May 14th, 2024 Tracy Posted in Jobs, King County, White Center news Comments Off on Minimum wage goes up for unincorporated King County. Here’s what co-sponsoring Councilmember Mosqueda says about it
County Councilmembers have approved a new, higher minimum wage for North Highline and other unincorporated areas of the county. Our area’s Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda co-sponsored it – here’s how she announced it in her newsletter tonight:
Today, the King County Council passed a new minimum wage for the unincorporated areas of the County. This new law, which I was proud to co-sponsor, will help bring unincorporated areas of the County, like White Center, Vashon Island, Skyway and more, in line with the many and growing jurisdictions in this county that have a higher minimum wage than the state minimum. Thanks to Councilmember Zahilay who was the prime sponsor, Committee Chair Rod Dembowski who also sponsored the legislation, and their teams for leading the effort on this bill with community.
Starting on January 1, 2025, the minimum wage for businesses with 500 or more employees will start at $20.29 and increase with inflation annually starting in 2026. There is a phase in for smaller businesses: Employers with 15 or fewer employees with an annual gross revenue of less than $2 million will have an hourly minimum wage rate of $3.00 less ($17.29). The reduction would decrease annually by $0.50 until no reduction is remaining in 2030. Employers with more than 15 employees but fewer than 500 employees would have an hourly minimum wage rate of $2.00 less ($18.29). The reduction would decrease annually by $1.00 until no reduction is remaining in 2026.
Coming from the labor movement, lifting up the voices of workers, community and small businesses to raise the wage for low wage workers in Washington State and at the local level, I know it works. When low wage workers get a raise they spend that money putting it back into their local economy. One Seattle Times article literally said: “the sky is not falling from Seattle’s minimum-wage hike”. Eight years ago, I helped lead the statewide minimum wage and sick leave initiative 1433, because reports showed the minimum wage has not kept up with the cost of living – especially in this region. Study after study have shown that raising the minimum wage spurs economic growth by putting more money in our local economies – and that’s actually good for business. This is why I joined with my colleagues on the council to bring in worker advocates, small businesses and other stakeholders to craft policy raising the wage for our unincorporated areas.
With outreach and engagement done by our office, we’ve heard from workers and small businesses across District 8 that they support the new minimum wage. Many small businesses in the district are already paying wages above what the new minimum will be because they believe in paying a living wage and want to recruit and retain workers. One of the best ways to do that is to make sure workers can afford to live near their places of employment. A 2 bedroom apartment in White Center on average goes for nearly $2,000 a month, which would take up to 70% of your income before taxes if you made only the state’s minimum wage. As we work on scaling up housing and affordable units, one job really should be enough to make ends meet. I am proud to have voted yes to raise the wage for workers in District 8 and will continue to support additional strategies to grow small business, invest in equitable development, increase housing stock, and build more affordable units around our region. Raising the minimum wage is just one part of the effort to create a more equitable economy.

April 15th, 2024 Tracy Posted in Jobs, King County, White Center news Comments Off on WEDNESDAY: King County Job Launch!
From the White Center Teen Program:
King County Job Launch for ages 16 – 24 is coming up on Wednesday, April 17th.
The Fall Job Launch Program features Pathways to Working in Healthcare. Ages 16 – 24 are encouraged to join virtually on zoom or in person at the White Center Teen Program (1321 SW 102nd St) or the Skyway Library (12601 76th Ave S ) on Wednesday, April 17, 2024 from 3:30 pm-5:30 pm. Scheduled presenters include:
IHAP (Introduction to Healthcare Employment and Mentorship Program)
Career Work$ Medical Free Job Training Program
Insider Panel of careers in Healthcare

