Ahead this week: NHUAC committee meeting, and you’re invited

January 24th, 2011 at 2:34 am Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news | Comments Off on Ahead this week: NHUAC committee meeting, and you’re invited

From the WCN inbox:

The North Highline Unincorporated Area Council, King County Government, Public Safety & Code Enforcement Committee will be having a meeting on Thursday January 27th 6:30pm @ the White Center Library meeting room…

This meeting is open to the public.

Here’s what that committee is all about.

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10th SW house fire in White Center sparks marijuana investigation

January 23rd, 2011 at 4:15 pm Posted in Crime, Fire, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news | Comments Off on 10th SW house fire in White Center sparks marijuana investigation

4:15 PM: According to KING5.com, a fire on 10th Avenue SW early this morning has sparked a King County Sheriff’s Office investigation – because of an alleged marijuana-growing operation. Here’s their story. We’ve got messages out to find out more.

6:07 PM UPDATE: A little more information from King County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Sgt. John Urquhart – The fire was in the 10400 block of 10th Ave SW. A county fire investigator has been to the scene but the investigator’s report isn’t filed yet, so details will have to wait until at least tomorrow, including the size of the “grow op” he says they found. The house was fully involved when fire crews arrived, according to Sgt. Urquhart, who says fire crews called for KCSO around 1:12 am.

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Attention, artists: Public art for Strength of Place Village

January 23rd, 2011 at 1:28 pm Posted in Arts, White Center news | 1 Comment »

From the South Park Arts website – a call for public art for White Center’s Strength of Place Village. Application deadline is a little over a month away. Details here.

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White Center Community Safety Coalition delves into drugs this Thursday

January 22nd, 2011 at 5:58 am Posted in Health, Safety, white center community safety coalition, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center Community Safety Coalition delves into drugs this Thursday

Fourth Thursday means the White Center-South Delridge Community Safety Coalition meets – here’s the announcement:

More than 17,000 calls to the Washington Poison Center were about children poisoned by medicines. Washington State needs a statewide take-back program to protect its children.

Teens use medicines to get high second only to marijuana, and they start as early as 12 years old. Washington needs a statewide take-back program so families can keep unwanted medicines out of the hands of our teens.

White Center – South Delridge Community Safety Coalition

Invites you to hear the

Seattle & King County Public Health Health & Environmental Investigator

Will Perry

at our Meeting on Thursday, January 27th 6 pm

White Center DSHS Building, 2nd Floor

9650 15th Ave SW

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And yet more White Center new-business news: Company almost open

January 22nd, 2011 at 5:49 am Posted in Beverages, Businesses, White Center news | 1 Comment »

We first told you about Company, in the works for the central White Center business district, last February, in a story about that month’s meeting of the White Center-South Delridge Community Safety Coalition. Now, it’s just about ready to open. WCN contributor Deanie Schwarz says owner Jesse confirms Thursday (January 27) will be Day 1, starting at 4 pm, serving their Happy Hour menu. Company’s at 9608 16th SW.

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White Center restaurants: Be’s says it will share space with Crawfish Grill

January 21st, 2011 at 12:49 pm Posted in Food, Restaurants, White Center news | 4 Comments »

Another new restaurant coming to White Center – sharing space with an existing one. After spotting the banner you see in the photo, WCN contributor Deanie Schwarz checked in with the owner of Be’s. She’s going to stay open in the mornings, serving breakfast, says Deanie; then in mid-afternoon, Crawfish Grill will take over the space. Deanie says Crawfish is already a successful restaurant in South King County, serving Cajun-style treats like crawfish and catfish, with fresh fish. She’s working to get in touch with its owner for a followup.

