Man shot outside White Center Taco Time

August 6th, 2013 at 3:31 pm Posted in Crime, White Center news | Comments Off on Man shot outside White Center Taco Time

We are checking with the King County Sheriff’s Office to find out more, but for starters: Our partners at The Seattle Times report a man was shot outside White Center Taco Time this afternoon. There apparently was a significant police presence there at one time – but we drove by about 40 minutes ago, unaware of the incident, and noticed just one police car in the area. The Times says a man was shot in the leg, and that investigators were trying to find out who did it and why. We’ll add anything more we find out.

3:37 PM UPDATE: Just heard back from KCSO spokesperson Sgt. Cindi West. She says, “We received a call of a man shot in the area of 10000 blk of 16 Ave Sw. We arrived at the Taco Time and found a male who had been shot in the ankle area. We do not have a lot of information right now. We are not getting a lot of information from the victim.”

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Two days left to vote! Remember White Center has a ballot-dropoff van

August 5th, 2013 at 10:07 am Posted in Election, Greenbridge, White Center news | Comments Off on Two days left to vote! Remember White Center has a ballot-dropoff van

Just a reminder that the new-this-election ballot-dropoff van is at Greenbridge Library (9720 8th SW) today until 5 pm and again tomorrow – Election Day – from 10 am until 8 pm (which is the very last moment you can vote). You also can send your ballot in via postal mail, but if you do that, you need to make sure it has proper postage (dropping it off at the van, or any one of the county’s other dropoff spots, including a van in West Seattle and fixed locations including Burien City Hall, is free).

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Night Out next Tuesday: Join the teens @ Steve Cox Memorial Park

August 2nd, 2013 at 12:42 pm Posted in Parks, White Center news | Comments Off on Night Out next Tuesday: Join the teens @ Steve Cox Memorial Park

Another Night Out event in White Center – and this one is early, so you can still go to the downtown block party, too! Here’s the official announcement:

The Annual King County Parks Night Out Against Crime Picnic is coming up on Tuesday, August 6th from 5-7pm at Steve Cox Memorial Park (1321 SW 102nd 98146.) The White Center Teen Program has participated in the National Night Out event for over a decade and is thrilled to invite families back to the park in 2013. In addition to the traditional Night Out crafts, games and hotdogs, the Teen Program will also be offering tours of their new demonstration garden at the Southeast corner of the park. The garden tours are especially fitting for Night Out, as the new garden was installed in the Spring of 2013 in an attempt to replace an ongoing safety concern in the park with a new, improved amenity.

In recent times, the original picnic shelter at Steve Cox Memorial Park has posed challenges for public safety and ongoing maintenance. The remote location of the shelter provided privacy for picnic goers, but it also allowed for general misuse and mistreatment of the space. King County Parks just completed construction on a more centrally located picnic shelter next to the children’s playland, and the question was raised as to what to do with the existing structure. In lieu of tearing down a beloved amenity made possible by local community groups like the WC Lions , The White Center Teen Program proposed upcycling the space and structure into a demonstration garden and greenhouse. The original shelter was converted by the County Crafts Crew in the spring of 2013, and the teens have been volunteering to build the beds, plant the crops, and maintain the garden ever since.

This year’s picnic is once again sponsored by the teens and staff of the White Center Teen Program. The WCTP offers free recreational, educational and social enrichment programming to over 800 culturally diverse participants ages 12-19 each year. The program operates five days a week, forty-eight weeks a year and provides structured recreational classes and programs, homework assistance, educational and computer resources, leadership training, volunteer opportunities, special events, field trips, and drop-in activities. Teens and staff will be providing garden themed crafts, games and snacks along with garden tours between 5-7pm on the evening of the 6th.

For additional Information, please contact Darlene Sellers, Recreation Coordinator at 206.296.2952

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Arrest after 2 months in indecent-exposure case aboard bus traveling White Center to West Seattle

August 1st, 2013 at 8:26 pm Posted in Crime, White Center news | 1 Comment »

From the Seattle Police SPD Blotter website, an arrest this week in an indecent-exposure case that happened aboard a Metro bus traveling from White Center to West Seattle almost two months ago:

It all started on June 3rd at approximately 7:15 p.m. when the 15-year-old female victim and the 26-year-old male suspect boarded a Metro bus in the area of 15th Avenue SW and SW 102nd Street.

