New fire chief, crime/safety issues, more discussed at North Highline Unincorporated Area Council’s 2023 finale

December 13th, 2023 at 11:56 pm Posted in King County Sheriff's Office, Libraries, North Highline UAC, White Center news | 2 Comments »

By Tracy Record
White Center Now editor

The last North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting of 2023 was held online Thursday night (December 7). Here’s what happened:

LIBRARY UPDATES: Mary Sue Houser, a divisional manager for King County Library System – overseeing six branches including White Center, Greenbridge, and Boulevard Park – was the first guest. She reminded everyone that KCLS is now “fine-free” – if you have an overdue item, just take it in! (They will charge if you lose something, though.) Some hours have expanded, too (as reported here). She recapped the Freedom to Read celebration that was discussed at the last meeting, and mentioned the Welcoming Centers, “a place for people who are new to the country … anyone who has just gotten here and needs help.” Language-speakers are available to offer resources and answer questions. These are at six libraries (none in North Highline). NHUAC’s Liz Giba asked if a Welcoming Center could be added at WC Library; Houser said she’ll be sure it’s “on the radar.”

FIRE CHIEFS: After more than 31 years of service, Chief Mike Marrs is leaving. He’s been District 2 chief since 1999. He thanked everyone for their support, particularly the renewals of the Medic One levy every six years. He talked about how previously one in five people woule survive a heart attack in Seattle/King County – even at that, better than other cities, but a goal was set for three in five to survive, and that goal’s been met and surpassed. Ongoing training and policies help. 85 percent of calls are medical, a lot of them are heart attacks, and so, many lives are being saved, He also expressed gratitude for voters approving the Benefit Charge. It’s not based on property value but rather on the size of structure that needs to be protected, Marrs explained. And since it’s a fee, for example, the Housing Authority has to pay it too, rather than getting an exemption. “I think we’ve put that money to good use.” He noted that his role running Fire District 2 expanded to include North Highline around 2010, part-time as a stopgap measure, and “we just slowly migrated to where we came together.” After years of sharing personnel and equipment, and increasing efficiencies and cost savings, they originally realized it was time to “fully integrate” everything. In 2019, it all melded into a four-station fire department. They’ve been able to purchase new fire engines, a new aid car, and “with the funding we’re saving in other areas,” next year they’ll be able to return a full-time aid car to Station 18 in White Center. He also said he’s proud of “the workforce we have right now.” He said his “one litmus test” for hiring has been “who do I want to show up at my house at 2 o’clock in the morning when my house is on fire?” Marrs said he feels his legacy includes those people – who go out on calls 12,000 times a year.

In Q/A/comments, the chief was thanked for his advocacy for the North Highline fireworks ban. He didn’t have any stats about its effectiveness, though.

New Chief Jason Gay then introduced himself – 49 years old, father of two (20-year-old Marine and 16-year-old high school sophomore). He is a Marine Corps veteran, focusing on avionics, and went into aerospace after getting out, got a mechanical engineering degree, staying in that industry for a long time. Then he moved on to firefighting – “best choice I ever made” – and Marrs hired him in 2005. He went to school again for a Fire Administration degree and has been working his way up, becoming a lieutenant, then captain, for 10 years, then acting battalion chief for 6 years, and eventually went into the logistics office. More studies ensued; he pursued an online masters in Public Administration, and in October he became Fire Chief.

Chief Gay says his vision for the department is: financially responsible, well-funded, deep ties with service community, values its employees – helping them via education, professional development – he wants the department to be known for leadership and stewardship, among other things, Marrs, he said, has shown “you can be conservative and provide a fantastic service to the vommunity.” He “wants to be a good steward of tax dollars for the community.” He also noted the health risks firefighters face – like cancer risk – and wants to protect them as best he can. “There’s a lot of work we can do in continuing to ratchet our service to the community.” Stations 18 and 19 are undergoing remodeling to serve a diverse workforce – he notes that about 9 percent of the workforce is women, including two “line firefighters.” He said the department’s staff is relatively new – less than five years firefighting for almost half of them.

NHUAC’s Pat Price wondered about a timeline for the Station 18 remodel (that’s where NHUAC long met in person) being complete. Chief Gay said crews will be mobilizing right after Christmas and the 18 and 19 remodels should be complete by early May. “At that point we’ll have a wonderful meeting room to go back to,” he said.

