Now on display at Dubsea Coffee: ‘Synthesis’

September 6th, 2018 Tracy Posted in Arts, Beverages, Greenbridge, White Center news 2 Comments »

Been to Dubsea Coffee (9910 8th SW) lately? We just received this announcement about the art you’ll see there this month, by Brooke Fotheringham:

Synthesis – A photographic daydream at the intersection of genetic engineering and materials science

A visual exploration of the potential of genetic engineering to create innovations both aesthetic and practical to deal with surviving on a rapidly changing planet; a collection of new life and materials imagined by manipulating and rearranging botanical and synthesized forms. What if we could grow windows, lamp shades, or fiber optic cables the way diatoms grow their ethereal glass houses instead of manufacturing them in a more traditional sense?

“Synthesis” is on display through the end of the month, 6 am-7 pm daily.

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VIDEO: Legendary White Center poet Richard Hugo celebrated at Mac’s Triangle Pub

December 22nd, 2017 Tracy Posted in Arts, White Center news Comments Off on VIDEO: Legendary White Center poet Richard Hugo celebrated at Mac’s Triangle Pub

It’s long been lamented that White Center was without a fixed tribute to perhaps its most legendary son, poet Richard Hugo (1923-1982). Now there’s one on the walls of Mac’s Triangle Pub, where 16th, Delridge, and Roxbury meet, placed there Thursday night during a literary event, “Homage to Richard Hugo Night.” Readers included the organizers Nicholas O’Connell, founder of, read a Hugo poem in the early going:

White Center resident Jeff Smoot read from his essay, “Finding Richard Hugo in White Center,” which will be published in an upcoming online literary magazine.

Triangle Pub proprietor “Mac” McElroy read a Hugo poem particularly apropos to running a bar:

Smoot is hoping this “might become an annual event that preserves Hugo’s White Center legacy in some way.” That legacy includes a 1980 poetry collection titled “White Center.”

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‘Homage to Richard Hugo Night’ set for December 21st at Mac’s Triangle Pub

December 12th, 2017 Tracy Posted in Arts, White Center news Comments Off on ‘Homage to Richard Hugo Night’ set for December 21st at Mac’s Triangle Pub

White Center’s legendary poet Richard Hugo will be honored at a special reading/open-microphone night next week at Mac’s Triangle Pub. Here’s the announcement we received:

Few writers have influenced Northwest literature as profoundly as poet Richard Hugo, who brought the region to life in his poetry and prose, including the White Center area where he was born and raised as well as rural Montana where he moved to become head of the University of Montana’s creative writing program. Other than Seattle’s Richard Hugo House, there hasn’t been much local celebration of his work, until now.

The Writer’s Workshop will celebrate his career with a “Homage to Richard Hugo Night” on Thursday, Dec. 21 at 8 p.m. at Mac’s Triangle Pub (9454 Delridge Way SW), where Hugo used to hang out. In addition to writing poetry and teaching, Hugo spent a lot of time in bars. The Triangle was one of them.

The reading will include an unveiling of a framed Richard Hugo photo to be placed on the wall of the tavern, followed by readings at 8 p.m. by Nicholas O’Connell, founder of, from On Sacred Ground: The Spirit of Place in Pacific Northwest Literature; White Center resident Jeff Smoot reading from his essay, “Finding Richard Hugo in White Center,” forthcoming from the online literary magazine; and other poems/ stories about White Center and/or Richard Hugo. After 9 p.m., the event will continue in an open-mic format where people can read their poems/ stories (hopefully on Hugo-esque themes) on into the night.

“I’d like to gather some people together to share Richard Hugo’s story, talk about his White Center roots, and read from some literary works about Hugo and his poems,” says Smoot. “Then open up the mic to anyone who wants to share a Hugo story, read a Hugo poem, or read any White Center-themed writing. I’m hoping this might become an annual event that preserves Hugo’s White Center legacy in some way.”

Hugo and other poets of the Northwest School sought to discover a place that resonated with them and allowed them to discover their own voice. Hugo referred to such a place as a “triggering subject,” a locale that fired a writer’s imagination.

“Hugo discovered his triggering subject in White Center,” says O’Connell. “Writing about it resulted in some of his first published poems and some of his best writing.”

If you’d like to read at the event, please contact Nicholas O’Connell ( The Writer’s Workshop is an online and on-campus The Writer’s Workshop is an online and on-campus Seattle writing workshop, specializing in fiction, nonfiction and travel writing classes.

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White Center-based Orchestra of Flight needs you!

August 24th, 2016 Tracy Posted in Arts, White Center news Comments Off on White Center-based Orchestra of Flight needs you!