The suspect sat down next to the victim across the aisle. The victim heard some strange noises coming from the suspect and she turned and looked in the suspect’s direction. The suspect exposed his genitals to the victim and began masturbating. The suspect then tried to solicit a date from the victim. The victim was able to photograph the suspect before he exited the bus in the 6000 block of 16th Avenue SW.

Seattle Police Sexual Assault Unit detectives initiated an investigation, positively identified the suspect and disseminated a “be on the lookout” bulletin for officers.

On July 31st at approximately 5:18 p.m. two King County Sheriff’s Office detectives spotted the suspect in the area of 15th Avenue SW and SW Roxbury. They detained the suspect and called Seattle Police.

Seattle Police patrol officers responded to the scene, took custody of the suspect and booked him into the King County Jail for Indecent Exposure.

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Where should marijuana-related businesses be allowable? White Center one of four communities to host meetings

July 31st, 2013 at 3:33 pm Posted in Politics, White Center news | 2 Comments »

Where should marijuana-related businesses be allowed in the unincorporated areas? King County is having four public meetings on the topic – including one in White Center one week from tomorrow. Here’s the full KC announcement:

Following the voter initiative creating a state licensing system for production and sales of recreational marijuana, a King County agency has developed proposed standards for the zoning of marijuana-related businesses that would be regulated by the state and located in unincorporated King County, outside of cities.

“The voters have mandated that marijuana-related businesses are allowed uses, so we have worked to identify appropriate zoning districts for them,” said John Starbard, director of the King County Department of Permitting and Environmental Review. “As a next step we now seek public input on this proposed zoning, which will define where these uses will be permitted in the unincorporated areas outside cities.”

The agency will hold four public meetings in August on the proposed legislation. All meetings will be held from 6:00 to 9:00 pm, with an open house the first hour with King County staff available to answer questions. The public comment period will begin at 7:00 pm.

Wednesday, August 7
Snoqualmie Valley area
Fall City Library
33415 SE 42nd Pl., Fall City

Thursday, August 8
North Highline area
Technology Access Foundation
605 SW 108th Street

Monday, August 12
Southeast King County
Maple Valley Library
21844 SE 248th Street, Maple Valley

Tuesday, August 13
Vashon/Maury Island
Courthouse Square
19021 Vashon Highway SW, Vashon

Among the elements of the proposed ordinance that will be discussed:

* Indoor growing and processing of marijuana would be allowed in areas zoned as Community Business, Regional Business, and Industrial.

* Outdoor growing would be limited to the Agriculture and Rural Area zones.

* Retail sales would be allowed in the Neighborhood Business, Community Business, and Regional Business Zones.

All recreational marijuana businesses operating under the system created by voters through Initiative 502 would require a valid license from the State of Washington. The initiative prohibits the siting of those businesses within 1000 feet of youth-oriented facilities such as parks, libraries, schools, child care centers, and game arcades. Proposed rules under consideration by the state would require fencing and other security measures for all licensed facilities, including outdoor growing.

The proposed King County ordinance would also codify standards existing in state statute for medical marijuana uses, by allowing individual growing and collective gardens authorized for qualifying patients under that state law. The proposed ordinance would prohibit collective gardens within 1000 feet of youth-oriented uses, the same as with recreational marijuana facilities.

Voters enacted I-502 in November to establish a regulatory system for the growing, processing, sale of marijuana for recreational purposes. The Washington State Liquor Control Board (WSLCB) was charged with responsibility for implementing the regulatory system of recreational marijuana, and is expected to adopt final rules in September for the licensing of recreational marijuana businesses. Once the state rules are adopted, the WSLCB will begin accepting applications for licenses. Licensees will be required to identify the location of the business and the WSLCB will issue licenses for a specific location.

With input from the four public meetings, the County Executive is expected to submit a final proposed ordinance to the Metropolitan King County Council by the end of August.

