Marijuana-business Q&A and more at North Highline Unincorporated Area Council’s November meeting

November 3rd, 2017 Tracy Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news 2 Comments »

By Tracy Record
White Center Now editor

What’s been a concern for a long time – the concentration of marijuana stores in North Highline – was aired Thursday night at the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting, with a panel of state and county reps answering questions.

MARIJUANA DISCUSSION: Panelists were State Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon, regulations analyst Frank O’Dell, enforcement Capt. Tim Thompson, and licensing supervisor Mistie Jones from the state Liquor and Cannabis Board; Karen Freeman from the King County Executive’s office; associate planner Jake Tracy and planner Kevin LeClair from the county planning department.

“You’re saturated with the retail stores,” O’Dell acknowledged in response to the opening question by NHUAC president Liz Giba about how this area compares to others in terms of the presence of marijuana businesses. Nine of the 17 unincorporated-area licensees are in North Highline, O’Dell said. “What sticks out like a sore thumb is that you have more than 50 percent of the retail stores in unincorporated King County in this community.”

Why is that?

“Because the license applicants chose this community,” O’Dell said.

Tracy explained that retail businesses are allowed in two zones. Over the years, King County has lost some of those zones as unincorporated areas have become parts of cities. So this area is the largest remaining in that zoning class. Also, landlords’ willingness to rent to these types of businesses can be a factor, he said.

Next question – how does the density of those businesses compare to nearby areas such as Burien and West Seattle? (We know the latter has two. Burien has two, someone from the audience said.) O’Dell said the state originally planned to allocate 334 licenses for stores. Then a bill passed asking LCB to look into more licenses, so “the board decided to add 222 additional, for 556 total.” Some cities were “allocated specific numbers,” he said, “so they won’t all congregate in one specific area.”

Cities and counties can impose their own limits on how many stores, O’Dell said after a back-and-forth about allotment of licenses per specific areas.

“So shouldn’t someone who wants to open a store get a license from the state before applying to the county?” asked Giba.

O’Dell said you would think – but there’s no state law that says they have to get the state license first. Tracy said that multiple jurisdictions are often involved in situations where someone is pursuing a new enterprise – like a development project, for example. He also said that the county does include “community business zones” that could be eligible for marijuana stores, in Fall City, for example.

The possibility of expanding the areas is under study by the County Council, an attendee pointed out.

Freeman explained, “When the county took a look at where they wanted to make this use available, the zones they chose were community business and regional. Then we heard from the community a concern about the number of stores, so we put in a new buffer. The council said, let’s take a look at other zones and have a study. That study is under way.” Yes, but that study was due last December, per an attendee. Freeman said the delay was because it was under the purview of a fee-funded department.

Another attendee said he’s visited local marijuana stores and is “pretty impressed by how they work,” but the concentration bothers him because it’s potentially affecting property values and the crime rate. “You can’t have it all in one concentration area, which isn’t good for the community.”

Freeman said that’s what the “buffer” was about. LeClair elaborated on it, saying that after the businesses clustered in North Highline and Skyway/West Hill, the council said that no two businesses can open within 1,000 feet of each other (though the existing ones are grandfathered – “we can’t put legitimate legal businesses out of business (because of this) unintended consequence”).

Can marijuana excise tax be used for more research or something else to alleviate the situation? an attendee asked. Freeman said that the money received from that tax goes to the King County Sheriff’s Office, as it has to be used for enforcement-related activities. How much money does it generate? asked Giba. “$1.1 million to unincorporated King County in the most recent fiscal year,” said O’Dell.

NHUAC vice president Barbara Dobkin said she had heard the Sheriff’s Office say the money went to cover part of its budget gap, not to fund anything new. Freeman used that opportunity to mention the archaic system of how the county is funded.

If money is supposed to be generated by permit fees from projects, another attendee said, why are some projects being built without permits, according to online records (or lack of them)?

LeClair said, “The state of things with code enforcement, which is what you are talking about … The great majority … do the right thing and get permits when it’s required. There’s going to be people who don’t. We don’t have enforcement officers rolling around the streets looking at projects saying, did they get a permit or not?” If you know of something without a permit, tell the county, he urged. Freeman echoed that the county expects residents to be their partners in flagging things like this.

