FOLLOWUP: White Center scooter-sharing plan gets County Council committee OK

September 18th, 2019 Tracy Posted in King County, Transportation, White Center news Comments Off on FOLLOWUP: White Center scooter-sharing plan gets County Council committee OK

The e-scooter-sharing pilot project proposed for White Center, noted here last week, went before the King County Council’s Mobility and Environment Committee today. The minutes show it won unanimous approval from the six councilmembers present. Read the full proposal here. Next step: Full council vote.

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VIDEO: Updates and answers from King County reps at annual North Highline ‘Town Hall’ in White Center

September 17th, 2019 Tracy Posted in King County, White Center news 4 Comments »

By Tracy Record
White Center Now editor

At last year’s King County “town hall” for North Highline, attendees heard about the then-impending Department of Local Services launch.

This year – the new department’s director John Taylor emceed the event, held last Thursday night at Seola Gardens.

We recorded it all – in two videos, first the presentation, then the Q&A:


King County Councilmember Joe McDermott‘s opening remarks highlighted:

*Council’s $315 million investment in children
*”Regional entity” to be created for responding to homelessness crisis – he believes it needs a more regional response
*Disappointed in Senior Centers being left out in levy funding – Vashon, West Seattle (as reported on our partner site WSB), SeaTac, Burien – from levy; he’s talking about it with executive branch
*Banning fireworks, as he discussed at this month’s North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting – mentions deadly fire last 4th of July
*Transportation – electric scooters pilot project (to be considered by a council committee this week) is “a real opportunity”

Next to speak, Elections Director Julie Wise
*Believes 85 percent of eligible voters are registered
*Reminds you that you’ll get ballot three weeks before election
*Lots of elections next year – presidential primary in March, regular primary in August, general in November
*”I believe my job is to remove barriers” and enthuses about postage-paid mail ballots plus 68 dropboxes

Then Rich Watson from Assessor’s Office
*Starting in 2020 new threshold for seniors’ property tax exemption – ceiling raised from $40K to $58K (65% of county median income). Intent of program “to keep seniors in their homes”
*Property values are flat – 5% or less
*Taxpayer Transparency Tool – also will show you how a ballot initiative will affect your property values

King County Sheriff’s Office Major Jesse Anderson followed
*He’s been precinct commander for 1 1/2 months
*The K1 sector had 1872 calls in the most recently tallid quarter
*Part 1 crimes – more violent + burglaries – 75 to 100 a month this year, up a bit from last year
*Auto Theft spiked in spring but then dropped
*VUCSA (drugs) – made quite a few arrests in summer
*Gang-related fairly flat
*Robberies flat
*Commercial burglaries up in August, detectives working hard on that
*5 to 15 residential burglaries a month

Then back to Taylor, who quickly noted that Local Services puts out quarterly reports. Also, it has field-office days at the KCSO office in White Center – 10 am-3 pm Thursdays. Taylor said it’s “important to be out talking to people.”

He also noted that the second community forum on the Sub-Area Plan is set for 6-8 pm September 23rd at Seola Gardens.

Next, Robert Burns from DNRP
*They want to add green space in White Center and throughout the fall will work with community members regarding where that should be and how it’s used.

Josh Baldi with Water and Surface Water Management
*They inspect facilities like stormwater ponds, businesses (140 or so per quarter), public outreach/education …they’ve long been monitoring Hicklin Lake and are seeing grants to help with that.

Katie Terry, acting Parks director, talks about the just-passed levy
*improvements at Dick Thurnau Park
*Growing/connecting open space – researching “a couple of” White Center properties
*Improving mobility through local trails – like, extend Green River Trail to meet up with Duwamish River trail
*More accessible – like fixing drainage at Steve Cox Park

Jim Chen, permitting
*2,400+ permits in first half of year
* – expand online options – up to 52% of permits are handled online – once single-family permits are online, probably up to 70 percent
*Code Enforcement is one of their services
*Planning – June of 2020 is when they plam to deliver North Highline Subarea Plan
*This will set the stage for what can be built over the next 10-15 years

Road Services director
*1500 miles of road, 182 bridges, about 200 line staff who maintain that area
*They don’t see all the details so they need your help reporting it (here’s how)
*Very busy in WC – investing $400,000 in sidewalks, also improved striping, signs

Terry White from Metro
*He grew up in this area
*”Everybody deserves to move” – we don’t want to be like LA where you can’t move

Mark Ellerbrook of Housing, Homelessness, and Community Development
*White Center is an example of how city/county need to work together – positive feedback for Mary’s Place shelter
*WC Hub project (8th/108th), future vision for that site – “has a fair ways to go” – office, services, housing all in one spot – WCCDA, SWYFS, CHH – Probably a year away from applying for funding, another year for permit, so construction probably 3 years away
*Looking at microhousing demonstration project – what would it look like – in WC – ordinance due to council in December

From there, it was Q&A time. Some of the highlights (watch the video for everything):

Q: What about the floating islands in Hicklin Lake?
Baldi: They are legendary, were successful, felt good about the project.

