North Highline Unincorporated Area Council: Evergreen Aquatic Center’s pitch; illuminating the light problem; more

April 5th, 2013 at 1:45 am Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news | 1 Comment »

(2009 White Center Now/West Seattle Blog photo from rally to save Evergreen Pool)
By Tracy Record
White Center Now editor

Evergreen Community Aquatic Center, born three years ago after the county shut down three years ago, is behind on its gas bill and facing cutoff in a matter of weeks, the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council was told Thursday night by two ECAC representatives – who stressed they weren’t trying to sound “alarmist,” though council and audience members advised them to start making noise.

NHUAC took on several other topics during its two-hour meeting, but this was the most dramatic; as noted during discussion, the council had taken a leading role in marshaling support to save the pool last time around.

ECAC board member Brian Hastings and center manager Joel Schweiger did not immediately hint at the pool’s dire straits, first recapping the aquatic center’s history since the county closed it in 2009, more than half a year before the community effort’s success led to its reopening almost exactly three years ago. The pool is popular and busy, they said, offering programs that serve Highline Public Schools, the Whitewater Aquatics swim club that led the fight to save it, public swims, and”pretty much all-day activities.” More than 3,300 children have taken lessons there in the three years since the reopening, they said.

Hastings said they’re falling behind on utility bills, and they want to keep serving the public – with more than 3,300 kids getting lessons in the past three years – but they’ve lost $15,000 a year since reopening, which he says is “remarkable” given that the pool was costing the county $172,000 a year before it closed. “And we’re getting squeezed substantially by (Puget Sound Energy), which will only carry a delinquent bill for so long.”

It would be even worse if they hadn’t replaced the old boiler with a system that has cut the bill by about a third, Schweiger noted, and they’re working to use its surplus heat to heat the locker rooms, and to eventually put a solar-power system “on the sunny side of the building,” which would mean they wouldn’t need to run the boilers at all. A glitch in that: The roof needs some work, tracing to a county upgrade that never happened, and a school district project that’s not likely to happen.

They say they’ve worked too hard to let this die – “we’re close, we’re really close,” said Hastings – but not close enough without help. And this is a pivotal time because their three-year lease is expiring, and they have to decide whether to renew.

Answering questions from NHUAC members and the audience, one was: Could increased attendance help? Only to a degree, said Schweiger. There are many hours of the day when the pool is jampacked. During the middle-of-day hours outside of summer, they are saving money by not staffing the pool during what would be a low-attendance time. “So you’re looking for a sustainable funding mechanism?” asked attendee Elizabeth Gordon. “Yes,” they replied. “I’m not looking for handouts,” clarified Hastings, just more of a contribution from the community, because they are doing so much – as attendee Rachael Levine noted, teaching kids to swim means lives saved, among other attributes. Levine recalled the NHUAC campaign to save the pool, and suggested pressure on King County leadership to help. “You have done a great job maintaining that facility and keeping it open,” she told the guests, also mentioning specific programs such as the women-only swims. “It’s worth putting all kinds of pressure to keep it open,” and get the repairs done, she declared.

It’s not just a White Center-used facility – private teams from miles around come to use it, including from Seattle and Tukwila. And community involvement also means “getting members from the community who would like to sit on the board,” said Schweiger, noting that Whitewater Aquatics parents have made up most of the board so far.

So what do they need? asked attendee Gill Loring, trying to get to the heart of the problem. About $25,000 a year, said the guests. “We’ve proven over 36 months that this can work,” but now they are learning how to reach out to get what they need to keep it working. They also need somebody to do public relations and outreach.

But most urgently, they revealed when we asked from the audience – they need $17,000 by mid-May or Puget Sound Energy will cut off service. You should be able to donate soon through the Evergreen CAC website.

CRIME? QUIET! Storefront Deputy BJ Myers reported that violent crimes are down from the preceding month and about the same as a year earlier, and property crimes are down, which brings them to previous levels. Mail theft isn’t much of a problem as it had been, but Myers still says locking mailboxes can be helpful. Campers are turning up “in the space between Greenbridge and downtown,” he said, and Greenbridge’s storefront deputy is working on that – with clearing out planned soon, since that “did seem to work for several months” previously. He mentioned the KCSO Storefront’s participation in the Rat City Art City art walk last month, and said they’ll do it again this month.

