THURSDAY: What you’ll hear/talk about at North Highline Unincorporated Area Council’s June meeting

June 3rd, 2018 at 11:02 pm Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news | Comments Off on THURSDAY: What you’ll hear/talk about at North Highline Unincorporated Area Council’s June meeting

Just announced by the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council – what’s ahead for Thursday’s monthly meeting:

WestSide Baby has called White Center home for nearly two decades. Although it’s home base is here, WestSide Baby collects, inspects and distributes free diapers, clothing, cribs, and safety gear for children throughout western King County. Executive Director Nancy Woodland will make her first visit to tell us about keeping thousands of children safe, warm and dry!

Place Matters. If you participated in King County’s recent North Highline / White Center Town Hall, you heard many concerns about our neighborhood. If you missed it, here’s a link to WCN’s report.

Where we live determines much about how we live and die. In fact, our zip code can impact life expectancy more than our genetic code. The Fair Housing Act was passed a week after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Still, 50 years later, segregation and inequity continue. In 2015, King County acknowledged that “It is becoming more widely known that King County residents do not enjoy the same health, resources, and opportunities because of their race and where they live.” Valerie Kendall of King County Housing and Community Development will discuss local housing, a significant factor in determining how our community fits into King County’s vision of “a healthy and vibrant community where everyone has a stable home.”

Speaking of stable homes, Mary’s Place has found one! Liz McDaniel will update us on the White Center shelter as well as plans for its new home.

Angie Benedetti of King County Library will have the latest information on the Boulevard Park Library remodel.

Once again, Deputy Bill Kennamer and Captain Rick Bridges will update us about KCSO’s activity.

Then… the floor will be yours!

Knowledge is power. Learn, share, and help make our community a better place.
June 7, 2018 at 7 pm – Bring a Neighbor!

NHUAC meets at North Highline Fire District HQ (1243 SW 112th).

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VIDEO: Street bands bring HONK! Fest West to White Center

June 2nd, 2018 at 12:58 pm Posted in Fun, White Center news | 1 Comment »

12:58 PM: Today’s the day! HONK! Fest West is spending its second day of this year’s three-day festival in White Center – 1 to 6 pm. Go to the official site for the band list and locations. Free and fun. Coverage to come!

2:19 PM: Just spent the past hour wandering and enjoying:

The “stages” are at 16th/Roxbury, 16th north of 98th, and 98th east of 16th. You can wander between the areas because the streets are closed to traffic!

Each stage area has a board listing who’s up and who’s coming up. No admission charge – just wander and enjoy!


ADDED SUNDAY: More video and photos:

You can read some of the festival backstory/context here.

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Reminder from Metro: Fare-structure change July 1st

May 31st, 2018 at 12:30 pm Posted in Metro, Transportation, White Center news | Comments Off on Reminder from Metro: Fare-structure change July 1st

From King County today, a reminder that the new fare structure is now a month away:

Metro’s new fare of $2.75 aims to help customers by making riding transit more convenient and reducing confusion over fare payment that leads to delays in boarding. A single fare for adult riders also lowers the potential for fare disputes, which will help improve safety.

Starting June 1, customers can purchase ORCA passes for July under the new fare structure. Metro’s fares for youth, seniors and disabled riders, and those enrolled in ORCA LIFT will not change. More information can be found on Metro’s fares page.

“You said you wanted simpler fares, and we made it happen. No matter where or when you ride, simpler is better,” said Executive Dow Constantine. “Whether you’re traveling between Ballard and Bellevue, White Center and Westlake, or anywhere that crosses the Seattle city limits, this new fare means money in your pocket. For riders who may end up paying a little more, we’re making sure people with low incomes, seniors, and the disabled have more access to transit than ever.”

Metro adopted a simple fare after receiving more than 11,000 responses to two public surveys, including one in which 80 percent expressed support for a flat fare. Metro previously had one of the nation’s most complex fare structures, with one zone for the City of Seattle and another for all areas outside of the city, as well as extra charges during the morning and evening commute.

About 65 percent of Metro boardings will see no change or pay 50 cents less under the new structure. Fares for off-peak travel will increase by 25 cents – affecting about 35 percent of Metro boardings.


