White Center Food Bank to get City of Seattle money in mayor’s budget proposal

September 28th, 2010 at 6:42 pm Posted in White Center Food Bank, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center Food Bank to get City of Seattle money in mayor’s budget proposal

It’s been repeatedly pointed out to Seattle city leaders that while the White Center Food Bank serves a notable number of clients inside the Seattle city limits – from SW Myrtle southward – it doesn’t get any funding from the city. That will change if the budget proposed by Mayor Mike McGinn yesterday goes through – it includes this line:

*Increase budget by $35,000 to provide funding to the White Center Food Bank in recognition of the significant number of Seattle residents served by the program


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King County budget: Executive’s proposal unveiled

September 27th, 2010 at 11:07 am Posted in King County, White Center news | Comments Off on King County budget: Executive’s proposal unveiled

King County Executive Dow Constantine is presenting his budget proposal right now – and @kcnews has been providing key points via Twitter. They include 462 proposed job cuts. The full budget documents are linked here. The first public hearing is in the King County Council Chambers at the downtown courthouse, this Wednesday night at 6:30 pm. Meantime, here’s a county-budget overview from our partners at the Seattle Times.


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Metro announces changes for White Center, West Seattle coming up

September 24th, 2010 at 12:04 am Posted in Metro, Transportation, White Center news | 2 Comments »

Metro‘s next “service revision” has some changes for White Center and West Seattle riders – including some trips being dropped entirely – and late tonight, the details came in. Read on for Metro’s full announcement of which routes will be affected: Read the rest of this entry »


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Multiple shooting in Seattle – White Center affected too

September 23rd, 2010 at 2:33 pm Posted in Crime, West Seattle, White Center news | Comments Off on Multiple shooting in Seattle – White Center affected too

Just in case you are wondering what’s going on and why traffic is blocked on westbound Roxbury around 14th SW – there has been a multiple shooting incident, with four people reported dead according to scanner traffic (though police have not yet formally confirmed that), at 14th and Cambridge, just north of Roxbury. We are posting continuing coverage at partner site West Seattle Blog.


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Saturday: You’re invited to come talk about White Center youth, and immigration issues

September 22nd, 2010 at 11:07 pm Posted in White Center Community Development Association, White Center news | Comments Off on Saturday: You’re invited to come talk about White Center youth, and immigration issues

The next mixer presented by the White Center Community Development Association is this Saturday, 1-3 pm, at Educare Early Learning Center in Greenbridge – meeting on the 2nd floor, child care provided on the 1st floor. All welcome, according to WCCDA’s Sean Healy, who says, In this mixer we will follow up with the concerns brought up by our members at the previous membership mixer on Aug 7th. We will discuss immigration reform, and immigrant barriers to education and housing. Also we will discuss the youth of White Center and positive youth alternatives.”


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SPU students back to help clean up at Hicks Lake again this weekend

September 20th, 2010 at 11:56 pm Posted in Hicks Lake, How to Help, Volunteering, White Center news | Comments Off on SPU students back to help clean up at Hicks Lake again this weekend

Once again this year, students from Seattle Pacific University are on their way to help clean up around White Center’s Hicks Lake. (Our photo is from 2008.) It’s part of a regional effort on September 25th in which the college sends nearly 800 freshmen and transfer students to various sites for a “community-service orientation” known as CityQuest. Between 10:30 am and 2:30 pm on Saturday, you’ll find students working to pick up litter and take out invasive plants. (That’s not the only White Center site where SPU students will be working that day – SPU also tells us that Neighborhood House in Greenbridge will have visiting students to “help with administrative organization, fall cleaning, and brainstorm ideas for future classes.”) You are also welcome to come join in the cleanup, by the way.


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White Center restaurant news: Happy anniversary, Proletariat Pizza!

September 19th, 2010 at 11:52 pm Posted in Restaurants, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center restaurant news: Happy anniversary, Proletariat Pizza!

Story and photos by Deanie Schwarz
Reporting for White Center Now

If you were in White Center Saturday night for the monthly WC Art Walk, perhaps you joined the families, friends, and dating couples who filled the art-filled Proletariat Pizza on its one-year anniversary.

In a kind of homecoming, Shawn Wolfe’s work (he’s the artist who did Proletariat’s bold exterior signage) hung on the tall walls of the packed pizzeria. Highland Park residents and Prole owners Stefanie and Mike Albaeck graciously took a few minutes out of their jammin’ dinner hour to update us (and you) on their first year in the WC.