LIGHTS FOR DOWNTOWN WHITE CENTER: Herban Legends owner Chris Cody is organizing a Local Improvement District to “brighten up the downtown core of White Center” with added lights. He’s also asking that supporters call their legislators about the DSHS building, to get exterior lights added and/or “get businesses into the empty spaces that are right now (a place for people) to hang out and get loaded.” He also is hoping to walk through Roxbury to 102th and 17th to 14th with a King County Sheriff’s Deputy. And pressure on the building’s owner might be welcome too, he noted. It’s been quiet in White Center lately in general, he noted.

Later in the meeting, NHUAC members decided to write a letter to the building ownership to urge lighting.

EX-EL CHALAN CLEANUP: This was mentioned – per our previous story – because of the recent paintover and weed-pulling; here’s our photo from March 26th:

Though it was noted wryly that the property still isn’t attractive, it was agreed the cleanup represented a massive improvement.

METRO CUTS: President Barbara Dobkin brought up the potential cuts mentioned by Metro GM Kevin Desmond earlier this week (here’s coverage from our partner site WSB) and said that NHUAC will have a guest from Metro at its June meeting.

NHUAC ON NICKELSVILLE: Dobkin wondered if any of the people hanging around downtown White Center during the day were coming up from the encampment; Deputy Myers said he “didn’t know that (he has) seen that.” In addition to our partner site WSB‘s coverage, a new story from The Seattle Times (WSB partner) was cited. Deputy Myers said he visited Nickelsville recently and didn’t recognize anyone – indicating it isn’t home to any of the loitering regulars he has seen. Before meeting’s end, NHUAC decided to write a letter in support of Highland Park Action Committee‘s efforts to get the City of Seattle to agree to sell the site to Food Lifeline, among other efforts.

WHITE CENTER SPRING CLEAN: Marquise Roberson-Bester from White Center Community Development Association explained the new plan for Spring Clean – not just one big day, but one day a month, as previously reported here. The first one is coming up fast – April 13th.

COMMUNITY SERVICE AREA MEETING: King County’s new outreach system via “Community Service Areas” is launching a series of open houses. Since North Highline and West Hill are one CSA, the one for the area is happening April 17th in Skyway, with this area’s County Councilmember Joe McDermott in attendance. President Dobkin urged her fellow councilmembers to attend, and anyone else interested.

NORTH HIGHLINE FIRE DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS: Next meeting is 7 pm April 15th, said NHUAC member Pat Price.

PUBLIC SAFETY FORUM: NHUAC’s next one is May 2nd, with guests including Sheriff John Urquhart and Fire Chief Mike Marrs.

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North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meets tonight

April 4th, 2013 at 7:07 am Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news | Comments Off on North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meets tonight

7 pm, North Highline Fire District HQ, you’re invited to tonight’s meeting of the NH Unincorporated Area Council – here’s our previously published agenda preview.

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15-year sentence for man convicted in White Center guns/drugs bust

April 1st, 2013 at 2:41 pm Posted in Crime, White Center news | Comments Off on 15-year sentence for man convicted in White Center guns/drugs bust

Just in from the U.S. Attorney’s Office:

A 35-year-old Auburn, Washington man was sentenced today to 15 years in prison and five years of supervised release for being an armed career criminal in possession of a firearm, possession of ammunition, and possession and distribution of cocaine base. MICHAEL PAUL GRADNEY, was identified and prosecuted as part of the 2011 ‘Hot Spot’ initiative designed to combat street crime in the White Center area of King County. GRADNEY was convicted in December 2012 after a five day jury trial. At sentencing today U.S. District Judge James L. Robart noted that GRADNEY lied when he testified during the trial and had “flagrant disregard for the law.”

