ELECTION 2020: Appointed sheriff? And 6 other questions to decide in November

July 24th, 2020 Tracy Posted in Election, King County, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news 1 Comment »

Should the King County Sheriff go back to being appointed rather than elected? That’s one of the proposed charter amendments going to voters this November, as announced:

With the approval of three more measures on Tuesday, the King County will now send seven county charter amendments to the November ballot for a public vote to approve or reject them. The Charter Review Commission recommended 11 amendments in its final report last year, though it wasn’t expected that all the amendments would be considered by voters in the same year.

The following amendments will now appear on the November ballot:

=Specify that inquests should be performed for deaths in the county’s jails and provide the family of the deceased with legal representation during the inquest process.
=Include subpoena power for the King County Office of Law Enforcement Oversight to aid in its investigations.
-Make the King County Sheriff an appointed rather than elected position.
-Remove the Charter impediment to the sale of county-owned property below market value for affordable housing purposes, in accordance with recent amendments to state law.
-Update the Charter to change references to “citizen” to “resident” or “public” depending on the circumstances. This change would address several references in the Charter to the concept of citizenship being necessary to access certain aspects of county government.
-Prohibit discrimination in county employment and contracting based on someone’s status as a family caregiver, military status, or status as a veteran who was honorably discharged or discharged solely as a result of sexual orientation or gender identity.

“I am pleased to give the voters the opportunity to decide on these amendments to the way our county is governed,” said Council Chair Claudia Balducci.

The seventh amendment set for a vote in the fall was not a recommendation of the Charter Review Commission, but instead was a council-proposed amendment. This amendment would allow the Council to establish the duties of the Sheriff’s Office. Those duties are currently set by the charter.

The sheriff was appointed until voters decided in 1996 to change that.

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Highline Public Schools will start 2020-2021 without in-person classes

July 22nd, 2020 Tracy Posted in Coronavirus, Highline School District, Schools, White Center news Comments Off on Highline Public Schools will start 2020-2021 without in-person classes

Highline Public Schools has announced that the 2020-2021 school year will start without in-person classes:

Highline Superintendent Susan Enfield announced today that Highline schools would begin the school year with distance learning, where students in all grades will learn from home. The district had been planning for in-person instruction on alternating days to allow for social distancing.

“I have been fiercely hoping to have our students back in our schools this fall,” said Superintendent Enfield. “But after reviewing all the data and feedback, and as the person who ultimately bears responsibility for the health and safety of our students and staff in our schools, I cannot in good conscience open schools for in-person instruction in September,”

In a survey of all employees, over 35 percent of staff reported they are in a high-risk group for COVID infection, and nearly 29 percent of teachers say they live with or care for someone who is at high risk.

This announcement comes on the same day as five other south King County districts announced similar plans.

Countries that have successfully reopened schools in-person have done so with declining infection rates. COVID-19 cases are rising in King County, and over half of all new cases are among people ages 20-39 according to Public Health – Seattle & King County.

When infection rates decrease, the district plans to move into a hybrid model. Families will have the option to continue distance learning, with students remaining with their teachers and classmates while learning from home, or choose in-person instruction two to four days a week, depending on grade level and special needs.

For more information, visit highlineschools.org/coronavirus.

Neighboring Seattle Public Schools made the same announcement today.

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UPDATE: Deputies investigating White Center shooting

July 21st, 2020 Tracy Posted in Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news Comments Off on UPDATE: Deputies investigating White Center shooting

5:46 PM: King County Sheriff’s Office deputies are in the 10400 block of 2nd SW, investigating a shooting. They say the victim was shot in the hand by someone who fled and is still being sought. No other details so far.

6:20 PM: KCSO says the victim also had left the scene before investigators arrived; they are checking with area hospitals.

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FOLLOWUP: Suspect charged in arson at ex-funeral home in White Center

July 20th, 2020 Tracy Posted in Crime, Fire, White Center news 6 Comments »

By Tracy Record
White Center Now editor

This afternoon, the former Yarington’s Funeral Home in White Center is just a burned-out shell and piles of charred debris. And a 35-year-old man is in jail, charged with setting the 2-alarm fire in the early hours of July 8th. Matthew Robert-David Hicks is charged with first-degree arson and second-degree burglary, his bail set at $200,000.