Q: Why site microhousing in WC?
Ellerbrook: Lots of interest around it – what the county is doing is setting up zoning that would allow it to occur; a private developer would develop it. A 50-unit project is proposed (he stresses again they’re pushing for comments – council will consider demonstration ordinance). One rural project is proposed (Vashon), one urban (WC).

Comment: 4th SW is one lane feeding into Olson/Myers, everyone gets stuck behind someone turning left
Roads: It’s a KCHA project but come talk to us so we can get it investigated,

Q: What’s the 8th/102nd construction near WC Heights Elementary?
Roads: Sidewalks at each corner by the roundabout but no continued sidewalk on 8th. They tried for a grant, haven’t been successful yet.

Comment: The report earlier in the week on kids needing more play time seems counter to the White Center Hub taking away greenspace.

Comment: Trash pickup in WC has gotten better. Taylor says he used to work in solid waste, so that’s a big issue for him.

There was more discussion of the proposed microhousing.

Q: What is county doing to support Duwamish Tribe and get them recognition?

McDermott: We don’t have a formal relationship but he’s been doing land recognition at the County Council – regarding the Longhouse safety concerns, he’s written letters in support of grants, and wrote recently to the mayor,

Q: How does Elections verify names?
Wise: They keep a file of signatures. Even hers has been challenged. They challenge about 2% every election.

A comment led to some discussion about tax-exempt property. It was pointed out that only about 3% of the area’s parcels fall into that category.

Councilmember McDermott closed out the meeting by mentioning a few more things in progress – an anti-displacement measure, a Renters Commission, and more. The Town Hall was summed up as a “fantastic conversation.”

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SATURDAY: First-ever Khmer Health Fair in White Center

September 16th, 2019 Tracy Posted in Health, White Center news 2 Comments »

Happening Saturday (September 21), 8 am-1 pm:

The Khmer Health Board is hosting its first-ever, FREE health fair to address health disparities in the local Khmer community in the greater Seattle area. The health fair will incorporate free health screenings, wellness services, and resource/education promotion to engage understanding on how to support Khmer American health needs. The Khmer Health Board’s mission is to advocate for health equity in their Khmer community by addressing the institutional and systemic barriers that impact the health, safety and well-being of the community.

The goal of the health fair is to improve the Khmer Seattle communities’ access to much-needed health screening, health education or other preventative services related to oral health, diabetes, immunizations, housing services, and counseling/mental services among others. Historically, Khmer American refugees have overall worse health outcomes than any other non-refugee Asian immigrant. Even decades after resettlement, well-being suffers in comparison to other ethnic groups. The health fair would emphasize a holistic approach to health and well-being for the local Khmer community.

By recognizing the problems in this group will allow for those that provide service to expand on what on supports and resources that currently exist. Common health and wellbeing issues today include legacies of historical trauma that have resulted in PTSD and put the community at higher risk of Hepatitis B, liver cancer, heart disease, and isolation continue to affect both individuals and families. The health fair can refer individuals to appropriate existing resources and intentionally create long-term support.

Khmer Americans rank among the highest in poverty and lowest in educational attainment. Along the low English proficiency, cultural differences, and distrust in American healthcare, this contributes to the Khmer community facing barriers in accessing treatment or preventive care. The health fair is a way for the Khmer Health Board to address the health problems that their own community faces in a culturally relevant way.

The event will take place on Saturday, September 21, 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM at White Center Community Center at Steve Cox Memorial Park. Contact Jennifer Huong at to learn more about the event or contribute as a sponsor.

