FOLLOWUP: White Center Library Guild’s successful sale

April 30th, 2023 Tracy Posted in Libraries, White Center Library, White Center news Comments Off on FOLLOWUP: White Center Library Guild’s successful sale

White Center Library Guild volunteers shared photos from last week’s rummage sale at the library. Proceeds were for the group’s work supporting library programs.

The verdict: The sale was a success.

The library guild usually has a Holiday Bazaar, too, so watch for that later this year.

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VIDEO: White Center Cambodian New Year Street Festival returns

April 29th, 2023 Tracy Posted in Fun, Holidays, White Center news Comments Off on VIDEO: White Center Cambodian New Year Street Festival returns

11:41 AM: The balloon arch welcomes you to the return of the White Center Cambodian New Year Street Festival, happening on SW 98th between 15th and 16th. This is the 20th annual celebration, with Khmer music, dancing, games, contests, food, and more planned until 5 pm. More photos, and video, later.

Adding video and photos:

Community leaders spotted at the festival included White Center Community Development Association‘s Sili Savusa and 34th District State Senator Joe Nguyen:

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County leaders say the budget’s in trouble and want your advice

April 27th, 2023 Tracy Posted in King County, White Center news 1 Comment »

County leaders say the tax system is broken and they’re facing a funding shortage. So they’re asking you for advice, via an online survey, before making cuts that could include some vital services including law enforcement. Here’s the announcement:

King County launched a community survey today asking for public input on prioritizing services funded by the County’s General Fund to inform looming budget cuts. The 2025-2026 General Fund is facing a $100 million revenue shortfall due to the state’s arbitrary one percent limit on property tax collections, which has not been updated in 20 years and now coincides with increased costs and high rates of inflation exceeding 9%.

To prevent deeper cuts in the next biennial budget and to provide time for affected programs to wind down, King County will be considering a budget in the fall that will include cuts to general fund programs.

“No enterprise, public or private, can be expected to provide the same services year after year with revenues arbitrarily capped below the increasing cost of doing business,” said Executive Constantine. “We are facing budget decisions that will affect the programs and services that people in King County depend on every day to keep them safe and healthy. These cuts will have real impacts on our residents, but we are left with no other choice given the legislature’s inaction. It’s important we hear directly from the public as to their priorities before I or the County Council make any decisions.”

“I look forward to hearing from residents what services and programs are their priorities and working with Executive Constantine and the King County Council as we move forward on these discussions,” said King County Council Chair Dave Upthegrove.

Most of the general fund goes to programs mandated at the state or federal level, like jails, courts, prosecution, and public defense. Many general government functions – such as elections, property assessments, human resources, the Executive department, and County Council agencies – are functions that cannot be eliminated but will face budget reductions in the fall. Discretionary programming – programming that is not mandated by state or federal law – represents a small portion of the total General Fund and overwhelmingly includes programs and services that support the region’s health, safety, and vitality, such as:

-Public Health clinics that serve low-income residents in Auburn, Bellevue, Federal Way, Kent, Kirkland, Renton, Seattle, and White Center;
-Services for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault;
-Support for crime victims, family law support, regional gun violence prevention, and alternatives to standard adjudication and detention;
-Job training and other services focused on low-income BIPOC youth;
-Support for small farmers and forest owners to manage their properties to achieve ecological benefits and sustain the rural economy; and
-Sheriff’s deputies and detectives in unincorporated and rural communities.

Because these discretionary programs face the possibility of complete elimination, the community survey focuses on these areas so that Executive Constantine and the County Council can better understand which programs are most valued by residents. In addition to reviewing responses to the community survey, budget proposals will consider other factors such as the number of people served by a program, collective bargaining agreements, legal obligations, impacts on the region’s health and safety, and consistency with the County’s values.

Background on property tax limitations
In 2001 a voter-approved initiative limited property tax increases to one percent plus the growth from new construction, but after the state Supreme Court found the initiative unconstitutional, the legislature reinstated the limit. While the law caps any increases by governments to one percent, property tax bills of homeowners and businesses may change by more or less than 1%.

