‘Seattle Sketcher’ Gabi Campanario visits South Delridge/White Center

Noticed a guy hunched over a sketchpad around South Delridge/White Center today? That’s Gabi Campanario, the Seattle Sketcher, whose work is showcased by the Seattle Times (WCN partner) as well as on his own website. WCN contributor Deanie Schwarz caught up with him by the building that’s home to CafĂ© Rozella:

From there, he was heading south into White Center proper. Whatever he comes up with, you’ll see it online this Saturday, Deanie tells us.

THURSDAY UPDATE: Gabi has posted the first of his sketches – this one is from 3.14 Bakery.

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3 Responses to “‘Seattle Sketcher’ Gabi Campanario visits South Delridge/White Center”

  1. Alright!!!!!!!!

    Cafe Rozellas

    You Go!!!!!!


  2. More fabulous sketches are still being added on Gabi’s Seattle PI blog (the link provided above).

    Keep checking back! His weekly column will be published on Saturday as well

    Such a gifted artist!

  3. Here they are :


    White Center we are so PROUD!