The King County Sheriff’s Office announced Hicks’ arrest today, though he has been in jail since Thursday night, two days after we broke the news that the fire was ruled arson. The charging documents say Hicks has “a lengthy history of crime”; King County Jail records show this is his sixth booking in less than a year (his record, however, appears to be mostly misdemeanors). We recognized his name because he was arrested in connection with a big White Center fire early last year, but released without charges.

The probable-cause documentation from the new charge against Hicks says he has been on investigators’ radar since the morning of this fire. An investigator who recognized him “from other fire events in the area” saw him kitty-corner from the fire scene that morning, standing near the gas station/mini-mart. The investigator says the next day, a private security guard watching the still-smoldering site told him that a woman had come by early that morning and said a man named “Matt” had been bragging about starting the fire. The investigator subsequently learned the same woman had told the same thing to firefighters at the scene the night after the fire. Soon thereafter, a sheriff’s deputy contacted the investigator, saying he was with Hicks and should come talk to him.

Though Hicks denied starting the fire, he talked with the investigator about having been in the building befooe the fire. Once the investigator was able to get onto the site, he determined those were details that only would have been known by someone who had been there. The investigator also found two places where the fire had started, neither with any potentially accidental sources of ignition.

The probable-cause narrative goes on to say that he tracked down the women who had said “Matt” was bragging about starting the fire. She said she was an acquaintance and that they both lived unsheltered. She also said “Matt” seemed to have “mental issues” and was known for talking to himself. She also said he had a street reputation for being “a pyro” and that she had witnessed this in an area park a year or two earlier, with Hicks playing with matches.

From there, the probable-cause document concludes by noting that when Hicks was arrested, he “fought with officers.” Also noted: The burned building was last appraised at more than $800,000.

Hicks is scheduled for arraignment on July 30th.

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STARTING SUNDAY: 1st Avenue South Bridge work closures

July 17th, 2020 Tracy Posted in Traffic, White Center news 1 Comment »

(First published on partner site West Seattle Blog)

(Reader photo)

By Tracy Record
White Center Now editor

The First Avenue South Bridge has some major work coming up: During 14 nights spread across three weeks, the northbound side will be closed for replacement of 14 of the bridge’s 96 deck panels.

The First Avenue South Bridge is actually two drawbridges – a little over half a mile long, built 40 years apart; northbound opened in 1956, southbound opened in 1996. And you should also keep in mind that it’s a state-owned-and-operated structure, so to find out more about the bridge itself, we talked with bridge-preservation engineer Evan Grimm at WSDOT (which has an FAQ page about the bridge here).

The state has ~3,000 bridges to maintain, and 40 inspectors who keep track of them – crawling under them, dangling off them, clipboards in hand. The bridges are routinely inspected every two years (that’s the federal standard, we’ve learned since the West Seattle Bridge closure). Bridges like this also get specialized inspections – underwater, for example, every five years. The state also has a full-time maintemance crew that Grimm says is “constantly out greasing gears, fixing broken wires,” etc., on bascule bridges. Even before the upcoming deck work, WSDOT was wrapping up a project upgrading mechanical and electrical equipment on the 1st Avenue South Bridge.

As for the project that starts this weekend to replace deck panels, Grimm says it’s necessary because some of the deteriorating panels are “giving us fits.” They’re trying to extend the life of the bridge – again, this is on the northbound side, now 64 years old, and Grimm notes that when it was built, they might have considered 75-80 years as a likely lifespan. “But as we look to the future, it might be a lot longer,” due in no small part to the cost of replacement.

Of those ~3,000 WSDOT bridges, by the way, only a handful are this type – primarily in Seattle and out in Aberdeen, Grimm noted. But he says with pride, this one is “a really cool bridge.”