NHUAC’s Barbara Dobkin wondered how the increased density affects the department. “Obviously our call volume is rising,” said Gay. They’re mapping things now and the upcoming added aid car at Station 18 will be part of addressing that. What about higher buildings? They have a ladder truck, which can get them up to seven stories, he noted. They also were asked about alternative responses, which have been explored by multiple jurisdictions around the region.

KING COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE: White Center Storefront Detective Glen Brannon began by saying “things are looking good in our neck of the woods.” He was asked about the disappearance of the Burien encampment in a triangle along Ambaum Boulevard; they had to disperse because of Burien’s camping ban, and many are now at a church in Burien that has an official camping/shelter program. Some have probably headed into White Center, Brannon believes. He mentioned working with The More We Love group, which has a contract with Burien to address encampments. He also mentioned that they’re working with Community Passageways and so they’ve got a lot of new resources to work with people on the street.

An attendee who recorded video of illegal dumping asked if Brannon had any interest. Send him the video, Det. Brannon said. ( He also asked about mail thieves. To charge somebody with mail theft, they have to have at least seven pieces of mail from different people, Brannon said.

He was asked about a crash in White Center, on 16th SW near Saar’s, the previous evening. It was a pedestrian hit by a driver; not life-threatening injuries.

A Block Watch captain gave props to Det. Brannon for handling some things his neighbors in Top Hat were worried about.

Det. Brannon said he wants to hear from Block Watches – and from people interested in starting one.

Then a WC resident said he’s concerned about dangerous driving and wondered about speed enforcement. Det. Brannon offered to come hang out in his neighborhood (a cut-through section of 17th) and try to be a deterrent/enforcer.

What about the former Bartell building, and trash/graffiti problems? He said he’ll look into that, and also noted that a new tenant is being actively sought.

Regarding the ongoing outdoor-music-venue noise concerns, Det. Brannon said he got the monitoring equipment he talked about at the last NHUAC meeting and has already tested it. He promised that enforcement is planned. “We’re done letting these guys get away with that.” He explained how the equipment records readings and times.

Also briefly discussed – the ongoing search for businesses to move into the storefronts that suffered fire damage. A variety of other issues came up too. Regarding gunfire heard from neighborhoods, Det. Brannon said that factors include a “gang war starting up,” and that they know who’s doing it – people driving around shooting into the air – “we just have to catch them.” He said someone high-ranking in a gang was killed recently, with a funeral coming up in less than a week, and a lot of retaliatory gunfire seems to be happening.

NEXT MEETING: NHUAC will skip January and be back the first Thursday in February.

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RESTAURANTS: Inside newly opened Alpine Diner/Big Mario’s Pizza

December 10th, 2023 at 8:33 pm Posted in Businesses, Restaurants, White Center news | 1 Comment »

This was the first weekend for the co-housed Alpine Diner and Big Mario’s Pizza at 9635 16th SW in downtown White Center. Thanks to Gill Loring for sharing some photos from inside the new two-in-one restaurant:

As we first reported a month ago, other repaired storefronts in that block are now up for lease.

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THINK SUMMER! See DubSea Fish Sticks’ 2024 baseball schedule

December 5th, 2023 at 6:43 pm Posted in DubSea Fish Sticks, Sports, Steve Cox Memorial Park, White Center news | Comments Off on THINK SUMMER! See DubSea Fish Sticks’ 2024 baseball schedule

Just made public today – the DubSea Fish Sticks‘ 2024 schedule at White Center’s Steve Cox Memorial Park! Here’s the announcement:

The DubSea Fish Sticks summer collegiate baseball team has released its 2024 schedule.

The 2024 season will kick off on Saturday, June 1st and will feature 27 home games. The team hosts their events at Mel Olson Stadium, inside King County’s Steve Cox Memorial Park in White Center, nicknamed “The Fryer.”

The team is known for their crazy antics including throwing out a ceremonial first fish. The honoree flings a fish toward home plate instead of a baseball. During non-league games the team also runs an open raffle for a random fan to sign a one-day contract and lead off in the game for the Fish Sticks as the “Fan Batter of the Night.”

The Fish Sticks recruit players from colleges across the country to come and play for the months of June and July. The 2024 summer roster is currently being finalized by new head coach Elliott Cribby, former University of Washington Associate Head Coach. The players report in late May and play with the team to hone their skills and hope to one day play professionally.