Percussionists and string players are being sought by The Orchestra of Flight. Here’s the announcement:

The Orchestra of Flight, a community orchestra based in White Center, invites string players and percussionists to join us for our new season, beginning September 12, 2016. We rehearse Monday nights from 7:30 to 9:30 PM at Mt. View Presbyterian Church in White Center. No auditions are required. We are a noncompetitive, friendly organization. Our mission is to bring live orchestral music to communities whose members may have difficulty attending concerts in traditional venues. Come and have fun while improving your musical skills and sharing the gift of music with others. For more information, please visit our website,, or contact us at

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‘Stories of Refugees and Immigrants’ exhibit coming to Dubsea Coffee next month

January 31st, 2016 Tracy Posted in Arts, White Center news Comments Off on ‘Stories of Refugees and Immigrants’ exhibit coming to Dubsea Coffee next month

An inspiring and emotional art show is on the way to White Center, per this announcement:

Art Gallery: Stories of Refugees and Immigrants

Dubsea Coffee
9910 8th Ave SW

Reception: February 11th 6-9PM, Gallery: February

The “visual stories” in this exhibit bear witness to the memories, struggles and dreams of refugees, asylees and immigrants of diverse ethnicities who now call White Center home. Their paintings illustrate that emotions conveyed and evoked by a single image can tell a story of a thousand words, build bridges of understanding and promote peaceful coexistence.

Thanks to a generous grant from 4Culture; the leadership of White Center Community Development Association, King County Library System and Network for Integrating New Americans; and the support of our visual storytelling workshop hosts at South Seattle College, New Futures Arbor Heights, King County Housing Authority Seola Gardens, Cascade Middle School and Highline College, we were able to offer a series of eight workshops to representatives of White Center’s foreign-born communities.

Initially, workshop participants questioned why anyone would care about their stories. Yet the more they reflected on the often daunting challenges they had overcome, the more their self-confidence grew. Soon, they began to believe in the power of their (visual) voices. Their stories did matter. In fact, they could help those who would follow in their footsteps as well as those who continue to face human rights abuses and/or extreme poverty in their native lands.

This exhibit offers never-before-seen glimpses into the life-stories of White Center’s refugees and immigrants. Drawn into their inner worlds, we receive clues to what it’s like to leave—or be forced to flee—one’s native land and rebuild one’s life in a foreign country. After reflecting on the paintings and accompanying captions, you too will be moved to honor the courage, resilience and irrepressible hope of those who contributed, often bravely.

At the end of the exhibit you will find a brief feedback form. We would be grateful if you could share your reactions and offer any words of encouragement for the workshop participants.

Finally, we would like to thank Dubsea Coffee for hosting this exhibit through the end of February. Please join us 6:00-9:00 pm, Friday, February 11, for the reception, an opportunity to learn more about the workshops and hear from some of the participants.

Erika Berg
Workshop Facilitator and Guest Curator

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VIDEO: Last Sunday’s jazz tribute to Richard Hugo in White Center

October 17th, 2015 Tracy Posted in Arts, history, Music, White Center news Comments Off on VIDEO: Last Sunday’s jazz tribute to Richard Hugo in White Center

Earlier this week, we featured the documentary that was shown during last Sunday night’s Richard Hugo tribute at the White Center Fieldhouse. Tonight, courtesy of executive director Clay Eals from the Southwest Seattle Historical Society – which presented the tribute – we have the performance itself, music composed by Wayne Horvitz as well as Hugo’s poetry. The backstory’s on this page of the SWSHS website.

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If you missed the Richard Hugo tribute – check out the film, with White Center scenes from the ’70s

October 12th, 2015 Tracy Posted in Arts, history, White Center news Comments Off on If you missed the Richard Hugo tribute – check out the film, with White Center scenes from the ’70s

If you didn’t get to the tribute to poet Richard Hugo last night at the White Center Fieldhouse and haven’t otherwise had the chance to see the biographical documentary shown during it, “Kicking the Loose Gravel Home,” you might want to watch at least part of it online. The folks at Caffé Delia shared the link this morning and pointed out that starting around 12 minutes in – and continuing off and on for at least 10 minutes after that – you’ll see ample footage of White Center in the mid-’70s (and South Delridge, too). The film is from 1976. Just grab and pull the “play” bar in the window above. The film, by the way, is by author/filmmaker Annick Smith, from Montana, where Hugo wound up, miles and years from his beginnings here.