Customers who qualify for reduced transit fares now have new ways to apply for a discount ORCA LIFT card. Metro and Public Health – Seattle & King County launched a new partnership with the state Department of Social and Health Services to distribute ORCA LIFT cards to clients in need of transportation assistance.

“Clients applying for Community Services Division programs at any of the 10 King County Community Service Offices, may also be eligible for the ORCA LIFT Program and may receive ORCA cards at the same office visit as their food or cash program benefits,” said Truong Hoang, Deputy Regional Administrator, Region 2. “CSD is committed to making transportation costs lower for those in need.”

The DSHS Community Service Offices with ORCA LIFT enrollment include five locations in Seattle, and others in Renton, Auburn, Federal Way and Kent. More than 4,200 have enrolled through DSHS since the partnership began.

ORCA LIFT allows riders with lower-incomes to pay a reduced $1.50 fare. More than 64,000 people have been enrolled in the program since it launched in 2015, with more than 14 million boardings on Metro.

ORCA LIFT is available at over 125 locations through Metro’s partnership with Public Health – Seattle & King County and local community-based organizations.

Metro also is working with ORCA agency partners to reduce the replacement card fee for ORCA LIFT customers from $5 to $3 and eliminate the $3 initial card fee for seniors and people with disabilities.

At the beginning of 2018, Metro increased funding for Human Service tickets for riders with lower-income or no income.

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VIDEO: Conversation with the county @ North Highline Community Service Area Town Hall

May 30th, 2018 at 9:44 pm Posted in King County, White Center news | 1 Comment »

By Tracy Record
White Center Now editor

It’s the county’s chance to have a conversation with you, explained County Council Chair (and District 8 rep) Joe McDermott, emceeing last night’s Community Service Area Town Hall for North Highline/White Center.

A parade of high-ranking county officials followed, as the event at Seola Gardens unfolded. Something new this year: The county is launching its new initiative to serve local areas in a different way. (Added: Full video of the event:)


“How do we act as a city?” is what deputy executive Fred Jarrett said about the launching of the Department of Local Services. That’s especially relevant to White Center, an urban but unannexed/unincorporated area.

Harold Taniguchi – director of transportation, who is working on the Department of Local Services initiative – said it will be up and running by the start of next year. He said the department should make things run more efficiently and effectively, with a focus on customer service. And, “we hope to be out in your communities in an organized way …” with more listening. “You get the feeling that sometimes we are listening – we hope to change that up.”

As part of the Local Services launch, some departments will be no more – Transportation among them, he noted. (Transit is splitting out and becoming its own department.) But transportation projects are in the works for the area all the same, Taniguchi promised – the 8th/108th mini-roundabout is on the way, and one at 8th/102nd will follow, he said, also mentioning drainage work on South 96th

He ran the crowd – estimated at 40+ – through an on-the-spot online poll via, with such questions as, how should the Department of Local Services communicate with you?

Next, Sheriff Mitzi Johanknecht cited a “five-month run of re-energizing the department,” so far. She says she’s working on a strategic plan, and community involvement is coming up. “It’s been an honor to serve so far.”

Deborah Jacobs, director of the Office of Police Oversight, followed the sheriff. Part of her office’s charge is to “bring the civilian voice.” She added that her department looks at the trees as well as the forest, and offers policy feedback to the sheriff. They’re also supposed to take on independent investigations, but that’s still subject to “collective bargaining with the unions.”

Kevin Brown, director of Natural Resources and Parks, mentioned that Movies in the Park will be at Seola Gardens at August 4th. Lots going on at Steve Cox Memorial Park, he added, including a kids-cooking program and more. He touted the June 6th Peace in the Hood jobs event (featured here on WCN). Also at Cox Park, the new $3 million field project for multiple sports is in the works – “one of the first publicly available synthetic field in this area.” The work means Jubilee Days needs a new carnival spot this year and that has not yet been worked out, Brown said.

Jake Tracy from the Department of Permitting and Environmental Review spoke next – marijuana is his main job and there’s a study happening right now regarding unincorporated areas, including a public-comment period. It’s related to concerns about clustering of marijuana businesses. It’s studying five areas including whether zoning needs to change to open up new areas “to meet our allocation from the state” and how unincorporated areas are being affected by the way things are. They’re studying complaint and crime data. The survey is taking comments through the end of June.