In the two decades since the cap was instituted, the revenue sources of counties have been structurally insufficient, as counties don’t have the ability to impose business and utility taxes, unlike cities and the state. Since passage in 2001, King County’s population has grown 30%, while consumer prices have increased 70%, and inflation in recent years has been as high as 9.5%. Despite those increasing economic strains, property tax collections have grown only an average of 2.68% in recent years.

Next Steps
The community survey will be open until May 18th. Executive Constantine will use the input gathered to develop his budget which he will propose to the County Council in the fall. The public will have additional opportunities to engage in budget decisions when the County Council holds public hearings.

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April 23rd, 2023 Tracy Posted in Pets, White Center news Comments Off on FOUND DOG: Yours?

We found this amazing puppy in our yard. Took it to the vet; no chip, and no collar either. Someone must be really missing this warm, friendly, very fun puppy. Our blind lab loves her too.

Mark and Lois
Text 206-595-7124

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Groundbreaking set for new Evergreen High School

April 23rd, 2023 Tracy Posted in Evergreen High School, Highline School District, Schools, White Center news 3 Comments »

(Rendering by Bassetti Architects)

Construction is close to beginning on White Center’s new Evergreen High School. The ceremonial groundbreaking has been announced by Highline Public Schools:

In November 2022, our community invested in building a new Evergreen High School. You’re invited to attend the historic groundbreaking ceremony on Friday, May 19, at 3:15 p.m.

Following the groundbreaking, all are invited to a celebration with the Evergreen design review committee members. Learn more about the school design, construction materials and the phased construction plan.

Evergreen High School Groundbreaking Ceremony
Friday, May 19
3:15 – 3:45 p.m.
Northeast corner of the school campus, near the softball and baseball fields

Design Review Committee Celebration & Construction Information
Friday, May 19
3:45 – 4:30 p.m.

Evergreen High School
830 SW 116th Street

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FOLLOWUP: Participatory-budgeting committee members announced

April 18th, 2023 Tracy Posted in King County, White Center news Comments Off on FOLLOWUP: Participatory-budgeting committee members announced

King County Local Services has announced who was chosen for the steering committee to oversee the next round of “participatory budgeting” and says they’ve already met once.

North Highline/White Center
Robert Baker
Ruth Contrearas Rodriguez
Justin Cox
Heather Patrick
Sarey Savy
Pat Thompson
Vannra Yan

As explained in the announcement – which you can read in full here – “Participatory Budgeting allows communities to identify, discuss, and prioritize public spending. Residents help decide how to spend money on capital projects (physical things that are bought, built, installed, or fixed up) or programs and services. The funds for the capital projects are backed by bonds. The funds for programs and services in North Highline/White Center and Skyway-West Hill come from King County’s general fund and are supported by marijuana retail sales tax revenue.”

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FRIDAY: Have dinner with White Center Kiwanis!

April 17th, 2023 Tracy Posted in How to Help, White Center Kiwanis Club, White Center news Comments Off on FRIDAY: Have dinner with White Center Kiwanis!

As mentioned briefly in our North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting coverage earlier this month: The Kiwanis Club of White Center invites you to its fundraising dinner 5-7 pm Friday, April 21, at the White Center Eagles:

This is our second time for a Steak/or Portobello Mushroom featured dinner with tickets at the door at $35, or $30 for each for pairs or multiples. Tickets in advance can be obtained from Bill Tracy 206-248-2441 or, or Scott Davis at 206-246-3412 or

The Kiwanis also plan a pancake breakfast, same location, on October 7th.

So what does the club do? Bill Tracy, club secretary, explains:

We have been active in the area since 2001. Our goals are to assist the Youth of the North Highline-White Center area through support of specifically the White Center Food Bank, where we work with Evergreen and New Start students, as well as the SW Boys & Girls Club, where we have a CAB member; contributions to WestSide Baby; and especially our sponsorship of a Key Club at New Start HS and guidance with the Key Club at Evergreen HS.

We also offer Student Merit Awards to graduating Key Clubbers at both schools and assist in their attendance at the annual District Convention which covers all of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia. We also honor Students of the Session, each Session, at New Start.