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New White Center business: Boost Mobile storefront

January 21st, 2011 at 12:41 pm Posted in Businesses, White Center news | Comments Off on New White Center business: Boost Mobile storefront

WCN contributor Deanie Schwarz spotted this new Boost Mobile (with Virgin Mobile signage too) store across from Marv’s Broiler, at 9819 16th SW. Nobody around to talk to, she reports, but through the windows, it’s clear the interior is almost complete, and signage says it will be open Mondays-Saturdays, 10 am-7 pm.

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First the banners, now new signs welcoming you to White Center

January 21st, 2011 at 12:38 am Posted in White Center Chamber of Commerce, White Center Community Development Association, White Center news | 4 Comments »

Thanks to Gill for the photo and the news that the new multilingual “Welcome to White Center” signs are up in at least two spots – this one’s along SW Roxbury by Holy Family Church/School, and another one’s up at 4th SW/SW 108th. This follows the similarly themed banners that have started to go up around the area (here’s our story from two weeks ago).

ADDED FRIDAY MORNING: The Chamber board plans a photo opportunity by one of the new signs this afternoon, and also included this information about the signs:

The White Center Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the Seattle Foundation and the White Center Community Development Association (CDA), has installed two new multi-language “Welcome” signs in White Center. Of the five original signs installed in the early 1990s, all are damaged beyond repair. These two signs are coated with an anti-graffiti material and represent the first phase for replacing all White Center Welcome signs. The Chamber board will gather at the sign located at Holy Family School in Seattle (Roxbury and 19th SW) at 1:00 pm today. The second new sign is located at 4th SW and SW 108th in unincorporated King County. The Chamber will continue fund raising to replace the other three signs in 2011.

ADDED: Here’s the photo!

The WC Chamber reps in attendance included, according to president Mark Ufkes, Mac McElroy, Carlos Jimenez, Jimie Martin (Chamber mgr), Nhan Nguyen, Kathi Wheeler (Chamber board member next year and sign designer) Nancy Calos Nakano, Ray Zombro, Dr. Chris Hill.

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Councilmember Joe McDermott to chair County Health Board

January 20th, 2011 at 4:59 pm Posted in Health, King County, White Center news | Comments Off on Councilmember Joe McDermott to chair County Health Board

It’s official – White Center’s King County Councilmember is leading the County Board of Health. Here’s the announcement we just received:

At its first meeting of the New Year, the members of the King County Board of Health elected Metropolitan King County Councilmember Joe McDermott Board Chair for 2011. McDermott was appointed to the Board of Health after joining the Council last November.

McDermott said the challenge facing public health agencies throughout the region is continuing to deliver health services in the age of shrinking funds. Last week, Public Health – Seattle & King County announced the layoff of over 120 Public Health employees who provide and support maternity support services for at risk mothers so their babies start healthy by reducing low birth weights, which can result in long and expensive hospital stays, life-long health problems or even death.

“More than a third of all pregnant women in King County depend on the County for their health care, so these cuts will have a long-term impact on the health of our communities,” said McDermott. “I will be working with the state Legislature to protect these critical services.”

“With his clear commitment and experience in working for healthier communities, I’m very much looking forward to working together with Councilmember McDermott in his new role as Board Chair to address our current crisis in public health service funding and other serious health threats,” said Dr. David Fleming, Director and Health Officer for Public Health – Seattle & King County.

McDermott will replace Councilmember Julia Patterson, who is stepping down after five years as Board Chair.

“As the legislator who introduced the first Clean Indoor Air Act, I have been concerned about public health issues my entire career,” said McDermott. I look forward to continuing the work of Councilmember Patterson and the entire Board as we work to promote health around King County.”

McDermott joined the County Council in November 2010. He left the Washington State Legislature after joining the Council, where he served seven years in the state House

before being appointed and later elected to the state Senate. He was Senior Budget Analyst with the Seattle School District and has worked for former Pierce County Prosecuting Attorney John Ladenburg. McDermott has a Master of Public Administration from the University of Washington’s Evans School of Public Affairs and holds a Bachelor of Arts in History and Political Science from Gonzaga University.