For additional Information, please contact Vana Danh, King County Parks @ 206.477.2105 or visit Job Launch & PNTH Job Fair – White Center Teen Program (
March 13th, 2024 Tracy Posted in DubSea Fish Sticks, Jobs, Sports, Steve Cox Memorial Park, White Center news 1 Comment »
With spring now less than a week away, we’re talking today about summer … jobs. We have an announcement from the DubSea Fish Sticks baseball team, which plays home games at Steve Cox Memorial Park (1321 SW 102nd):
The DubSea Fish Sticks summer collegiate baseball team is holding a job fair Sunday, March 17, 2024 at Mel Olson Stadium inside King County’s Steve Cox Memorial Park. The job fair will run from 11 am-3 pm.
The team is currently looking to hire 50-60 part-time employees for the months of June and July. High school and college students are welcome to apply with select positions being available to those 14 years of age and older. There are select positions such as the concession manager, beer garden servers and security that do require the applicant to be 21 years of age or older.
The job fair will allow those interested in working for the Fish Sticks to find out more information about each position, apply, and interview on site. For those that are interested but cannot attend the job fair they can apply online at Positions that are currently available include mascot performer, concession manager, concessions, ticketing, merchandise, game day operations, beer garden servers, and security. The Fish Sticks also have multiple summer internships in digital marketing, and video production.
The DubSea Fish Sticks’ season begins on Saturday, June 3rd, and runs through August 3rd. They will host 27 different home shows (games) this summer at Mel Olson Stadium (aka The Fryer) at King County’s Steve Cox Memorial Park. The team hosts upward of 40 college players from around the country for the summer; they will play 45 games throughout the Pacific Northwest.

May 24th, 2023 Tracy Posted in Jobs, Steve Cox Memorial Park, White Center news Comments Off on Peace ‘N The Hood job fair set for June 7 in White Center
Just announced!

Teens and young adults are invited to come meet prospective employers 3-5 pm June 7th at Steve Cox Memorial Park (1321 SW 102nd SW).
November 2nd, 2022 Tracy Posted in Jobs, Steve Cox Memorial Park, White Center news Comments Off on THURSDAY: Aerospace Job Launch for teens and young adults
The White Center Teen Program wants to get the word out about this online – or in-person – career exploration this Thursday!
Virtual Aerospace Job Launch for ages 16 – 24 is coming up on Thursday, November 3rd from 3-4:30 pm.
The Fall Job Launch Program features Pathways to Aerospace including aerospace jobs, employers, and free/low-cost training programs to launch a career in aerospace. Ages 16 – 24 are encouraged to join virtually through Zoom or in person at the White Center Teen Program on Thursday, November 3, 2022 from 3 pm-4:30 pm.
Participating Employers and Programs include SEKISUI Aerospace, Pioneer Industries, AJAC Aerospace Joint Apprenticeships, & Renton Technical College. Partner Agencies include King County Parks White Center Teen Program, Pioneer Human Services, Southwest Youth and family Services, the YWCA, Job Source, and Communities of Opportunity.
In=person viewing party hosted at the White Center Teen Program at Steve Cox Memorial Park at 1321 SW 102nd St. More details are available at

June 1st, 2022 Tracy Posted in Jobs, King County, Steve Cox Memorial Park, White Center news Comments Off on Peace In The Hood job fair in White Center next week
Got a teen or young-adult jobseeker in the household? This event one week from today might be perfect:
The 6th annual Peace in the Hood Job Fair for ages 16 – 24 is coming up on Wednesday, June 8th from 3-5pm outdoors at Steve Cox Memorial Park (1321 SW 102nd).