According to records filed in the case and testimony at trial, GRADNEY sold cocaine to people working with law enforcement on two different occasions in September 2011. In October 2011, law enforcement witnessed GRADNEY making what appeared to be multiple hand to hand drug sales at a gas station and various bars in the White Center neighborhood. On October 13, 2011, officers searched GRADNEY’s Auburn residence and seized a Glock 10 mm pistol, a North American Arms 22 caliber revolver, ammunition for three different firearms, more than $25,000 in cash as well as cocaine and a scale with cocaine residue. GRADNEY is prohibited from possessing firearms because of his lengthy criminal history including five prior felony convictions for drug offenses.

The White Center ‘Hot Spot’ initiative targeted law enforcement resources in the White Center area from July to October 2011. The operation focused on illegal gun sales and drug dealing both on the street and in area businesses. In all approximately 50 people were arrested and law enforcement seized 68 guns, 51 lbs of methamphetamine, 2 lbs of crack cocaine and more than 10 lbs of powder cocaine.

This was an Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) investigation, providing supplemental federal funding to the federal and state agencies involved. The investigation was a coordinated joint effort by ATF, the King County Sheriff’s Office, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigation (HSI), the Seattle Police Department, the King County Metro Transit Police, Washington State Department of Corrections, Washington State Liquor Control Board and the Eastside Narcotics Task Force. The case was prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorneys Michael Dion and Seth Wilkinson.

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Have you seen Hung Minh Pham? Alleged arsonist with $1 million warrant

March 30th, 2013 at 3:21 pm Posted in Crime, White Center news | 1 Comment »

3:21 PM: King County Sheriff’s Office wants to arrest that man – 43-year-old Hung Minh Pham — whom KCSO says has a $1 million arrest warrant out for arson/domestic violence, suspected in connection with last month’s arson in the 2400 block of SW Roxbury. He is believed to be homeless and known to hang out in the White Center area. More descriptive information from KCSO spokesperson Sgt. Cindi West:

5’5”, 155 lbs
Black hair and brown eyes
Known to carry a knife or ice pick

Sgt. West says, “If someone sees him they can call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477) or the King County Sheriff’s Office at 206-296-3111.” Or, we would add, 911.

5:01 PM UPDATE: We have found and reviewed charging documents in the case since the original report above. Pham also is wanted in connection with two assaults at an apartment in West Seattle. The details are on our partner site West Seattle Blog.

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North Highline Unincorporated Area Council to meet Thursday

March 29th, 2013 at 6:51 pm Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news | Comments Off on North Highline Unincorporated Area Council to meet Thursday

From North Highline Unincorporated Area Council president Barbara Dobkin, word of the next NHUAC meeting this Thursday (April 4th) and its agenda:

Please join us on April 4 when we will have Bryan Hastings from the Evergreen Community Aquatics Center, who will provide updates as well as some of the challenges facing the operations of the pool. Community input on this valuable community resource is welcome. Our White Center Storefront Deputy, BJ Myers will also be on hand to give updates on crime trends. All are welcome. The meeting is at 7 PM in the North Highline Fire Department meeting room, 1243 SW 116th St.


7:00 pm Call to Order – Flag Salute – Roll Call –
Approval of Agenda – Approval of Minutes
7:05 pm Public Announcements
7:10 pm Public Comment
3minutes for Individuals
5 minutes for Groups

7:15 pm Deputy B.J. Myers – White Center Storefront

7:20 pm Bryan Hastings – Evergreen Community Aquatic Center

7:40 pm Treasurer’s Report

7:50 pm Committee Reports
1. Governance
2. Arts and Parks
3. Public Safety
4. Housing and Human Services
5. Public Outreach
6. Transportation

8:00 pm Unfinished Business/Old Business
• Bylaws

8:10 pm New Business
• May 2 Public Safety Forum
• King County Grant Application
• Jubilee Days

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Remembering Ryan Lien-Shepard: Celebration of life on April 6

March 29th, 2013 at 12:19 pm Posted in People, White Center news, White Center obituaries | Comments Off on Remembering Ryan Lien-Shepard: Celebration of life on April 6

One week from tomorrow, family and friends will celebrate the life of Ryan Lien-Shepard. Today, they share this remembrance:

On Monday, March 25th, we lost Ryan Lien-Shepard at the young age of 35. He was taken from this world far too early. He was a son, a brother, a uncle, a grandson, a nephew, and a friend that was loved by many. He leaves behind Marla, his mom, his siblings Ciaira, Shanna, Aaron, Jocelyn, his niece, and his son Luke. ;-) Ryan’s unexpected passing has left his loving family and friends mourning and heartbroken.