“We had a great year in 2023. Breaking all of our previous attendance records and being fortunate enough to sell out five different games. We have a ton of fun in store for our fans and plan to build on everything we did in 2023. We’re expecting tickets to go fast and we’re encouraging fans to get flex packs as soon as they can to guarantee they have tickets. We’re throwing the biggest parties in West Seattle all summer long, it’s going to be a blast!” Exclaimed team president Justin Moser.

Last year the team sold out five of their games and they expect that number to double or even triple in 2024.

Season Tickets and Flex Packs are now on sale at If you’re wanting single-game tickets for DubSea Fish Sticks, you can join the Priority Ticket List to be the first notified when they’re available on April 3rd. Games are only $13 and Opening Night on Saturday, June 1st, is expected to sell out quickly. Flex Ticket Packs with options ranging from three- to ten-game packages are also available. The Fish Sticks’ season will run from June 1st through August 3rd.

The Fish Sticks also partner with youth organizations and nonprofits to run ticket fundraisers at every game and sell discounted group packages.
You can find more information and secure your tickets at The Fryer by visiting the Fish Sticks’ website at

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FOLLOWUP: Alpine Diner and Big Mario’s set White Center opening date

December 4th, 2023 at 8:58 pm Posted in Restaurants, White Center news | 1 Comment »

We told you three weeks ago about the ex-Bizzarro space at 9635 16th SW getting two new co-housed restaurants – Alpine Diner and Big Mario’s Pizza. Now they’ve announced their opening date:

Alpine will open at 9 am Thursday, and Big Mario’s will open at 11 am.

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Here’s what’s planned for December’s North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting

December 3rd, 2023 at 8:29 pm Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news | Comments Off on Here’s what’s planned for December’s North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting

This Thursday, take a little time out of your schedule to dive into what’s happening in your community. You don’t even have to leave your home – the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meets online at 7 pm Thursday – here’s the preview:

The Opportunity to Be Informed, Be Involved and Be Heard!

Where? North Highline Unincorporated Area Council Meeting

When? Thursday, December 7, 2023, at 7 pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 820 0154 8577
Passcode: NHUAC2023 (Case Sensitive)

Unable to join via Zoom? Please call: 253 215 8782
Meeting ID: 820 0154 8577
Passcode: 332771534

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

You are invited to join NHUAC’s last meeting of 2023 at 7 pm on Thursday, December 7th. 2023 has been a year of transition in our community. One of NHUAC’s goals is to keep you abreast of changes and in touch with the people who are making decisions that affect North Highline.

Due to our unincorporated status, the King County Council serves as our local government. King County Councilmember Joe McDermott will be replaced after more than a decade. We met Councilmember Elect Teresa Mosqueda and shared pertinent data about North Highline with her at NHUAC’s October meeting. NHUAC will continue to provide opportunities for discussions with her as she moves forward as our representative on the King County Council.

Last month, we learned that the King County Library System’s Executive Director, Lisa Rosenblum, was retiring. She has been a positive force in improving our relationship with KCLS by improving service and saving the Boulevard Park Branch. In October, Verna Seal of Tukwila was appointed as Trustee by the King County Council. To talk about the future of KCLS, Trustee Seal will join us on Thursday along with Mary Sue Houser, Olympic Regional Manager.

The North Highline Fire District is vital to everyone that lives, works or visits North Highline. In 2019, after extensive contract negotiations, the NHFD contractually consolidated with Burien’s King County Fire District #2. The consolidation allowed the districts to improve cost sharing, increase efficiencies and firefighter training and share KCFD#2’s Fire Chief. The consolidation has been an undeniable success under Chief Mike Marrs’ leadership. After 34 years of service, Chief Marrs is retiring. Join NHUAC on December 7 to thank Chief Marrs and welcome his successor, Chief Jason Gay.

After serving as White Center’s Storefront Deputy since 2015, Deputy Bill Kennamer retired from the King County Sheriff’s Office in April after 25 years of service. His successor, Detective Glen Brannon, will make his final presentation of the year at Thursday’s NHUAC meeting.

Knowledge Is Power

Learn, share, and help make North Highline a healthier community.

Thursday, December 7 at 7 pm – Invite Your Neighbors!

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Remembering King County Sheriff’s Deputy Steve Cox

December 2nd, 2023 at 5:36 pm Posted in King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news | 3 Comments »

The King County Sheriff’s Office posted this tribute on X/Twitter today:

If you’re new and don’t know the story of how Deputy Cox’s life was cut short, here’s a summary.