Mark Ellerbrook from the Department of Community and Human Services, who manages the county health and homeless services, followed. He said his department also is working on the opioid crisis, including helping people who want help get it immediately. He ran through a long list of other services his department provides, including administering the Veterans, Seniors, & Human Services Levy.

After short speeches, poll results from Harold – 15 participants, Sheriff and Parks were the single words with the most positive effect on the community.

Social media – “local blogs” were included – won for communication choice, with e-mail right behind. Safety and homelessness were the most-cited community challenges. And there was a long list of suggestions for what the county could do to help the community.

Then – open microphone for questions. Liz Giba, president of the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council, was first. She had sent a letter to various officials about the Burien murders of two young women and said she was troubled to not receive a single reply. She is concerned about the concentration of poverty in White Center and what’s being done to make it a more economically healthy community – more healthy overall. “What are you doing? What plan is there? Is there any answer?”

McDermott replied, “Is there enough of an answer? Probably not.” But some steps are being taken, he said, citing for example the Best Starts for Kids levy and its investment in youth. He also cited the expansion of the Veterans Levy. Giba followed up with her long-held concerns about another low-income development in the works at 8th/108th – more “concentration of poverty” – “when you continue to shove more people who need help into a small space, (a few) square miles, there’s going to be trouble.” She asked the county to reconsider what’s happening with the 8th/108th site. She said that it could be a home for various groups/agencies (which is part of what’s proposed for the possible future project). McDermott added that more housing needs to be built and that might result in “more than some people would like to see in some communities.”

The sheriff said that the investigation of the murders continues and she is traveling out of town soon to visit with one victim’s family. She acknowledged that the department has very little resources devoted to gangs but they’re trying to work more on that “across boundaries.” Gangs are a culture. “We’re close to solving” the murders, “but so much goes into this, and much of it, you can’t see.”

Asked by Carol from Myers Way about homelessness, Councilmember McDermott said it’s still a work in progress. He was also asked about minimum wage and whether the county might follow Seattle’s lead. He said it would make more sense if the state looked at its law.

Ellerbrook then took on the affordable-housing issue – saying 80,000 to 90,000 units is the current estimated gap countywide. More is needed in every community, he said. Over the course of a year, 30,000 people experience homelessness, he said. 24,000 people came in for services and many didn’t need them again. “Employment is critical,” he agreed. If someone becomes ill, for example, they might lose their (expensive) apartment and possibly never be able to get into one again. He also brought up common concerns that unsheltered people have about shelters, and how it might mean more healthy people, more people connected to services, if they can improve the shelter system. The county is working on its budgeting for homeless services and both navigation and services for vehicle residents are two areas they’re working on.

Barbara Dobkin of NHUAC brought up a petition the group had circulated at last year’s Jubilee Days, talking about the area’s low-opportunity status. They want the group to study issues such as WC’s housing situation.

Community advocate Gill Loring voiced concern that the county still is not reaching out to the diverse groups that make up the area’s population – pointing out that almost everyone at the meeting was white, until a youth group arrived. “I don’t hear it from the county, I don’t hear it from Dow, I don’t hear it from the council,” he said. ”… let’s all come together, let’s be one community … why can’t the county do something about that?”

McDermott responded by explaining the race-and-social-justice lens through which the county does its work, while acknowledging that outreach efforts need to be more successful. He also mentioned that the group was largely older, too.

It was then explained that the youth who had arrived are members of an internship program, White Center to White House, and one of them spoke next. She expressed concerns about the new youth detention center on Capitol Hill. McDermott said he believes the new center is necessary “until we reach our aspirational goal of zero youth detention.” The two had some back and forth. She wondered why community-based programs couldn’t be used instead. He said we are still at a point where some youth need to be separated from the community “for their own protection and that of the community.”

Jarrett also took the microphone to say that the county also is working on a plan to see how they will get to zero youth detention. He spoke about the subpar conditions at the building that the new center will replace. He also said part of it has been “reprogrammed” to be a nonsecure area where kids who need a safe place to go during a family crisis, for example, can be helped. And he went further, saying that work to get to a world where youth detention isn’t needed will take years.