Ryan was born and raised in White Center. He went to Evergreen High School where he graduated in 1995. Ryan not only was a family friend of Burien Bark but also an employee for the past 4 years.

At this time we are asking for help in any way possible. Please consider making a donation in any amount, great or small. Donations can be anonymous or not (your choice) and 100% will go directly to Marla’s bank account. For those of you that wish to donate directly to the family and help during this tragic time, we have set up a memorial fund in Ryan’s name.

You can also go into Sterling Bank in Burien or Burien Bark to make a donation in person.

Ryan’s celebration of life will be held on Saturday April 6th from 2 pm-6 pm at the White Center Eagles, 10452 15th Ave SW

Please keep this precious family in your thoughts and prayers as they process such a tremendous loss. Thank you so much for your love and support.

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Cleanup at vandalism-plagued, overgrown ex-restaurant site

March 26th, 2013 at 7:33 pm Posted in Crime, White Center news | 6 Comments »

Notice what’s missing in that photo of the former Wendy’s/Ezell’s/El Chalan site on 16th? Its graffiti/tagging was painted over, and much of the overgrowth removed, when a Department of Corrections Community Service crew came by today. (Our photos were taken at noontime; they were there a while longer, so these are NOT the complete “after” photos.) Thanks to White Center neighborhood advocate Gill for the tip; the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council has been vigilantly advocating for a cleanup at this site for a long time, even marshaling a petition drive. The manager who was on site with the DOC crew asked us not to photograph the crew members, but also said that the bill was being footed by the property owners, listed on county records as Mark and Tom Nickels.

The site’s problems had been brought up at the most recent NHUAC public-safety forum, this past February. And at last summer’s Jubilee Days, NHUAC members collected petition signatures.

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Helicopter alert for White Center/Top Hat tonight: Joint Training Facility drill

March 26th, 2013 at 3:17 pm Posted in Helicopter, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news | Comments Off on Helicopter alert for White Center/Top Hat tonight: Joint Training Facility drill

If you see/hear a helicopter tonight – it’s probably just a drill. Just announced by Seattle Fire Department spokesperson Kyle Moore:

Tonight the Seattle Fire Department along with the King County Sheriff’s Office will be conducting a Night Time Hoist Helicopter Training Drill at the City of Seattle Joint Training Facility. The purpose of the exercise will be for firefighters to practice rescuing patients at night from a high rise building.

The drill is part of an All Hazards Regional Aviation Response Partnership which includes the King County Sheriff’s Office, Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office, the Seattle Fire Department and other regional agencies.

Beginning at 6 p.m. neighbors of the City of Seattle Joint Training Facility located at 9401 Myers Way South [map] will notice an increase in activity and noise until 9 p.m. The drill will involve the takeoff and landing of the King County Sheriff’s Guardian 2 Helicopter.

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Followup: Alan Polevia no longer on the run

March 25th, 2013 at 4:11 pm Posted in Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, Shorewood, White Center news | Comments Off on Followup: Alan Polevia no longer on the run

More than two weeks after Alan Polevia was the subject of an air and land manhunt centered in Shorewood on March 5th, with school lockdowns ensuing – he’s back behind bars. The Shorewood search followed a sighting of him in that area days after he escaped from officers while being taken to Harborview Medical Center after an arrest on theft warrants. Sgt. Cindi West from the King County Sheriff’s Office tells WCN today that deputies arrested him Friday night after discovering him “rummaging through a dumpster behind a building” on SW 137th in Burien. He at first told deputies his name was Alex Polevia, says Sgt. West; they used a photo and tattoo descriptions to identify him as Alan, and they say he subsequently “apologized for lying about his name.”

