Earth Day in action: Greening and cleaning White Center wetland

A beautiful Earth Day at the White Center Pond wetlands! Thanks to Gill for sharing photos, including a Washington Conservation Corps member who was out with a group doing cleanup and planting as part of ongoing restoration work here.

Some of the local wildlife posed with the new plantings, too:

The mallards (above) were joined by Canada geese:

The pond is not only a functional wetland, but also helps the area handle stormwater.
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April 23rd, 2013 at 11:47 am
Another Earth Day event was held just south of the WC Pond on Saturday, April 20th at Steve Cox Memorial Park out beyond center field. The existing rain garden there was refurbished with native plants and new mulch, and the surrounding area cleaned up, by volunteers wearing snazzy blue t-shirts from a local aerospace company.
On my way home from our event on Saturday I walked by White Center Pond. I have never taken the time to look at the pond up close. And then I walked by the stairs to Greenbridge, which was just dirt last time I was there. These wetland areas really are nice assets for the community and deserve to be well taken care of.
April 23rd, 2013 at 11:56 am
..I am too pleasantly surprised at how beautiful this pond has transformed into