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TODAY: Seattle Urban Book Expo in White Center

December 2nd, 2023 at 10:18 am Posted in White Center news | 1 Comment »

Big event today in White Center: More than 20 BIPOC authors will gather for the annual Seattle Urban Book Expo, an annual celebration of books and the people who make them. You can meet the authors and learn about their work. It’s scheduled for noon-6 pm at Acts on Stage Theater (10806 12th SW). Free admission!

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ELECTION 2023: Final numbers

November 28th, 2023 at 6:45 pm Posted in White Center news | Comments Off on ELECTION 2023: Final numbers

Three weeks after Election Day, King County has certified the final results. Here’s how the major local races ended up:

Teresa Mosqueda – 33,921 – 55.01%
Sofia Aragon – 27,553 – 44.68%

Stephanie Tidholm – 13,280 – 57.9%
Michael T. Lewis – 9,465 – 41.27%

(Here’s the full countywide results report for all races and measures.) Newly elected officials generally will take office at the start of the new year.

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HOLIDAYS: Thankful for volunteers! White Center Library Guild’s successful sale

November 22nd, 2023 at 3:54 pm Posted in Holidays, Libraries, White Center news | 1 Comment »

(Photos by Gill Loring)

Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for so much … like the community volunteers who work so hard to support local institutions and organizations – for example, the White Center Library Guild, which held its annual Holiday Bazaar and Book Sale this past weekend.

The Guild’s fundraising supports programs at the library – which in turn support the entire community.

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Angie Miraflor to serve as interim leader of King County Library System

November 16th, 2023 at 11:18 am Posted in Libraries, White Center news | 2 Comments »

Earlier this month, the King County Library System was in the spotlight at the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council‘s November meeting, with guests including about-to-retire KCLS executive director Lisa Rosenblum. Today, KCLS has announced an interim successor for her, while they continue searching for a new permanent leader. Here’s the announcement we received:

The King County Library System (KCLS) Board of Trustees has appointed KCLS Deputy Director of Public Services Angie Miraflor as interim director of the library system, effective December 19, following the retirement of current KCLS Executive Director Lisa Rosenblum.

Miraflor joined KCLS in November 2021. She brings over 20 years of experience working in diverse communities throughout the country. Before coming to KCLS, she served as the director of central services at the St. Louis Public Library. Miraflor has also served as the director of customer experience at the Brooklyn Public Library, associate director of the West Bronx Library Network at the New York Public Library, and division manager for literacy and learning at the San Jose Public Library. Angie holds a master’s degree in library and information science and a bachelor’s degree in public relations from San Jose State University.

“I’m proud to say KCLS has been my library home for the last two years,” stated KCLS Deputy Director of Public Services Angie Miraflor. “I’m excited and honored to lead such an innovative and community focused organization during this time of transition. KCLS’ devoted staff will continue to provide excellent programs and robust collections.”

The KCLS Board of Trustees is charged with hiring the new executive director. They are conducting a national search for the position, and they expect the effort to take several more months.

“The Board of Trustees is happy that Angie Miraflor has graciously agreed to fill the role of the interim director,” stated KCLS Board of Trustees President Harish Kulkarni. “We are confident that the library and its patrons will be in able and experienced hands until a new director can start their duties.”

Rosenblum announced her retirement in July. A distinguished librarian, she has spent the past 35 years working for public libraries. Since Rosenblum joined KCLS in January 2018, the library system has received numerous awards and accolades for outstanding services and innovation, including being named a National Medal finalist by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) this year — a first for KCLS.

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FOLLOWUP: Changes ahead for downtown White Center’s fire-ravaged block, including 2 restaurants

November 14th, 2023 at 3:46 pm Posted in Businesses, Restaurants, White Center news | 4 Comments »

If you’ve been in downtown White Center lately, you’ve probably noticed changes to the fire-ravaged block on the west side of 16th SW south of Roxbury. It’s been more than two years since fires ravaged multiple spaces in this block of businesses. Now seven of the spaces are up for lease to new business tenants (here’s the flyer). The spaces totaling 22,362 square feet could be leased in various combinations, the listing says … Not far south, next to Full Tilt, the Huong Xua Deli is finally getting ready to reopen, with COMING SOON signage … And on the other side of the September 2021 fire site, two venues have uncloaked with plans to share the former Bizzarro Italian Café space at 9635 16th SW:

The Alpine Diner and Bar, touting an “apres-ski” theme, and Big Mario’s Pizza. From the Alpine website:

Try our full food & beverage menu available daily from 7 AM to 10 PM, or visit the bar counter and cozy up to our vintage fireplace in the game room for ski ball and hoops. Enjoy our large outdoor patio with bocci ball and outdoor seating, opening Spring 2024. We share our space with the newest Big Mario’s location, meaning you can order from either menu.

