Big changes proposed for part of 16th SW in White Center, upzoning, fireworks ban, more @ North Highline Unincorporated Area Council’s first 2022 meeting

February 4th, 2022 Tracy Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news 5 Comments »

By Tracy Record
White Center Now editor

The biggest news from Thursday night’s North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting was also the shortest item on the agenda. That’s how the night began:

16TH SW RECHANNELIZATION PROJECT: Months after a hint that something was in the works for 16th SW, the proposal has been unveiled. Broch Bender from King County led off the meeting simply to say that 16th SW is being proposed for rechannelization between 100th and 107th, and a postcard is going out soon to residents and businesses within half a mile of the project zone. This stretch has seen more than 20 pedestrians hit – at least two killed – in the past decade.

As shown on the flyer, they’re asking you for opinions on two options – with or without bike lanes. In both options, general traffic lanes will be reduced from two each way to one each way, and parking will be added on at least one side of the road. Here they are in cross-section view.

You can tell King County what you think via this survey. The project website has even more details – including, at the bottom, the project budget (about $1 million) and a construction timeline – 2024.

Also at the NHUAC meeting:

ENVIRONMENT: Nicole Sanders had three environmental/sustainability topics to discuss – rebates proposed for electric-vehicle charging installed in affordable housing, for starters. She said some have contended it’s not needed but within a few years, EV pricing is expected to match gas, among other reasons. There’s no funding currently set aside for these possible rebates but that could change.

Second, greenhouse-gas mitigation – whether this should be required. State legislation might pre-empt local action, so they’re advising county council not to pursue any specific local legislation right now.

Third, research on whether “new fossil-fuel facilities” have enough financial coverage – insurance, etc. to cover possible impacts including pollution and disaster. Three types of facilities can be built in unincorporated King County.

Sanders reviewed where these types of facilities can go and what requirements there are. She showed where there’s industrial land in North Highline that could allow these types of facilities, but also said the likelihood of any getting proposed/built seems low. Then she showed the risks and possible reasons for financial-coverage needs. Here’s the timeline for possible legislation – look for a public-comment period to start at the end of March.

If you have a question:

No, this isn’t coming forth in anticipation of any of these types of proposals – but they just want to be ready, the county reps said, in case one does emerge someday.

NORTH HIGHLINE SUBAREA PLAN: Jacqueline Reid returned to NHUAC with an update. They’re currently going through all the public comments received last fall, with a revised draft policy due at the end of March. These are some of the topics that have come up:

Planned upzoning is in the yellowed areas on this unofficial map:

Reid showed where residential zoning currently allows 6 dwellings per acre and would be upzoned to 12 per acre

Height limits would stay the same – 35 feet. This upzoning could add eventually more than 1,000 units. There’s also a proposal to increase some areas even further – up to 18 or 24 units per acre:

R-24 would have a 60-foot height limit. Questions were asked about some neighborhoods that are now zoned R-6 suddenly leaping to R-24 – “is there a discussion about stepping” to cover the transition? “This seems like a huge upzone … with no transition.” Concerns also were raised about a lack of services and infrastructure in some of the areas proposed for upzoning. One attendee was concerned that North Highline is targeted for more than its share of growth; Reid said that was not the case.

Ultimately, it was pointed out that the state sets the numbers that local areas are expected to absorb, and that means their comprehensive plans have to show how they will do that. Not planning for growth is not an option. Funding could be withheld, for one.

FIREWORKS BAN: Local Services director John Taylor was there to talk about the new fireworks law. It kicks in this year. Public displays are still allowed with permits.

They’re considering alternative non-police methods of enforcement for the second year and beyond (the first year is warnings only). That would include having people report fireworks violators, with citations to be sent to them via Code Enforcement, rather than sending an enforcer out.

Questions included, how could you cite someone by mail if they’re illegally shooting off fireworks someplace besides their home? Discussion included plans for education to make sure everyone knows fireworks are now illegal.

EX-TARADISE CAFE: NHUAC’s Liz Giba said there are concerns work is being done there without permits. Taylor said he’d look into it. A state Liquor and Cannabis Board rep said the new owner has received conditional liquor-license approval and apparently hopes to open within a few months. (We reported on the new owner two months ago.)

UNINCORPORATED AREA TOWN HALL: This year it’s going to focus on the Community Needs List, Taylor said – reviewing what they’ve heard and prioritizing it, so that the needs can be used in priorities for the next budget biennium.