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5 DAYS AWAY: White Center Community Development Association gala

September 15th, 2019 Tracy Posted in How to Help, White Center Community Development Association, White Center news Comments Off on 5 DAYS AWAY: White Center Community Development Association gala

Spend next Friday night at the White Center Community Development Association‘s annual gala! From the WCCDA website:


Keynote Speaker:

This year, we are honored to have Senator Joe Nguyen speaking at our Gala. He was born in White Center, raised in Burien and currently lives in West Seattle. His experiences growing up in an immigrant community as the son of Vietnamese refugees and being raised by a single mother informs much of his service today. Sen. Nguyen is not afraid to have the difficult conversations needed in our community. It will be a treat to listen to him on this night. Make sure you get your tickets!

There will be plenty of food, beer and wine, a photo booth and great raffles packages.

We have 3 Raffles Packages

“WHAT’S GOOD WHITE CENTER” White Center Experience
“WHAT’S UP SEATTLE?” Seattle Events
“GET OUT” Travel Tickets for 2 (two)


2931 1st Ave S

6 pm September 20th – get your ticket(s) here.

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COMMUNITY GIVING: North Shorewood Park cleanup

September 14th, 2019 Tracy Posted in Parks, White Center news Comments Off on COMMUNITY GIVING: North Shorewood Park cleanup

Thanks to Gill Loring for the photos and report from today’s volunteer event at North Shorewood Park.

Great turnout of hard workers from north Seattle to Kent. Got a bunch of needed work done clearing around and protecting current native plants as well as trees planted several years ago. Had one great family who frequents the Park help out including the one in the stroller!

Watch for word of your next chance to help!

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Will scooter-sharing launch in White Center?

September 13th, 2019 Tracy Posted in King County, Transportation, White Center news Comments Off on Will scooter-sharing launch in White Center?

It’s one of the things mentioned by County Councilmember Joe McDermott at last night’s Town Hall (full report to come) – his proposal for a pilot scooter-sharing program in White Center (and the rest of unincorporated North Highline). The council’s Mobility and Environment Committee may vot on the proposal next Tuesday; it meets downtown at 1:30 pm September 17th. You can read the proposed ordinance by going here. If approved, it would clear the way for up to two companies to provide e-scooter sharing in the area for a year-long pilot program starting this fall.

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REMINDER: County’s Town Hall Open House in White Center tonight

September 12th, 2019 Tracy Posted in King County, White Center news Comments Off on REMINDER: County’s Town Hall Open House in White Center tonight

Got questions? King County reps have answers. Tonight’s Town Hall Open House for North Highline is at 7 pm at Seola Gardens, as previously previewed here – you can also go as early as 6 pm and talk one-on-one with county reps.

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GET OUT! Youth need to move more, confirms new study unveiled in White Center

September 11th, 2019 Tracy Posted in Health, White Center news Comments Off on GET OUT! Youth need to move more, confirms new study unveiled in White Center

(WCN photos, video)

A new report unveiled Tuesday in White Center is aimed at getting more activity into more youths’ lives. Our photos and video are from the event at Steve Cox Memorial Park that accompanied this King County announcement:

Too many young people in King County – particularly in communities of color – face barriers to physical activity even in a region famous for outdoor recreation, a new study conducted by the University of Washington’s Center for Leadership in Athletics in partnership with King County Parks and the Aspen Institute found. A new coalition that will include local professional sports teams and community-based organizations will implement the report’s recommendations.

A new study found that less than 19 percent of youth in King County get the amount of physical activity recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a figure that is below the national average and declining.

The study – conducted by the University of Washington’s Center for Leadership in Athletics in partnership with King County Parks and The Aspen Institute – recommends empowering local schools to be community hubs for physical activity and improving transportation options that connect youth to parks and playfields.

King County and the UW Center for Leadership in Athletics today launched the Play Equity Coalition – a partnership of community-based organizations, school districts, local governments, and professional sports teams, including the Mariners, Sounders, Seattle’s NHL team – will help partners implement recommendations.

“We are doing more than ever to ensure that every child and youth in our rapidly growing region enjoys the proven physical, mental, and academic benefits of exercise. It is ingrained in the work we do with land conservation, Best Starts for Kids, the renewed Parks levy, and more,” said King County Executive Dow Constantine. “The report recommendations will help us create an unprecedented alliance of local governments, schools, community organizations, and professional sports teams, uniting our efforts so more kids can play.”

Authors of the study, called State of Play: Seattle-King County, found that while screen time may play some role in declining rates of physical activity there are many other barriers keeping youth from being physically active.

A key challenge, researchers say, is that access to physical activity in King County is inequitably distributed on multiple levels, including race, language, affluence, and physical ability. Among other findings in the report, youth who do not speak English at home are both less active and less likely to participate in organized physical activity than their English-speaking peers.