The PNTH Job Fair provides employment and mentorship opportunities to youth ages 16 – 24 and is presented in partnership by the YWCA, Pioneer Human Services, Communities of Opportunity, and the King County Parks and Recreation White Center Teen Program. 30+ employers, and 10+ resource providers are expected to attend. Resume & employment application assistance will be provided in advance and day of at the WCTP Log Cabin. The extremely popular PNTH youth Basketball Tournament is scheduled at SCMP the following Wednesday on June 15th. More details are available at
PARTICIPATING EMPLOYERS scheduled to attend include: King County Parks (summer jobs), King County Metro, King County Dept of Local Services, Taco Time, Starbucks, Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen/Ambrosia QSR (multiple franchise stores), Fred Meyer, Amazon (hourly jobs), YMCA Greater Seattle (summer recreation jobs), Airport Jobs (representing employers at SeaTac Airport), US Postal Service, Bloodworks Northwest, McLendon Hardware, Boys & Girls Clubs of King County (summer recreation jobs), SMS International Shore Operations, Pioneer Human Services, Macy’s, Target, Skyhawks Sports Academy (summer recreation jobs), and SEKISUI Aerospace.
PARTICIPATING EMPLOYMENT/TRAINING and COMMUNITY RESOURCE PROVIDERS scheduled to attend include: YWCA Greenbridge Learning Center, WA Dept of Social & Human Services caregiver careers, ANEW construction trades pre-apprenticeship training, AJAC advanced manufacturing pre-apprenticeship training, YES Foundation of White Center, WA National Guard, and AmeriCorps.
For additional information, please contact Jody Addicks, King County Parks, at 206.477.2095

February 8th, 2022 Tracy Posted in Jobs, King County, White Center news Comments Off on Virtual Job Launch on Thursday: Learn about cosmetology and barber careers

As mentioned briefly in our North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting report, this Thursday brings a special Job Launch program for teens and young adults – this time, a chance to learn about cosmetology and barber careers! Here’s the announcement:
The FREE Virtual Job Launch for ages 16 to 24 is coming up on Thursday, Feb. 10 from 3 to 4:30 p.m. This Winter Program features Pathways to Cosmetology and Barber Careers and participating programs and employers include Everett Community College / Cosmetology Program, Opal x Iris Salon (West Seattle), Rudy’s Barbershop, and MikeTheBarber. Partner agencies include King County Parks White Center Teen Program, the YWCA, Pioneer Human Services, and Communities of Opportunity.
Hear from employers, workers, and training programs about the many different jobs, internships, and career paths in the Cosmetology and Barber industries in King County.
Come prepared with your questions for our panelists and learn about:
-School credit and certifications needed to work in a hair salon or barbershop
-How to rent a chair at a salon
-Find out the steps on how to start your own business in Cosmetology
More details are available at our eventbrite website. For additional information, please contact Jody Addicks with King County Parks at, 206.477.2095

April 18th, 2021 Tracy Posted in Jobs, White Center news Comments Off on THURSDAY: Virtual Job Launch for maritime careers

King County Parks and other partners are presenting a virtual career-info event Thursday for teens and young adults interested in the maritime industry!
FREE Virtual Job Launch for ages 16 – 24 is coming up on Thursday, April 22 from 3-5 pm.
The Spring Job Launch Program features Pathways to Maritime Careers. Ages 16 – 24 are encouraged to join virtually through Zoom on Thursday, April 22, 2021 from 3 pm-5 pm. Participating Programs and Employers include South Seattle College/Vigor Maritime Shipyard Welding Program, Foss Maritime, Youth Maritime Collaborative, WA State Ferries and Seattle Maritime Academy. Partner Agencies include King County Parks White Center Teen Program, YouthSource, the YWCA, Job Source, and Communities of Opportunity.
Hear from employers, workers, and training programs about the many different jobs, internships, and career paths in the Maritime Industry in King County. The Maritime Industry incorporates a variety of land-based occupations in design, manufacturing, and boat repair, along with roles on the water, from engineering to vessel operations. The importance of maritime for both commercial trade and tourism results in stable, well-paying jobs, and an increase in retirements due to an aging workforce creates new career opportunities.
More details are available at
That link is also where you’ll find the info for attending.