The Alpine is from the same company that operates Lost Lake Café in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood; Big Mario’s Pizza has a location there too, one of four in Seattle. The remodeled White Center space is expected to open this winter.

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White Center Library Guild’s Holiday Bazaar and Book Sale less than a week away

November 12th, 2023 at 1:54 pm Posted in Holidays, White Center Library, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center Library Guild’s Holiday Bazaar and Book Sale less than a week away

Another reason to visit the library this coming week – holiday shopping!

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ELECTION 2023: Teresa Mosqueda’s lead in King County Council District 8 widens

November 9th, 2023 at 4:40 pm Posted in Election, White Center news | Comments Off on ELECTION 2023: Teresa Mosqueda’s lead in King County Council District 8 widens

The third round of results from the general election has widened Seattle City Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda‘s lead over Burien Mayor Sofia Aragon for the King County Council District 8 seat:

More than 14,000 additional votes have been counted, for a total so far of 31.6% of registered D-8 voters; at least 14,000 ballots remain to be counted.

Teresa Mosqueda – 24,759 – 52.36%
Sofia Aragon – 22,364 – 47.29%

Despite the holiday, King County Elections plans to release another set of results tomorrow.

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ELECTION 2023: Teresa Mosqueda leads King County Council District 8 race

November 7th, 2023 at 9:55 pm Posted in Election, Politics, White Center news | Comments Off on ELECTION 2023: Teresa Mosqueda leads King County Council District 8 race

The biggest race in our area is for the County Council District 8 seat that Joe McDermott is leaving after 13 years. In tonight’s first and only round of results, here’s where the race stands:

Teresa Mosqueda – 16,189 – 50.18%
Sofia Aragon – 15,929 – 49.37%

Mosqueda, a citywide Seattle City Councilmember and North Delridge resident, spent Election Night at a party downtown, too far for us to go interview her, but she has sent a statement saying in part: “It’s been incredibly motivating to connect with community leaders and neighbors across this district. The outcome of this election is a testament to our campaign’s deep community engagement and collaborative work to support community-led solutions. Thank you to every endorsing community member, labor union, organization, small business, and elected leader who generously offered their time to help make this result possible. I appreciate your support and look forward to working together to deliver on diverse needs across District 8.”

Second round of results will be out around 4 pm tomorrow.

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CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Bus-murder suspect Miguel Rivera Dominguez surrenders

November 6th, 2023 at 2:18 pm Posted in Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news | Comments Off on CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Bus-murder suspect Miguel Rivera Dominguez surrenders

(Also published on partner site West Seattle Blog)

(15th south of Roxbury, October 3)

The King County Sheriff’s Office has announced that 17-year-old White Center bus-murder suspect Miguel Rivera Dominguez is in custody. Here’s the entirety of the announcement:

This morning, November 6, 2023, at 9:55 AM, homicide suspect Miguel Rivera Dominguez turned himself into the King County Sheriff’s Office without incident. Rivera Dominguez was named as the suspect in the shooting of 21-year-old Marcel Da’jon Wagner, who was fatally shot while riding on a King County Metro Transit Bus in White Center on October 3rd.

We want to thank our neighboring law enforcement agencies and community members for their assistance, tips, and support during this extensive investigation. Together, we are working to make our community safer.

According to a tipster, he surrendered at the KCSO precinct in Burien, the city in which he had been residing. The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office charged Rivera Dominguez as an adult with first-degree murder last week, saying video from the bus suggested he shot and killed Wagner – who may have been asleep – without provocation or any sort of confrontation, without even saying a word. He’ll be held in lieu of $3 million bail.

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From libraries to law enforcement at North Highline Unincorporated Area Council’s November meeting

November 3rd, 2023 at 2:05 am Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news | 1 Comment »

By Tracy Record
White Center Now editor

The King County Library System was the star of the show at November’s North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting, held online Thursday night – not just because its departing executive director was there, but also because of a spirited presentation by two KCLS employees dedicated to your “Freedom to Read.”