Copies of the proposed ordinance should be ready for download by the end of the day at

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Tonight: Dine at Proletariat Pizza for Spoke and Food

July 30th, 2013 at 2:09 pm Posted in How to Help, White Center news | Comments Off on Tonight: Dine at Proletariat Pizza for Spoke and Food

Ride your bike over to dine tonight at White Center’s Proletariat Pizza, and you’ll benefit a bicycling nonprofit – PP is the local participant in this year’s Spoke and Food. Here’s the full flyer for everybody participating around the metro area:

Beneficiary is Bike Works.

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Photos: Seen during the Village Green Tour of Gardens

July 30th, 2013 at 1:18 pm Posted in Gardening, White Center news | Comments Off on Photos: Seen during the Village Green Tour of Gardens

It’s a beautiful day, perfect for beautiful photos. White Center resident Sarah Beard kindly shared hers (thank you!) from the recent Village Green Tour of Gardens, presented by Village Green Perennial Nursery, and this seems like the right time to admire the peaking-at-midsummer scenes:















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Burn ban for unincorporated King County

July 26th, 2013 at 1:03 pm Posted in White Center news | Comments Off on Burn ban for unincorporated King County

Just out of the WCN inbox:

As hot and dry weather conditions continue, the outdoor fire danger has increased. In response King County is issuing a fire safety burn ban in unincorporated areas of the County effective July 29, 2013.
This is a Phase 1 burn ban and applies to all outdoor burning except for small recreational fires in established fire pits at approved camp grounds or private property with the owner’s permission.  Recreational fires must:

·         Be built in a metal or concrete fire pit, such as those typically found in designated campgrounds; and not be used as debris disposal;
·         Grow no larger than three feet in diameter;
·         Be located in a clear spot free from any vegetation for at least 10 feet in a horizontal direction, including at least 25 feet away from any structure and allow 20-foot vertical clearance from overhanging branches; and
·         Be attended at all times by an alert individual and equipment capable of extinguishing the fire.
For properties located within cities, please contact your local jurisdiction for requirements. This ban remains in effect until further notice.
For more information, visit the King County Department of Permitting and Environmental Review Fire Marshal website at:

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Cultivate’s third annual Open Microphone event in White Center tonight

July 26th, 2013 at 5:11 am Posted in Arts, Music, White Center news | Comments Off on Cultivate’s third annual Open Microphone event in White Center tonight

Happening tonight at Greenbridge Plaza! Here’s the announcement:

This Friday, July 26th, Cultivate will be hosting our 3rd annual Outdoor White Center Open Mic.

The open mic will be a joint effort by Cultivate, The White Center CDA, The YES Foundation and Dub Sea Coffee and other community members. It’s an open mic but more of a concert feel with established local artist showcasing their talents for the White Center Community.

It’s a fun free event for families to enjoy in our wonderful community of White Center. It’s also a great opportunity to showcase local talent and celebrate the community of White Center.

The event will be on July 26th at 7 pm, Greenbridge Plaza – 9010 8th Ave SW.

For more info, here’s the Facebook event page.

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Update: 3 arrested in burglary bust, thanks to alert neighbor

July 24th, 2013 at 1:05 pm Posted in Crime, White Center news | Comments Off on Update: 3 arrested in burglary bust, thanks to alert neighbor

1:05 PM: Thanks to Audrey for the tip about helicopter activity over the area. King Co. Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Sgt. Cindi West says deputies have detained suspects in a burglary near 4th and 107th. They were found to the south, in North Burien.

1:45 PM UPDATE: Just checked back with Sgt. West. She says the arrests were off 4th S. and S. 116th.

2:38 PM UPDATE: Sgt. West says the story gets even better: This all started when an alert neighbor called 911 after noticing something suspicious at a house at 4th S. and S. 107th. Multiple burglars kicked in the back door while the resident was at work; there were lookouts in another car, and that’s what the neighbor noticed. Just so happened a plainclothes detective in an unmarked car was in the area. He observed for a while, saw the burglars coming out of the house with “a pillowcase full of loot,” Sgt. West says, and followed them, radioing for backup. When the burglars realized they’d been spotted, four of them jumped out of the moving car. The one who was driving was caught fairly quickly; two others were arrested shortly thereafter, and two are still at large. Sgt. West says the loot included at least 10 guns and a safe that either hadn’t been locked or was somehow opened by the burglars.