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ... about the upcoming work on the 1st Avenue South Bridge:

-Starts Sunday night (July 19th)
-10 pm-5 am each night of work
-Northbound full closure – you won’t be able to get onto NB 509/99 from the West Seattle/South Park onramps
-Southbound remains open
-14 nights of work are planned, Sundays-Thursdays (no work on Fridays or Saturdays)
-West Seattle low bridge is open to all traffic during those hours, and you can cross the Duwamish River via the South Park Bridge, too

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FOLLOWUP: Bloom Bistro to open in White Center this weekend

July 16th, 2020 Tracy Posted in Restaurants, White Center news 1 Comment »

New White Center eatery Bloom Bistro is opening this weekend – Saturday and Sunday (July 18-19) for take-out only. As we reported last month, this is the restaurant that’s taken over the ex-Biscuit Bitch/Brass Knuckle Bistro space at 9602 16th SW. See the menu here.

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FOLLOWUP: 2-alarm White Center fire ruled arson

July 14th, 2020 Tracy Posted in Crime, Fire, White Center news Comments Off on FOLLOWUP: 2-alarm White Center fire ruled arson

(WCN photo from last Thursday, as fire flared up for a second day)

Last week’s fire that gutted the former Yarington’s Funeral Home in White Center has been ruled arson. That’s what King County Fire District 2 Chief Mike Marrs tells WCN. The two-alarm fire drew firefighters and apparatus from multiple departments last Wednesday (WCN coverage here), and flareups brought firefighters back the next day; no one was hurt. Investigators are not commenting on anything else about the fire, except to say it’s a “very active investigation.”

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TODAY: Camp Second Chance Community Advisory Committee

July 12th, 2020 Tracy Posted in Myers Way, White Center news Comments Off on TODAY: Camp Second Chance Community Advisory Committee

The monthly Community Advisory Committee meeting for Camp Second Chance on Myers Way is usually on the first Sunday of the month, but because of the holiday, the CAC meeting was delayed a week to today, 2 pm. Here’s how to join:

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 858 5523 4269
Password: 9701
By phone: 253 215 8782

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PHOTOS: See unincorporated North Highline’s new park-to-be!

July 9th, 2020 Tracy Posted in King County, Parks, White Center news 1 Comment »

(WCN photos)

Five forested acres for less than $360,000. “A screaming deal,” as King County Executive Dow Constantine observed while touring unincorporated North Highline’s newest park-to-be this past Monday. We were along for the tour, as was a small county delegation including County Councilmember Joe McDermott.

The park plan for 10203 9th Avenue S., officially announced today, has been in the works a while. The acquisition was completed in January. Going back further, to last year, this is the site King County’s Dave Kimmett was talking about during a guest appearance before the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council. Its previous owners, who Kimmett said are in China, could have developed it as residential property, but decided to sell instead. It would admittedly have been tough to develop – for many of the reasons that make it perfect as open space, like a ravine for what the county says is an “unnamed creek”:

The county already has cleared some invasives and trucked out tons of dumped material, but there’s more work to do, and it’ll be next year before this is ready to debut as a park.

If you’re having trouble placing the site, here’s a map.

It’s definitely an urban oasis – airplane noise with Sea-Tac-bound jets right overhead, traffic noise with trucks rumbling along roads to the west, and a big apartment complex to the north. A half-mile of trails will be built through the park, which has only “social trails” now (and you can get a glimpse into the land’s north side from a walkway along the apartment complex’s south edge).

Restoration costs are expected to total around $30,000 for the next year or so of work. Meantime, more acquisitions are expected as part of the ongoing Land Conservation Initiative.

“Very exciting,” enthused Executive Constantine.

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UPDATE: Early-morning 2-alarm fire at former Yarington’s Funeral Home in White Center

July 8th, 2020 Tracy Posted in Fire, White Center news 2 Comments »

(WCN photos)

7:20 AM: Thanks for the tip. Another fire at the former Yarington’s Funeral Home at 16th/107th, and this one is much bigger than the one this past spring. The online 911 log shows the first callout was at 4:30 am. We’ll be on scene shortly.

7:31 AM: Our photographer spoke to the public-information officer on scene. No injuries. But it’s a two-alarm fire and other departments are here assisting North Highline. No word on the cause.

7:59 AM: County records show the property (and a parcel immediately south, 1 1/3 acres total) sold back in January for $3.7 million to an out-of-state real-estate investment firm.