June 5th, 2019 Tracy Posted in Jobs, Steve Cox Memorial Park, White Center news Comments Off on FRIDAY: Job Fair for ages 16-24 in White Center

Just two days away! You can find a list of participating employers and resource providers by going here.
May 24th, 2018 Tracy Posted in Jobs, Steve Cox Memorial Park, White Center news Comments Off on Peace in the Hood job fair on the way to Steve Cox Memorial Park
(Photo courtesy King County Parks)
Set your calendar! As announced by King County Parks:
The 2nd annual Peace in the Hood Job Fair for ages 16 – 24 is coming up on Friday, June 8th from 3-5 pm at the White Center Community Center, in Steve Cox Memorial Park (1321 SW 102nd).
The PITH Job Fair provides employment and mentorship opportunities to youth ages 16 – 24 and is presented in partnership by Southwest Youth and Family Services, Worksource, Educurious and the King County Parks and Recreation White Center Teen Program. 200+ youth, 30+ employers, and 10+ resource providers are expected to attend. Resume & employment application assistance will be provided in advance and on-site interview options are scheduled day of with select employers. SWYFS is once again providing their extremely popular youth PITH Basketball Tournament immediately following the Job Fair. More details are available at
March 20th, 2017 Tracy Posted in Jobs, White Center news Comments Off on TUESDAY: Job fair at White Center Family Shelter before it officially opens
One more thing about the White Center Family Shelter‘s official opening tomorrow – it will be preceded by a job fair:
October 25th, 2010 Tracy Posted in Environment, Jobs, White Center news Comments Off on Save the date: ‘Green jobs’ forum coming up November 12th at Greenbridge
Coming up next month – save the date to find out more about green jobs! Shared by Ian from White Center Community Development Association:
Friday, November 12, 12:00pm-2:00pm
YWCA Learning Center – 9720 8th Avenue SW in White Center
Pre-register for this event by calling (206) 290-5136 or e-mail
Light refreshments and language interpretation available
Be a part of Project GreenLight! Project Greenlight is recruiting men and women of color and low-income workers for FREE job training in:
* Deconstruction – Hazardous materials and demolition jobs that reuse/recycle building materials
* Green Building – Entry-level weatherization installation positions
* Green Manufacturing – Manufacturing/assembly of environmentally sustainable products
This event is sponsored by
Got Green:
Workforce Development Council
September 28th, 2009 Ricardo Posted in Boulevard Park, Development, Economy, Election, Government, housing, Jail Sites, Jobs, King County, Safety, Sustainability, Traffic, Transportation, White Center 19 Comments »
For those who missed it, KUOW today broadcast an interview with, King County Executive, Susan Hutchison. You can find the interview at KUOW Weekday. In a prior post I had made the following observation which sparked a fair amount of discussion:
Ms. Hutchison has never held public office. She has never had to struggle with the political realities of governing a complex political entity whose ambits include not only roads and sewers but social services, neighborhoods and law enforcement. It is difficult to see how her experience on the board of the Seattle Symphony prepared her, in the slightest way, for such a weighty role.
If anyone had any doubt about Ms. Hutchison’s lack of specificity on issues, policies or even advisors, it is worth a listen (available on podcast). Pressed by the moderator to name a single advisor who she consults, or who she would bring to her administration, she flatly resisted naming anyone, except to say bus drivers. Her conclusion was “trust me” they will be great people. I have nothing against bus drivers, but maybe she could have named a couple of the guys that she intends to bring to the Hutchison administration that will “bring people together.” I’m sorry but calling Hutchison a “lightweight” does not begin to describe the chasm that is her lack of qualification to hold such an important post. Listen for yourself.

June 29th, 2009 Ricardo Posted in Jobs Comments Off on Weekly Job Search support group – meets Tuesdays and Wednesdays (West Seattle and Greenwood)
Notes From the Job Search is a group of individuals who gather weekly to discuss job search topics and compare notes with other local job seekers. Did you know that only a VERY small percentage of jobs available, are actually advertised? Helping you tap into the “hidden” job market is just one of the things we do. Weekly topics include resume reviews, mastering the elevator pitch, using online networking resources such as Linkedin, and more! The meetings usually run around 90 minutes, and everyone is encouraged to actively participate! No need to dress up – come as you are. We have nothing to sell! Our services are FREE! This is NOT a job fair. While you will probably NOT find a job at one of the meetings, we GUARANTEE that you WILL walk away from each meeting with a few new job search skills, a better resume, encouragement from your fellow group members, perhaps a few new network connections, and sometimes even a job lead! We continue to “lose” members as they find new positions, and we are always happy to see them leave. Please consider attending one of our meetings and see how we can be of assistance to you in your job search.
Currently we meet: Tuesdays at C and P Coffee in West Seattle at 11 AM Wednesdays at Green Bean Coffee in Greenwood at 3PM
To learn more, or get directions, see our web site at:

March 30th, 2009 Ricardo Posted in Businesses, Development, Economy, Jobs, White Center 1 Comment »
Most people are aware that the greatest impediment to the start and development of the business is lack of capital. Tradtionally, banks only lend money to people who already have money. This makes it extremely difficult for would-be entrepreneurs to start a business — even one that is desperately needed. One solution to this quandry is the pooling of resources by a community to assist its members with the initial loan that gives them entry. The Asian and Latino communities already have models of this practice, the latter known as Tanda. Variants of this practice are known broadly as microfinance.
Microfinance refers to the provision of financial services to poor or low-income clients, including consumers and the self-employed.[1] The term also refers to the practice of sustainably delivering those services. Microcredit (or loans to poor microenterprises) should not be confused with microfinance, which addresses a full range of banking needs for poor people.[2]
More broadly, it refers to a movement that envisions “a world in which as many poor and near-poor households as possible have permanent access to an appropriate range of high quality financial services, including not just credit but also savings, insurance, and fund transfers.”[3] Those who promote microfinance generally believe that such access will help poor people out of poverty.
I would be curious to know if readers have any thoughts on this subject and how it might used as a tool to spur economic development and vitality in White Center and other areas.

January 22nd, 2009 Ricardo Posted in Economy, Jobs, White Center 1 Comment »
No doubt you could have gotten this piece of news from the front cover of the New York Times or the Seattle Times. Apparently 1,400 of the initial cuts will come from the Seattle area. Here at Cafe Rozella we have quite a number of MS employees who use the cafe as their third office. The layoffs will significantly impact White Center and West Seattle. I have some calls out to some economists to give us a gauge of just how hard this will impact us. But make no mistake about it, this will have an adverse impact on Puget Sound are and White Center.
Make no mistake about it, this is bad news for Microsoft and the Seattle area. Since Microsoft got a license to print money in the mid-80s, it has never contracted. As if you needed another indication that this is not going down well, MS stock went down after the announcement. The money people view this as a portent of further ills to come. And even Ballmer, who never fails to spin a positive tale out of anything, was pretty circumspect in his outlook. Bottom line is that we are seeing a period of negative growth for Microsoft.

October 14th, 2008 Ricardo Posted in Annexation, Development, Economy, Election, Environment, Families, Jobs, Politics, Sustainability, White Center 5 Comments »
Ok, this is a heavily Democratic neighborhood but there seem to be some Rossi supporters in White Center land? I am inviting comments on who would be better for White Center, Dino Rossi or Christine Gregoire? Obviously, we have issues of housing, jobs, health care, affordability, crime, education, sustainability, greenspace etc… And I will gladly share my views. Forum’s open. Speak your mind.
October 13th, 2008 Tracy Posted in Jobs, White Center Early Learning Initiative 1 Comment »
Just got this job listing – and White Center Early Learning Initiative executive director Stephan Blanford is casting the net far and wide:
This is one (WCELI Program Director) that we’ve posted before and just haven’t yet found the right candidate. The person who takes the position will have a leadership responsibility for integrating many WCELI services into a seamless whole for the benefit of White Center residents. Requires a self starter, a systems thinker, someone that can build relationships in challenging situations – early learning experience would be a plus, but isn’t essential. Pays well – good benefits.
The job listing is here; you can apply online by going here.
September 16th, 2008 Tracy Posted in Jobs Comments Off on Looking for work?
From partner site WSB: A child-care job opening specifically targeting White Center as well as West Seattle. Check it out here.