Although we are small, we have been active and are eager to add additional members. At present we meet at 7 pm in the WC Eagles on third Thursdays.

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White Center Library Guild’s spring rummage sale next Friday and Sunday

April 16th, 2023 Tracy Posted in How to Help, Libraries, White Center Library, White Center news Comments Off on White Center Library Guild’s spring rummage sale next Friday and Sunday

Sale season is starting – and you can help support programs at the White Center Library by shopping at this one next Friday and Sunday:

The library’s at 1409 SW 107th.

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ELECTION 2023: Ballots due April 25th for special election on crisis-care levy

April 16th, 2023 Tracy Posted in Election, White Center news Comments Off on ELECTION 2023: Ballots due April 25th for special election on crisis-care levy

Less than 10 percent of King County voters have sent in their ballots so far for the April 25 special election. You’re voting on one issue: The countywide levy to fund crisis-care centers. Here’s an info-sheet about the levy. As noted here in January, this nine-year levy would raise a total of $1.25 billion to set up five new regional crisis-care centers, among other things. According to King County, “The levy would be assessed at 14.5 cents per $1,000 in assessed value, estimated to cost approximately $119 per year in 2024 for a median-priced home of $694,000.” Tuesday,April 25th is your deadline to get your ballot postmarked and into USPS mail, or (by 8 that night) into a dropbox. We have one in White Center, outside the library at 1409 SW 107th. (The full countywide list is here.)

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White Center Pride Block Party set for June 3rd. Want to be part of it?

April 14th, 2023 Tracy Posted in Fun, White Center news Comments Off on White Center Pride Block Party set for June 3rd. Want to be part of it?

Again this year, White Center Pride plans a daylong block party – this time set for noon to midnight June 3rd. WCP asked us to publish their call for volunteers, vendors, and performers:

White Center’s annual Pride Block Party is less than two months away! We are looking for volunteers, entertainers, and vendors to celebrate with us. On June 3rd , we will block off 16th Ave SW between Roxbury and SW 100 th St, and fill the street up with music, shows, wrestlers, local businesses, food and beer gardens, and our first ever kids area with the White Center Library’s book mobile, face painters, storytellers, and more.

Please visit our website at to learn
more. We need volunteers to assist with all types of activities for the day. We are also looking for local businesses to help fill out the street with booths and food trucks. And finally, we want to put out the call for entertainers that want to celebrate our region’s LGBTQIA+ community. Any questions, feel free to email Thank you!

The White Center Pride Committee
501c3 Nonprofit

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YOU CAN HELP: Southwest Boys & Girls Club looking for new Advisory Board members

April 10th, 2023 Tracy Posted in How to Help, White Center news Comments Off on YOU CAN HELP: Southwest Boys & Girls Club looking for new Advisory Board members

(Photo courtesy Southwest Boys & Girls Club)

If you have a bit of time to spare and a desire to get more involved in your community, this could be the opportunity you’ve been looking for!

The Southwest Boys & Girls Club is recruiting new members for the Club Advisory Board!

What does the Club Advisory Board do?

Board members are volunteers who support the Club and its hardworking team through community outreach, staff appreciation, support projects, and fundraising.

The board meets once a month, and additional involvement varies throughout the year.

Community volunteers are a vital part of the Club mission to inspire and enable all youth, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens.

To learn more, please email Jasmine Finkley at

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Power, greenery, and a retirement announcement @ North Highline Unincorporated Area Council’s April 2023 meeting

April 6th, 2023 Tracy Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news 1 Comment »

By Tracy Record
White Center Now editor

Though not announced that way, this month’s North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting had a suitable agenda for Earth Month – with clean energy and greenspaces as the first two major topics:

SPARK NORTHWEST: Amy Bettle spoke from this nonprofit focused on a “clean energy transition.” They have a program called “Energize” that’s coming to unincorporated urban areas including White Center and Skyway. Its goal is to provide “energy-efficient electric heating and cooling,” via heat pumps, to supplement whatever recipients are using now. It will cover 100 percent of the costs for low-income households chosen to participate and 80 percent of the costs for moderate-income participants. They’re hoping to streamline the process that would lead to heat-pump installation. It starts with workshop attendance and then moves to getting a bid. The program also will support contractors who are women and/or people of color. Right now they have a “request for qualifications” open for HVAC contractors, and they’re recruiting community members to help them make the choices via participation in a selection committee this month. In May they’ll start sharing information about workshops that start in June, for prospective customers. Once the systems are in place, Bettle said, customers’ energy bills could be up to 60 percent lower. Committee members, meantime, will get a $450 stipend for the time they take to participate. What if it’s a renter household – would the income limits apply to the renter or the homeowner? The former, Bettle said, though landlords of course would have to be involved in approving the installation. Also of note, this isn’t limited to single-family housing – installation could be made in a multi-family unit too. Find out more about Energize here.

(WCN photo from Glendale Forest, 2020)

LAND CONSERVATION INITIATIVE: David Kimmett from this program was in attendance with an update. In North Highline, the focus is on “urban greenspace.” They want to create more of it “in a community like North Highline,” Kimmett said, because the benefits are manyfold – including physical and mental health. Three acquisitions completed in recent years were Glendale Forest (five acres with a stream, and they’re working on adding a trail, which will require a bridge over the stream), a “small property at White Center Heights,” and “a property next to Dick Thurnau Park.” He recapped each of those three. He talked about restoration work, such as extensive ivy removal in Glendale Forest. At the Dick Thurnau Park-adjacent site, acquired ,ecently, the intent is to support the upcoming HUB project with more of a greenspace buffer. It has a house (currently boarded up) that’ll be torn down, and will extend the park out to 108th, Kimmett said. About the WC Heights acquisition, he said, the site already was bordering on county land on three sides, and had a house that’s been removed, with restoration soon to begin. He then talked about hoped-for future acquisitions, like some property along Duwamish River-feeding Hamm Creek, It’s a steep ravine that’s not developable but can be restored into a “healthy urban forest,” Kimmett believes. Not suitable for trails, but a step toward their “conservation goals.” He’s also interested in some land that’s currently church-owned in an unincorporated area of Arbor Heights, near Seola Pond (which already is county-owned). Kimmett hopes the kind of community-involved restoration that’s been done at Seola Pond can expand onto these potential acquisition sites. He’s now “raising funds to acquire these” – a process that can “only be done onca a year” – so he’s seeking support. That fundraising is done through the Land Conservation Initiative – which has a committee to review such proposals – he clarified in response to a question. How can community members show support? he then was asked. Kimmett said he needs “community support from organizations,” writing letters of support. NHUAC board members and attendees subsequently voted unanimously to write a letter of support. An attendee from a group that does a lot of restoration work further south in the county said she’ll see about having her group write a letter too, and a White Center Kiwanis rep said the same. Asked about the time frame, Kimmett said, “ASAP” – by the end of the month, at the latest. Kimmett’s appearance concluded with some brainstorming about possible future acquisition sites.

CRIME/LAW ENFORCEMENT: Deputy Bill Kennamer is retiring at month’s end after 25 years. Three deputies applying for his White Center community position were in attendance and Kennamer called them (and other applicants) “really good cops.” The interviews are next Monday, he said. Meantime, he said crime took a big drop – major crimes and other kinds – in the past month. “We had a good month last month,” Kennamer summarized. Some notable incidents – gunfire in front of Roxy’s, an attempted child kidnapping outside Seola Gardens, an accidental self-inflicted gunshot wound, armed robbery at the Boulevard Park 7-11, a strong-arm street robbery. “Auto thefts are through the roof, auto recoveries are through the roof,” he added. Kennamer also was asked about the bust – which he led – that resulted in a big haul of stolen guns; he said the Top Hat building where it happened has some evictions in the works. He also mentioned a few other things: On April 22nd, KCSO will participate in a “Coffee with the Community” event at the White Center Starbucks. The burned-out building on the west side of 16th is getting extensive redevelopment, he added, and the former Bizzarro site will become a coffee shop and pizza parlor. NHUAC invited Deputy Kennamer to come by post-retirement and say hi any time.