CRIME UPDATES; From Deputy Bill Kennamer – gun crimes have more than doubled, and deputies are disappointed that when they do arrest people, “they’re out of jail very quickly.” He mentioned this week’s proposal that even fewer suspects be allowed to be booked. The County Executive’s Office has provided funding for 33 hours of overtime each week – almost a full deputy, as he put it – to crack down on crime in the core.

Asked if crime is getting more violent, Deputy Kennamer said absolutely, and ticked through various incidents including a brazen robbery in which someone was pistol-whipped.

OTHER UPDATES/ANNOUNCEMENTS: The LCB rep said an unidentified convenience store in White Center was caught selling alcohol to minors four times and lost its license; it’s since ben sold to a new owner who’ll been making a fresh start.

Darlene Sellers from King County Parks said teens have a new job launch program coming – they voted to have cosmetology and salon professionals present, next Thursday. (We’ll have a separate announcement on that tomorrow.)

NEXT NHUAC MEETING: 7 pm March 3, online.

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HELP NEEDED: White Center Food Bank’s call for donations

February 4th, 2022 Tracy Posted in How to Help, White Center Food Bank, White Center news 1 Comment »

The White Center Food Bank needs your help, if you can donate food. Here’s the announcement we received:

We are running low on the following items and need our community to help fill the shelves:

Soup (pop top)
Peanut Butter
Sugar (in a box)
Condiments (BBQ, mustard, mayo)
Coffee & Tea
Soy Sauce
Mac and Cheese
Ramen Noodles
Black Pepper

Donation hours at the food bank are 8 am-3:30 pm M-F, 10829 8th Ave SW.

Please get in touch with a staff member when you arrive and they can help load in.

If those hours or location are not convenient, we have donation barrels located at:

– BECU in Roxbury Safeway
– Moonshot Coffee
– Good Day Donuts
– Future Primitive Beer
– White Center and Fauntleroy Starbucks locations

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North Highline Unincorporated Area Council’s first 2022 meeting this Thursday

January 30th, 2022 Tracy Posted in King County, North Highline UAC, White Center news 1 Comment »

Here’s the announcement of NHUAC‘s first 2022 meeting:

The Opportunity to Be Informed, Be Involved and Be Heard!

Where? North Highline Unincorporated Area Council Meeting
When? Thursday, February 3, 2022 at 7 pm

Meeting ID: 894 4281 6603
Passcode: NHUAC2022 (case sensitive)

By phone: 253-215-8782
Meeting ID: 894 4281 6603
Passcode: 973460559

You are invited to NHUAC’s first meeting of 2022 on Thursday, February 3rd at 7 pm. The new year offers new opportunities to establish an equitable, healthy North Highline. King County has been busy. What we do today will determine North Highline’s health far into the future.

For instance, we impact our physical environment in many ways such as pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, and poor air quality. As a planner with King County’s Green Building Department, Nicole Sanders has worked on the county’s energy codes and has news to share about electric vehicle parking and research on greenhouse gases and fossil fuel facilities.

Unfortunately, the maps of zoning amendments in the county’s proposed Subarea Plan did not identify most streets. Jacqueline Reid of King County Permitting will be back to help us understand what the plan means. Understanding what the county is planning for us is essential. King County’s Subarea Plan will be a road map to life in North Highline from public health to economic and ethnic justice to segregation and discrimination to displacement, fair housing and opportunity to schools, parks and open spaces to density and permitting to roads and infrastructure, police, and public safety to fireworks and cannabis shops.

Speaking of fireworks, it’s been a long time coming but fireworks are now illegal in North Highline and the rest of unincorporated King County. We will be updated on that and other issues by John Taylor, Director of the Department of Local Services, Fire Chief Mike Marrs, and, of course, our Community Deputy Bill Kennamer.

Knowledge is power. Learn, share, and help make North Highline a healthier community.

February 3, 2022 at 7 pm – Invite a Neighbor!

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TONIGHT: Questions/comments about RapidRide H Line construction? Here’s your next chance

January 27th, 2022 Tracy Posted in Metro, White Center news Comments Off on TONIGHT: Questions/comments about RapidRide H Line construction? Here’s your next chance

(Metro photo)</em>

Some of the work along the RapidRide H Line route is on hold because of the concrete-drivers strike, and some continues. The launch is currently scheduled for September of this year, converting what is currently Metro Route 120 between Burien, White Center, West Seattle, and downtown Seattle. If you have questions or comments about the project, tonight is the next “office hours” opportunity to drop in online or by phone, any time between 5 and 6 pm – here’s how:

To join online, click this link

To join by phone, call: 206-485-0017; Conference ID: 206 834 474#

To request interpretation services for these virtual events, please contact us before the meeting via phone, at 206-257-3079, or email us at

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LOST CAT: Seen LittleBear?