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TONIGHT: Richard Hugo tribute @ White Center Fieldhouse

October 11th, 2015 Tracy Posted in Arts, history, Steve Cox Memorial Park, White Center news Comments Off on TONIGHT: Richard Hugo tribute @ White Center Fieldhouse

Happening tonight – and it’s free! The Southwest Seattle Historical Society is presenting a concert and film, “Some Places Are Forever Afternoon: A Tribute in Music, Words, and Film to White Center’s Richard Hugo,” starting at 6 pm inside the historic White Center Fieldhouse at Steve Cox Memorial Park (1321 SW 102nd). Everyone gets in at no charge thanks to funding by 4Culture; the concert features pianist/composer Wayne Horvitz (who’s in the video invitation above), who released a Hugo-tribute CD in July. The event also will show “Kicking the Loose Gravel Home,” an hour-long 1976 film about Hugo, who was just 58 when he died in 1982. Everyone’s welcome!

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‘Pianos in the Parks’ to include Steve Cox Memorial Park again this year

July 16th, 2015 Tracy Posted in Arts, Music, Steve Cox Memorial Park, White Center news Comments Off on ‘Pianos in the Parks’ to include Steve Cox Memorial Park again this year

(ADDED: Piano you’ll see at Steve Cox Park; photo courtesy PitP)

Just announced: Where you’ll find “Pianos in the Parks” around the region this summer. Twenty-two of the “one-of-a-kind, artist-designed upright and grand pianos” are on their way to parks in Western Washington, including one at White Center’s Steve Cox Memorial Park. Once the pianos get to their destinations (starting later today), they’re available for free public use through August 16th; then they’ll be auctioned. Bidding will start soon at; that’s also where you will be able to enter a contest by making a video of yourself and/or your band performing with one of the pianos – if you make one with the Steve Cox Park piano, let us know!

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White Center businesses: Star Palace grand-opening party today

April 1st, 2015 Tracy Posted in Arts, Businesses, White Center news Comments Off on White Center businesses: Star Palace grand-opening party today

Been to Star Palace Boutique and Lounge yet? Proprietor Prisilla wrote to let us know she’s having a grand-opening party today (though it’s been open for a few weeks):

I just opened a new eclectic, local, art boutique in White Center. It is located directly across the street from Proletariat Pizza and is called Star Palace. I opened the store with hopes to give all of the amazing artists and designers in Seattle a place to showcase their work.

I am having a grand opening party on Wednesday, April 1st, from 12-8 and would love to
see some local south side faces.

Star Palace is at 9617 16th SW, right next to Herban Legends.

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Music is the universal language: Help White Center Heights Elementary students speak it – with ukuleles!

May 21st, 2014 Tracy Posted in Arts, How to Help, White Center news Comments Off on Music is the universal language: Help White Center Heights Elementary students speak it – with ukuleles!

That video is part of a brand-new crowdfunding campaign in hopes of raising money to get ukuleles for students at White Center Heights Elementary School – watch it to get their thanks in advance, and then go here to contribute.

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Video: ‘Winter Fire’ greets winter’s first night at Greenbridge Plaza

December 21st, 2013 Tracy Posted in Arts, White Center news 2 Comments »

As previewed here last night, “Winter Fire” reigned in the reign right after nightfall at Greenbridge Plaza, about seven hours after winter’s official arrival (9:11 our time this morning).

P.S. In nearby Highland Park, a fire performance is also usually part of the “Not So Silent Night” New Year’s Eve parade, which starts from and finishes at HP Improvement Club headquarters – 6:30 pm December 31st.

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Live music tonight at Company Bar in downtown White Center

November 24th, 2013 Tracy Posted in Arts, White Center news Comments Off on Live music tonight at Company Bar in downtown White Center

Live music tonight (Sunday, November 24) at Company Bar! Word comes from Matt Weiner, who’s playing there 7-10 pm with the Casey MacGill Trio (actually a quartet, Matt explains, with reedist Skerik Skerik). You might also know Matt as co-owner of Caffé Delia, whose new standalone home next to Proletariat Pizza is currently undergoing renovation work before the coffee shop reopens in the not-too-distant future. Matt reports that Company will have a dinner special, too, so make a night of it! (Company is at 9608 16th SW.)

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White Center, West Seattle artists collaborate with Burien filmmaker on ‘Ghostlight’

October 19th, 2013 Tracy Posted in Arts, White Center news Comments Off on White Center, West Seattle artists collaborate with Burien filmmaker on ‘Ghostlight’

By Maggie Nicholson
Special to White Center Now

Burien filmmaker Jeff Ferrell‘s latest project has just come to fruition.

Ghostlight,” a horror film set in a historic theater, is the collaborative effort of local area actors, sound directors, and supervisors, including collaborators from White Center and West Seattle. Filming has been in progress since 2012, and the premiere run is under way.