The next person with a question/concern, also a youth, said that White Center schools (such as Evergreen High School) need more rigorous courses, more teachers of colors, more security, more technology access, and more building improvements. He presented McDermott with a letter, and he in turn promised to share it with state legislators and Highline school board members. He said that through the Sound Transit taxing district, King County will be getting a small amount of money to invest in education for the next 20 years.

Then a statement from community member Bob Price: The cause of homelessness needs to be addressed, not just the symptoms.

After him, Rudy Garza from the Coalition of Drug-Free Youth, who said that marijuana access is an increasing problem for youth. They see the proliferation of stores, they see the prevalent use, and figure it’s OK. “Where does it stop?” McDermott noted that legalization resulted from a statewide vote of the people.

Tracy said his work includes – as he had said earlier – looking at ways to avoid clusters of stores and to mitigate marijuana’s effects on communities. “Educating youth on why they shouldn’t use marijuana” is very important, he said. A discussion of shops’ locations ensued as well as where the tax money from marijuana goes. “We will have a report in the very near future,” Jarrett said. He added that a larger concern for people should be what percentage of their sales tax comes back to the county. Putting together the report is very complex, others added.

Another speaker reiterated concerns about the concentration of marijuana shops in Top Hat, and contended that they are keeping other businesses from coming to the area. “(It’s) hurting the community in so many ways,” she said.

Next concern voiced: Overgrown right of way. Taniguchi asked that specific locations be provided to reps at the meeting so they can check it out and potentially take action.

Then with one final question about the county partnering with schools – McDermott reiterated that he will share the youth concern with the school district, Jarrett advised focusing on the Legislature – the event wrapped up. The questioner countered that he doesn’t believe funding would be required for the county to partner with the district.

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TONIGHT: King County Community Service Area Town Hall for White Center/North Highline

May 29th, 2018 at 12:33 am Posted in King County, White Center news | Comments Off on TONIGHT: King County Community Service Area Town Hall for White Center/North Highline

Got a question, issue, comment for/about your local government? Tonight, bring it to the annual Community Service Area Town Hall! Your County Councilmember Joe McDermott is scheduled to be there along with representatives of various county agencies/services. It’s set for 7-9 pm tonight (Tuesday, May 29th) at Seola Gardens, 10900 4th Pl. SW. Just show up!

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CRIME WATCH: Mail-theft alert

May 28th, 2018 at 1:09 pm Posted in Crime, White Center news | Comments Off on CRIME WATCH: Mail-theft alert

Thanks to SM for the report from 14th SW between SW 107th and SW 112th, behind Mount View Elementary: “Our locked mailboxes were broken into from 5-19-18 thru 5-26-18, most likely on Saturday nights. So now 28 people will have to go to WC post office to pick up mail. Thought I would report this to you and others around our neighborhood. Might be a mail theft ring operating.”

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Peace in the Hood job fair on the way to Steve Cox Memorial Park

May 24th, 2018 at 8:23 pm Posted in Jobs, Steve Cox Memorial Park, White Center news | Comments Off on Peace in the Hood job fair on the way to Steve Cox Memorial Park

(Photo courtesy King County Parks)

Set your calendar! As announced by King County Parks:

The 2nd annual Peace in the Hood Job Fair for ages 16 – 24 is coming up on Friday, June 8th from 3-5 pm at the White Center Community Center, in Steve Cox Memorial Park (1321 SW 102nd).

The PITH Job Fair provides employment and mentorship opportunities to youth ages 16 – 24 and is presented in partnership by Southwest Youth and Family Services, Worksource, Educurious and the King County Parks and Recreation White Center Teen Program. 200+ youth, 30+ employers, and 10+ resource providers are expected to attend. Resume & employment application assistance will be provided in advance and on-site interview options are scheduled day of with select employers. SWYFS is once again providing their extremely popular youth PITH Basketball Tournament immediately following the Job Fair. More details are available at

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New restaurants on the way to White Center

May 22nd, 2018 at 6:36 pm Posted in Restaurants, White Center news | 1 Comment »

Two White Center spaces have new eateries on the way, according to liquor-license filings.