Mike telecommutes from home full-time for a popular cell provider and is often seen commuting the mile or so from the couple’s Highland Park home on his bike to 9622-A 16th SW (across the street from Full Tilt Ice Cream and next door to Dzul Tattoo, if somehow you haven’t made it to Proletariat Pizza yet).

Stef is devoting her spare time – if there is such a thing when you run a restaurant and have two young children – to the kids. Both are hands-on in the restaurant, of course, but now have a staff keeping the standards of quality and customer service high while creating a know-you-by name, community-friendly vibe.

Despite having just one year on the books, the Albaecks have catapulted themselves onto the regional stage with their artisanal, thin-crusted pizza. When Kathryn Robinson, the grande dame of Seattle culinary culture and restaurant critic writes, serious restaurateurs and foodies listen. She recently visited Proletariat and spoke in as glowing terms (read it here) about Proletariat’s elegant interpretation of pizza as any pizza restaurant could hope for.

Along with that approving nod, neighborhood word-of-mouth recommendations, more than 600 Facebook “fans,” and other reviews have all identified various elements of the critical-to-success X-factors of artisanal pizza Prole-style. Folks rave about the perfectly bubbled crust, the impeccably fresh and organic ingredients (“Except for the Spam!”) and the consistent quality of the fresh dough. (The momentum has Proletariat Pizza nominated for the Best of Western WA competition for Best Pizza.)

Looking back at Year One – the original one-slot oven used during the pizzeria’s first week proved far too slow and small. So they found a refurbished oven with four slots which can hold up to five pies on each shelf when necessary.

According to Stef, date-night couples are well-represented in their customer base, as are families. They tend to arrive after 7 pm and are becoming as loyal to Prole as the larger groups, often taking advantage of the Weekly Specials. The organic, fresh, local seasonal offerings have included pesto, potato and other creations, and right now, zucchini is on the lineup. So what’s the most popular? No one pizza stands out, we’re told, but the prosciutto and organic-soft-egg pizza (Ham & Egg) and The Favorite are mentioned. As for dessert, the light, cakey tiramisu is a hit.

Family groups dining at Proletariat can take advantage of a play area in the rear of the space; kids, including Stef and Mike’s newborn son Hollis and daughter Hazel, are encouraged to enjoy the full space of what is becoming, as Kathryn Robinson put it, part of “the soul” of White Center.

Like many other WC owners, Stef is passionate about the neighborhood in which they are conducting their business. She insists she would open five other businesses there if she could. She is bursting with ideas, but says, “[New business owners] can make whatever they want of this neighborhood. You really don’t have to do much to be successful, because the neighborhood is starved for something new, productive, positive or what feels good. “ She thinks a yoga studio in a former dance studio currently available a few doors down would be fabulous. “The community is willing to accept your shortcomings because they are just so glad you are here. It is a slam-dunk [business wise].”

She suggested that anybody who is interested in starting a business carefully consider the WC’s incredibly affordable rents. “The sky is the limit, as far as potential in this neighborhood,” Stef reiterates. “[Cheap rent] makes it a feasible risk for anybody to take. What have they got to lose? It is easy to make rent here…our space is only $1 a square foot! That’s unheard of in any other neighborhood. When the rent is that low, what do you have to lose?”

In looking at the year they have been working hard to build their business, Stef and Mike are most surprised that they become so successful so quickly. “We had really high hopes, but this has been so, dare I say, easy, because people are so amazingly forgiving. For example, when we have forgotten somebody’s order on a really rough night, they tell us ‘Oh, that’s OK! We are just glad we are here!” The community is so grateful and so supportive. They will forgive anything. And [the support] just continues to happen and make [us] continually happy.”

This remarkable first year has given rise to a new T-shirt design from Shawn, now available in the store. The t-shirts remain $15 and a new American Apparel hoodie is available for $25.

As for the aforementioned weekly specials – they’re mentioned on Proletariat’s Facebook page, as are the flexible closing hours; fall evenings are getting darker earlier, so they will close at 9:00 some evenings. But, as Stef says, they are always willing to stay open till 10, if that’s what folks want. You can also catch them on Twitter.

One note – the store will be closed tomorrow (Monday, September 20) – Stef and Mike are taking their hard-working crew out to celebrate their memorable first year.