Dobkin then brought up a past meeting at which they were told that White Center wasn’t going to have any marijuana stores, and then something changed and the community wasn’t told, before all the stores started popping up.

Couldn’t the stores be taxed to help pay for enforcement and other needs? someone asked. That wasn’t directly answered.

Next question was for Rep. Fitzgibbon. Could he introduce legislation that could affect “this particular situation where King County says our hands are tied… and yet we have these very disproportionate uses … going on?”

Fitzgibbon said theoretically a state law could be passed to close some of those businesses but he thinks it would be very difficult if they are up and running and following the law. He said he thinks it likely that some of them will eventually go out of business, and because of the buffer law, they won’t be replaced. (It was pointed out later that a store can change hands, and if it’s not closed for more than six months in the meantime, it can reopen.) Fitzgibbon also wondered if the state could set aside the money generated by White Center to be used for the needs of White Center – instead of having KCSO use it to cover a budget gap, he said he thinks it would have been great for it to have been used to hire extra deputies for the area. But “my preferred option would be just to get them more money,” and there could be multiple ways to do that.

Tracy added that if a store closes for at least 6 months, it will no longer be “vested” and can’t reopen in that location. He too agreed “the number probably will go down over the years.”

The robberies at the local shops and the “cost to the community” was brought up; nobody on the panel had stats on that, though Giba recounted the robberies that had been reported in recent months. “But to be fair, 7-11 in Top Hat has been robbed,” pointed out an attendee.

LeClair asked O’Dell if there’s a differentiation between stores with and without medical endorsements. Short answer, no.

Another attendee wondered about the local stores’ security.

Capt. Thompson said every retail licensee has requirements for alarms and surveillance cameras, as well as “quarantine areas” with 24/7 surveillance. “When you hear about robberies, first thing the Sheriff’s Office does is pull that video – that’s helped catch a lot of (suspects) … but a lot of these are smash and grab type things,” he said. O’Dell said that the stores are required to keep their security video for at least 45 days. And if you have suggestions for more security rules, you can send those comments to the state.

Were liquor stores ever this concentrated? someone asked. Rep. Fitzgibbon said, not the state-run stores, but cannabis stores are privately operated and so go into competition with each other. He said in retrospect, the buffer would have been good to have from the start.

The discussion also veered back into history – including the unregulated medical-marijuana “dispensary” days. Now, as Fitzgibbon explained, there’s just one category of store, but it can get a “medical endorsement”; there are tougher rules for people’s eligibility for medical-grade products. The bill was passed just two years ago so Fitzgibbon says it would be good to get feedback on how the prescribing process is going.

So if marijuana is legal in general, why do you need a medical-marijuana card? For one, patients don’t pay the taxes for their medicine, “but we weren’t just going to grant that tax break for everybody,” Rep. Fitzgibbon explained. Also, patients are allowed to grow some at home.

What happens to the marijuana stores open now, if North Highline is annexed? Freeman explained that Seattle is the only entity that is currently eligible to annex the area, since Burien removed it from their potential annexation area. She said Seattle continues to “work on an annexation proposal.” But now Seattle is on the brink of another mayoral change, and, she said that city staffer Kenny Pittman continues working on a proposal that would be up to voters to decide the fate of.

Giba brought up the case of the marijuana-production/processing facility that for a while was proposed for the lower level of the building where Beer Star, Li’l Woody’s, and CTO are now open. LeClair said that they had to seek a “conditional use permit” because of the size of the area of the building they were proposing using for marijuana drying. Giba said they only found out because of a mailing to “property owners within 500 feet.” She notes that most property owners in the area are not community members, so “much of the community was not notified.” Wouldn’t 1,000-foot notification be better? LeClair said he thought that’s a good suggestion, but “it just wasn’t something we thought to do at the time. … (but) as evidenced by the amount of feedback we got, people heard about it.” Dobkin said, “People heard about it because we spread the word.” The county published official notice in two “newspapers,” said LeClair, and they have notices online. (Still not high visibility, it was noted.)

