Got this announcement from the folks behind the Master Gardeners program – note they’ll arrive in White Center earlier than West Seattle – mark your calendars!
The King County Master Gardeners will have their table set up at the West Seattle Farmer’s Market every Sunday beginning April 25th until September 26th (with the exception of May 2nd, May 30th, July 4th, and September 5th) from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM. They are there to answer your gardening questions, give gardening advice, and help diagnose gardening problems.
They also have a clinic at McLendon Hardware (in White Center) on Saturdays, beginning April 3rd until September 25th (with the exception of May 1st, May 29th, July 3rd, & Sept. 4th) from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM. Please stop by and “Ask a Master Gardener!”
We first reported these last night on partner site West Seattle Blog – but in case you didn’t see them there, we’re linking here too. Multiple agencies sent reps to the first “bridge closure planning meeting” yesterday in SP; after that, we were off to a media opportunity with Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn, whom we asked whether the city might chip in money for a new bridge, as a county rep had suggested to us might be necessary. Here’s the full story with details on both angles (including video of the mayor’s answer). Meantime, nothing has changed as the county moves toward its plan to close the South Park Bridge permanently at 7 pm June 30th.
Officials of White Water Aquatics Management, LLC, a not-for-profit subsidiary of an area swim team, today announce that they have reached an agreement to re-open Evergreen Community Aquatics Center (formerly Evergreen Pool) in White Center on or before May 1, 2010.
From the time King County closed the pool last summer, the parents of children who compete on the Whitewater Aquatics Swim Team have worked with The Highline School District and King County to develop an operating agreement. White Water Aquatics Management has developed a business plan to operate the pool with a full range of programming for diverse community needs, and has raised over $50,000 in private donations to get started.
“Swimming and water recreation offer lifelong health and safety benefits, and we are so pleased to be able to offer this programming to White Center and our community”, said Ed Marrs, president of Whitewater Aquatics, and a professional firefighter. “We would like to thank The Highline School Board, King County, Dow Constantine and dozens of Whitewater Swim Team Families who all worked tirelessly to ensure that we could open this pool. Our unique public-private partnership is an example of how citizens can mobilize and assist government in challenging times,” he continued.
With repairs underway, planning for a spring break scrub-and-paint marathon, lesson calendars and schedule planning in the works – as well an operating swim team preparing for several swim meets – , it’s a “hectic time at The Evergreen Community Aquatic Center, but we are truly excited to embark on this new venture,” said newly appointed pool manager, current WWA Head Coach Joel Schweiger. “We hope to release our calendar and start promoting spring swim lessons by April 5th.” Schweiger, an accomplished competitive swimmer, has managed several pools in California and has over fourteen years coaching experience up to the highest levels of the sport.
Thanks to the caller on our breaking-news line (206-293-6302, round the clock) – we just got word a crash has closed the South Park Bridge. The KIRO TV traffic chopper showed a vehicle on its side. No word how much longer (it’s 6:28 am as we post this) it’ll be closed.
Just got word from Joe, owner of the Hang Around Bar and Grill in the former home of The Wall in the heart of downtown White Center: He says their landlord has told us they have to get out by Friday, because the building will be closed. They say they got what they call “eviction papers” yesterday. It’s only been a few months since they opened, and Joe says they are in shock. He wrote in part:
We just totally established the place, put our hearts and love into it, and been tossed out like garbage. YES, the rent was paid every month. Im asking the community for help now. We always have had support from the community, the local shops welcomed us and we felt like part of the Family in White Center. Now we have to pack up and leave. What kind of people are they to do this? A lot of you people know us and i hope you can make a difference for us to stay here. all we did was love the community and love our business.This has saddened us and we did not see this coming. now 7 people have to be laid off who served the community with love and respect and helped kept the area clean of the Riff Raff.I hope and pray that someone can help us. PLEASE!
We’re working to find out more about what kind of help he’s looking for, among other aspects of the story, and will update when we get more information.
March 23rd, 2010 at 1:00 pm Posted in Education, Greenbridge, White Center news | Comments Off on Four days till Educare Early Learning Center’s grand opening
White Center Now was there a year and a half ago when ground was broken for the Educare Early Learning Center in Greenbridge – our video shows U.S. Sen. Patty Murray helping with the ceremonial shovel-turning – and we’ll be there this Saturday for the grand-opening celebration. It’ll start with speeches at 1 pm, followed by an open house with tours 2-4 pm. It’s adjacent to White Center Heights Elementary. Read on for the official announcement: Read the rest of this entry »
Chair Sean Healy has just sent around the reminder – this Thursday is the next monthly meeting of the White Center/South Delridge Community Safety Coalition, a great way to learn about crime trends and efforts to make the community safer. The meeting’s at 6 pm, DSHS White Center, 9650 15th Avenue SW, 2nd floor (Sycamore Room).