Da Lat Quan is moving into the empty restaurant page on the northeast internal corner of White Center Square (9988 15th SW).

Anju is the name of the business that’s seeking a license for the taqueria space at 9641 15th SW.

No other details yet, but just in case you’ve been wondering who’ll be moving into those spaces!

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School fundraiser today at Full Tilt Ice Cream in White Center

May 21st, 2018 at 9:43 am Posted in Full Tilt Ice Cream, How to Help, Schools, White Center news | Comments Off on School fundraiser today at Full Tilt Ice Cream in White Center

Sun’s out and it looks like an ice-cream kind of day. (OK, every day looks like an ice-cream kind of day.) If you go to Full Tilt Ice Cream in downtown White Center today (open noon-10 pm) and show this flyer with your purchase, 10 percent of the proceeds will benefit the ASB (student-body organization) at nearby Chief Sealth International High School.

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YOU CAN HELP! White Center Heights Park volunteer event Saturday

May 17th, 2018 at 12:20 am Posted in How to Help, Parks, White Center news | Comments Off on YOU CAN HELP! White Center Heights Park volunteer event Saturday

Can you spare some time Saturday?

Volunteer and join King County Parks staff and community members on May 19th as we help make White Center Heights Park a more healthy forest!

We will work on weeding around new plantings throughout the park and may do some litter pick up if time allows. Join us in this great park to learn about the plants and animals that call it home! No experience needed, all tools provided and community members of all ages are welcome! Event will start at 9 am and we will wrap up by 1 pm.

Please contact Lina Rose if you are interested in attending at 206.491.5014 or

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READER REPORT: The case of the vanishing Scotch broom

May 16th, 2018 at 1:51 pm Posted in Parks, White Center news | 4 Comments »

Thanks to Tom Erler for the photo and report!

In case you were wondering where all the Scotch broom around our end was slowly disappearing to, while also shedding some light on the massive effort and labors of love stewards & volunteers have engaged in this season.

Joe Neumann, former Noxious Weeds Employee & current King County volunteer & Westcrest Park Forest Steward, has almost single-handedly removed all public occurrences of Scotch (Scot’s) broom, or Cystus scoparius, in Southern West Seattle/White Center over the past 2 years, with the last piece of the puzzle, White Center Pond, completed yesterday!

Here’s where we began the work yesterday (North side of the pond) with a typically sized specimen of the ones we were managing. With specimens this size (2″ diameter), it is most effective to cut at the base during times of drought, which is usually in the summer months. Yesterday proved perfect with the soil drying out from recent record temps and allowing us to cut them down before their seed pods were able to mature & redistribute!

Here’s the King County Integrated Pest Management resource for Scotch broom removal, in case readers are interested.

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NEED A JOB? Taco Time hopes to see you Thursday

May 14th, 2018 at 11:36 pm Posted in Businesses, White Center news | Comments Off on NEED A JOB? Taco Time hopes to see you Thursday

Founded in White Center, Taco Time Northwest is going all out, all across the chain, to try to bring in job applicants. The local restaurant is one of the places where you can be part of a mega-job fair this Thursday:

Northwest based and family-owned Taco Time Northwest, is hosting a one-day Job Fair on Thursday, May 17, where it is looking to hire 350 people and give away a car to one lucky new employee.

The job fair will be held at 56 participating Puget Sound area Taco Time restaurants, with open interviews for all positions from 7-10 a.m. and 2-5 p.m., on May 17.

In addition to the chance to win a brand-new Toyota Prius, employee benefits include:

Flexible schedule – supporting a healthy work/life balance
Competitive wages
401(k) retirement plan
Free shift meals
Generous paid time off package
Taco Time Cares Employee Hardship Program
Medical benefits (full time employees)
35% off for employees and family members during off hours

After 6 months of employment, all employees hired during this Job Fair will be entered into a drawing for the brand-new Toyota Prius

“We hope the excitement of giving away a new car to someone applying at Taco Time will cause them to visit one of our restaurants on May 17th and consider coming to work with us. Great restaurant employees at every level have made our company a leader in the Northwest in our commitment to serve simple, fresh, great tasting food with outstanding guest service,” states Robby Tonkin, co-president of Taco Time NW. “Whether you’re looking for a career and growth opportunities or to simply pay your bills and learn great skills, there is a place for you if you take pride in striving for outstanding service and quality.”