The project eventually couldn’t go forward because it was too close to a school, Giba noted – the nearby businesses that cater to families, such as Full Tilt Ice Cream and Southgate Roller Rink, didn’t factor into it, but, she thinks, should have. Rep. Fitzgibbon says there certainly could be legislative discussion of changes to the buffer zone. The LCB’s O’Dell said that Full Tilt didn’t qualify as an “arcade,” though it has games, so didn’t fall under rules relating to distance between marijuana businesses and those types of facilities.

But Fitzgibbon pointed out that the buffers already existing mean that marijuana businesses are only allowed in certain areas, which has led to concentrations such as SODO.

An attendee asked about the huge mixed-use project being built in Top Hat on the former supermarket site. LeClair talked about how long that site had remained empty and how much the county wanted to see it be redeveloped. And, he told someone else who asked, its retail can’t have marijuana stores because that would be within the 1,000-foot buffer of the existing stores.

Toward the end of the discussion, there was more talk about the distribution of stores around King County. Freeman pointed out that some cities banned them altogether – and can’t be forced to accept them. And again, she noted that urban, unincorporated King County is now a relatively small area, “and that’s part of the issue.” Giba wondered if King County could have appealed the state’s designated allocation of stores. “No,” said O’Dell. She also said it was a lot of time and trouble to pursue an appeal in the case of the marijuana-processing facility without knowing that it didn’t have a state license anyway – a license without which it couldn’t operate, but there was no requirement that it get the license. It was a lot of wasted time and trouble for the applicant, too, said LeClair: “We had (staffers) processing plans that were never going to come to fruition,” since the applicant said they were willing to take the risk. “I’m sorry the community had to go through the trouble … but from our standards we felt they met the criteria.”

“But they didn’t tell us until the late afternoon before the pre-hearing conference with the hearing examiner,” protested Giba.

“Same here,” said LeClair. (Apparently the applicant thought they would have been getting a license transferred from Enumclaw.)

Freeman promised to take the concerns back regarding possible changes to the process.

Dobkin asked her about the county continuing to allow densification despite saying it doesn’t have the services to support density in unincorporated urban areas like this.

“We don’t build,” said Freeman.

“But you permit,” said Dobkin.

“But you are an urban area,” retorted Freeman. “… the county’s zoning and our processes and administrative rules are designed at rural levels, that’s what we do. I hear you. (But) until urban unincorporated areas get to 50 + 1” (in favor of annexing to a city) “we are stuck in this very uncomfortable situation.”

The question came back around again, what exactly does marijuana tax money pay for, and do tax dollars generated in North Highline, for example, get spent specifically in North Highline? Enforcement is the stipulation for what the money goes toward, but exactly what “enforcement” means, is up to the local recipient – the King County Sheriff’s Office, in this case, and they decide “where to put those dollars,” Freeman said, as well as what the money goes toward.

Also at Thursday night’s meeting:

COALITION FOR DRUG-FREE YOUTH: The coalition’s Maddison Story explained the group‘s work to NHUAC – it works under Navos, with prevention teams at Cascade Middle School and Evergreen High Schol, life-skills training at Cascade, a parenting-skills program for Latino and Somali families, countywide “multilingual media campaigns,” and community surveys “to assess awareness levels and attitudes of community on drug/alcohol use” – among other work. In some of the survey results from last year, their results showed:

Community perceptions include that more than two-thirds of people surveyed believe that alcohol and marijuana use are problems in the community, and that both are easy for youth to access. Right now, this year’s survey is under way (we’ll add the link when we have it); the coalition also invites you to its monthly meetings – next one is 12-1:30 pm at Seola Gardens Community Room, 11215 5th SW.

OTHER BUSINESS: An open house is planned for the Boulevard Park Library project, 6:30-8 pm Thursday, November 16th (12015 Roseberg Avenue S.): “Learn about the upcoming interior remodel. Meet the team from Building Work Architecture,” invites the flyer.