January 27th, 2022 Tracy Posted in Pets, White Center news 2 Comments »

His name is LittleBear
He’s an indoor/door outdoor cat but has never been gone this long before
Usually wary of strangers
He is microchipped – last seen Saturday afternoon 1/22
Between 4th Ave S & 1st Ave S
SW 120th St & SW 116th St


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WHITE CENTER HUB: King County announces $3.2 million grant

January 24th, 2022 Tracy Posted in King County, White Center news 1 Comment »

(Rendering by SKL Architects – community-center side of the HUB)

King County has announced $23.4 million in grants for seven affordable-housing projects – and the White Center Hub is one of them. The grants are from King County’s Housing Finance Program, administered by the Department of Community and Human Services. From the announcement:

Community Roots Housing / White Center Community Development Association – $3,250,000

A redevelopment of the White Center Hub will provide 76 units of affordable housing as well as commercial space to house a community center and event space for programming.

Here’s our most-recent update on the project plan; more details are in this report.

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Want to help spend $3.6 million? Take the first step Wednesday

January 18th, 2022 Tracy Posted in King County, White Center news Comments Off on Want to help spend $3.6 million? Take the first step Wednesday

People in White Center and other urban areas of unincorporated King County will get the chance this year to be part of decisions on how to spend millions of dollars. An online info event Wednesday night (January 19th) is the first step toward getting involved. Here’s what it’s all about:

Participatory budgeting is a democratic process in which community members directly decide how to spend part of a public budget.

It gives people real power to make real decisions over real money.

If you are over the age of 12 and live, work, or play in any of the following five urban unincorporated areas of King County, we invite you to participate in this process.

East Federal Way: $1.96 million for capital projects
East Renton: $301,000 for capital projects
Fairwood: $720,000 for capital projects
North Highline/White Center: $3.1 million for capital projects, $540,000 for programs and services
Skyway-West Hill: $3.9 million for capital projects, $810,000 for programs and services

King County’s Community Investment Budget Committee of 21 community members is working to design and carry out a budgeting process centered on racial equity and community voices. The process will build on community strengths and address specific priorities for each community, as identified by the Committee members. The Committee is also designing the larger participatory budgeting process to make sure that each community has control over how this money is spent and that funded projects address real community challenges.

Wednesday’s info meeting starts at 6 pm. This webpage has information on how to participate.

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REOPENING: Full Tilt Ice Cream in White Center

January 17th, 2022 Tracy Posted in Businesses, Fire, Food, Full Tilt Ice Cream, White Center news 3 Comments »

(White Center Now/West Seattle Blog photos)

Four months after the fire that gutted the Locker Room Bar and Grill, one of the other businesses affected is about to reopen: Full Tilt Ice Cream‘s flagship location at 9629 16th SW reopens tomorrow (Tuesday, January 18th). We stopped by this evening as they finished getting ready.

That wall is an example of what had to be fixed before Full Tilt could reopen – firefighters had to break through it while working to stop the fire in September. And they’re two doors down from Locker Room; the damage was even worse at neighboring Huong Xua Deli and, on the other side of Locker Room, Bizzarro Italian Café. No updates on them yet (Bizzarro is still open in Wallingford). Full Tilt will reopen with a few new touches – like this Simpsons-themed pinball machine:

Hours will be the same as they were pre-fire – 3 to 8 pm.

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January 13th, 2022 Tracy Posted in Traffic, Transportation, West Seattle, White Center news 1 Comment »

Among the sections of local roadways where potholes have emerged and/or worsened since the recent snow, ice, and record rainfall is SW 106th. This weekend, Seattle DOT plans to repave two blocks of that street – here’s the alert:

On Saturday and Sunday, we will be repaving two blocks of SW 106th St between Seola Beach Drive and 32nd Ave SW. [map] We’ll begin this work as early as 7 AM and expect to be done by 3 PM. If you are driving on SW 106th St during this work, impacts include single lane reductions. Please anticipate traffic delays. We do not expect impacts for people walking and biking in the area.

Though this is within Seattle city limits, it’s a much-used route between White Center and West Seattle, so we thought you’d want to know.

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STORM DAMAGE? King County wants to hear from you

January 12th, 2022 Tracy Posted in King County, Weather, White Center news Comments Off on STORM DAMAGE? King County wants to hear from you

People in unincorporated King County who suffered damage from the recent snow and rain are asked to report it ASAP. Here’s the announcement:
King County Office of Emergency Management (KCOEM) is collecting damage reports from residents and businesses from the winter cold, snow, and subsequent flooding events that have occurred since December 24, 2021. This will assist the state in its request for a federal disaster declaration.