NEW BOARD MEMBER: Amelia says she’s excited “to be more involved in the community” by joining the NHUAC board. She was added by a unanimous vote.

COMMUNITY DINNER: White Center Kiwanis is presenting a steak dinner 5-7 pm April 21st at the White Center Eagles’ HQ. Vegetarian option too (portabella mushroom). They’re fundraising for their work with youth.

NEXT MEETING: NHUAC usually meets on first Thursdays, 7 pm, online, so the next meeting should be Thursday, May 4th. (They’re still hoping to find someplace to resume in-person meetings.)

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BASEBALL: DubSea Fish Sticks game tix now on sale!

April 3rd, 2023 Tracy Posted in Sports, White Center news Comments Off on BASEBALL: DubSea Fish Sticks game tix now on sale!

It’s National Fish Sticks Day (sort of). But you don’t have to go eat battered, fried seafood to celebrate. You can also buy one or more tickets to game(s) played in White Center by the DubSea Fish Sticks, now exactly two months from their home opener. Here’s the announcement:

The DubSea Fish Sticks summer collegiate baseball team launched its single-game ticket sales for the 2023 season this morning as part of National Fish Sticks Day.

The team hosts their events at Mel Olson Stadium, which is located inside King County’s Steve Cox Memorial Park in White Center and is nicknamed “The Fryer.”

The team is known for their crazy antics, including throwing out a ceremonial first fish, where the honoree flings a fish toward home plate instead of a baseball. During non-league games the team also runs an open raffle for a random fan to sign a one-day contract and lead off in the game for the Fish Sticks as the “Fan Batter of the Night.”

The Fish Sticks recruit players from colleges across the country to come and play for the months of June and July. The 2023 summer roster is composed of players from thirty different colleges. The players report in late May and play with the team to hone their skills and hope to one day play professionally.

“We’re not in the baseball business, we’re in the fun business, where there happens to be a baseball game going on. Our goal is that this is the most fun you’ve ever had inside a baseball stadium. From the music, great food, beer and crazy promotions, this will be something you’ll never forget,” exclaimed General Manager Justin Moser.

Single-game tickets for DubSea Fish Sticks games are only $12, and Opening Night on Saturday, June 3rd, is expected to sell out quickly. Flex Ticket Packs with options ranging from three to ten games packages are also available. The team will host 26 home games this summer, including every Saturday night from June 3th – July 29th. The team will host the Battle for West Seattle, a charity softball game celebrating the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce’s 100th anniversary. They have also been selected to host the MLB JR Home Run Derby Regional Competition, where winners will go on to compete at T-Mobile Park as part of All-Star Week.

The Fish Sticks also partner with youth organizations and nonprofits to run ticket fundraisers at every game and sell discounted group packages.

You can find more information and secure your tickets for Opening Night at The Fryer online at

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Here’s what you’ll learn at April’s North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting

April 2nd, 2023 Tracy Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news Comments Off on Here’s what you’ll learn at April’s North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting

Announced today by the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council, for Thursday’s meeting:

The Opportunity to Be Informed, Be Involved, and Be Heard!

Where: North Highline Unincorporated Area Council Meeting
When: Thursday, April 6, 2023 @ 7 pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 824 5445 6397
Passcode: NHUAC2023 (Case Sensitive)

Unable to join via Zoom? Please call: 253 215 8782
Meeting ID: 824 5445 6397
Passcode: 989947391

At last month’s meeting we introduced Amelia, a North Highline resident who works at a local business and responded to February’s announcement that we are looking for people to join NHUAC’s board. Thursday’s NHUAC meeting will begin with a formal vote on Amelia’s addition to NHUAC. Join us as we look to NHUAC’s future with the addition of new members.

Are you interested in saving money? Are you concerned about pollution and climate change? Have you heard about Spark Northwest, the non-profit that has helped thousands of homeowners, farmers, tribes, and low-income communities switch to clean energy? At our April 6th meeting, NHUAC will be joined by Amy Bettle, Project Manager at Spark Northwest. Amy will share information about her organization’s contract with King County to bring energy efficient heat pumps to hundreds of residents of North Highliner Highline and Skyway.