The Historic Everett Theatre, where the movie was filmed, is the oldest active theater west of the Rocky Mountains. The theater has served as an opera house, vaudeville theater, stop-motion cinema and arts venue. In 1923, a fire devastated the interior and caused a partial collapse to the front wall. It was rebuilt in 1924, and reopened with 1,200 seats. When you step inside, the high walls slope to meet with a dome ceiling, interrupted by balconies whose railings flush with engravings.

“When you walk in,” says local filmmaker Jeff Ferrell. “You can feel its history.”

The street of the town where the theater is located gives no acknowledgment of such a past. The theater is nestled between an Irish sports bar and a bank. Ferrell first encountered the Everett Theatre while working on a 1920’s-styled music video with his friend David Stedman. When Ferrell learned the theater was said to be haunted, he asked to spend the night there alone. He packed a bag, a camera, and a guitar.

“I brought my guitar to play songs on stage for the ghosts,” says Ferrell, his wry-black eyes undulating with amusement.

Ferrell’s movie “Ghostlight” was filmed along similar premises to his actual experience that night in the Everett Theatre: main character, Andrew, spends the night alone in an allegedly haunted theater, in order to receive a large sum of money.

Ferrell says that while the movie is fictional, there are many internal reflections of real events: some which occurred during his own stay within the historic walls, and some which occurred during the filming itself.

Once during production, Ferrell decided to stay overnight. The drive home was long, and the hour was late. Ferrell says he slept on a couch in the dressing room. Stirring, he awoke to see a woman slowly walking down the stairs into the room. Ferrell urged himself up. As his slumber-ridden eyes grew to focus, he realized the woman was not a woman, but a small girl. Once she had fully entered the room, he could see only the top of her head poking out from behind the couch.

Another incident was recorded on camera and discovered while reviewing footage. A scene is disturbed by a black shadow, which moves distinctly back and forth through the frame six times.

In the end, Ferrell decided to keep the mysterious shadow in the movie, deeming it one of the “happy accidents” that often accompany filming. The shadow occurs when Andrew is alone on stage reciting Shakespeare. Ferrell says for artistic creation to be successful, creators must be ready to change their plans when inspiration strikes.

In the movie, the ghosts in Everett Theatre are decidedly negative; Ferrell assures me that the true presence in the theater is positive.

Most contributors involved in the production of Ghostlight are local to this metro area: Jeff Ferrell, producer, writer and director from Burien; star Brian Sutherland plays Andrew; West Seattle star Lisa Coronado plays Andrew’s wife Mira; Jim Charleston, production supervisor from Burien; Jason Alberts, sound director in Ballard; and Russell Hodgkinson, who plays the caretaker, lives in White Center.

Ferrell says he couldn’t have been happier with the final product. Credit, he says, goes to the cast and crew.

“It’s very important to have a team of collaborators who all want to contribute to the realization of the same dream,” says Ferrell.

Ferrell says he’s been drawn to the dark side of life since childhood. He and his grandmother spent many nights watching classic horror movies together.

“I don’t know how many people in the world can say their grandma introduced them to horror movies,” laughs Ferrell. “I think everyone is attracted to ghost stories because they address the universal fear and wonder of death. It’s an ancient human desire we have. We like to tell stories and we like to be scared.”

I was lucky enough to view the movie pre-screening, and I can’t recommend it enough: it is cohesive, horrific, emotional and aptly-directed. The movie runs through tonight at the Tin Theatre in Burien. Then, there is a special Halloween viewing at the theater that both inspired the movie and served as a set: the Everett Theatre. This showing of the film is a fundraiser. Profits go to the Everett Theatre to help it stay on its ancient feet.

Screening Dates and Addresses for ‘Ghostlight’:

Tonight at the Tin Theater, Burien
923 SW 152nd St.

October 21, 2013, at the Grand Illusion Cinema, Seattle
1403 NE 50th St.

October 24-25, 2013, at the Clinton Street Theater, Portland
2522 SE Clinton Street, Portland

October 31, 2013, at the Historic Everett Theater, Everett, WA:
2911 Colby Ave

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Video: Bellydancing at August’s RatCity ArtCity event

August 11th, 2013 Tracy Posted in Arts, White Center news Comments Off on Video: Bellydancing at August’s RatCity ArtCity event

Thanks to Dina Lydia for the video! She recorded two tribal bellydancers you might recognize from West Seattle’s legendary Troupe Hipnotica, dancing outside Aaron’s Bicycle Repair during last Thursday’s August 2013 edition of RatCity ArtCity. This month’s theme was again live performance/art, and the dancers were a lively example.