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HAPPENING NOW: White Center Chamber of Commerce-presented ‘flea market’

May 12th, 2018 at 1:00 pm Posted in White Center Chamber of Commerce, White Center news | Comments Off on HAPPENING NOW: White Center Chamber of Commerce-presented ‘flea market’

Have you been to the White Center Chamber of Commerce flea market yet? If not, hurry! Cool stuff until 2-ish. Like these T-shirts:

9834 17th SW, in the big parking lot. Say hi to Sheryl and Tommy from the Chamber:

Beautiful day to shop outdoors!

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TOMORROW & BEYOND: Donation drive for White Center Heights Elementary PTA

May 11th, 2018 at 4:51 pm Posted in How to Help, White Center news | Comments Off on TOMORROW & BEYOND: Donation drive for White Center Heights Elementary PTA

White Center Heights Elementary PTA can use your help – tomorrow and beyond! Here’s the announcement:

Cleaning out your closets? Donate your stuff to a good cause!

White Center Heights Elementary PTA is partnering with Value Village for our first-ever Donation Drive Fundraiser Wed. May 30 – Mon. June 18, with a special early drop-off date on Sat. May 12 during West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day — so sellers can get rid of what’s left and buyers can make room for new treasures.

Every pound of your unwanted stuff turns into funds for uniforms, supplies and community activities benefiting White Center Heights students, teachers and families.

Early Donation Drop-Off
Sat. May 12, 3PM-6PM at White Center Heights Elementary School Parking Lot (10015 6th Ave SW)

Regular Donation Drop-Off
Wed. May 30 – Mon. June 18, Noon-10 PM at Full Tilt Ice Cream (9629 16th Ave SW)
* For large amounts of donations, please contact us at the info below so we can accommodate.

What We Can Take
Clothing, shoes, bedding, towels, accessories (e.g., hats, mittens, scarves, ties, socks, purses, wallets, backpacks, bags, belts, jewelry)
Small household items (e.g., electronics, toys & games, kitchen items, knick-knacks, sporting goods)
Books and media (e.g., CDs, DVDs)
Please put soft items in trash bags and hard/heavy items in boxes.
Questions? Contact Us
If you have any questions, can’t make the drop-off times or have a lot of donations, please call/text (206) 992-6506 or email

Thank you! Your help makes a huge difference!

White Center Heights Elementary PTA

White Center has some stops as part of WSCGSD tomorrow, including the WC Chamber of Commerce-presented big flea market – get the map here!

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From HONK Fest to Steve Cox Park updates, what happened at North Highline Unincorporated Area Council’s May meeting

May 10th, 2018 at 6:56 pm Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news | Comments Off on From HONK Fest to Steve Cox Park updates, what happened at North Highline Unincorporated Area Council’s May meeting

The dinosaur was a special guest at this month’s North Highline Unincorporated Area Council, in honor of HONK! Fest West, one of the night’s big topics.

The festival will close some downtown White Center streets on June 2nd, 1 pm to 6 pm. They’re expecting
maybe 30 bands for the three-day fest around the region, but not sure how many will be in White Center.

There are no physical stages. In general – one band area will be near the intersection of 16th and Roxbury, the second about mid-block on 16th, the third will be by the roasted corn stand on 98th, with a fourth still being worked on. Bands will work off a schedule so as not to compete with each other.

There will be some local bands as well as bands from around the US and one from Moscow. (See the list on the HONK! Fest website.)

Donation buckets will be out at the fest.

STEVE COX MEMORIAL PARK: King County Parks says renovation starts after Southwest Little League concludes. The bulk of the work is on the grass fields where the carnival rides were located during Jubilee Days. That area with get synthetic playing fields that are scaled for youth use (i.e. soccer is junior soccer size, baseball diamonds are little league regulation). Parks rep explained that the renovations are to encourage youth sports and activities. A 10-foot paved walking path will be put around the new synthetic fields. Youth sports will get first priority for use, but there will be times open to the public.