The North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meets first Thursdays most months, 7 pm, at North Highline Fire District HQ. Between meetings, watch for updates at

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SATURDAY: White Center Community Summit 2017

November 1st, 2017 Tracy Posted in White Center Community Development Association, White Center news Comments Off on SATURDAY: White Center Community Summit 2017

Signed up yet? The White Center Community Development Association presents this year’s WC Community Summit on Saturday, 9 am-3 pm at Evergreen High School. Free child care, food, raffle. Just sign up – which you can do by going here. This year’s topics include displacement, the 2017 WC Community Survey, affordable housing, knowing your rights, and immigration.

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About those temporary cameras in downtown White Center: Traffic studies for RapidRide H Line

October 31st, 2017 Tracy Posted in Transportation, White Center news Comments Off on About those temporary cameras in downtown White Center: Traffic studies for RapidRide H Line

Several people have asked us about those temporary cameras installed in downtown White Center – the photo above is from Jesse. We recognized them as the type used for traffic-data collection, but the question was – who is collecting the data? So we started with the King County Department of Transportation, and it turns out we guessed correctly. The studies are for the upcoming conversion of Metro Route 120 into the RapidRide H Line:

It is vital to thoroughly assess any routes as Metro plans for service. Street cameras in the vicinity of 98th and 16th in White Center are there to assess traffic data for the upcoming expansion of the Rapid Ride H Line. King County Metro will alert the public to participate in surveys on the new line, most likely by mid-November.

We should get word of that survey sometime after Veterans Day. Meantime, KCDOT explains that the cameras are being used “for a variety of assessments: Speed and reliability, difficult turns, traffic flow, etc.” The H Line conversion is currently expected to happen in 2020.

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North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting Thursday: ‘Important conversation about our community and marijuana’

October 30th, 2017 Tracy Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news Comments Off on North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting Thursday: ‘Important conversation about our community and marijuana’

First Thursday of the month happens this week, and that means the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meets. This month’s centerpiece topic: Marijuana. The announcement:

North Highline Unincorporated Area Council Meeting
When: Thursday, November 2, 2017 at 7 pm
Where: North Highline Fire Station at 1243 SW 112th Street in White Center
(Parking and Entrance are in the Back of the Station)

The Opportunity to Be Informed, Be Involved and Be Heard!

I-502, the initiative that legalized marijuana in Washington, passed in November of 2012.

How is I-502 working in North Highline?

Is the marijuana industry becoming the latest “poverty industry” in North Highline and King County?
Or, are Top Hat and White Center becoming the “New Amsterdam” of King County?

Let’s have a conversation! Please join NHUAC, State Representative Joe Fitzgibbon, representatives of Washington State’s Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB), Jake Tracy of King County’s Department of Permitting and Environmental Review (DPER) in an important conversation about our community and marijuana. Maddison Story of the Coalition for Drug-Free Youth will also join us for our input on the Coalition’s annual survey.

This is an opportunity to gather information, ask questions, and share your thoughts with our governments and neighbors.

Good of the Order: Do you have something of community import on your mind? Join us and share!

See you Thursday, November 2, 2017 at 7 pm – Because Knowledge Is Power

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AT THE LIBRARY: Area author Linnea Westerlind speaks today

October 28th, 2017 Tracy Posted in White Center Library, White Center news Comments Off on AT THE LIBRARY: Area author Linnea Westerlind speaks today

The White Center Library has many programs and presentations throughout the year – and today (Saturday, October 28th) you’ll hear from a local author. Linnea Westerlind of West Seattle speaks at 11 am:

Learn about the history and key features of Seattle’s amazing parks in this fun presentation! Author Linnea Westerlind has visited each of Seattle’s 426 city parks, an effort which she documented on her blog, — making her the absolutely perfect person to guide you to just the right park for your picnic, an outing with the kids, family reunion, or simply a fun new place to explore.

Her visits have resulted in the first guide to Seattle parks in decades, “Discovering Seattle Parks: A Local’s Guide.” She’ll be signing and selling copies, too. The WC library is at 1409 SW 107th.