“In the report, we tried to prioritize the voices of youth and families most disenfranchised from physical activity in our region. Now we have to collectively commit to taking that data seriously. It’s time for King County to recognize the vital role that physical activity plays in community health and educational outcomes and do something bold to address the inequities in who plays sports, who has recess, and who has access to outdoor play spaces,” said Julie McCleery, research associate at the UW Center for Leadership in Athletics and the report’s principal investigator.

In addition to improving physical health, exercise promotes social and emotional learning that supports whole childhood development. Research also shows that physical activity improves school attendance and academic performance.

Researchers at the UW Center for Leadership in Athletics – based in the College of Education – conducted the eight-month study, which involved more than 1,600 parents, K-12 students, and coaches through surveys, interviews, and focus groups.

The Play Equity Coalition will unite the efforts of school districts, and community partners such as Baseball Beyond Borders and Congolese Integration Network as well as Seattle Children’s Hospital and the YMCA, in addition to professional sports teams. An example action the coalition will take is to develop an equity toolkit to help programs, investments, and agencies evaluate how existing programs and policies impact access.

Removing barriers to physical activity throughout King County

While King County is famous for its outdoor recreation opportunities, many young people do not have easy access to parks, trails, and greenspace. Executive Constantine’s Land Conservation Initiative – an ambitious plan to protect 65,000 acres of the last best open spaces within a single generation – is accelerating the protection of greenspace in urban areas.

The authors of the study cited Trailhead Direct – transit-to-trails service co-led by King County Metro and King County Parks – as a successful example of improving access. The service added a new route this season that starts and ends at Sound Transit’s Tukwila International Boulevard Station and connects to all hiking trails in the Trailhead Direct network.

Other examples of King County promoting physical activity include:

The King County Parks Levy – which voters recently renewed – will provide about $110 million in grant funding for a variety of park and recreation-related programs and capital projects, which will advance many of the recommendations included in the report.
King County Park’s provides funding for youth sports through a recently expanded program that now annually provides $2.5 million for programs and capital projects through a competitive process along with $1 million in discretionary grants awarded by King County Councilmembers.
Executive Constantine’s Best Starts for Kids initiative strategically invests in health and safe environments, including $640,000 for physical activity programs.
Still, researchers say more needs to be done to overcome the barriers to physical activity that many young people face, particularly in communities of color in South King County.

The study, for example, says programs should do more to provide information about activities in multiple languages. The study also recommends more innovative transportation partnerships similar to Trailhead Direct and free ORCA Opportunity cards for youth in less-affluent communities.

Researchers also recommend establishing schools as hubs for physical activity, launching a public health education campaign promoting the benefits of physical activity for youth, and providing program staff and policy-makers with an equity toolkit to help them make access to physical activity more equitable.

The research was guided by an advisory group of 27 representatives from Public Health – Seattle & King County, school districts, park agencies, nonprofits, professional sports teams, community recreation providers, and businesses.

The study was funded by the UW Center for Leadership in Athletics, King County Parks, Kaiser Permanente, Seattle Mariners, Bezos Family Foundation, YMCA of Greater Seattle, evo, and Seattle Children’s Hospital with in-kind donations from Amazon.

Among those at the announcement, local football legend Sonny Sixkiller:

And Highline Public Schools superintendent Dr. Susan Enfield:

She also declared that regarding making the study’s recommendations reality, Highline is “all in.”

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COUNTDOWN: 3 days until White Center Food Bank’s dinner/auction!

September 11th, 2019 Tracy Posted in How to Help, White Center Food Bank, White Center news Comments Off on COUNTDOWN: 3 days until White Center Food Bank’s dinner/auction!

Got your ticket(s) yet?

The White Center Food Bank’s 15th Annual Harvest Dinner & Auction fundraiser is September 14th from 6 PM – 10 PM at the Brockey Center at South Seattle College. The theme is “Growing Together” to celebrate what the food bank and its supporters have been growing together.

Keeping with the theme, WCFB will have a former Key Club volunteer from New Start High School share her story and how she has grown. WCFB will present The Doris Bemis Volunteer of the Year Award. Dinner will be served family style.

Featured items in the Live Auction include: “The Best of White Center” package, a fire hydrant from KC Water District 20, Dinner for 4 made by Chef Erik Jackson of Good Day Donuts, a kayaking trip for 2 in the San Juan Islands, and a farm to table dinner for 8 at WCFB featuring food grown onsite and Convergence Zone Cellars wine.