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Two weeks till Night Out: Block party planned in downtown White Center

July 24th, 2013 at 12:05 am Posted in Safety, White Center news | 1 Comment »

Night Out – THE night to be out with neighbors and friends, celebrating community, in the name of safety – is just two weeks away, Tuesday, August 6th. A big block party has been announced for downtown White Center on Night Out – right in the heart of the business district. Here’s the Facebook invite, which mentions, so far:

-$2 food walk with some of White Center’s most delicious eats
-free bike education classes & emergency preparedness planning for your family at White Center Community Development Association
-beer garden at Big Al Brewing
-live music

And Center Studio will have a free class outside, proprietor Lonjina Verdugo tells us. Stand by for more details on all this.

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Big Q about White Center’s new library: Where should it sit on the site?

July 23rd, 2013 at 3:16 am Posted in Libraries, White Center news | 2 Comments »

Lots of new information emerged about White Center’s new library at the first big public meeting about the project – including three potential configurations for the site. The library could be sited on the northwest corner, with the parking lot to its south:

Or, on the northwest corner with the parking lot to its east:

Or, on the northeast corner with the parking lot to its west:

If all goes well, the project team said at Thursday night’s meeting – billed as an open house but really a presentation with Q/A – construction could start in about a year. More than 50 people were there, and these are the key points they heard from project-team reps including King County Library System director Bill Ptacek:

*The library is still planned for 10,000 square feet, likely one story, with at least one large meeting room (the current WC Library is 6,000 sf). “We feel comfortable (10,000 sf) will be a good size for this community,” said Ptacek. It’ll have about 50 parking spaces, about twice what the current library has.

*The project team hopes to build it at least to “LEED silver” for sustainability

*The construction budget – not including design – is $4.2 million for the building and parking lot

*It’s not expected to have anything resembling a coffee shop; just a vending machine, said Ptacek, who noted that they once talked with Starbucks about the possibility of library/coffee-shop partnerships, but Starbucks just didn’t think there was much in it for them.

*Major attraction: It will be close to Mount View Elementary, where the meeting was held; the school is just to the east of the site. And the closer the better, indicated many who spoke.

*The site has its challenges, it was acknowledged, including changes in grade, but the new library’s location is not up for discussion, Ptacek said firmly.

*Staff members – some of whom were at the meeting – do get input into the project, especially the floor plan.

*Future users are getting input too; one librarian said they hope to have focus groups with teenagers, and possibly even talk with elementary students at Mount View once next school year starts.

*One attendee said she had spoken with Cascade Middle School students, who told her that computer access was their highest priority for the new library, and that they hoped it would have room for them to do homework – many, the attendee said, might have large extended families and no room at home to work.

One big caveat about the hoped-for timeline of starting construction around this time next year: Hard to tell how long it will take to get permits. The Vashon library project took more than a year, it was noted. But, KCLS reps say, County Executive Dow Constantine‘s office is “interested in getting the project going as fast as possible.”

In the meantime, they hope to have design renderings ready to show in October.

And once they have the site layout locked in, then they can get busy with another key part of the plan – finding a partner to use the rest of the land on the site, which is expected under terms of the deal to buy it from the Washington State Housing Finance Commission. Housing is a possibility on whatever part is not used for the library.

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Video: One last look at White Center Jubilee Days’ big night

July 21st, 2013 at 11:14 pm Posted in White Center Jubilee Days, White Center news | Comments Off on Video: One last look at White Center Jubilee Days’ big night

Just found out about that video by Blair Johnson from White Center-neighboring Highland Park – he included some of the Jubilee Days carnival rides on Wednesday night, and then the fireworks show. Great memories – thanks!

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Seen at the 2013 White Center Jubilee Days street fair

July 21st, 2013 at 2:52 pm Posted in White Center Jubilee Days, White Center news | 1 Comment »

The fog hadn’t burned off yet when we stopped by the White Center Jubilee Days street fair earlier today – so Deano the Clown‘s bright makeup and costume really stood out against the gray sky. Another standout element, as always: The volunteers who put in so much time and effort to make your community a better place, like White Center Food Bank board member Jun Tay, photographed at the WCFB booth:

And the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council, whose booth was anchored by NHUAC members Liz Giba and Pat Price, along with Bob Price, when we visited:

Also on hand – robotics students from the Evergreen campus demonstrating their frisbee-flinging robot in the KeyBank lot:

Jubilee Days entertainment continues until 6 pm today. This is the 90th edition of the festival!