6 PM: We talked to PIO Shauna Sheppard again tonight – she said investigators haven’t been able to get in and start looking for the cause yet, because the fire isn’t entrely out. (We went by and indeed, as the photo above shows, firefighters were still putting water on the building a short time ago.)

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LOST DOG: Looking for Ada

July 8th, 2020 Tracy Posted in Pets, White Center news 1 Comment »

Via email: “Our long-hair chihuahua went missing from White Center downtown when we took her for grooming on Monday at 6 PM. She is all white except two brown spots on her hind leg and tail. Please contact 913-708-3617 if you saw her or have her. She should have a red collar with our contact information, also. Her name is Ada. She likes to hide in the bushes.”

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SCHOOLS: Highline School Board to vote Wednesday on sending tech levy to voters

July 6th, 2020 Tracy Posted in Highline School District, White Center news Comments Off on SCHOOLS: Highline School Board to vote Wednesday on sending tech levy to voters

This Wednesday, Highline school-board members will decide whether to ask you to vote on a technology levy this November. Here’s a preview from the district:

The Highline Public Schools Board of Directors is considering placing a levy on the November 2020 ballot to fund technology for students and teachers. Board members introduced a resolution at the June 24 school board meeting. They will vote at the July 8 board meeting on whether to place the proposed tech levy on the ballot for Highline voters.

The emergency transition to distance learning demonstrated an urgent need for technology funding—for devices, connection, security, support and training. It revealed more starkly the digital divide that already existed in homes and classrooms throughout Highline.

Staff placed more than 13,000 devices and 1,000 hotspots with students this spring. Many of these devices are aging, as are many classroom computers. Hotspots are a necessity for students for distance learning, which will continue next school year due to the pandemic.

The district faces a period when state education funding is likely to shrink due to the economic downturn. The levy would fund purchase of devices that will be needed next year and beyond.

Would a Technology Levy Raise Tax Rates?

A two-year $32.5-million levy would not increase taxes beyond the current rate. It would expire in two years. If passed, taxpayers will see a reduction of $0.12 per $1,000 assessed value in 2021. This aligns with the counsel of Highline’s community-led Capital Facilities Advisory Committee (CFAC) to keep tax rates steady.

What Would A Proposed Technology Levy Fund?

Replace aging computers for teachers and students.
Provide training and coaching to help teachers personalize student learning using digital tools.
Provide technology to ensure all students have internet access for learning at home
Update cybersecurity to protect confidential student and district data.
Update classrooms with interactive screens to allow teachers to deliver instruction in the classroom and/or to students at home.

You can “attend” Wednesday’s meeting online – here’s the info.

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NEED PET FOOD? Go to Steve Cox Memorial Park next Friday

July 4th, 2020 Tracy Posted in Coronavirus, Pets, Steve Cox Memorial Park, White Center news Comments Off on NEED PET FOOD? Go to Steve Cox Memorial Park next Friday

King County’s mobile pet-food bank is coming back to Steve Cox Memorial Park, for those who need pet food but are having trouble affording it. Look for it there (1321 SW 102nd) noon-3 pm on Friday, July 10th.

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Gunfire incident, no injuries reported

July 3rd, 2020 Tracy Posted in Crime, White Center news Comments Off on Gunfire incident, no injuries reported

(WCN/WSB photo, Thursday evening)

Seattle Police converged on a house at 18th/98th after gunfire was reported near Holy Family early Thursday evening. We covered it on partner site West Seattle Blog because the initial report was “20th/Roxbury” though the subsequent investigation moved a bit south of the city-limits line. Here’s what it boiled down to: Though SPD initially reported an injury, police at the scene could not find anyone wounded, even after questioning multiple people who had been in the house. We don’t know whether anyone was arrested – we won’t be able to request a copy of the report until Monday.

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North Highline Unincorporated Area Council update – including free masks and hand sanitizer!

July 1st, 2020 Tracy Posted in Coronavirus, Holidays, North Highline Fire District, North Highline UAC, White Center news Comments Off on North Highline Unincorporated Area Council update – including free masks and hand sanitizer!

From the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council:

As in our prior years, the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council (NHUAC) will not be holding July and August meetings. We will resume meetings on Thursday, September 3rd. Wishing everyone a safe, happy, warm, summer –

In the meantime, please see the info below regarding mask and hand sanitizer distribution that the North Highline Fire District in partnership with NHUAC and King County, will be handing out on July 4th.