In addition to their beauty, parks also help make communities like North Highline more livable by protecting them from the damaging effects of climate change. NHUAC recently wrote a letter supporting an effort to protect North SeaTac Park. It said, in part: “We are writing to urge you to…permanently protect and perpetuate this park… North SeaTac Park offers rare access to nature…. our physical, emotional, and community health are tied to accessible green spaces…Urban green spaces provide critical habitat and land upon which air and surface water pollutants are filtered. They also mitigate the urban heat island effect. North SeaTac Park is a collective natural backyard for those of us not fortunate enough to have one….” Please join NHUAC and King County’s David Kimmett, who has been working on adding much needed greenspace to North Highline.

Knowledge is power.

Learn, share, and help make North Highline a healthier community.

April 6, 2023 at 7 pm – Invite Your Neighbors!

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CRIME WATCH: Charges filed in Top Hat gun, stolen-truck case

March 31st, 2023 Tracy Posted in Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news 1 Comment »

(KCSO photos)</em>

The King County Sheriff’s Office says those guns were seized in a Top Hat case in which charges have just been filed. The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office has charged 34-year-old Arthur Pessina with second-degree unlawful firearm possession and possession of a stolen vehicle. Charging documents say this all unfolded Tuesday at an apartment complex in the 11000 block of 1st Avenue SW. A deputy had gone there to investigate a threats report. That wasn’t panning out, but as the deputy prepared to leave, someone came up and told him about a backpack that had been dropped in front of one of the apartments. Inside was a semi-automatic pistol and three boxes of ammunition. Someone else told the deputy about video showing who left it there. The gun turned out to have been stolen in Kitsap County, and the deputy soon spotted the man shown on the video with it. Investigation also tied him to what turned out to be a stolen pickup truck – taken less than a week earlier from the Angle Lake transit station – in which 21 more guns were found.

The charging documents say that man was Pessina, and the deputy arrested him. He has a felony conviction and therefore can’t legally possess guns. The charging papers indicate the guns’ origins are still being investigated, so more charges might be possible in this case. For now, the jail register shows Pessina is being held in lieu of $150,000 bail, and also shows he has pending cases with charges including hit-run, eluding, and assault.

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FOLLOWUP: And now, White Center Food Bank’s banner!

March 27th, 2023 Tracy Posted in White Center Food Bank, White Center news 1 Comment »

Following up on the construction wall sighting Friday, the promised banner is now in place, letting passersby know it’s the future home of the White Center Food Bank, and showing a rendering of what it’ll look like. Thanks to Randy Nguyen at WCFB for the photo!

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FOLLOWUP: White Center Food Bank starts construction at new location

March 24th, 2023 Tracy Posted in White Center Food Bank, White Center news Comments Off on FOLLOWUP: White Center Food Bank starts construction at new location

The White Center Food Bank has announced a milestone in its journey to a new headquarters: Construction is beginning at the site (10016 16th SW; map), six months after the location was revealed. WCFB spokesperson Jefferson Rose says a construction wall went up today, and explanatory banners are expected to go up on Monday. The WCFB has to move from its longtime home at 8th/108th because a new building, to include affordable housing and a community “hub,” is going up at that site. At the new site, Rose says they’ve already done some demolition, and what starts now includes “mostly interior work to build out the grocery store, offices, and lobby area” as well as getting the warehouse space ready to use. All that is expected to take about six months. You can read more about the new WCFB headquarters – and donate to the project and/or the WCFB’s plan for a new site for its giving garden – by going here.

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FOLLOWUP: Tim’s Tavern announces opening-weekend music lineup

March 20th, 2023 Tracy Posted in Businesses, Music, White Center news 1 Comment »

When we spoke earlier this month with the co-proprietors of Tim’s Tavern, taking over the ex-Drunky Two Shoes space in downtown White Center, they weren’t ready to announce the music lineup for their opening weekend – but now they are. Here’s the poster and announcement:

The shows must go on! After almost 2 years of searching for a new location, local music champion and legendary live music dive bar Tim’s Tavern is reopening in White Center on March 31st, 2023 with an exceptional line-up of Seattle’s finest musicians.