Tickets are $75. Get them here. Questions? Please email: or call 206-717-2531.

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Standing-room-only for public-safety-focused North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting

September 10th, 2019 Tracy Posted in North Highline Fire District, North Highline UAC, White Center news 4 Comments »

Toplines from the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council‘s September meeting last Thursday, as covered by WCN co-publisher Patrick Sand:

Big crowd – standing room only. About a third were there to talk about suspected drug houses; most of the rest were there because of the deadly 4th of July fire on 10th Avenue S. blamed on people setting off fireworks. including people who knew the victim, 70-year-old Roland Kennedy.

The night was all about public safety, in equal parts law enforcement and fire. Deputy Bill Kennamer started by saying violent crime in White Center was down 20% in August compared to a year earlier. He said that property crime remains constant, and that’s when the questions about the suspected drug houses started. He told the group that he and the other deputies who work the area are aware of all the locations mentioned. His main point is that the sheriff doesn’t always have the power to get people removed from a problem house. The example he gave is a house which was owned by a woman who left no will. He said that a bank will take over the house early next year, but between now and then there’s not much that can be done.

Questioners kept bringing up lack of response after calling 911. County Councilmember Joe McDermott said they should get involved in the meetings regarding the next 20-year master plan.

McDermott also talked about fireworks, showing fireworks debris a woman brought him after picking it up out of her front yard after the 4th last year. He and Chief Mike Marrs talked about what can and cannot be sold right now, what a partial ban would include, and what a total ban might mean.

But, they stressed. any measure by any city or county to ban fireworks cannot – by state law- go into effect until 12 months after the ban is approved. So if there was a ban passed right now, it wouldn’t take effect until after one more 4th of July.

McDermott and Marrs came down on the side of a total ban. While it might not stop fireworks from coming in from other jurisdictions, they said that it would greatly decrease fireworks use.

McDermott also said that he heard more complaints about fireworks this year from WC and Vashon than any other year he’d been in office.

Also at the meeting, 34th District State House Reps. Eileen Cody and Joe Fitzgibbon spoke. We recorded video:

They also talked about the fireworks-ban law, among other things.

One more crime note – Deputy Kennamer had to leave the meeting to be part of an emphasis patrol going on that night that stretched from 16th in downtown WC down Ambaum. Over a dozen deputies were called into the area to check for warrant violations and firearms. By the end of the meeting, KCSO said, 10 arrests had been made and 2 handguns were confiscated.

NHUAC meets first Thursdays most months, 7 pm at NH Fire District HQ. Watch for updates.

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SATURDAY: North Shorewood Park needs you!

September 9th, 2019 Tracy Posted in Parks, Shorewood, White Center news Comments Off on SATURDAY: North Shorewood Park needs you!

That’s everything you need to know about a great way to start your weekend – 9 am-1 pm Saturday (September 14th), North Shorewood Park needs TLC, and that means you. Thanks to Gill Loring for sharing the announcement!

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Camp Second Chance gets another 6-month extension

September 7th, 2019 Tracy Posted in Myers Way, White Center news Comments Off on Camp Second Chance gets another 6-month extension

The city of Seattle has announced that Camp Second Chance will get another six months – through March 2020 – on the city-owned Myers Way Parcels, just over the city-county line from unincorporated North Highline. For details, see our report on partner site West Seattle Blog.

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ROAD-WORK REMINDER: 8th/102nd roundabout

September 6th, 2019 Tracy Posted in Traffic, Transportation, White Center news 1 Comment »

Though the county had announced that work on the 8th/102nd was starting next month, apparently it didn’t, because we received word from Local Services today “that roundabout construction work on 8th Avenue SW and SW 102nd Street in White Center will begin next Monday, Sept. 9 (see alert). The work will last through early November and will require flaggers, who will guide both vehicle and pedestrian access.”

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SIGN’S UP: Biscuit Bitch prepares for Thursday opening

September 4th, 2019 Tracy Posted in Restaurants, White Center news Comments Off on SIGN’S UP: Biscuit Bitch prepares for Thursday opening

A week and a half ago, we reported that the White Center expansion of Biscuit Bitch had set September 5th as its opening date – and now one of the last big touches is complete: The up. Hours for starters will be Wednesdays-Fridays 7 am-2 pm and Saturdays-Sundays 8 am-3 pm, closed Mondays and Tuesdays.