8:02 PM: That’s Mark Ufkes, president of the White Center Chamber of Commerce and supporter of Seattle annexing northern North Highline, speaking to the Burien City Council a short time ago. He’s part of a full house there to talk about annexation among other hot topics. As we mentioned earlier, the meeting’s being streamed live online as usual. It’s an hour into the meeting now and they’re still in the public-comment period, before councilmembers vote on a resolution that would formally indicate interest in annexing most of the rest of North Highline. “Burien needs all of North Highline to make the city complete,” North Highline Unincorporated Area Council president Greg Duff has just told the council, which is hearing impassioned pleas from people on both sides. This process took on a new light last Friday when it was suddenly announced that Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn no longer wanted to move toward an annexation vote in northern North Highline this year, but maybe one in November 2011 instead. More later.
8:18 PM: The public-comment period finally just wrapped up.
8:23 PM: Burien city manager Mike Martin has just noted something that was hinted at in a WCN comment — Comcast now has Burien’s cable channel in “Area X,” the North Highline South area that will join the city next week, though Martin acknowledged the cable company had previously said that might take at least a year.
9:11 PM: The motion to indicate interest in annexing northern North Highline has just been withdrawn – so that ends that, TFN. Councilmembers decided to resolve the issue that way rather than actually taking a vote on it; they noted that since the resolution first came up two weeks ago, Seattle’s decision to pull back on pursuing a 2010 annexation vote has changed the game. Councilmember Gordon Shaw said, “Given the everchanging state of affairs … it doesn’t seem to me (the resolution) is necessary at this time.”
March 22nd, 2010 at 5:32 pm Posted in Annexation, Burien, White Center news | Comments Off on Reminder: Annexation on tonight’s Burien City Council agenda
7 pm at Burien City Hall – here’s the agenda; here are the supporting materials. They’re talking about both current annexation issues – more details regarding the almost-complete annexation of North Highline South, plus a resolution to indicate interest in moving ahead with annexation of northern North Highline. If you can’t attend the meeting in person, it’ll be streamed online – you’ll find that link here once the meeting begins.
So far, you have five candidates to choose from this August in the State House Position 2 race for the 34th District: Burien resident Joe Fitzgibbon, who’s been working for Rep. Sharon Nelson (who’s giving up the seat to run for State Senate), just announced his candidacy. More details on partner site West Seattle Blog.
Salvadorean Bakery: Julio Castro: Beautiful photography from San Salvador.
Cafe Rozella: Rasta Rich: Jewelry.
Big Al Brewing: Raina Anderson: Photography from Raina’s personal collection. New Start High Photography: These students have vision. Support these burgeoning artists.
Full Tilt Ice Cream: Julie Luke: Rockin’ outsider beauty. Acrylic. Megan Jane Pickerel: Haunting and lovely acrylics.
DZul Tattoo: Airbrush and Tattoo Art, Custom clothes. Hometown heroes.
DubSea Coffee: ASARO ” The Assembly of Revolutionary Artists of Oaxaca ”
Photographical documentation by Courtney Anderson, with musical ambiance courtesy of DJ Michael J. Olsen.
On the street! 16th Ave SW across from Full Tilt at 6:30: Evergreen Dance Crew: Fusion!!!
When Kenny Pittman from Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn‘s office spoke to the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council recently (WCN coverage here), he reiterated that the city’s plans for moving ahead with a possible northern North Highline annexation vote would be contingent on a forthcoming financial analysis. That analysis came out today, as city budget boss Beth Goldberg presented a briefing. Bottom line: Too costly for Seattle to consider an annexation vote before 2011 – and even then, it’s not likely to be on the ballot before November 2011, if at all. Meantime, the Burien City Council will talk again Monday night about pursuing annexation of the area – here’s the agenda. The resolution they’re considering would state Burien’s intention to “advance” (that) annexation “as soon as reasonably possible” after completing the North Highline South annexation that takes effect next month.
March 18th, 2010 at 9:45 pm Posted in Election, Highland Park, Politics, White Center news | Comments Off on 1st candidates’ forum of the season next week: 34th District State House hopefuls
Yet another candidate joined the race for 34th District State House today – West Seattle resident Mike Heavey, who works on County Councilmember Jan Drago‘s staff, and is the son of Judge (former State Senator) Michael J. Heavey. Others who’ve declared or indicated their intention to run for the Position 2 seat that Rep. Sharon Nelson (D-Maury Island) is leaving include White Center entrepreneur “Mac” McElroy, running as an Independent, Burien Democrat Joe Fitzgibbon, and West Seattle Democrats Marcee Stone and Sabra Schneider. Highland Park Action Committee chair Dan Mullins says all candidates running for the seat are invited to athe first candidates’ forum of the season in the district, next Wednesday, March 24, during the 7 pm HPAC meeting at Highland Park Improvement Club HQ. (For the second month in a row, a northern North Highline annexation presentation is scheduled at the meeting too – this time from Burien annexation supporters Liz Giba and Barbara Dobkin.)