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White Center restaurant news: Closed a bit for a facelift

September 19th, 2010 at 10:40 pm Posted in Restaurants, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center restaurant news: Closed a bit for a facelift

WCN contributing reporter Deanie Schwarz snapped the photo and shares the news that the 88 Restaurant on the city side of Delridge in White Center is closed temporarily during work on its facade – another week or so.


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New edible garden helps feed White Center WIC clients, thanks to a Scout, a partnership, a grant, and volunteers!

September 18th, 2010 at 10:32 am Posted in Gardening, Health | 1 Comment »

At SW 8th and 108th SW, the White Center Food Bank and King County Public Health‘s WC center are neighbors – sharing many of the same clients, and many of the same goals. Now, they’ve got something else in common – edible gardening. The raised beds you see above are part of an Eagle Scout-credit project by White Center’s Patrick Ufkes, working with a fruit-and-vegetable grant secured through the Women, Infants and Children nutrition program, with the help of KCPH nutritionist Elizabeth Duroe. We dropped by the garden recently to find out more about it in a garden chat with (from left) Patrick, Elizabeth, and WC Food Bank executive director Rick Jump:

The garden is yet another means of getting fresh, healthy food to people who really need it. And with the multicultural nature of White Center’s population, Rick says they’ve worked to make sure that what’s grown in the garden can be of use to various cultures’ food needs – Elizabeth notes they had seeds for more than half a dozen types of mustard greens, for example. Hot peppers have been important, too – as has assistance from gardening expert Lin Sierra. This all got started in midsummer, but is already yielding food – on the day we visited, they had just harvested nine more pounds of produce!

Volunteer help was key – Patrick marshaled forces including scouts from local Troop 375 as the beds were built and set up, and other members of his family (he is the son of White Center Chamber of Commerce president Mark Ufkes); others help tend the garden, such as AARP volunteer Thomas, who was there during our visit. Sustainability was key to securing the grant – not just the fact the bed can be planted year-round (fall/winter crops are in now like carrots, beets and snow peas), but also the materials, such as the beds being ringed with long-lasting bricks instead of wood.

Side note: Patrick is a Highline High School/South Seattle Community College Running Start student who’s taking some time this quarter for a service project in Kenya!

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Tonight! White Center for the Arts presents the 3rd Saturday Art Walk

September 18th, 2010 at 9:34 am Posted in Arts, White Center for the Arts, White Center news | Comments Off on Tonight! White Center for the Arts presents the 3rd Saturday Art Walk

The sun just peeked out as we started writing this, so maybe it’s a good omen. And even if it’s rainy, who cares – the art’s indoors. Tonight’s the night for the Third Saturday Art Walk in White Center! Full list of where to go, when, and what to see, can be found on the White Center for the Arts website.


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North Highline Fire District: Seattle logistics, and more

September 17th, 2010 at 9:56 pm Posted in Annexation, North Highline Fire District, White Center news | Comments Off on North Highline Fire District: Seattle logistics, and more

By Deanie Schwarz
Reporting for White Center Now

The North Highline Fire District Board met Friday morning.

Board members and the new Chief, Steve Marstrom, who one board member commented was “here to drain a swamp,” largely discussed how to steer their ship in those swampy waters while holding course toward an uncertain harbor.

A major task for Chief Marstrom, as suggested in previous meetings where job scope was defined, will be to negotiate the transfer of assets and consolidation of services with as-yet-to-be-determined or confirmed entities. But details of day-to-day operations and priorities established by the Chief and his Battalion Chiefs (the most senior one now acts in lieu of a budget-deleted assistant chief) are still inquired about by the Board and are expected, so the new chief will continue providing answers.

Board member Wayne Alishokis noted that he and Chief Marstrom had attended the most recent White Center Chamber meeting to introduce the Chief to the North Highline community. Their introduction meetings also extended across the city-county line to a preliminary meeting with Seattle Fire Department’s (SFD) Chief Hepburn and Mayor’s Office representative Kenny Pittman. The Chief has scheduled a second meeting with SFD to specifically discuss the financial parameters of any potential future contractual consolidation with the city and the Seattle Fire Department. It was Chief Marstrom’s impression that the city of Seattle would not be interested in any agreement where it would need to supplement funds for NHFD #11. Their next meeting with Seattle is set for September 27th; there’s still no final decision on whether an annexation vote will be held in November 2011, but that’s the goal Seattle had been working toward.

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Help the White Center Food Bank – and yourself!

September 17th, 2010 at 9:51 am Posted in West Seattle, White Center Food Bank, White Center news | Comments Off on Help the White Center Food Bank – and yourself!