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DRUG TAKE-BACK DAY: Saturday dropoff event at Steve Cox Memorial Park

October 25th, 2017 Tracy Posted in King County Sheriff's Office, Steve Cox Memorial Park, White Center news Comments Off on DRUG TAKE-BACK DAY: Saturday dropoff event at Steve Cox Memorial Park

Announced today by the King County Sheriff’s Office – a Drug Take-Back Day event in White Center on Saturday:

The community is invited to bring prescription drugs (and any other drug) to this event to dispose of safely. The program is designed to protect the identity of anyone bringing material to the event. No questions are asked and no information is obtained. The Youth of the White Center PAL Boxing Club will be there to assist the public in placing the drugs into a secure bin for proper disposal.

Who may attend: Open to the public

What: Free drug disposal

Where: Steve Cox Building (White Center), 1327 SW 102nd St.

When: Saturday, October 28th, 2017, 10 am-2 pm

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NORTH HIGHLINE FIRE DISTRICT: Revenue-related public hearing November 6th

October 22nd, 2017 Tracy Posted in North Highline Fire District, White Center news 1 Comment »

Announced by the North Highline Fire District:


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the North Highline Fire District Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing to:

Review revenue sources for the District’s 2018 expense budget including property taxes and possible increases in property tax revenues per RCW 84.55.120,


Review and establish the Fire District’s benefit charge to be imposed in 2018, per RCW 52.18.060(2).

Fire Station 18
1243 SW 112th Street

November 6, 2017 at 7 pm

Here’s backstory on the benefit charge.

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WHITE CENTER WEATHER: Wednesday night power outage

October 18th, 2017 Tracy Posted in Utilities, Weather, White Center news 2 Comments »

6:18 PM: More than 3,800 homes and businesses are without electricity as a result of the storm – starting in southeast White Center and vicinity, as shown on the map above, and heading south into Top Hat and part of Burien. Any other storm effects in WC/North Highline? Let us know, text/voice 206-293-6302.

7:21 PM: Most have their power back, according to the City Light outage map – which has only about 200 customers still out of electricity.

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UPDATE: Helicopter search in North Shorewood

October 12th, 2017 Tracy Posted in Helicopter, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news 2 Comments »

(Photo by Gill Loring, added 4:41 pm)

FIRST REPORT, 3:39 PM: Thanks for the tips. Guardian One has been out over North Shorewood in what a deputy tells us is a search for at least one suspect – another may already be in custody – related to a stolen car.

4:41 PM UPDATE: Guardian One’s crew reported via Twitter that one person was in custody, two others being sought. And we’ve added a photo courtesy of Gill Loring – the stolen car, which had gone into a yard at 20th SW/SW 102nd.

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@ North Highline Unincorporated Area Council: The Myers Way dilemma

October 11th, 2017 Tracy Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news 2 Comments »

(NHUAC meeting video by David Krause)

By Marika Lee
Reporting for White Center Now

Despite miscommunication and accusations early on, Myers Way residents, King County officials, and Seattle’s director of homelessness agreed that there is no quick solution to the problems on Myers Way.

“We just can’t keep up with (the amount of homelessness). We have got to be more aggressive. We have got to figure out ways to do that,” Senior Deputy County Executive Fred Jarrett said at last week’s North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting, focused on the homelessness problem along Myers Way.

Concerns focus on two different situations: Camp Second Chance is the City of Seattle-sanctioned camp on the city-owned Myers Way Parcels, and unsanctioned camping in the woods on the other side of the street, along with long-running vehicle camping that has recently been swept.

Myers Way includes the border between the city of Seattle and King County. King County Sheriff John Urquhart, part of the panel at the NHUAC meeting, called it a “jurisdiction issue.”

“If they are living in the woods, there is not a lot that we can do about that. They are not trespassing if we do not have a victim to prosecute,” Urquhart said. The wooded area includes both city and state land.

Numerous residents of Myers Way and the surrounding neighborhood voiced their concerns about the two areas. One resident described the danger of driving down the street because of people wandering into traffic.