The Board of Health is responsible for setting county-wide public health policy, enacting and enforcing local public health regulations. The Board also plays a role in enforcing state public health statutes, preventing and controlling the spread of infectious disease, abating nuisances and establishing fee schedules for licenses, permits and other services.

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Man shot in White Center, sheriff’s deputies investigating

January 17th, 2011 at 3:41 pm Posted in Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news | Comments Off on Man shot in White Center, sheriff’s deputies investigating

Just in from Sgt. John Urquhart with the King County Sheriff’s Office:

A party at a house in White Center “went bad” early Sunday morning (January 16th). Numerous shots were fired about 3:10 AM by one suspect and one man was hit. He is at Harborview Medical Center after undergoing emergency surgery.

The house is in the 600 block of SW 107th St (map). A number of people were at the party and a fight broke out when one of the party-goers apparently grabbed the butt of one of the female guests. Her boy-friend took exception and there was a fistfight. The grabber was summarily ejected from the house.

About an hour later several men came back to the house, pounded on the front door, and then fired several rounds from a handgun into the house. A 20 year-old Seattle man was hit in the torso. The suspects fled.

The Sheriff’s Office was alerted to the shooting by neighbors.

Friends of the victim drove him to Harborview where he remains in critical condition. The friends remained and were interviewed by detectives.

There have been no arrests and the case is under investigation today.

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MLK Day: Transportation changes, and more

January 17th, 2011 at 8:20 am Posted in Holidays, Metro, White Center news | 2 Comments »

Metro’s on a “reduced-weekday” schedule for the holiday. Most government offices/facilities are closed – no school, no mail; banks are closed too. MLK Day is also a Day of Service for many, and King County United Way tells us White Center-headquartered WestSide Baby is one of those places, with volunteers helping out at its newly expanded HQ today.

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Update: Shorewood crash on 26th SW sends 1 to hospital

January 15th, 2011 at 4:37 pm Posted in King County Sheriff's Office, Shorewood, White Center news | Comments Off on Update: Shorewood crash on 26th SW sends 1 to hospital

King County Sheriff’s Deputies say the black pickup in the photo hit a pedestrian crossing 26th SW south of 106th SW about 12:30 pm. We were at the site around 2 and the Major Accident Response investigators had just arrived – deputies told us that meant the road is not likely to reopen till early evening. (We will check back.) No word so far on the circumstances, nor on the condition of the pedestrian. This is a busy area for traffic, since 106th SW runs between White Center and the West Seattle neighborhood of Arbor Heights, and 26th SW runs north of the scene all the way to the Westwood Village shopping center. We have two reports, neither official (one is from someone saying he was a witness at the scene right after the crash), that the victim is a juvenile male, and we will be trying to find out more.

5:31 PM UPDATE: The road is open again; investigators have finished and departed.

6:40 PM UPDATE: King County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Sgt. John Urquhart has sent a brief news release on the crash, but the only additional detail it contains is that the victim, described as “around 15 years old,” is in serious condition.

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Holy Family Youth Choir performs at Harborview

January 14th, 2011 at 11:56 pm Posted in Holidays, Holy Family, Schools, White Center news | Comments Off on Holy Family Youth Choir performs at Harborview

Big field trip for young singers from White Center’s Holy Family School – they were at Harborview Medical Center downtown on Thursday for its 19th annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., celebration. Third from left in the back row, that’s Eileen Whalen, executive director of HMC. The Holy Family Youth Choir members sang during the celebration, under the direction of Anca Wilson:

Thanks to Harborview for sharing the photos!

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North Highline Fire District commissioners: Evening meeting ahead

January 13th, 2011 at 5:59 am Posted in North Highline Fire District, White Center news | Comments Off on North Highline Fire District commissioners: Evening meeting ahead

Some have fretted they can’t attend the meetings when they’re held in the morning – so here’s your chance. The North Highline Fire District commissioners meet at 6 pm next Tuesday, January 18th. Location: NHFD headquarters, 1243 SW 112th. Open to the public, and you’re encouraged to come find out what’s happening in your fire district.