The North Highline Fire District is Pleased to Announce

We will be distributing face masks (2 per person) and hand sanitizer (1 bottle per household) on July 4th in partnership with the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council and King County.

Your firefighters work hard to ensure the safety of North Highline.

We look forward to seeing you in our community on July 4th and making sure you have the protective gear you need to stay healthy!

If you need a mask or hand sanitizer before the 4th of July, please e-mail your contact information to: office@northhighlinefd.org

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More proof it’s an un-bear-able summer: Highline Bears make the call – no 2020 season

June 28th, 2020 Tracy Posted in Highline Bears, Sports, Steve Cox Memorial Park, White Center news Comments Off on More proof it’s an un-bear-able summer: Highline Bears make the call – no 2020 season

You knew this was coming, but still … The Highline Bears have sent their final word on

The local summer collegiate baseball team, the Highline Bears, announced to their players this past Monday evening that they will be canceling their entire 2020 season, due to the lack of potential fields being available in a reasonable amount of time.

The Bears would have been starting their season on Friday, May 30th, but the opening night and all home events had been canceled due to Covid-19. In the letter to fans in May the Bears had stated they were planning on having the team play on the road with no fans, if permitted in phase 3. “The likelihood of Pierce and Snohomish county going to phase 3 by our deadline of July 6th and fields being available for us to play at in phase 3 was just too uncertain for us to continue to move forward,” said the General Manager, Justin Moser.

The Bears said that they lost most of their partners and sponsors when the stay at home order went in place in March. The Bears did say even though local businesses were unable to purchase advertising this summer that they will continue to offer advertising to all businesses at no cost for the next year, even though they aren’t playing.

“We were hoping to be able to have some sort of season for our players this summer but the uncertainty is just too big right now. Making our players and coaches wait even longer with the odds of playing dwindling, just didn’t seem right. It’s sad and unfortunate for a ton of reasons, I feel for our players and coaching staff. Ben Harley did an amazing job putting this team together. On paper this is the best team we’ve ever had, including 9 Division 1 players,” Moser said.

The Pacific International League that the Bears play in, are hoping they can play sometime later in July but that will be dependent on certain counties moving into phase 3 and fields being available. The league continues to meet every week to plan and discuss if playing this summer will be possible.

The Highline Bears said that they are planning to come back in 2021 “stronger, bigger and better” bringing the community the “best show in town”. Moser also said that Covid-19 has affected this like so many other businesses: “I’m not going to lie to you, this has been a huge hit to our club financially and we can use all of the support we can get from our community.”. If you would like to support the Highline Bears during this difficult time, you can purchase new 2020 merchandise on their website at shop.highlinebears.com

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TUESDAY: Drug-Free Coalition offers you the opportunity to hear from key leaders, including local youth

June 28th, 2020 Tracy Posted in Online, People, White Center news Comments Off on TUESDAY: Drug-Free Coalition offers you the opportunity to hear from key leaders, including local youth

RSVP now for this sure-to-be-inspiring event coming up Tuesday:

If you can’t read it in its entirety, see the full-sized PDF version here. (The RSVP link is here.)

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FIREWORKS: Some are still legal – so if you use them, be safe!

June 26th, 2020 Tracy Posted in Safety, White Center news 2 Comments »

(Fireworks-caused White Center fire, 2011)

The proposal to ban fireworks in unincorporated King County fizzled this year, so they’re still legal – some types – and any fireworks stands planning to open will be able to do so starting Sunday. But remember, your safe use can be a matter of life or death – a fireworks-caused fire killed a man in North Highline last year. Here’s the story from the county:

The COVID-19 pandemic has nearly eliminated what’s typically the safest way to celebrate the Fourth of July holiday. Residents who use consumer fireworks need to be safe, responsible and should consider the risks of injury, property loss, and impacts to their neighborhoods.

King County Fire Marshal Chris Ricketts says that if you decide to use consumer fireworks, please do so with caution and follow local rules and regulations. In addition, remember that social distancing and wearing a mask is required in public.