If you can make it over to Avalon Glassworks in West Seattle’s Luna Park business district tomorrow afternoon – here’s an unusual fundraiser: Suggested donation $40 for a professionally photographed head shot, and the money goes to the White Center Food Bank. More details here.

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Strength of Place Village groundbreaking in White Center

September 15th, 2010 at 12:52 pm Posted in housing, White Center Community Development Association, White Center news | Comments Off on Strength of Place Village groundbreaking in White Center

Big turnout in White Center this morning for the groundbreaking celebration kicking off the construction of Strength of Place Village – that’s Duwamish Tribe chair Cecile Hansen offering a blessing, in our top photo, which State Sen. Joe McDermott described as,
“I think it is terribly fitting that we started today with greetings from the Chairwoman of the Duwamish Tribe. Native Americans have been in this area for at least 10,000 years. And on November 13, 1851 the Denny party arrived in West Seattle, not far from here. Back on the 4th of July a bunch of people gathered near there, in front of an institution that is now closed, and talked about how much “this place” matters. And I think that lesson is exceptionally important to remember today. This place does indeed matter. The partnership that we’re celebrating today talks about the strength that can be harvested in this community at coming together to make this place as valuable as it can be to further enrich the value that is already here. I’m pleased the State had been able to play a role in housing this project. And I’m look forward to not only coming back to cut the ribbon, but to move boxes into the new homes next summer.”

It’s a 30-unit housing complex at 13th SW and SW 100th for low-income families (income no more than $55,000/year). It’s also a collaboration between agencies including the Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association, the White Center Community Development Association, and Capitol Hill Housing. From those three agencies, with County Executive Dow Constantine, in the next photo, are WCCDA’s Aileen Balahadia, DNDA’s Derek Birnie, and CHH’s Chris Persons:

Balahadia said at the ceremony, ““As you can see, the strength of place here really isn’t about place at all…of the bricks and mortar of a building…or the dirt and soil that we’re going to be breaking ground on today. White Center is truly special because our people make it so. And we choose to work the White Center way where community works side by side with partners, policymakers, institutions, to lead the kind of change residents want to see in their community. SOPI is part of a greater White Center neighborhood action plan designed by residents. This property was initially identified and brought to our attention by the King County Sheriff’s office due to some public safety concerns on the site. They asked if we could do something together on this? The CDA and DNDA worked closely with the original owners of the property on those safety issues. And the neighbors and local residents were all informed and were part of co-designing this project. So it has been a tremendous accomplishment.” Of course, there was the ceremonial shovel-turning – can’t have a groundbreaking without that:

(With the shovels, from left, were White Center resident Laushonda Barquet, Impact Capital director Heyward Watson, Dow Constantine, Aileen Balahadia, Derek Birnie, Seattle City Councilmember Mike O’Brien, Chris Persons, King County Councilmember Jan Drago, State Sen. Joe McDermott.) Barquet, a 25-year White Center resident, said, “When I think about a neighborhood where I would want to raise my son I think of a place like this. Where my son and I have a place to grow and accel safely. Also have stable housing. I can catch the bus or even walk to work. You can walk to school. White Center is a place where you can get fresh produce and all different types of ethnic food. This is also a neighborhood that is a safe place for my child to play and a safe place to leave my doors open when I’m cooking or cleaning. That’s why I participated as a resident in the design of SOPI Village and in raising awareness for the project. It is important that my voice and our voices provide the heart and soul in the leadership of a place like this, in White Center.” Here’s a closer look at the “I (Heart) White Center” hardhats:

This is one of the renderings showing what Strength of Place will look like:

Demolition work continues at the site now.


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Sheriff Sue Rahr visiting White Center tomorrow

September 14th, 2010 at 3:07 pm Posted in Greenbridge, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news | Comments Off on Sheriff Sue Rahr visiting White Center tomorrow

Announced today by the King County Sheriff’s Office:

Sheriff Sue Rahr will join other law enforcement leaders on Wednesday, September 15th as a report is released showing that investing in early learning programs reduces crime in the long run and saves dollars on the state’s education budget as well.

The report shows investments in high quality, voluntary early learning programs reduce the need for special education placements and other Kindergarten through Grade 12 education expenses.

“I am in favor of anything that helps kids succeed, and keeps them away from a life of crime. Early learning centers have a positive impact, I’m all for those programs”, says Rahr.

Sheriff Rahr will be joined by Normandy Park Police Chief Rick Kieffer and Burien Police Chief Scott Kimerer at the event.

