White Center in the TV spotlight on KING 5 – twice

(WCN photos by Deanie Schwarz)
White Center will be in the spotlight on KING 5 TV twice in the next few days. We’ll talk about the second one first: That’s West Seattle resident Jim Dever in the top photo, taken at Big Al Brewing this morning as he prepared to shoot segments of the show for which he reports, Evening Magazine. They were at Big Al because of the poll Jim took via Twitter two nights ago, asking for votes on where to record those segments. Big Al was suggested by @sudsymaggie – Maggie Sudduth of Vashon Island, seen in this next photo with KING 5 photojournalist Darrell Benedict:

Big Al won the poll in a landslide. Maggie tweeted photos during today’s shoot – you can see them on her Twitter stream; this episode of Evening Magazine is on channel 5 at 7 pm Monday.

Before then, a KING 5 News story is scheduled to profile another popular White Center business, Full Tilt Ice Cream – we talked with FT’s Justin Cline back on Wednesday, when a crew not only visited his WC flagship store, but also at least one of FT’s other shops. We’re told that story will likely air around 5:40 pm tonight — but keep in mind that if big breaking news happens, it could get pre-empted, in which case we’ll let you know when it’s rescheduled.
ADDED 10:46 PM: The Full Tilt story did indeed air – if you missed it on TV, here it is again (p.s. it may be preceded by a commercial, which is added to the video clip by KING, not us – WCN is a noncommercial site):
Tags: Full Tilt Ice Cream
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December 21st, 2010 at 10:19 am
Cafe Rozella
Will be open
Dec 25th
7:30am – noon
come have a latte with us
:) :) :) :) :)