“This is not a normal year,” he says. “We’re limited in terms of how we celebrate safely as a community. People who use fireworks at their homes and in their neighborhoods need to remember that it comes with risks. It’s essential to practice fireworks safety. Last year, fireworks resulted in two deaths and 36 injuries. We don’t want that to happen again”

Although he strongly advises against using consumer fireworks, Ricketts offered a few instructions to legally and safely do so:

*Fireworks purchased from approved firework stands can only be discharged in unincorporated King County on July 4, and they must be sold by Washington State licensed retailers at approved permitted stands.

*Fireworks not purchased from a state-licensed, fireworks retailor cannot legally be discharged in unincorporated King County. They may be considered explosive material.

*If it has a stick or fins and it goes up, or if it explodes, it is illegal in Washington State.

*Fireworks are not allowed in King County Parks, per King County Code.

*Fireworks may be discharged only on July 4 from 9 a.m. to midnight.

*Fireworks sales can legally start at noon, June 28 through 11 p.m. After that, sales are allowed 9 a.m.-11 p.m., through July 4. You must be at least 16 years old, with photo identification, to purchase fireworks.

If you choose to buy and discharge fireworks, follow these safety tips:

*Always have a responsible adult light all fireworks.

*Use eye protection.

*Have a charged garden hose or a fire extinguisher handy.

*Use fireworks outdoors only—away from buildings, houses with wood exteriors, trees, and dry fields.

*Avoid aerial fireworks.

*Light one item at a time, move away quickly, and have everyone keep a safe distance.

*If a device does not light or fire, an adult should wait at least five minutes before approaching it.

*Clean up all debris and soak used fireworks in water before disposing of them.

*Keep pets safe (Regional Animal Services of King County provides information about fireworks safety for pets).

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ROAD-WORK ALERT: Roundabout painting next week

June 26th, 2020 Tracy Posted in King County, Traffic, Transportation, White Center news Comments Off on ROAD-WORK ALERT: Roundabout painting next week

Announced today by the county:

Beginning 7 a.m. Tuesday, June 30 through 11:59 p.m. Thursday, July 2, parking will be temporarily removed to make room for Metro bus re-rerouting during roundabout painting work on SW 100th and SW 106th streets between 8th Avenue SW and 4th Avenue SW.

Parking will be temporarily removed in the following locations:

• North side of SW 100th Street between 4th Avenue SW and 8th Avenue SW

• Both sides (north and south) of SW 106th Street, 100-feet east of 4th Avenue SW and 100-feet west of 8th Avenue SW in White Center

This will allow King County Metro enough room to reroute buses while road maintenance crews paint the roundabout at the intersection of 8th Avenue SW and SW 102nd Street. Buses will remain rerouted for the full three days to allow time for the paint to cure. This work is weather dependent.

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PRIDE: White Center/West Seattle venues team up

June 26th, 2020 Tracy Posted in Fun, White Center news Comments Off on PRIDE: White Center/West Seattle venues team up

Though major Pride festivities were called off for coronavirus this year, two White Center and West Seattle establishments are offering you the chance to celebrate this weekend. Their announcement:

The Lumber Yard Bar and Admiral Pub have teamed up this weekend, June 27th-28th. Space is limited so please reserve a table for any of the events you plan to attend. We are also taking social distancing seriously, so masks are required for all events and please keep reservations to 5 or less people.

June 27th – The Lumber Yard

3 pm-6 pm
White Center Pride Fundraiser.
Grill party on the patio with raffle tickets and jello shots

8 pm – 12 am
Join us for a special one-night event to celebrate Pride with Dolly and the DJ. Limited seating available for this event in the Loading Dock. Reserve a table for you and three friends (due to social distancing). Full bar and menu available. Champagne toast to celebrate pride included.

June 28th – Admiral Pub

11 am
Pride Brunch and the movie The Birdcage
Reserve a Table for Brunch

1:30 pm
Pride Brunch and the movie To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar
Reserve a Table for Brunch

4 pm
Pride Bingo
Free to play with some fun prizes

6 pm to 11 pm
DJ Andy will be spinning all your favorite music videos

The Lumber Yard Bar is at 9619 16th SW; Admiral Pub is at 2306 California SW.

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