It’s been almost six months since the Educare center was dedicated – here’s our coverage from that sunny day in March.

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Got something to say about the county budget? Here’s how

September 14th, 2010 at 1:57 am Posted in King County, Politics, White Center news | Comments Off on Got something to say about the county budget? Here’s how

The King County Council has four public hearings coming up about the county budget, and the closest one is in Seattle. Here’s the official announcement:

In preparation for a 2011 King County Budget that will include $60 million in cuts, the chair of the Metropolitan King County Council’s Budget Leadership team is encouraging the public to get involved by going to the Budget Committee’s four public hearings.

“During this difficult budget process, programs and services that our residents depend on are going to be cut or eliminated,” said Councilmember Julia Patterson. “We need to hear from the public about the services they value, their ideas for saving money, and how we can do more with less.”

Hosted by Councilmember Patterson, the four public hearings will be held:

· Wednesday, September 29 – King County Courthouse, County Council Chambers, 10th Flr, 516 Third Avenue, Room 1200, Seattle
· Tuesday, October 5 – Bellevue City Council Chambers, 450 110th Ave. NE, Bellevue
· Tuesday, October 12 – Mt. Si High School, Wildcat Court, 8651 Meadowbrook Way SE, Snoqualmie
· Tuesday, October 19 – Maleng Regional Justice Center, Jury Assembly Room 2E, 401 4th Avenue North, Kent

All meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. Day-after coverage of the public hearings will be available both online and on King County TV, seen on Comcast and Broadstripe Cable Channel 22. You can also sign up to follow the deliberations through the Council’s 2011 Budget Blog, Facebook and Twitter.

Follow the Council’s deliberations through Twitter, Facebook and our 2011 Budget Blog by visiting the King County Council Budget Web site at:


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White Center-based WestSide Baby needs you for another ‘Sorting Frenzy’

September 14th, 2010 at 1:38 am Posted in How to Help, WestSide Baby, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center-based WestSide Baby needs you for another ‘Sorting Frenzy’

As Shana from WestSide Baby explained, while sharing that photo, it’s a problem they’re very grateful to have – overloaded with clothing donations, so they’re having a “Sorting Frenzy” 7-9 pm Thursday night, and need volunteers at their White Center HQ. If you can help, RSVP to Sarah Grubbs at sarah@westsidebaby.org.


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White Center biznotes: Babies @ Dubsea Coffee; 3.14 Bakery’s search

September 11th, 2010 at 11:08 pm Posted in Arts, Businesses, White Center news | 1 Comment »

2 notes discovered while wandering online tonight: First, Dubsea Coffee is inviting babies – and parents – to a baby meetup tomorrow (Sunday) morning, 10 am, hoping it’ll be a regular feature on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Details on Facebook. Second, 3.14 Bakery is seeking artists and musicians to show/perform their work at the new bakery/coffeehouse. More here.

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Community Street Fair begins at White Center’s Holy Family

September 11th, 2010 at 12:56 pm Posted in Fun, Holy Family, White Center news | Comments Off on Community Street Fair begins at White Center’s Holy Family

Food, entertainment — live bands and dance performances! — and shopping are under way outside Holy Family Church and School at Roxbury/20th, for the annual Community Street Fair.

It began officially at 9 am but really got rolling with a blessing around 10:30 am, with Holy Family’s Father Horacio Yanez:

Then, Rudy Alvarado – who was on a first-response team that rushed to New York nine years ago – led a moment of silence in memory of 9/11 victims. You can drop by till 6 tonight, again 9-4 tomorrow.


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Holy Family School second-graders get props from cops

September 10th, 2010 at 12:14 pm Posted in Fun, Holy Family, Schools, White Center news | Comments Off on Holy Family School second-graders get props from cops

What could have been a frightening morning at Holy Family School turned into a story about smart second-graders who knew just what to do when they saw something dangerous-looking. Here’s the tale.

Also note – tomorrow and Sunday are the days for the big Community Street Fair at Holy Family, with new features this year including salsa and chili contests!

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“South Park” (but not really) Hooters shuts down, blaming bridge closure

September 10th, 2010 at 9:34 am Posted in South Park, White Center news | Comments Off on “South Park” (but not really) Hooters shuts down, blaming bridge closure

Just reported on partner site West Seattle Blog: The Hooters that opened almost exactly a year ago, claiming to be in South Park but really more in Boulevard Park, has closed – blaming the South Park Bridge closure. Full story here.


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