KING COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM: Lisa Rosenblum – KCLS’s soon-to-retire leader – was a special guest. She was asked which accomplishments gave her the most pride. “For the staff to understand that we work for the taxpayers and we need to be accountable for their dollars,” she began. “Every department under my watched has been changed,” with stricter financial rules, more technology, adding peer navigators and a social worker, among other things. She also said that “managing a very large library system during COVID” was a big accomplishment too. “None of the staff got sick from community spread in our libraries.” She also is proud of making KCLS “fines-free” – not a big hit on revenue, despite what you might think. “The persons most affected by fines are the least able to pay them,” she said they’d learned. (They do charge people eventually for unreturned books.) They’re the second-largest digital lender in the country, fourth-largest in the world, so that library users have choice. “Most people want choice now in their libraries, so we budget for choice” – and they’ve won three budgeting awards, she added. This year KCLS also was a nominee – the only one in Washington State – for a major national award.

NHUAC’s Liz Giba asked some specifics about Rosenblum’s workstyle. How does she work with the board? They’re a governing board and her bosses, who delegate the job of running the system to her. “I work with them to see … what are their big vision items … They tell me what they’re interested in, and I try to present to them some of the exciting programs and services we offer.” In turn, they tell her what the community’s interested in.

Who do you talk to if you have concerns? Email the board – find the address here – Rosenblum said. As for who’s succeeding her, “I’m not involved in replacing me,” but the board is hard at work on it, she said. Though her original announcement was for a November 30th retirement, she’s now staying on until mid-December.

Accompanying her was regional manager Mary Sue Houser. She’s relatively new in that job.

Rosenblum was asked about the KCLS role in matching people to resources – and explained those go far beyond books. She spoke of noticing early on how people came into the libraries to stay warm and dry. Their staff wasn’t necessarily trained to provide social services. So now they have peer navigators as well as community partnerships, such as visiting nurses and resource fairs. “It has a lot of really positive ripple effects,” Houser said. The system has four navigators, who are based at various libraries – the nearest one is based at the Burien Library. “It travels a lot by word of mouth,” explained Houser.

Rosenblum also talked about “welcome centers,” which offer resource assistance in various languages. “Most people feel that a library is a safe space, a comfortable space,” and feel good about visiting them to get help like that.

Later in the meeting, NHUAC’s Pat Price, active with the White Center Library Guild, asked if the board would return to its pre-pandemic tradition of meeting at some library locations. They have resumed that, she was reassured, and KCLS will provide the schedule of its occasional on-location meetings, Houser said.

CELEBRATE FREEDOM TO READ: Brenna Shanks and Melissa Mather, also from KCLS, came to talk about this initiative. The library system came up with a definition of “intellectual freedom.”

They point out that First Amendment rights aren’t just about “the person speaking,” they’re also about “the person listening.” And you get to decide your information needs. The library doesn’t share your information needs with anybody. “Looking at access as a right, as a freedom,” in other words.

How serious is the censorship movement in our state? an attendee asked. Not as “dire” as elsewhere, they replied, while detailing some “interesting developments.” They’re trying to track such things as “passive banning behavior” – hiding books or removing books, for example. They hope to use such things as opportunities to talk, which isn’t what’s happening with major national movements, they said. They also showed the definition of libraries as “limited public forum”:

Rosenblum – who said she stayed to listen “because I love this presentation” – noted there was a protester outside a KCLS board meeting the other day. “And we allow that,” in the spirit of the initiative. Shanks explained that this “freedom” doesn’t mean protecting a material, but instead protecting your right to see it:

They also work to ensure the libraries are for everyone:

And that means those interested in controversial material, too:

“If someone has asked for an item, we don’t ask why they want it, we don’t ask whether they’re for or against it,” but they’ll do their best to get it, Shanks said. They also discussed the criteria for where materials are placed in their collections. “This is what you’ll see in a lot of these book bans – ‘we don’t want this in the teen area,'” etc., said Shanks.

This can be “nuanced,” she said. “It’s a living conversation all the way around.” That includes “inclusive vs. exclusive.”

They noted that there can be conflicting opinions – they’ve even had a call for banning the Bible because of its anti-LGBTQ passages, for example. Overall, they warned, book bans are on the rise:

So what can you do?

KING COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE: White Center’s Storefront Det. Glen Brannon said “it’s been another good month.” More categories of crime are down than up:

Regarding the uptick in kidnappings, he said that’s not necessarily the kind “you see in the movies” – it’s “any time somebody’s forced to go someplace they don’t want to go.” Commercial burglaries, vandalism, and auto theft are up – re: vandalism, he said it’s because more graffiti vandalism is being reported, and he took credit for some of that.