KCOEM has created a new section on its disaster recovery webpage at to share information about the Individual Assistance Initial Damage Assessment and provide links to damage reporting forms for residents and businesses.

Important things to keep in mind:

– Residents and business owners need to document all damages.
– Individuals should report damages to their insurance provider and to the county.
– There is no FEMA or other assistance available at this time for the current flooding incident.
– Insurance information is important: Does the individual have flood insurance? Homeowner? Renters?
– Do they have a furnished basement and what was the flood height?

Damage information will be gathered through Thursday, Jan. 20 from residents and businesses in unincorporated King County so it can be compiled and submitted to the Washington State Emergency Management Division.

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WEDNESDAY: 34th District Democrats’ first meeting of 2022

January 11th, 2022 Tracy Posted in Politics, White Center news 1 Comment »

Our area’s largest political organization has its first meeting of the new year Wednesday night (January 12th), online. Here’s the plan for the 34th District Democrats‘ meeting:

Agenda – January 12, 2022
6:30 pre-program
7:30 call to order

6:30 pm – Zoom opens for pre-meeting program: NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) presentation on the effects of the pandemic on mental health

7:30 pm – Call to Order

Opening Ceremonies (15m)
Approval of Agenda and Minutes (2m)
Budget and Membership Report (10m)

Membership Vote: Schools First Capital Levies Donation

Division of Holiday Gifts Budget

Candidate Spotlight (6m)

Judge Kuljinder Dhillon

King Conservation District Supervisor Kirsten Haugen

2021 34th LD Democrats Awards Presentation (20m)

Announcements (10m)
Resolution to Consider (10m)
Executive Board Election (5m)
Good of the Order
Adjourn 9 pm

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White Center Promise among events receiving King County grants

January 10th, 2022 Tracy Posted in Arts, King County, White Center news Comments Off on White Center Promise among events receiving King County grants

The county has announced grants are on the way to nearly 200 events, and at least one of them is in White Center: The list includes $5,000 for White Center Promise. The grants went to “local event and festival producers who faced significant revenue losses due to Covid,” according to the announcement. Grantees are in two groups, event budgets over $250,000 and under $250,000; the former were eligible for up to $50,000, while recipients in the latter group (including WC Promise) got up to $10,000.

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Water-main break near Mount View Elementary

January 9th, 2022 Tracy Posted in Utilities, White Center news 1 Comment »

The photos are from a water-main break in White Center, sent by Tom, who told us via email: “We had a water main break … right in front of Mount View Elementary. All of 12th north of the school down to 106th was flooded. I think that the water was also flowing down to Coronado Springs but I never had a chance to see how bad it was down there. Most of us on 12th were pretty busy trying to keep the water out of our houses to limited success. Crews are tearing up the street now to repair and all of us have had our water shut off.”

The SPU water-outage map says it started just before 6 pm.

The break is blamed for trouble as far north as West Seattle’s Highland Park neighborhood, where residents are reporting brown water as a result.

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YOU CAN HELP: WestSide Baby needs volunteers

January 6th, 2022 Tracy Posted in WestSide Baby, White Center news Comments Off on YOU CAN HELP: WestSide Baby needs volunteers

Looking to make the new year more meaningful? Volunteer for a local nonprofit! Here’s one that just put out the call – WestSide Baby:

Interested in volunteering?

Join us Tuesdays from 1 pm – 3 pm, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10 am – 12 pm and 1 pm – 3 pm at our White Center Hub to help keep babies and children warm, safe, and dry!

Sign up for a shift at

WS Baby’s White Center hub is at 14th SW and SW 100th.

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BIZNOTE: Patrick’s Café and Bakery temporarily (partly) closes

January 5th, 2022 Tracy Posted in Restaurants, White Center news 1 Comment »

One of White Center’s most popular newer food businesses has announced a temporary closure – but you can still get some of its specialties. Patrick’s Café and Bakery announced today that it’s temporarily closing the café, but you can place catering and custom cake orders online – go here. “We will try to reopen ASAP,” promises the announcement,.

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REMINDER: No North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting this month

January 4th, 2022 Tracy Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news 1 Comment »

Just in case you lost track: The North Highline Unincorporated Area Council isn’t meeting this month, so its next meeting is expected to be on February 3rd. Watch (and here, of course) for the announcement. P.S. Here’s our coverage of NHUAC’s year-end meeting.