General benefit of all this is drainage, as the old grass field had cancellations after heavy rain. Tennis and basketball courts will remain open; programs in the log house will go on through construction, which should be complete in October.

The cottonwood trees are being removed; new dogwoods and white firs will be planted.

Because the synthetic fields are going in, the amusement rides will have to be relocated for the carnival, and that’s still being worked on. The Parks rep would not commit to a new location despite everything that’s been said about moving it to one of the schoolyards.

KING COUNTY BUDGET: Dwight Dively also spoke to NHUAC. He is director of the Office of Performance, Strategy, and Budget.

He said that the two areas that area most under pressure are the general fund and roads. He said King County gets less revenue from certain areas than many of the surrounding counties. That’s due to incorporation within King County that took many of the major tax contributors (e.g. car dealerships) out of the equation.

He ended by saying that counties get the short end of state funding and County Executive Dow Constantine is putting together a variety of people to see how that can get changed. The working group’s full report to Dow will be ready this fall.

Also from county government:

A DEPARTMENT FOR LOCAL SERVICES? Following up on this January announcement, Alan Painter said he’s on an outreach/listening tour. The county council will discuss this in the fall and may or may not approve the plan. Painter said he was there to hear what things people might want included in such a department. Overall the idea is to create a group that is in touch with the unincorporated areas to hear their concerns and be the department those people can go to taht will wade through the bureaucracy to get answers or possible fixes. Meantime, the annual unincorporated areas’ town halls are coming up; the one for White Center/North Highline will be on May 29th, 7 pm at Seola Gardens, 10900 4th SW.

KING COUNTY SHERIFF: Auto thefts are up, and so are stolen-vehicle recoveries.

The North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meets on the first Thursday of most months, 7 pm at North Highline Fire District HQ; check between meetings.

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White Center Chamber of Commerce Flea Market on May 12th, during West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day

May 6th, 2018 at 11:18 am Posted in White Center Chamber of Commerce, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center Chamber of Commerce Flea Market on May 12th, during West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day

If you read our partner site West Seattle Blog, you probably know that WSB presents West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day every year, and there are usually at least a few White Center participants. This year, the revitalized White Center Chamber of Commerce is presenting a flea market that same day, Saturday, May 12th, and it’s one of the stops on the WSCGSD map. 10 am-2 pm next Saturday, businesses (brick and mortar AND direct sale are welcome) and community members are invited to participate by setting up in the parking lot at 9834 17th Ave SW. Sale hours for that site will be 10 am-2 pm. Meantime, check out the full WSCGSD map – clickable and printable versions – here.

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UPDATE: Why the King County Sheriff’s Office SWAT team was in White Center

May 2nd, 2018 at 11:10 am Posted in King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news | Comments Off on UPDATE: Why the King County Sheriff’s Office SWAT team was in White Center

(WCN photos by Patrick Sand)

11:10 AM: Thanks for the tips about the big King County Sheriff’s Office response near 11th SW and SW 102nd. Officers on scene were too busy to talk, so we checked with KCSO spokesperson Sgt. Ryan Abbott.

He tells us it’s a standoff with a man who sneaked into a residence he’s supposed to stay away from, by court order. He’s refusing to come out.

While part of 11th is blocked by all this, it’s a residential street, so not a major traffic alert.

4:45 PM: We checked back with Sgt. Abbott to see how this turned out. He said that when officers finally were able to go inside the residence, the suspect was gone.

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Bryan Hastings receives King County MLK Medal of Distinguished Service for rescuing Evergreen Pool

April 30th, 2018 at 7:12 pm Posted in Evergreen High School, King County, White Center news | 1 Comment »

(WCN photo by Patrick Sand)

As a professional firefighter, Bryan Hastings (above right) was already a hero when he launched a different type of rescue – keeping Evergreen Pool from shutting down. Today, his years of work on that earned him a county honor, presented by King County Council Chair Joe McDermott (above left), whose office sent the full announcement:

In 2009, White Center’s Evergreen Pool was a victim of county budget cuts, closing after decades of providing aquatic fun to the people of south King County. Bryan Hastings directed the effort to establish a non-profit to help revive the red-brick pool and has become the Executive Director of WhiteWater Aquatics Management, the agency operating the pool. Metropolitan King County Council Chair Joe McDermott today recognized Hastings work on keeping this community asset open by presenting him with the Martin Luther King, Jr. Medal of Distinguished Service.