He discussed how White Center is dealing with the new state drug laws – diversion through LEAD is.a big part of them. The jail’s not taking misdemeanor bookings, so they can arrest and file charges “but as part of the process at the time, I do a warm handoff to a diversion expert” – such as a social worker “who starts working with them to start getting better.” If a person pursues the services, they might not get charged. Det. Brannon says that’s in keeping with law enforcers’ real roles as “peace officers.”

NHUAC’s Barbara Dobkin asked about a “drive-by shooting on 21st last weekend.” Det. Brannon said it involved a house with a person who had some criminal background but had been “doing good” until recently. He didn’t have any specifics otherwise – there were no “victims” since neighbors called in to report hearing shots but nobody at the house called to report anything personally. An attendee was concerned about a vacant lot “behind Little Caesar’s” where people seemed to be camping. Det. Brannon talked about how when you move people along, they just move a bit further. Another neighborhood concern brought an explanation that they can’t just arrest people for trespassing any more – “I have to do a lot more growling and a lot less arresting.” Is there a way to use ambient tactics to discourage people from lingering? Yes, but it’s not so easy – and “the question is, where are they going to move to next?”

Asked if KCSO was seeing an increase in 3D-printed “ghost guns,” the detective said no, guns are more often coming from thefts and burglaries. Also, “we are seeing a lot of modified firearms.”

On gangs, he said, they’re not really fighting over White Center right now – “moving through” but not battling for turf.

On another topic, the recurring issue of loud music from Tim’s Tavern and other venues came up. “This is really a disturbance of our lives here,” said Dobkin, asking what neighbors could do “if the sheriffs can’t manage this issue.” Brannon said there are specific ways in which they are required to measure noise, and they didn’t have the equipment, but just got approval to buy it. He also said that when last he visited Tim’s two weeks ago they were installing insulation, but that may not have worked. So he’s warning them that he’ll be using new equipment and will if necessary “start writing tickets.” He says he’s hoping to procure the equipment within a month. (A discussion of zoning and codes ensued.) But, he warned, he asked the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office who will then handle the cases – and he says he was told “they’re both in murder trials right now.”

An attendee complained about vandalized cars being “dropped” on 1st SW in Top Hat. Det. Brannon said there’s someone in the area ‘trying to make a living flipping cars.” He’ll check on the current situation.

NEXT MEETING: First Thursday at 7 pm most months – watch for confirmation when that gets closer.

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CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: White Center bus murder suspect charged – but not yet in custody

November 1st, 2023 at 5:06 pm Posted in Crime, White Center news | Comments Off on CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: White Center bus murder suspect charged – but not yet in custody

He’s still not in custody, but the teenage suspect in last month’s murder aboard a Metro bus in White Center is now charged – as an adult.

The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office filed charges of first-degree murder and second-degree unlawful gun possession against 17-year-old Miguel R. Rivera Dominguez in the death of 21-year-old Marcell D. Wagner. And with that, an “active warrant” is out for Rivera Dominguez’s arrest, which would put him in jail with bail set at $3 million. The charging documents tell the story of what police and prosecutors believe happened – and for those who assumed there must have been some sort of dispute or confrontation between the two, apparently not: “Without any provocation, and in fact without having ever interacted with the victim at all, the defendant fired five rounds into the victim’s head and neck at point blank range. The defendant then fired two more shots through the door of the bus and fled to a location where he could change his clothing before returning home again.”

Investigators eventually identified Rivera Dominguez by tracing back to the Burien neighborhood where he and a friend had gotten on that bus. They learned he had once been reported as a runaway from his home there, and that he had been suspended from Highline High School for a fight during the last school year. Watching the bus’s on-board video of the shooting, detectives noted that the suspect’s friend appeared as shocked as the bus’s other 15 passengers when he pulled a gun and opened fire on the victim, who was described as possibly sleeping. The court documents say detectives eventually talked to the friend and he also told them he had no idea Rivera Dominguez was going to shoot someone, and that neither of them knew the victim, who had boarded the bus before they did, and was seated in the rear, where they also sat. Deputies found six casings on the bus and one outside. Rivera Dominguez was last seen at the Boys and Girls Club in Greenbridge shortly after the shooting, where he changed his clothes. If you have any information on Rivera Dominguez’s whereabouts, call 911.