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CORONAVIRUS: Highline Public Schools offering vaccination, testing in White Center this week

January 3rd, 2022 Tracy Posted in Coronavirus, Highline School District, Schools, White Center news Comments Off on CORONAVIRUS: Highline Public Schools offering vaccination, testing in White Center this week

Highline Public Schools is offering COVID-19 vaccination and testing around the district this week. Here are the White Center times, dates, locations:

TESTING: From the full listEvergreen High School (830 SW 116th), 3-4:30 pm Tuesday (January 4th). According to the district, “Testing is available to students, families, household members, and staff.”

VACCINATION: From the full listCascade Middle School (11212 10th SW), 9-11 am Saturday (January 8th). HPS students only. According to the district, “Vaccines will be available first-come, first-serve. No registration is required ahead of time.”

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Most popular King County pet names of the year!

January 3rd, 2022 Tracy Posted in King County, Pets, White Center news 3 Comments »

(WCN’s recently adopted mascot, whose name did not make the Top 10)

Did you add a pet to your household in 2021? From the database of everybody who did, and who registered that pet with Regional Animal Services of King County – which serves unincorporated North Highline and many other parts of the county – we have the top 10 pet names of the year:

This year, King County residents have registered 66,279 dogs and 27,020 cats. Here are the most popular pet names:

Top 10 Dog Names

1) Bella
2) Lucy
3) Max
4) Charlie
5) Buddy
6) Daisy
7) Luna
8) Bailey
9) Cooper
10) Molly

Top 10 Cat Names

1) Luna
2) Lucy
3) Bella
4) Max
5) Shadow
6) Charlie
7) Kitty
8) Jack
9) Lily
10) Oliver

This list comes from pet license applications submitted to RASKC, which serves nearly one million residents living in 24 cities and unincorporated communities throughout King County.

If a licensed pet is lost, the finder can call the phone number on the pet’s tag – a service that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – to quickly reunite them with their owner. Pets receive a free ride home the first time they’re found, allowing owners to skip a trip to the shelter. Pet licenses also help fund RASKC and the important work it does.

In addition to handling lost pets and injured animals, pet license fees contribute to RASKC’s other vital duties, including animal neglect and cruelty investigations, spay/neuter programs, pet adoption services, and other work to humanely and compassionately assist local animals.

You can purchase pet licenses online, or at more than 70 convenient locations around the county, including many city halls and QFC stores. Learn more at Regional Animal Service of King County’s website,

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SCHOOLS: 2-hour delay for Highline Public Schools on Monday

January 2nd, 2022 Tracy Posted in Schools, Weather, White Center news Comments Off on SCHOOLS: 2-hour delay for Highline Public Schools on Monday

Just announced by Highline Public Schools: Because of the weather – as all that snow turns to slush – all schools will be on a 2-hour delay tomorrow (Monday, January 3rd). From the district website:

Buses will stop at regular stops – two hours later than normal.

There will be no breakfast, no morning or afternoon classes for preschool and ECEAP, and no morning classes for PSSC. Afternoon classes for PSSC will be on time. All before-school programs are canceled, including clubs, activities and in-school daycare. No transportation will be provided to schools outside of our district.

Schools will dismiss at regular times.

Staff Instructions
Staff are expected to report to work as close to on time as possible. Please use your judgement on whether it is safe for you to travel to work. See an outline of expectations for employees for inclement weather on the Staff Hub.

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TRANSIT: Metro returning to regular service Sunday

January 1st, 2022 Tracy Posted in Metro, White Center news Comments Off on TRANSIT: Metro returning to regular service Sunday

(Seen in West Seattle this afternoon)

Metro has announced it’ll begin on Sunday the process of getting transit service back to normal:

Metro will deactivate the Emergency Snow Network (ESN) at 4 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 2. All Metro bus routes active on weekends will operate on their regular schedules starting Jan. 2 where road conditions allow.

Metro vehicle maintenance crews have shifted away from chaining and retrieving stuck buses and have started repairs to damaged buses that operated during the winter storm. Metro is assessing the number of available buses and whether any routes may need to remain temporarily suspended on Monday, Jan. 3, as additional repairs are completed.

“Our transit professionals kept the region moving safely during the recent snowstorms,” said King County Metro General Manager Terry White. “Now we turn our attention to repairing buses damaged over the past week and again operating the broader all-day transit network that riders rely on.”

Riders traveling on Saturday, Jan. 1, should review what routes are operating on the Emergency Snow Network before traveling. On Sunday, Jan. 2, online resources will be updated to reflect any lingering snow routes where road conditions continue to be difficult for transit service. Masks are required on all public transportation.

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