“From tirelessly raising money to the countless hours of his own time spent working on the pool himself, Bryan Hastings has dedicated himself to the Evergreen Community Pool,” said McDermott. “His work, as a volunteer, to ensure the pool remains an asset for all in the White Center community embodies the spirit of the MLK Medal of Distinguished Service.”

Evergreen Pool is in the unincorporated community of White Center and has been serving its residents, along with serving the city of Burien, for over four decades. The 2009 closure of the pool impacted communities that had been using the pool for generations.

Hastings, an Assistant Chief with the Seattle Fire Department, started as a volunteer in the effort to reopen the pool, helping raise nearly $500,000 in modernizations and improvements from various sources including the State and County.

Evergreen Pool is not only a location for pool parties, swim lessons, and exercise classes, it has become a resource for the homeless community in the area, providing shower facilities for the homeless through a partnership with human service agencies Neighborhood House and Mary’s Place.

The annual presentation of the MLK Medal of Distinguished Service is the Council’s way of thanking those who have made a particularly strong impact on the county and to encourage others to renew their dedication to serve their community.

This is the third year Councilmembers have recognized individuals in their districts who have answered the question asked by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: “What are you doing for others?”

Checking the WCN archives, we see the pool was re-dedicated as Evergreen Community Aquatic Center exactly eight years ago tomorrow!

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AT NHUAC THIS MONTH: Find out about HONK! Fest, county budget, Steve Cox Memorial Park changes, more!

April 30th, 2018 at 1:22 pm Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news | 1 Comment »

Just announced:

North Highline Unincorporated Area Council Meeting

When: Thursday, May 3, 2018 at 7 pm
Where: North Highline Fire Station at 1243 SW 112th Street in White Center
(Parking and Entrance are in the Back of the Station)
The Opportunity to Be Informed, Be Involved and Be Heard!

Social justice and democracy can be fun and HONK! Fest will prove it! Help bring out the spirit of our community and make HONK! Fest a great way to spend the first Saturday in June. This month, NHUAC will be joined by HONK!’s Erik Peters. Eric will tell us what we need to know to help spread the word about the free, community music festival that is coming to White Center!

Speaking of democracy and social justice, a budget is often called a moral document because it reflects vales and priorities. The process used by our elected representatives to make decisions and how they spend our tax dollars are important aspects of how our government does or doesn’t work. The decision-making process used by King County and the upcoming two-year budget are both on this month’s agenda.

The time to learn about King County’s 2019 and 2020 budget process is now. To that end, Dwight Dively, King County’s Budget Director, will join us. He’ll be joined by Alan Painter, the Manager of the King County Community Service Areas program. Alan will explain a proposed Department of Local Services to “develop new and better ways to serve” unincorporated King County.

We will also hear from Frana Milan of King County Parks. Frana will update us on changes that will be made to Steve Cox Memorial Park.

True to form, Deputy Bill Kennamer will update us once again about police activity in our community.

Then… the floor will be yours!

Knowledge is power. Learn, share and help make our community a better place.

May 3, 2018 at 7 pm – Bring a Neighbor!

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PHOTOS: Cambodian New Year Festival in White Center

April 28th, 2018 at 12:21 pm Posted in Fun, White Center news | 2 Comments »

12:21 PM: The celebration is on, rain or shine! Until 5 pm, the Cambodian New Year Festival is happening on SW 98th in downtown White Center.

As announced by the Cambodian Cultural Alliance of Washington, it’s “a day full of entertainment, food, and fun! … tons of activities for children and parents: Banana-eating contest, Cambodian hacky sack (saiee) 8 vs 8 … Robam dances, guest speakers, poetry, live Cambodian band, live performances with Cambodian Classical instruments, local talents, open mic …. and many more. There will also be booths for community sponsors, and vendors selling delicious food! Free photo booth with a photo to take home for memories. Admission is FREE and all are welcome.”

ADDED 6:25 PM: Photos from a re-created traditional wedding procession during the festival:

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