Jim Diers of West Seattle and Obama Share Common Ties

November 24th, 2008 Ricardo Posted in People, Politics, White Center 3 Comments »

Jim Diers and Barack Obama have a common link as successful community organizers. To check it out read the column by Danny Westneat in the Seattle Times this summer.  The link is: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/dannywestneat/2004456334_danny04.html

Here’s a portion from Westneat’s column:

Galluzzo trained college-grad Diers in how to organize a fractious community. They formed SESCO, the South End Seattle Community Organization. It was a powerhouse, one of the most successful neighborhood groups in city history. It killed the incinerator.

Diers went on to head Seattle’s Department of Neighborhoods and write a book on bottom-up organizing, called “Neighbor Power.”

Galluzzo stayed in Seattle for four years, then moved to Chicago. Not long after, he trained another raw college grad looking for a purpose, named Barack Obama.

After leaving the Department of Neighborhoods in 2002, Jim worked for a year as Interim Director of the Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association and for three years as Executive Director of the South Downtown Foundation.

Currently, Jim spends most of his time at the University of Washington, where he teaches courses in architecture and social work and supports community initiatives with faculty and students across all disciplines. Jim also speaks frequently in other cities as a faculty member for the Asset-Based Community Development Institute and as the author of Neighbor Power: Building Community the Seattle Way. Jim is also a denizen of White Center and Cafe Rozella.

(Thanks to Ron Richardson for the link to Danny Westneat’s column.)

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White Center Community Summit – Saturday, November 8th at Mount View Elementary School

November 7th, 2008 Ricardo Posted in Businesses, Development, Economy, Education, Environment, Families, Neighborhoods, Politics, Schools, Transportation, White Center, White Center Community Development Association Comments Off on White Center Community Summit – Saturday, November 8th at Mount View Elementary School

The White Center Community Development Association and Trusted Advocates will host the 2008 Community Summit this Saturday, November 8th at Mount View Elementary School.  The event starts at 8:00 am and ends at 3:00 p.m.  Please come and offer your input on the future of your community.   Mount View is located at 10811 12th Avenue SW.

This year’s community summit will gather families, government agencies and local community-based/non-profit organizations in a fun family-friendly environment.  Live cultural performances, ethnic foods, door prizes and children’s activities are just a taste of what the summit has to offer!

Come learn about the issues affecting your community and how you can be involved in a positive way.  There will be info booths and workshops on health, education, jobs, housing, annexation, immigration and more.  Translation services will be provided in Cambodian, Vietnamese, Spanish, Tigrinya, Somali, Amharic, Samoan, Arabic and English (other languages upon request).  Childcare will be provided.

For more info:  Ebony Davis: (206) 694-1082 ext.  168 – ebony@wccda.org or Ian Dapiaoen:  (206) 694-1082 ext. 175 or ian@wccda.org.

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We have a new president(-elect); next, how about guv? Legislators? Etc.

November 4th, 2008 Tracy Posted in Election, Politics Comments Off on We have a new president(-elect); next, how about guv? Legislators? Etc.

Two hours since Sen. Barack Obama was declared president-elect; now, we watch state and local races. In White Center-specific races, 11th District State Sen. Margarita Prentice appears to be cruising to re-election despite another D challenger surviving the Top Two primary; her two fellow 11th District legislators are winning too. (All 11th District results here). If you’re in the 34th District, none of the three legislators had opponents; here’s their results.

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This is it: Election Day 2008

November 4th, 2008 Tracy Posted in Election, Politics, White Center news Comments Off on This is it: Election Day 2008

King County says this is it, the last in-person election. So for the 1 in 3 who still votes that way, here’s all the info you need. We will post pictures and info throughout the day and night, but you can help by sharing White Center scenes: whitecenternow@gmail.com … the King County Votes website is promising to chronicle the grand finale of in-person voting, too. ADDED 12:06 PM: Voting photos from White Center Heights Elementary, still crowded five hours after voting began:

We even spotted a couple of apparent Republicans who didn’t appear eligible to vote:

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Vote, Vote, Vote!!!

October 20th, 2008 Ricardo Posted in Election, Government, King County, Politics, White Center 2 Comments »

I just got my ballot in the mail and I am going to fill it out and send it out, just as soon as I find out where they sell those things called stamps. Seriously folks, the last governor’s election was decided by just 130 votes, so your vote makes a difference. And it looks like this governor’s race is going to be a squeaker as well. So get your ballot, vote and then tell everyone you know to do the same. By the way if you are not registered to vote, TODAY is your last chance! You have to do it in person at King County Elections HQ, which is in Renton; here’s directions – they’re open late today, till 6.

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In-person voter registration deadline is October 20

October 19th, 2008 Ricardo Posted in Election, Government, Politics, White Center Comments Off on In-person voter registration deadline is October 20

If you aren’t currently registered to vote in Washington and want to vote in this November’s election, you have until the October 20 deadline to do so in person at your county elections office.

Secretary of State Sam Reed is urging eligible residents to register in person to vote by Monday’s deadline so they can take part in the highly anticipated November 4 General Election.

“The upcoming election will be extremely important for Washington voters,” Reed said. “Several interesting initiatives and key races will be on the ballot, including president, governor, most legislative seats and many local government offices. If you aren’t registered to vote and want to vote this year, you need to register by October 20.”

Reed said young adults in particular should not miss the opportunity to have their voices heard in the upcoming election.

“Whether you are 18 or 81, your vote counts,” Secretary of State Reed said. “If you have never voted before, this would be the perfect election to vote in for the first time. Your vote can make a difference.”

Registered voters in the state of Washington are required to be citizens of the United States; have lived in Washington State for at least 30 days; be at least 18 years old by Election Day; and have had their voting rights restored if they were ever convicted of a felony. Federal and state law requires citizens to provide identification to vote, such as a Washington driver’s license or Social Security number. Other ID forms are valid under the law.