“I have heard that Camp Second Chance is in a state of implosion, that they are falling apart. That their structure is disintegrating. That they no longer have 24/7 guards in front of the gate. They are calling the police department regularly for response. We are hearing reports of violence. We are hearing reports of drug use,” a Myers Way resident said. (Recent trouble as the camp’s management changed was detailed in our report on the recent meeting of its Community Advisory Committee.)

Others described seeing people driving RVs into the woods, moving into a vacant house, and participating in drug use and prostitution.

Seattle’s Director of Homelessness George Scarola said he would look into the traffic issue, blocking off unofficial roads into the unsanctioned camp and doing a recount of people living in both camps. “We will work on the things that we can. I’ll get back involved with management,” Scarola said. The Low Income Housing Institute has taken over management. Arthur Warmoth, from LIHI, said the goal is to find housing for everyone in the camp and to reduce the amount of time people stay at the camp to three months. Residents and officials agreed that there is a lack of affordable housing for people to move into.

“We need to stem the tide of homelessness and people coming into homelessness as well. We don’t have enough resources to solve it,” said King County Council Chair Joe McDermott, who represents District 8 on the council, which includes White Center, West Seattle, and vicinity.

Multiple large-scale solutions were suggested throughout the meeting, such as creating an income tax or doing away with the 1 percent cap on property tax in addition to building more affordable housing.

“We have to figure out the subsidies for people to afford housing. It is a difficult problem. We are learning and trying new things,” Jarrett said.

In the short term, Urquhart encouraged people to call 9-1-1 if they see something and to know when they call what jurisdiction they are in so they are not transferred between his office, Seattle Police Department and State Patrol, which is a problem with mobile phone users.

“Call 9-1-1 if there is a problem. We are the government. We operate on statistics,” Urquhart said.

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BEFORE & AFTER: Steve Cox Memorial Park work-party photos

October 8th, 2017 Tracy Posted in Steve Cox Memorial Park, White Center news 2 Comments »

From Lina Rose with King County Parks:

I wanted to share the before and after of my event at Steve Cox.

We had such an awesome group of teen center staff and teens, and a community member. The site is now a beautiful and functional (mini natural area) part of the park.

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October 6th, 2017 Tracy Posted in Evergreen High School, Sports, White Center news Comments Off on EVERGREEN HIGH SCHOOL HOMECOMING: Here’s what’s happening

Thanks to the White Center Community Development Association for sending the info:

Friday, October 6th Evergreen High School is celebrating its 58th homecoming. Please join us for an evening of reminiscing as we support Evergreen HS Athletics! Alumni and community members are invited to participate in the following events:

Friday, October 6 – 11:00am
Evergreen High School
(830 SW 116th St, Seattle, WA 98146)

Tickets sold at the Gate- $6.00 Cash for adults
Friday, October 6 – 7:00 PM
Highline Memorial Stadium
400 S 156th St, Burien, WA 98148

Friday, October 6 – After the Homecoming Football Game*9:30PM
Azteca Mexican Restaurant
Address: 153 SW 157th St, Burien, WA 98166
There will be an opportunity to win amazing prizes like Evergreen SWAG and “White Center Night Out” date night package.

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THURSDAY: Myers Way homelessness in the spotlight @ North Highline Unincorporated Area Council

October 1st, 2017 Tracy Posted in Myers Way, North Highline UAC, White Center news 2 Comments »

As announced by the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council:

North Highline Unincorporated Area Council Meeting

When: Thursday, October 5, 2017 at 7 pm

Where: North Highline Fire Station at 1243 SW 112th Street in White Center 
 (Parking and Entrance are in the Back of the Station)

The Opportunity to Be Informed, Be Involved and Be Heard!

Please join NHUAC, King County Councilmember Joe McDermott, Sheriff John Urquhart, Senior Deputy County Executive Fred Jarrett, and Seattle’s Director of Homelessness, George Scarola, in what is sure to be an important conversation about homelessness on Myers Way.