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Followup: Boulevard Park double shooting was murder-suicide, says KCSO

March 22nd, 2013 at 2:36 pm Posted in Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news | Comments Off on Followup: Boulevard Park double shooting was murder-suicide, says KCSO

Update just in from King County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Sgt. Cindi West:

King County Sheriff’s detectives said a shooting this week in the Boulevard Park area that left two men dead, was a murder-suicide and not a running gun battle, as was initially reported.

On Wednesday deputies responded to a house in the 1000 block of S 102nd St to a report of gunshots that struck a house. When deputies arrived they found a car running in the front yard with a driver and passenger inside, both been shot in the head. The driver still had a gun in his hand.

The passenger, a 23 year old man from Seattle, was pronounced dead at the scene, the driver, also a 23 year old Seattle man, was transported to Harborview Hospital in critical condition and later died.

Deputies discovered that two other houses nearby had also been struck by gunfire during the same time period. Houses and vehicles in the 10200 block of 1 Ave S and a house in the 10200 block of 10th Ave S. Witnesses initially reported they thought they heard two vehicles in the area but police believe the other houses and vehicles were shot at by the occupants of the vehicle found at the scene.

During the investigation detectives learned that the driver of the vehicle was upset over a recent break-up with his girlfriend. The ex-girlfriend was in the house on 102nd at the time of the shooting.

Evidence at the scene indicates the passenger died of a gunshot wound to the head fired at close range. Detectives believe the driver shot the passenger and then turned the gun on himself.

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White Center Spring Clean not just one day this year

March 22nd, 2013 at 11:54 am Posted in How to Help, White Center Community Development Association, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center Spring Clean not just one day this year

The White Center Community Development Association has opened registration for White Center Spring Clean – and it’s not just one day this year, there are five dates spread out over the next five months, starting in April. Get the details on the WCCDA website; sign up here.

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Holy Family gets TV showcase during Pope’s installation ceremony

March 21st, 2013 at 11:47 pm Posted in Churches, Education, Holy Family, White Center news | Comments Off on Holy Family gets TV showcase during Pope’s installation ceremony

Thanks to both Gill and Christine for suggesting we republish this story – KING 5 coverage of White Center’s Holy Family Parish School watching, and learning during, this week’s installation of Pope Francis.

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Floating Islands in Hicklin Lake: Informational celebration April 24

March 20th, 2013 at 2:29 pm Posted in Environment, White Center news | 2 Comments »

Just out of the WCN inbox:

April 24, 6:30-8:30 pm, Friends of Hicklin Lake invites you to a community celebration on Floating Islands technology for Hicklin Lake at Lakewood Park. The event starts at 6:30 PM (refreshments) and at 7 PM we’ll have a discussion and updates on the Floating Island project. We believe that this technology will improve the water quality condition for fish, wildlife and humans, as well as provide beautification to the lake.

The group has been campaigning for years for a solution for the lake’s water-quality problems, and King County recently announced it’s on board to help make the “floating islands” happen. The April 24th event in Lakewood Park is at the Technology Access Foundation‘s learning center.

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Update: Two men shot in Boulevard Park, one killed

March 20th, 2013 at 7:09 am Posted in Boulevard Park, Crime, White Center news | Comments Off on Update: Two men shot in Boulevard Park, one killed

7:09 AM: King County Sheriff’s Office detectives are investigating a double shooting in the Boulevard Park area. Here’s an update from Sgt. Cindi West:

An early morning shooting left one man dead and another in critical condition after what detectives believe might have been a shootout.

The shooting happened in the 1000 block of S 102nd St (map) just before 1:30 this morning. A woman called 911 and said that she heard numerous gunshots and her house had been hit by gunfire.

Deputies arrived and found a car running in the front yard of the house. The driver and passenger in the vehicle had apparent gunshot wounds. The passenger was pronounced dead at the scene and the driver is in critical condition at Harborview. Both victims are men.