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THURSDAY: Library, public-safety updates @ North Highline Unincorporated Area Council

October 29th, 2023 at 9:47 pm Posted in King County Sheriff's Office, Libraries, North Highline UAC, White Center news | Comments Off on THURSDAY: Library, public-safety updates @ North Highline Unincorporated Area Council

The Opportunity to Be Informed, Be Involved and Be Heard!

Where? North Highline Unincorporated Area Council Meeting

When? Thursday, November 2, 2023, at 7 pm

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 823 9563 4169
Passcode: NHUAC2023 (Case Sensitive)

Unable to join via Zoom? Please call: 253 215 8782
Meeting ID: 823 9563 4169
Passcode: 696893428

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It’s November and time to exercise the right and responsibility to support our democracy by voting. Last month’s Candidate Forum featured candidates Sofia Aragon and Teresa Mosqueda, who are competing to represent our area on the King County Council. If you couldn’t attend, you can read the White Center Now post here.

This month’s meeting will focus on other important ways we support our democracy – reading and libraries. Our guests will include King County Library System’s (KCLS) Executive Director, Lisa Rosenblum; Mary Sue Houser, Olympic Regional Manager; Brenna Shanks, a Selection Librarian for the Teen Collection; and Melissa Mather, a Public Services Librarian from the Skyway branch.

Before Director Rosenblum joined KCLS in January of 2018, its relationship with our area had been quite tumultuous. She has been a positive leader for KCLS. When she visited NHUAC about three months in, the long-waited renovation of the Boulevard Park branch was settled. It reopened in May of 2019. A true success for our community, democracy, and Lisa Rosenblum!

KCLS understands that the freedom to read is fundamental to any democracy and protected by our First Amendment right. Last month, KCLS started a year-long campaign to create awareness and encourage conversations on the topic. Brenna Shanks and Melissa Mather will share Celebrate the Freedom to Read with us and Mary Sue Houser will answer questions specific to our library region.

Last, but surely not least – White Center’s Storefront Deputy Glen Brannon will update us!

Knowledge Is Power

Learn, share, and help make North Highline a healthier community.

Thursday, November 2 at 7 pm – Invite Your Neighbors!

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Poetry, skating, costumes! Southgate Roller Rink event on Saturday

October 27th, 2023 at 2:18 pm Posted in Fun, southgate, White Center news | Comments Off on Poetry, skating, costumes! Southgate Roller Rink event on Saturday

Just out of the inbox:

Floating Bridge Press, a nonprofit arts organization dedicated to promoting Washington State poets, is hosting “VERSE & VELOCITY: Poetry/Skating/Costumes” at the Southgate Roller Rink on Saturday, October 28th from 4:30 PM to 8 PM.

This unique poetry event is all-ages, costumes-encouraged, and free (which includes skate rentals!) Several poets will read their work in between periods of open skating! Hosted by Michael Schmeltzer, Editor-in-Chief of Floating Bridge Press.

For questions, please contact See you there!

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UPDATE: Here’s why the King County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Disposal Unit was in downtown White Center

October 26th, 2023 at 10:55 am Posted in King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news | Comments Off on UPDATE: Here’s why the King County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Disposal Unit was in downtown White Center

(WCN/WSB photos)

10:55 AM: Thanks for the tip. A worker on the vacant site north of the former Bizarro restaurant, on the west side of 16th SW in downtown White Center, found what’s described to us as an unexploded grenade this morning. The King County Sheriff’s Office called out its bomb squad (officially the Bomb Disposal Unit), which is there now. The street is still open and the stay-out zone isn’t affecting any open businesses, as that’s the side of the street that has yet to fully recover from fires.

We’re told this is a very old grenade, possibly World War II-era.

11:31 AM: If you’re in the area and noting a helicopter, our story seems to have attracted the shared TV helicopter. We’ll be checking back at the scene on the ground in a bit.

11:36 AM: Thanks to the nearby business owner who just texted to say the grenade has been safely removed from the site and the Bomb Disposal Unit deputies are packing up to leave.

6:19 PM: We followed up with KCSO, whose spokesperson Sgt. Eric White tells us the grenade was “eventually turned over to Joint Base Lewis McChord/JBLM EOD people. BDU was not able to discern if the item was a functioning grenade or not. Due to this, precautions were taken and it was treated as a functioning grenade.”

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