Evergreen Pool supporters told tonight, deal to reopen the pool may take till January

Alongside Evergreen Pool, dozens of swimmers and supporters gathered this evening to show their support for getting it reopened as soon as possible following the shutdown that starts tomorrow. They heard from WhiteWater Aquatics, the group trying to work out a deal to take over the pool that the county’s shuttering – WhiteWater says it’s hoping to have a deal by January, sooner if at all possible — but that means the pool is facing a closure of at least four months:

James Bush from King County Council Chair Dow Constantine‘s office says there’s not much they can do since the budget crisis is threatening park/pool facilities all over the county, though he reminded the group that the pool started the year with only six months of funding and managed to get two more. After the rally, some concerned swimmers gathered outside:

Rally organizers advised several courses of action: Contact King County Executive Kurt Triplett and Council Chair Constantine (who represents most of this area); also work with the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council, which will talk about the pool situation at its next meeting this Thursday, 7 pm, North Highline Fire District headquarters. We’ve got more from the rally, including video of swimmers young and old who had something to say – will be adding that as the evening goes on. EARLY TUESDAY NOTE: We decided to put up four video clips in a separate report; see that report here.
Tags: Evergreen Pool, King County, WhiteWater Aquatics
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September 1st, 2009 at 10:47 am
We could really use the Evergreen Pool right now while the Southwest Pool is closed for maintenance.