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TOWN HALL TIME: King County reps coming to White Center on September 12

September 3rd, 2019 Tracy Posted in King County, White Center news Comments Off on TOWN HALL TIME: King County reps coming to White Center on September 12

It’s almost that time again – come talk with and hear from King County reps at the annual Unincorporated Area Town Hall Open House for North Highline. As the poster says, it’s set for 7-9 pm Thursday, September 12th, at the Seola Gardens community room (11215 5th Avenue SW). Doors will open at 6 so you can arrive early and talk with county reps one-on-one.

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What you’ll see and hear as North Highline Unincorporated Area Council reconvenes Thursday

September 1st, 2019 Tracy Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news Comments Off on What you’ll see and hear as North Highline Unincorporated Area Council reconvenes Thursday

Summer hiatus is over and the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council is back in session Thursday:

North Highline Unincorporated Area Council Meeting

When: Thursday, September 5, 2019 at 7 pm
Where: North Highline Fire Station at 1243 SW 112th Street in White Center
(Parking and Entrance are in the Back of the Station)

The Opportunity to Be Informed, Be Involved and Be Heard

Summer is almost over and NHUAC is back! All are welcome to join the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council’s monthly community meetings in NHFD’s White Center Fire Station (1243 SW 112th Street). on the first Thursday of most months.

September’s meeting will offer an opportunity to learn and share information about what has been happening over the summer as well as current and future events that will affect our community.

Major Jesse Anderson will make his first visit to NHUAC since taking over command of Precinct 4. Major Anderson replaced Major Bryan Howard who moved downtown as Chief of Patrol Operations. Major Anderson has a history in our community. He and Major Howard worked together in White Center 28 years ago. Do you have questions and thoughts you’d like to share with Major Anderson and Store Front Deputy Bill Kennamer? This is your chance!

You probably heard that North Highline resident Roland Kennedy and two of his family’s dogs died in a fireworks related tragedy on July 4th. Chief Mike Marrs will join us to discuss how this situation, which also left 13 people without homes can be avoided in the future.

State Representatives Eileen Cody and Joe Fitzgibbon will also join us to share their thoughts, hear concerns and offer their insights about how the legislature can help our community.

Knowledge Is Power. Learn, Share and Help Make Our Community A Better Place.

Thursday, September 5, 2019 at 7 pm

Bring a Friend!

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FYI: Crash investigation off 509

August 31st, 2019 Tracy Posted in Burien, Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, Traffic, White Center news 2 Comments »

If you’re headed southbound, an FYI from KCSO:

The photo and update are via Twitter: “Collision investigation in Burien near S 128/ SB on-ramp 509. Suspect vehicle fleeing a shoplift struck a truck at a high rate of speed. Police were not involved prior to the collision. Suspect vehicle passenger critical injuries. EB S 128 will be closed while MARR investigates.”

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Back-to-school giveaway at Greenbridge on Sunday

August 28th, 2019 Tracy Posted in Greenbridge, White Center news 1 Comment »

All are welcome to a back-to-school giveaway at Greenbridge, 1-5 pm Sunday (September 1st). Michelle Carter explains it’s a tribute to her nephew:

My nephew Trevon Mckoy, better known as Juice The God, was a humanitarian for his neighborhood, which is West Seattle. He was murdered April 1st, 2018 at Seattle Center. He loved to give back to his community, in fact (one Christmas) he went to White Center and gave his whole wardrobe away to those in need. So in honor of Trevon, myself and family decided to host a “Juice The God back to school giveaway.”

We are funding school supplies for elementary, middle, and high, as well as complimentary haircuts. There will be lots of food, fun, and laughter.

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Driver hits White Center Bartell Drugs building

August 26th, 2019 Tracy Posted in White Center news 6 Comments »

Startling sight at the northeast side of Bartell Drugs’ White Center building – a driver missed the turn snd hit the building instead. No injuries; we’re told the building damage will be assessed once the car is towed.

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Coffee with your State Senator Joe Nguyen on Tuesday

August 26th, 2019 Tracy Posted in Politics, White Center news Comments Off on Coffee with your State Senator Joe Nguyen on Tuesday

34th District State Sen. Joe Nguyen will be in White Center tomorrow for a unique coffee hour – as his office explains it, he’ll be at the WC Starbucks (9862 16th SW) 3-4 pm Tuesday (August 27th) “serving lattes and meeting with constituents to chat and take questions from behind the bar!” All welcome.

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