Update: Myers Way search; police now say it involves ‘missing suicidal man’

10:57 AM: Just east of White Center and north of Top Hat, at least one TV helicopter has come to check out an investigation we have been covering on partner site West Seattle Blog, so we’re mentioning it here: Seattle Police are checking out the reported discovery of “bones” in the wooded area there (map). It was too dark for a full investigation last night, according to SPD’s Sgt. Sean Whitcomb, so they are back today. Though Homicide Division detectives and the CSI unit are part of the investigation, they don’t even know whether the reported bones are human or animal, much less what kind of circumstances were involved. They expect to know more later today, as noted in their short post about this on SPD Blotter.
1:35 PM UPDATE: Seattle Police say this is believed to involve a “missing suicidal man” – NOT a crime situation.
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March 8th, 2013 at 5:18 pm
There is still a helicopter almost directly over my house at 118th and Occidental Avenue S. It’s been there for over an hour. Any more reports?