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Cultivate’s third annual Open Microphone event in White Center tonight

July 26th, 2013 Tracy Posted in Arts, Music, White Center news Comments Off on Cultivate’s third annual Open Microphone event in White Center tonight

Happening tonight at Greenbridge Plaza! Here’s the announcement:

This Friday, July 26th, Cultivate will be hosting our 3rd annual Outdoor White Center Open Mic.

The open mic will be a joint effort by Cultivate, The White Center CDA, The YES Foundation and Dub Sea Coffee and other community members. It’s an open mic but more of a concert feel with established local artist showcasing their talents for the White Center Community.

It’s a fun free event for families to enjoy in our wonderful community of White Center. It’s also a great opportunity to showcase local talent and celebrate the community of White Center.

The event will be on July 26th at 7 pm, Greenbridge Plaza – 9010 8th Ave SW.

For more info, here’s the Facebook event page.

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RatCity ArtCity seeking live performers for August festival

July 18th, 2013 Tracy Posted in Arts, White Center news Comments Off on RatCity ArtCity seeking live performers for August festival

From RatCity ArtCity, which brought live painters to White Center businesses and streets one week ago tonight:

We are hosting another Live Performance Extravaganza in White Center! We place artists all over the streets of White Center to perform for the public during this 3-hour festival.

Looking for:

Dancers-Dance Troupes

Painters-Live Artists

Spoken Word Artists that can perform without a microphone

Poi Dancers


Plate Spinners

Interpretive Dancers
One Man Bands


Any other live performer you can think of!

The festival takes place on Thursday, August 8th from 6-9pm

Please send a description and any links to your work you may have to be considered to

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RatCity ArtCity, July edition: Painting the town

July 12th, 2013 Tracy Posted in Arts, White Center news Comments Off on RatCity ArtCity, July edition: Painting the town

Among the lineup of artists who were painting live during Thursday night’s RatCity ArtCity walk – Shannon Kringen, a local legend if you’ve been in the area for more than a few years. Her long history as an artist includes 15 years as star of her own cable TV show. Now she’s focused on off-screen creation. We stopped by to see her appearing as featured artist at Zippy’s Giant Burgers.

Kringen was one of more than half a dozen artists participating in this edition of the monthly art walk.

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Hey, painters! Make art ‘live’ this Thursday night in downtown WC

July 8th, 2013 Tracy Posted in Arts, White Center news Comments Off on Hey, painters! Make art ‘live’ this Thursday night in downtown WC

From RatCity ArtCity, looking ahead to Thursday night’s art walk:

We are hosting another Live Painting Extravaganza in White Center! Each artist is placed in front of one of the participating art walk businesses. Our goal is to fill the streets with awesome, delicious art making.

In the past- 3/4 of all artists that participated, sold the pieces they were working on. No commission is taken by RatCity ArtCity.

We only have 3 spots left to be filled and the event is right around the corner–so respond quickly to be considered. The event takes place from 6-9pm THIS Thursday,July 11th.

Please send a link to your website or 3 images to be considered.


RatCity ArtCity

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Trusted Advocates’ next storytelling event on Friday

June 16th, 2013 Tracy Posted in Arts, White Center news Comments Off on Trusted Advocates’ next storytelling event on Friday

From the WCN inbox, news of the next storytelling session presented by Trusted Advocates:

Friday, June 21st 2013

At The White Center Community Cultural Center
9421 18th Ave SW – Hillborn Room

6:00 pm Light meal from presenter’s culture/heritage

6:30 pm Storytelling Program
– followed by Q/A segment

Our Special Guest this month:

Six years ago Marcelas Owens & his Grandmother Gina, claimed the healthcare spot-light at the greatest personal cost. Tiffany Owens, (Marcelas’ mother) was constantly ill & unable to work, therefore lost her health coverage. Her plight, as like many hard working Americans who hover at the edge of financial obscurity became the message that brought the face of discrepancies in healthcare to the foreground. Marcelas was 8 years old when his reality struck and ever since then he’s continued his mothers work. His voice & story has taken him from Olympia to Washington DC. Come hear their continued & combined efforts to fight for healthcare for all.

Marcelas Owens has now graduated from Madrona Middle School. Gina Owens; who is a continued Grassroots Leader/Lobbyist for Washington CAN and has been a member of the Joint Policy Advisory Committee at Seattle Housing Authority-Joint Policy Advisory Committee. Before her daughter’s passing, Gina had already advocated for Healthcare Reforms. She continues her efforts alongside her grandson.


Questions: Nancy Calos-Nakano 206.795.0833 or

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