The Committee to End Homelessness was supposed to complete its mission by 2015. It didn’t. Homelessness continues to increase. Some of the reasons are economic inequality, skyrocketing rents, and the elimination of affordable housing, especially in Seattle. Research shows that every $100 rent increase leads to a 15 percent increase in the number of people pushed into homelessness.

Many found Myers Way. Camp Second Chance was eventually sanctioned by Seattle. However, there are an unknown number of campers living in the woods surrounding Camp Second Chance. Residents of North Highline and Seattle have been frustrated with the changes along Myers Way. It is time to have a conversation!

Good of the Order: Do you have something of community import on your mind? Join us and share!

See you Thursday, October 5, 2017 at 7 pm – Because Knowledge Is Power!

P.S. The community advisory committee for Camp Second Chance met today, and we’ll have that report sometime in the next 24 hours.

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NEXT SATURDAY: Can you help out at Steve Cox Memorial Park?

September 30th, 2017 Tracy Posted in How to Help, Steve Cox Memorial Park, White Center news Comments Off on NEXT SATURDAY: Can you help out at Steve Cox Memorial Park?

Volunteers needed on Saturday, October 7th! Here’s the announcement:

Join King County Parks in beautifying the front of Steve Cox Memorial Park home of the historic Log Cabin. Volunteers are needed to help plant shrubs and groundcover to the front of the park and the area in front of the White Center Sheriff’s storefront. Event is from 10 am-2 pm. All tools are provided and no experience is needed! Please contact Lina Rose for more information on the project and to sign up – 206.491.5014, Everyone is welcome!

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MYERS WAY: Camp Second Chance Community Advisory Committee meets Sunday

September 29th, 2017 Tracy Posted in Myers Way, White Center news Comments Off on MYERS WAY: Camp Second Chance Community Advisory Committee meets Sunday

For the first time since the Low-Income Housing Institute (LIHI) has taken over as the operator of Seattle-sanctioned Camp Second Chance on Myers Way, the camp’s Community Advisory Committee will meet this Sunday. The public is welcome at the meeting, 2 pm at Arrowhead Gardens; we confirmed the time/date today with LIHI rep Josh Castle. Conditions on Myers Way outside the camp also tend to come up at the committee meetings, and Seattle Police have swept both sides of the street recently – on the west side, to create a walkway to and from transit facilities at AG, on the east side, to enforce parking regulations, according to what SPD Southwest Precinct Operations Lt. Ron Smith told the Highland Park Action Committee this past Wednesday night.

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Steve Cox Memorial Park solar installation to get $ from Seattle City Light

September 29th, 2017 Tracy Posted in Steve Cox Memorial Park, Utilities, White Center news 2 Comments »

Just announced by Seattle City Light:

Thanks to the generous contributions of Seattle City Light customers, seven local organizations will receive Green Up grants totaling nearly $1 million to support renewable energy projects and education. The seven organizations will use the grants to help install solar panels at 14 public school, affordable housing, and community-based locations.

“Over 13,000 generous community members are investing in a clean, sustainable energy future by sending a few dollars each month to purchase renewable energy credits through our Green Up program,” said City Light Customer Energy Solutions Director Craig Smith. “City Light is proud to be the steward of this grant and part of the community partnership that will benefit our schools, affordable housing, parks, and hospitals.”

Grant recipients are:

· Seattle Public Schools – $150,000 for solar installations at Bailey Gatzert Elementary, Ballard High School, Denny International Middle School, South Shore K-8 School, Hazel Wolf K-8 ESTEM School and Arbor Heights Elementary
· King County Parks — $119,014 for a solar installation at the Steve Cox Community Center
· Seattle Parks — $50,000 for a solar installation at the Brig at Magnuson Park
· Seattle Colleges — $200,000 for a solar installation at Seattle Central College
· Harborview Medical Center — $50,000 for a solar installation at the hospital
· Capitol Hill Housing – three grants totaling $225,000 for solar installations at three affordable housing complexes – the Elizabeth James House, Ponderosa Apartments and El Nor Apartments
· Pacific Science Center — $164,851 for a solar installation at the center

“We will soon be able to power the White Center community center and the adjacent basketball court using only clean, renewable energy,” King County Executive Dow Constantine said. “Our partnership with Seattle City Light will accelerate the work we are doing to transform Steve Cox Memorial Park into a model for sustainable operations.”