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Jubilee Days finale: Parade, pancake breakfast, more

July 21st, 2013 at 7:41 am Posted in White Center Jubilee Days, White Center Kiwanis Club, White Center news | 2 Comments »

White Center Jubilee Days 2013 wraps up today with the street fair continuing and the parade at 11:30 am. Do note that means 16th SW will be closed between SW 100th (end of the parade route) and SW 112th (the start) for a while. Today’s full list of events is on the Jubilee Days home page – starting with the White Center Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast at 8 am at Holy Family.

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New play equipment for North Shorewood Park

July 19th, 2013 at 12:28 pm Posted in Parks, White Center news | Comments Off on New play equipment for North Shorewood Park

12:28 PM: Thanks to Gill for sharing photos of what’s happening this week at North Shorewood Park – new playground equipment! The installation came shortly after the removal of the old equipment:

We’re checking with King County Parks and will add whatever more we find out.

2:12 PM UPDATE: KC Parks spokesperson Doug Williams tells WCN: “This is a Community Development Block Grant project, officially named the North Shorewood Park Rehabilitation project, in the amount of $117,000. Completion is expected in about mid-August.”

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RatCity ArtCity seeking live performers for August festival

July 18th, 2013 at 12:45 pm Posted in Arts, White Center news | Comments Off on RatCity ArtCity seeking live performers for August festival

From RatCity ArtCity, which brought live painters to White Center businesses and streets one week ago tonight:

We are hosting another Live Performance Extravaganza in White Center! We place artists all over the streets of White Center to perform for the public during this 3-hour festival.

Looking for:

Dancers-Dance Troupes

Painters-Live Artists

Spoken Word Artists that can perform without a microphone

Poi Dancers


Plate Spinners

Interpretive Dancers
One Man Bands


Any other live performer you can think of!

The festival takes place on Thursday, August 8th from 6-9pm

Please send a description and any links to your work you may have to be considered to

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Reminder for tonight: Design open house for new White Center Library

July 18th, 2013 at 10:01 am Posted in Libraries, White Center news | Comments Off on Reminder for tonight: Design open house for new White Center Library

It’s not AT White Center Library, but it’s about the NEW White Center Library – tonight’s the open house we first told you about two weeks ago, so you can get a look at what King County Library System is working on, and offer your opinion(s). The open house is at 6:20 pm at Mount View Elementary (10811 12th SW).

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White Center gets a ballot ‘drop van’ for next month’s election

July 17th, 2013 at 10:57 am Posted in Election, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center gets a ballot ‘drop van’ for next month’s election

Remember when the White Center Library used to have a round-the-clock ballot drop box for elections? So do we. It’s not coming back (so far), but the next best thing has been announced – WC will get a ballot “drop van” for the coming election. Ballots for the August 6th primary go out today.checkbox.jpg. And in the final days before Election Day, you’ll be able to drop your ballot off at Greenbridge Library (9720 8th SW). There’s also a van in West Seattle, and 24-hour dropboxes in other areas of the county. Here’s the map showing all drop vans and 24-hour dropboxes. The county says the drop vans will be available on Saturday, August 3rd, and Monday, August 5th, 10 am-5 pm, and on Election Day, Tuesday, August 6th, 10 am-8 pm; the 24-hour dropboxes will be ready to use as of tomorrow. Among the issues in this election: A levy to raise money for King County Parks.

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White Center Jubilee Days notes: Carnival; fireworks; bus reroutes for parade

July 17th, 2013 at 8:39 am Posted in White Center Jubilee Days, White Center news | 1 Comment »

Three White Center Jubilee Days notes this morning:

CARNIVAL STARTS THIS AFTERNOON: 3 pm, Steve Cox Memorial Park. The hours for the full five-day run are listed on the WCJD website.

FIREWORKS TONIGHT: Dusk, also at Steve Cox Park.

BUS REROUTES: Sunday brings the Jubilee Days parade, and that means temporary reroutes that day for Metro Route 120 and Sound Transit 560.

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