The grand re-opening festivities include 3 nights full of performances from some of Seattles hottest acts including Marmalade, Grace Love, Asterhouse, Dining Dead, Low Hums, Randy Weeks & The Silent Treatment, and many more.

The new Tim’s (which stands for Together In Music) is located at 9655 16th Ave SW, will feature live music 7 nights a week, all ages shows, a dog friendly patio, and a full menu including plenty of gluten-free and plant-based options. Tim’s will be open from 2pm-12am to start but will be expanding hours in June to offer weekday lunch and live music brunch on weekends.

Co-owner and Chef Mason Reed has spent the last few years preparing meals backstage as a personal chef for many of music’s major artists that have passed through Oregon and Washington. Reed says “We are excited, honored and proud to bring the Tim’s spirit to White Center.”

Please keep an eye on for further updates.

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Time to sign up to volunteer for Duwamish Alive!

March 20th, 2023 Tracy Posted in How to Help, White Center news Comments Off on Time to sign up to volunteer for Duwamish Alive!

The Duwamish River is just down the hill – and here’s one day when four hours of your time goes a long way to helping it survive and thrive:

Duwamish Alive! Celebrating Earth Month
Sat. April 15 10:00 – 2:00 at Multiple Volunteer Sites:

Duwamish Alive! is a collaborative effort in improving the health of our river and its watershed. Starting at 10:00 am volunteers will be restoring native habitat in multiple urban parks and open spaces in the ongoing effort to keep our river alive and healthy for our communities, salmon and the Puget Sound. Proving that many individuals working together can make a substantial difference in improving the health of our region.

Volunteers’ efforts include, a river cleanup by kayak, shoreline salmon habitat restoration, and native forest revitalization. To volunteer visit to see the different volunteer opportunities and register for the site of your choice, or email

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TRANSIT: Metro Route 120 becomes RapidRide H Line today

March 18th, 2023 Tracy Posted in Metro, Transportation, White Center news Comments Off on TRANSIT: Metro Route 120 becomes RapidRide H Line today

That’s Metro driver Ermias Mulugeta, a 14-year veteran transit operator who had a starring role in Friday’s ribboncutting-and-speeches event celebrating today’s launch of the RapidRide H Line. He drove the newly rebranded red-and-yellow bus into the lot at Steve Cox Memorial Park in White Center, with dignitaries aboard including King County Executive Dow Constantine and Metro’s new general manager Michelle Allison:

Before the ribboncutting, 26 minutes of speeches – here’s our unedited video:

Allison emceed, with opening and closing remarks. Constantine declared that RapidRide is “the evolution of Metro Transit.” Route 120, which becomes the H Line today, carried 1.7 million people last year, he said, and he observed that the new line’s route between Burien and downtown will help people “enjoy more of what this part of King County has to offer.”

It’ll also help with everyday tasks, added the next speaker, White Center Food Bank executive director Carmen Smith.

WCFB’s new location will be close to an RR stop, and that means people carrying food won’t have to hike uphill with heavy loads any more. Other speakers included King County Councilmember Joe McDermott – who is leaving office this year but has helped shepherd the H Line into reality.

Also, Burien Mayor Sofia Aragon (who happens to be running to be McDermott’s successor), who said her city is proud of how this is factoring into many improvements along its main thoroughfare, Ambaum Boulevard.

From Seattle city government, executive general manager Adiam Emery reoresented Mayor Bruce Harrell‘s team:

She noted that Seattle had invested $90 million in the H Line, as well as projects such as the Delridge repaving/reconfiguration. And District 1 City Councilmember Lisa Herbold noted that the “multijurisdictional project” is an enhancement to what’s already King County’s sixth-busiest bus route. After Allison wrapped up with a few more stats – 51 new stations, 40 new crosswalks, five miles of new bus lanes – it was ribboncutting time:

As reported on our partner site West Seattle Blog on Wednesday, the H Line officially begins running with a 5:26 am northbound departure from Burien this morning. The first coach, we’re told, will be the same one that rolled up at the start of Friday morning’s event – 6209. The launch comes four years later than the originally announced 2019.

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