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King County may have $ for you: Unincorporated Areas Grant Program application time

September 28th, 2017 Tracy Posted in King County, White Center news Comments Off on King County may have $ for you: Unincorporated Areas Grant Program application time

Have an idea that needs $? The county might be able to help. This week’s announcement:

CSA Unincorporated Areas Grant Program

Purpose: The purpose of the Community Engagement Grants is to fund community projects that offer unincorporated area residents in the Community Service Areas an opportunity to participate and be more connected in their communities. Funded projects must demonstrate how activities are accessible to all residents regardless of race, income, or language spoken.

DUE: Applications are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, November 17, 2017.

Funds Available: A total of $90,000 will be reimbursed for projects in 2018. The King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks Community Service Areas Program will provide funds to selected projects through a letter of award and Memorandum of Agreement. Amounts will be limited to less than $5,000 per project.

Please use the King County Community Service Areas Grant Program Application Template for your application.

Applications must be received by 5 p.m. on November 17, 2017 via the following:


Physically at the following location:

Dept. of Natural Resources and Parks, Director’s Office ATTN: Marissa Alegria
201 South Jackson Street, Suite 700
Seattle, WA 98104

The application packet is available (here).

Marissa Alegria, CSA Grant staff lead will be available to respond to questions by phone at 206-477-4523 or e-mail at or by setting up an appointment to meet at a more convenient location.

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TUESDAY: White Center Heights Elementary playground celebration

September 25th, 2017 Tracy Posted in Schools, White Center news Comments Off on TUESDAY: White Center Heights Elementary playground celebration

(Highline Public Schools photo from June)

Organizers tell us “the whole community” is invited – so that means you, if you can be there! At 11 am tomorrow – Tuesday (September 26th) – a new playground will be dedicated for the Head Start program at White Center Heights Elementary (10015 6th SW). Seattle Seahawks player Tyler Lockett is scheduled to be there, along with leaders from UnitedHealthcare, Highline Public Schools, and the Puget Sound Educational Service District. UnitedHealthcare provided a $15,000 grant to Lockett’s Dreambuilders program to pay for the new playground and equipment.

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SUNDAY: Awareness march in White Center, South Delridge

September 24th, 2017 Tracy Posted in West Seattle, White Center, White Center news Comments Off on SUNDAY: Awareness march in White Center, South Delridge

The Salvation Army invites you to join an awareness-raising march this afternoon (September 24th). From Capt. Lisa Barnes:

The Salvation Army is hosting a march down 16th Ave this Sunday. We will be walking just 4 blocks each way as we raise awareness for those currently enslaved around the world. We will start at The Salvation Army at 1:15 and be finished by 3:00 at the latest. This is a free event and we will be providing materials for signs.

Organizers add, “This will be the kickoff event for a group of people who are justice minded, and ready to make a difference for trafficked people in our neighborhoods. … This is not a political march. This is a march for freedom, for unity, for awareness, and for community.” The Salvation Army is at 9050 16th SW; the march will be on sidewalks, not the street.

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SATURDAY: Seattle Pacific University students sprucing up park

September 23rd, 2017 Tracy Posted in Parks, White Center news 1 Comment »

(Reader photo, added 12:35 pm)

From Seattle Pacific University:

Before classes begin at Seattle Pacific University, more than 700 students, faculty, and staff, will spend Saturday, September 23, cleaning up parks, removing invasive plants in local creeks, and working in homeless shelters as part of SPU’s commitment to community engagement.

SPU students will be in White Center (24th Ave SW and SW 102nd Street) on Saturday, September 23, from 10:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Their tasks will include removing weeds such as English ivy and Himalayan blackberry from an area in the park.

The annual event known as “CityQuest” is a way to introduce new students to the many community service organizations throughout the area. Students will work at more than 25 locations throughout Seattle.

ADDED SATURDAY NIGHT: We stopped by toward the end of the event and caught the volunteers in action:

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