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White Center snow aftermath: Wednesday morning updates

January 12th, 2011 at 6:31 am Posted in Schools, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center snow aftermath: Wednesday morning updates

The snow’s been melting for a few hours but the slushy aftermath has lingering effects this morning:

METRO: On snow routes till 9 am.

SCHOOLS: Highline Public Schools is 1 hour late … Seattle Public Schools and Holy Family School have both announced 2-hour delays. … Kennedy High School starts 10:30 am.

TRASH/RECYCLING/YARD WASTE: Seattle Public Utilities is on its regular schedule. Allied has announced some changes.

More as we get it.

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Snowy night in White Center – but it’s not supposed to last

January 11th, 2011 at 11:50 pm Posted in Weather, White Center news | Comments Off on Snowy night in White Center – but it’s not supposed to last

Hit “refresh” for the latest image from that “live” traffic camera the county has in White Center. Hope you don’t have to drive anywhere till after daybreak Wednesday, because by all accounts, it’s just plain nasty out there. More than an inch of snow has fallen by late evening around the Seattle metro area, including White Center. But the forecasters insist it will change to rain by morning – the question is, how much of a sloppy, slushy mess will you have to slog through during the am commute? We’ll have updates, including the early-morning word on what local schools plan to do. Also note that as of right now (10:45 pm Tuesday), Metro has all buses on snow routing.

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Need help paying utility bills? Special event this weekend

January 10th, 2011 at 4:30 pm Posted in Utilities, West Seattle, White Center news | Comments Off on Need help paying utility bills? Special event this weekend

Local utilities say there’s help for people who can’t pay their utility bills – but few people manage to get that help, because they don’t know it exists. That’s why Seattle Public Utilities and Seattle City Light are putting on a special event this weekend in West Seattle – find out about it here (and that link also will help you find out if you qualify for assistance).

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Not registered to vote yet? Sign up by Monday, to help decide school levy

January 8th, 2011 at 11:56 pm Posted in Election, Highline School District, White Center news | Comments Off on Not registered to vote yet? Sign up by Monday, to help decide school levy

In a special election on February 8th, voters in the Highline Public Schools district will decide the fate of a levy to raise more than $40 million a year, replacing a levy that’s expiring. (You can read about it here.) If you need to register to vote, or change your information, the deadline for doing so online – in order to make sure you get your ballot in the mail in time for that election – is this Monday. You can get it all done by going here.

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Signs of change, signs of community: New White Center banners

January 7th, 2011 at 3:13 am Posted in White Center Community Development Association, White Center news | Comments Off on Signs of change, signs of community: New White Center banners

We thought we noticed something different when we walked out of 88 Deli in South Delridge after lunch the other day. We’d heard about the new banners but this was the first time we’d seen them. And now this update from White Center Community Development Association confirms that they are newly installed – north of Roxbury for now, but WCCDA says they have money for putting up banners south of Roxbury, too.

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White Center slice of life: Rave for a Good Samaritan

January 6th, 2011 at 11:56 pm Posted in People, White Center news | 1 Comment »

Out of the WCN inbox:

A big THANK YOU ! to the kind White Center good neighbor named Keith and his friends.

My car stalled out on 16th Ave. by Blockbuster, about 2 mils from home. I managed to pull over to the side, but it still was stuck in in a traffic lane.

Two men appeared out of nowhere, started pushing, and got my old Toyota safely into the Albertson’s parking lot. Minutes layer Keith and a friend with a car returned with a smile and a can of gas (yeah, I had foolishly run out of gas) and made sure I got my engine started.

I only had $3.00 cash with me, but he insisted on giving me all the gas.

Kindness makes the world go round! I promised to pay it forward.

Dina Johnson

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