Detectives said at least one other house and another car in the neighborhood was also hit by gunfire. One car was seen leaving the scene around the time of the shooting. There is no description of that vehicle at this time.

3:17 PM UPDATE: The latest from Sgt. West:

At this time we have not been able to confirm that there was another vehicle involved. People in the house thought they heard 2 vehicles and a neighbor saw one vehicle in the area but we do not know if this was our victim’s vehicle or another vehicle.

The driver is still at Harborview in critical condition.

We have NO suspect info at this time. All we have is a passenger dead from an apparent gunshot to the head and the driver in Harborview with a gunshot wound.

I know that the driver knew someone in the house but I am not sure who or what their relationship was.

Unknown if gang related.

Detectives told me that the first deputies on the scene did find one weapon in the victim’s vehicle. I have not confirmed if this was the only weapon in the car.

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Need somewhere to garden? Check out White Center Food Bank

March 19th, 2013 at 5:57 pm Posted in Gardening, White Center Food Bank, White Center news | Comments Off on Need somewhere to garden? Check out White Center Food Bank

From new garden manager Mara at the White Center Food Bank:

Been looking for garden space? The White Center Food Bank’s new garden manager Mara is “wanting to get the word out about the availability of garden beds for community use. These beds are FREE, with only a commitment to care for the space as it’s provided. Tool checkout available.

Anyone interested, or with questions, can contact Mara at to find out more.

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Middle- and high-school parents: Your public-school district needs to hear from you!

March 19th, 2013 at 5:49 pm Posted in How to Help, Schools, White Center news | Comments Off on Middle- and high-school parents: Your public-school district needs to hear from you!

From Highline Public Schools:

Parents of middle and high school students are needed to help shape a plan that will guide schools for the next three years. It is part of a community effort to create a new three-year strategic plan.

The core planning team responsible for designing the plan is seeking ideas from Highline families and community members. The upcoming public input session will focus on ideas that can shape students’ middle school and high school experience.

“We are working toward very ambitious and necessary goals, to achieve better outcomes and broaden the opportunities for all students, and to better prepare them for their adult, working lives,” said Stacia Jenkins, a member of the core planning team and mother of a student at Pacific Middle School.

All parents are welcome, but middle school and high school parents are especially encouraged to join other families and community members for a meal and a conversation about what we want for our children and our community.

“We have heard exciting ideas from families and community members around the district,” said Susan Enfield, Superintendent. “However, we want additional input about how we can do a better job of educating all students. The middle school and high school years are so vital to student success, and our three-year plan must include strategies that work well for secondary students and schools.”

What: Highline Public Schools Community Strategic Planning Session

Date and Time: Wednesday, April 3, 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.

Location: Highline High School cafeteria, 225 South 152nd Street, Burien, WA 98148

Details: Interpretation, dinner, and child care will be provided free of charge.

Please RSVP for interpretation, child care, and dinner: Individuals who need an interpreter or childcare, or if you are coming to dinner, please call 206-277-5922 so that we can plan for you.

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‘Silence Is Loud’: Student’s suicide-awareness project ahead at Dubsea Coffee

March 17th, 2013 at 3:31 pm Posted in Arts, Health, White Center news | Comments Off on ‘Silence Is Loud’: Student’s suicide-awareness project ahead at Dubsea Coffee

7-9 pm next Friday night (March 22), “Silence Is Loud” at Dubsea Coffee will bring attention to a difficult topic – but one that is imperative we all discuss – suicide. Evergreen Campus student Vanisa Long‘s invitation to an open-microphone and art show is below, shared by Dubsea proprietor Sibelle Nguyen:

Join us for a night of art and performances to promote the awareness of suicide. I’m holding this event for my senior project in hopes of bringing the community together to learn more about this issue and introduce resources for those who are depressed or have thoughts of suicide. We have performances lined up, but there will be a signup sheet for those who wish to perform the night of. If you have artwork that relate to the topic, feel free to contact me if you’d like your work to be showcased. E-mail

Dubsea is at 9910 8th SW in Greenbridge. There’s also a Facebook event page for “Silence Is Loud” – find it here.