These are excerpts from this week’s e-newsletter from the City of Burien:
City Census Under Way in N. Highline Annexation Area
The City currently is conducting a house-to-house census in the North Highline annexation area. Households are being visited by a census worker wearing a City of Burien identification badge between March 12 and April 25. Information from the special census will ensure that the City receives a full share of state funds for essential public services. Households are only asked to provide the number of people living there and their names. The southern segment of North Highline officially becomes part of the City of Burien on April 1. This special annexation census is in addition to the U.S. Census being conducted by the federal Census Bureau this spring.
…City Reaches Out to North Highline Businesses
The City recently sent a letter to approximately 1,250 business entities located or working in the North Highline annexation area to provide the newly annexed businesses with an overview of some of the opportunities available in Burien, such as the Taking Aim at Graffiti (TAG) program or the “pre-submittal meetings” offered by Community Development. The letter also provided businesses with notice of some of their responsibilities, such as getting a business license and updating their tax code on Department of Revenue forms.
NOTE: Comcast subscribers in the annexation area should be able to view Burien Channel 21 and Puget Sound Access on Channel 77.
Not on the city e-newsletter list, but want to be? Sign up here.
March 17th, 2010 at 8:42 am Posted in Annexation, Burien, White Center news | Comments Off on North Highline South annexation gets TV spotlight
The impending Burien annexation of North Highline South got a TV-news spotlight this morning, with live reports from KING 5’s Tim Robinson. The video of his story is embedded above (KING 5 makes its video clips available for embedding on any website – just click the “share” symbol on their video window). Interviewees included Burien city manager Mike Martin.
Perusing the White Center Community Development Association website, we note an item from almost a week ago, in which a community newsletter from Shorewood draws WCCDA ire. The piece singled out by the WCCDA site writer complains about dog waste along Shorewood trails and suggests penalties for offenders, such as “sending their beloved pets to White Center to be recycled (eaten).” A complaint letter was written to the Shorewood on the Sound Club, signed by WCCDA’s Aileen Balahadia, Karen Veloria and Heather Downey and saying in part:
We do not find this remark funny- we find it offensive, as this stereotype is obviously applied to the communities of color in our diverse White Center. It is also abusive to our goal to market and promote our wonderful, hard-working, and largely immigrant owned small businesses and restaurants.
We appreciate community residents like yourselves getting together to improve your neighborhood. We’d implore you to please do so without dragging down a neighbor, especially one like White Center that has done so much to counter such negativity over the last few years.
We’ll be checking with both WCCDA and the Shorewood group to see if there’s been followup, since a week has gone by. 2:13 PM UPDATE: We heard back from Shorewood newsletter editor Kevin, who said he had replied to say he’s sorry they were offended. Aileen at WCCDA confirmed they had received a response but it wasn’t as much of an apology as they felt was in order, since the remark was published in a community-wide newsletter.
March 15th, 2010 at 2:15 am Posted in Election, Politics, Video, White Center news | Comments Off on Photos: 34th District’s Democratic caucus in White Center
(all photos by Dina Johnson – thank you, Dina!)
Participants at Sunday’s Democratic caucus for the 34th Legislative District had so many decisions to make, some got extra-comfortable to make them. The gathering was in the cafeteria at White Center’s Mount View Elementary School – part of the unincorporated area that might be in Seattle’s sights:
Liz Giba brought her sign to the event, and spoke with inquiring parties about her belief that Burien would be a better match for all of North Highline. Meantime, the caucus’s 70 or so participants heard from all three of their state legislators:
That’s Rep. Sharon Nelson, who intends to run for the State Senate job that Sen. Joe McDermott wants to leave to run for County Council – he was there too:
The only 34th District legislator not currently planning to run for something else is Rep. Eileen Cody:
Others who addressed the caucus participants included a 34th District-residing Democrat who currently has a mega-high-profile job, King County Executive Dow Constantine – we got his entire three-and-a-half-minute speech on video for earlier coverage on partner site West Seattle Blog:
In addition to choosing delegates to the state convention, caucus participants heard from candidates in upcoming elections. Among them, Kirk Prindle – a West Seattleite who is one of five people running for one seat in the King Conservation District board election this Tuesday:
The KCD election isn’t conducted like other countywide votes. No voting by mail; no close-to-everyone polling places. You have to go vote in person at one of several polling places; the nearest are Des Moines and Downtown Seattle – they’re all listed here. Back to the caucus: The 34th District Democrats’ website should have the final results of voting up soon.
March 14th, 2010 at 1:29 am Posted in Sports, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center PAL to present boxing fundraiser on March 27
Coach Tony Rago sends word that the White Center PAL (Police Activities League) will sponsor the amateur-boxing show “Opportunity Knocks” on March 27 at Evergreen High School. He says teams will be there from Portland and Vancouver, B.C., as well as Western Washington. The boxing starts at 6 pm; admission will be $10 adults, $5 kids 10 and under, with all proceeds to the White Center PAL Boxing Club. Call Coach Rago for more info – 206-293-3742.