for King County Council District 8, the seat currently held by Jan Drago, appointed last year but not planning to run this fall (as of last time she discussed it publicly, anyway). McEvoy joins State Sen. Joe McDermott in the race.

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State suspends health-care provider who volunteered for Evergreen HS

May 18th, 2010 at 11:56 pm Posted in Evergreen High School, White Center news | Comments Off on State suspends health-care provider who volunteered for Evergreen HS

This is a somewhat tangled tale – a 36-year-old man who worked for Highline Public Schools providing first aid at sports events, and also had volunteered with Evergreen High School, is now suspended by the state Health Department because of allegations of sexual misconduct. Our partners at the Seattle Times explain the story. And there’s more information in this HPS news release, which says the man was let go as soon as the district learned about allegations against him: Read the rest of this entry »


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Followup: Deputies look for White Center shooting witnesses

May 16th, 2010 at 11:12 am Posted in Crime, White Center news | 5 Comments »

New information today on the 15th/Roxbury deadly shooting first reported here early yesterday – the King County Sheriff’s Office has sent this news release:

A shooting early Saturday morning (May 22nd) left a man dead in a White Center street. The incident occurred about 2:30 AM.

The victim was found in the eastbound lanes of the 1500 block of SW Roxbury Street. He was dead when police arrived after receiving a 9-1-1 call of a shooting. He was shot at least once, and in his early 20’s.

According to a witness who was driving by and heard several gunshots, the man stumbled out of an alley and collapsed in the street. There were numerous people in the alley, but most were gone when Sheriff’s deputies arrived, just minutes later.

No one has come forward who actually witnessed the shooting.

If anyone has information on the case they are asked to call the King County Sheriff’s Office at (206) 296-3311 (24 hours) or 9-1-1.


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White Center Spring Clean: Teams at work all over WC!

May 15th, 2010 at 11:47 am Posted in Volunteering, White Center Community Development Association, White Center news | 2 Comments »

It’s going on noon, and we’re just back from a quick tour of some White Center Spring Clean sites. First, above, we stopped at White Center Community Development Association HQ, where the Polynesian Club was helping out with a planting project – a few members stopped to pose with “Miss Piggy” outside the office. Across the street, the triangle’s getting some love too:

In the downtown business district, Rat City Rollergirls are working at several spots – this group was at the second of 15 businesses in need of window-washing:

Across 16th SW, King County Sheriff’s Office community-service Officer Vary Jackson was outside the KCSO storefront with planters and plants:

As we pulled up, a well-known White Center-based entrepreneur happened to be wheeling one of the planters away – Full Tilt Ice Cream‘s Justin Cline:

WCCDA had signed up more than 500 volunteers for White Center Spring Clean even before the big day arrived.

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Update: Deadly shooting at 15th/Roxbury

May 15th, 2010 at 3:09 am Posted in Crime, White Center news | 1 Comment »

ORIGINAL 3:09 AM REPORT: If you’ve heard helicopter noise and sirens, it’s related to the investigation of an apparent fatal shooting at 15th/Roxbury in the 2 am hour. Suspect was described as a black male in his 20s, black hoodie, white Crown Victoria with “big rims,” last seen driving northbound into West Seattle. No other details at this point.

UPDATE: This is a King County Sheriff’s Office case, as evidenced by the crime tape that was still up at the scene when we checked back just after 6 am. The tape ran from the 16th/Roxbury corner by Pho 54 to just west of the Texaco at 15th/Roxbury. No other details available so far except that one person is dead. 2ND UPDATE: Our partners at the Seattle Times quote KCSO as saying the victim was a man in his 20s, reportedly a gang member.


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Friday afternoon in White Center: Spring Clean prep; Full Tilt treat

May 14th, 2010 at 4:04 pm Posted in Full Tilt Ice Cream, White Center news | 2 Comments »

Thanks to Kate for sending word via Facebook that preparations are under way for tomorrow’s mega White Center Spring Clean event. Curb bulb work is happening at 16th and Roxbury – and that’s where we snapped the photo. Just around the corner, it was time for a treat:

Full Tilt Ice Cream, by the way, is featured this Sunday in a New York Times article, online now, about Seattle-area sweets. Read it here.

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Cascade Middle School’s invitation for 6th-grade parents

May 13th, 2010 at 11:54 pm Posted in Education, Schools, White Center news | Comments Off on Cascade Middle School’s invitation for 6th-grade parents

The folks at Cascade Middle School e-mailed to ask if we’d share their invitation to parents of 6th graders in the White Center area, getting ready for 7th grade – You’re all invited to Cascade’s parent-night meeting May 25, 6:30-8:30 pm, where you’ll find out about the school’s transformation and get to meet the new principal. Here’s the official flyer.


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34th District Democrats endorse Marcee Stone

May 12th, 2010 at 10:49 pm Posted in Politics, White Center news | Comments Off on 34th District Democrats endorse Marcee Stone

checkbox.jpgAt the 34th District Democrats meeting in West Seattle tonight, one of the highlights was the endorsement vote in the State House Position 2 race. Before the vote, one of the three Democratic candidates, Mike Heavey, withdrew from the endorsement process, leaving the 34th DDs to choose between West Seattleites Marcee Stone and Burien’s Joe Fitzgibbon. The membership and PCO votes both went for Stone. The three Democrats are in the race with one independent, White Center entrepreneur Geoffrey “Mac” McElroy; the top two vote-getters in the August primary will advance to the November general. Earlier in the night, State Sen. Joe McDermott formally kicked off his campaign for King County Council, with an event preceding the 34th DDs’ regular meeting.

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White Center for the Arts announces Saturday Art Walk lineup

May 11th, 2010 at 11:56 pm Posted in Arts, White Center for the Arts, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center for the Arts announces Saturday Art Walk lineup

From Shelli at White Center for the Arts:

White Center 3rd Saturday Art Walk
May 15th, 2010
6:00 PM until 9:00 PM

Salvadorean Bakery (1719 SW Roxbury): Marty Gordon– collage

Through his art, Marty is asking questions, inviting debate and telling stories. Looking at one of his works is akin to peeking through a window into another world, a world where art, humor, faith, tension and candidness live together in vignettes of surreal commentary.

Dubsea Coffee (9910 8th Ave SW):
Jaime Temairik – paintings and drawings. The artists reception will be Sunday, May 16th from 2 until 4. Here’s a note from the artist:

“Hey Kids!

I’ll have some new paintings and drawings up mid-May to mid-June at my favorite cafe, Dubsea Coffee!

How’s about you and your fam join me for the opening party on Sunday afternoon, May 16th?

There’ll be snacks and an art activity and maybe even some boogie-ing…”

Café Rozella (9434 Delridge Way Southwest):

Full Tilt Ice Cream (9629 16th Avenue Southwest): Richard Olmstead – drawings and prints. New works. This is good stuff.

Proletariat Pizza (9622 16th Ave SW): Alexander King – photography

Dzul Tattoo (9622 16th Ave SW B):
Dzul Family – Airbrush and Tattoo

Big Al Brewing (9832 14th Avenue Southwest):
Phil Scroggs – paintings. http://www.phillustrations.com/
And… 7:00 PM at Big Al Brewing DO NOT MISS “Billy and the Bouncers” a local jazz combo!

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