P.S. If you or someone you know has talked or thought about suicide – there is 24/7 help via the Crisis Clinic at 206-461-3222.

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Rat City Art City: Quiet yet lively launch night for revamped art walk

March 16th, 2013 at 5:43 am Posted in Arts, White Center news | Comments Off on Rat City Art City: Quiet yet lively launch night for revamped art walk

When White Center’s all-new art walk debuted Thursday night, the King County Sheriff’s Office storefront was among the venues throwing open their doors – and that’s where we found Deputy BJ Myers, along with art by students from the Evergreen campus. Their work decked the counter as well as the walls:

A couple doors down, we stopped by the Center Studio too:

That’s photographer Julie Maxham, whose work graced the studio’s walls as visitors streamed in and out – delighting both proprietor Lonjina Verdugo and art-walk organizer Amanda Kay Helmick, who explained that this was something of a soft launch for the new night/time, with special events and a higher profile in the works as spring and summer proceed. Watch the official website for details.

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If your phone rings March 20th, it might be your state legislators

March 15th, 2013 at 12:30 am Posted in Politics, White Center news | Comments Off on If your phone rings March 20th, it might be your state legislators

The state legislators who represent this area are trying something out of the ordinary next week:

Who: State Senator Sharon Nelson and Reps. Eileen Cody and Joe Fitzgibbon (34th Legislative District)

What: Telephone town hall

When: 6:00 – 7:00 pm on Wednesday, March 20th

Why: To discuss legislative priorities with constituents, solicit their feedback and answer questions about the current legislative session.

34th Legislative District residents should receive a call from their legislators at about 6:00 PM on the 20th. To participate, simply pick up the phone and follow the prompts. Sen. Nelson and Reps. Cody and Fitzgibbon will deliver short opening thoughts and then will open up for questions. If you have a question for the lawmakers, simply press *3.

If for some reason you don’t receive a call, you can call into 1-877-229-8493 and enter 18646 to participate.

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Update: Deputies arrest car-theft suspect after air, ground search in Shorewood

March 14th, 2013 at 9:42 am Posted in King County Sheriff's Office, Shorewood, White Center news | 10 Comments »

(One of more than half a dozen law-enforcement cars scattered around the search area)
9:42 AM: The King County Sheriff’s Office helicopter Guardian One is over the Shorewood/White Center area again, according to reader reports, confirmed by KCSO spokesperson Sgt. Cindi West, who confirms the helicopter is assisting with a ground search. No details just yet – so far it does not seem to be related to the recent search in that area. We’re headed that way and will update when there’s more information available.

10 AM: The search and ground “containment” are over a wide area, somewhat further south of the aforementioned recent search. A K-9 officer is helping too. On our Facebook page, one resident says Evergreen High School and Cascade Middle School are taking “modified lockdown” precautions – we have not yet verified that with Highline Public Schools, but it would be typical for any kind of search situation within a mile or two. (Added: Commenters say Shorewood Elementary is in lockdown too.)

10:22 AM: Here’s what Sgt. West just told us: Deputies pulled over a car that turned out to be stolen. One man who had a car-theft warrant out for his arrest took off running. He is a light-complexion Hispanic male in his 30s, puffy gray sweatshirt, blue jeans. They advise staying in your house because they have a K-9 search going on. We also have received the message that Highline Schools is sending to parents. From district spokesperson Catherine Carbone Rogers:

This morning at about 9:35 a.m. we were advised to go into a modified lockdown due to police activity in the area. This is a standard precautionary measure.

The safety of our students is our number one priority. During a modified lockdown, students can move about inside the school but not outside. For the safety of both students and parents, we do not alert parents while a lockdown is in progress or allow students to contact their parents by cell phone. This is an emergency management best practice. Police do not want parents to come to school to retrieve their children, because that could put the parent in danger and/or could compromise the police investigation.

Please know that your child’s safety is the central purpose of all our emergency procedures.

And Sgt. West reiterates that if you see or hear anything/anyone suspicious, call 911.

10:42 AM: Sgt. West says they arrested the suspect.

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