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Someone will probably ring your doorbell today

October 18th, 2008 Tracy Posted in Election, Politics Comments Off on Someone will probably ring your doorbell today

Just back from the 34th District Democrats’ get-out-the-vote rally with Senators Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray in West Seattle; they’re doorbelling in White Center today too, as are the 34th District Republicans, and at least one ballot issue (Sound Transit Proposition 1 supporters had a flyer on our stoop when I returned home). Just another heads-up. Rally coverage to come.

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Rossi vs. Gregoire: Who is Better for White Center?

October 14th, 2008 Ricardo Posted in Annexation, Development, Economy, Election, Environment, Families, Jobs, Politics, Sustainability, White Center 5 Comments »

Ok, this is a heavily Democratic neighborhood but there seem to be some Rossi supporters in White Center land?  I am inviting comments on who would be better for White Center, Dino Rossi or Christine Gregoire?  Obviously, we have issues of housing, jobs, health care, affordability, crime, education, sustainability, greenspace etc… And I will gladly share my views.  Forum’s open.  Speak your mind.

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Door-to-door heads-up: Political canvassing this weekend

October 9th, 2008 Tracy Posted in Election, Politics Comments Off on Door-to-door heads-up: Political canvassing this weekend

From last night’s 34th District Democrats meeting: Volunteers will be going door-to-door this weekend in White Center and southern West Seattle. (Disclosure, the 34th DDs are sponsoring our partner site, West Seattle Blog, this month to get the word out about the sample ballot you can access on their site, to see who and what they have endorsed; you can see it here.)

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Notes from Cafe Rozella: Apropos of nothing in particular

October 7th, 2008 Ricardo Posted in Politics, White Center Comments Off on Notes from Cafe Rozella: Apropos of nothing in particular

A customer, on my recommendation. is reading Gabriel Garcia Marquez’ epic novel, “One Hundred Years of Solitude.”  Readers of the novel know that one of the animating characters in the saga is The United Fruit Company, with its history of neocolonialism and gunboat diplomacy in Central American and the Caribbean (hence “Banana Republics”).   The United Fruit Company renamed itself, Chiquita, after its signature product from Central America, the banana.  My friend brought me the label in the picture accompanying this post.

It may or may not be Palin effect, but I cannot imagine that the marketing department at Chiquita meant to be ironic when they decided to brand each Chiquita banana with a logo that states: “The Food that Fights for You! Chiquita.”   Indeed.  Only recently it was disclosed that Chiquita was making payments to right-wing death squads and leftist rebels in Colombia.  Now, that’s what I call truth in advertising.  Or is it humor?Or perhaps ironic truth?

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County getting out of the animal-services business?

October 6th, 2008 Tracy Posted in Politics, White Center news Comments Off on County getting out of the animal-services business?

You may have heard about this one over the weekend: This morning, the King County Council will talk about a proposal to get the county out of the animal-services business, after a long-running controversy over the quality of what it’s been providing. White Center’s King County Councilmember, Dow Constantine, was one of three council members who spoke with the media yesterday about the proposal. The council is going to want to hear what you have to say about this, since some of the alternatives raise questions — for example, suggesting that sheriff’s deputies handle some animal-cruelty cases and animal attacks might be controversial in a time when the county is facing budget cuts that threaten its basic powers to fight and prosecute crime. You can watch today’s meeting at 9:30, live online or on cable channel 22; here’s the official news release: Read the rest of this entry »

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Four days left to register to vote

September 30th, 2008 Tracy Posted in Election, Politics Comments Off on Four days left to register to vote

Here’s another reminder from the county; Saturday’s your last chance to register, if you’re not registered already. But you can do it online right now.

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Follow up on $700,000,000,000 taxpayer bailout – Conversation Cafe at Cafe Rozella

September 27th, 2008 Ricardo Posted in Election, Government, Politics, White Center Comments Off on Follow up on $700,000,000,000 taxpayer bailout – Conversation Cafe at Cafe Rozella

Brother can you spare $700,000,000,000????

The Conversation Cafe had a very productive discussion regarding the proposed Wall Street Bailout.  In the course of discussing the financial crisis that is animating the proposal to write out a Treasury check for $700 billion to Henry Paulson, someone brought to the group’s attention the recent book, “The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism” by Naomi Klein.  Klein posits that crises are manufactured in order to push through unpalatable economic and political measures.  You can read her post regarding the current crisis here

The group agreed that any taxpayer bailout should, at a minimum, include the following conditions.

1. Reinstatement of the provisions of Glass-Steagall, which forbade speculation
2. Re-regulation of the finance, insurance, and real estate industries
3. Accountability on the part of those who took the companies down:
a) resignations of management
b) givebacks of executive compensation packages
c) limitations on executive compensation
d) admission by CEO’s of what went wrong and how, prior to any government bailout
4. Demands for transparencey
a) with respect to analyzing the transactions which took the companies down
b) with respect to Treasury’s dealings with the companies pre and post-bailout
5. An equity position for the taxpayers
a) some form of ownership of assets
6. Some credible formula for evaluating the price of the assets that the government is buying.
7. A sunset clause on the legislation
8. Full public disclosure by members of Congress of assets held, with possible conflicts put in blind trust.
9. A ban on political campaign contributions from officers of corporations receiving bailouts
10. A requirement that 2008 cycle candidates return political contributions to officers and representatives of corporations receiving bailouts.

Join us next Saturday at 2 p.m. as we continue the conversation.

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700,000,000,000 for Wall Street – Conversation Cafe Returns Saturday at 2 p.m. – Cafe Rozella

September 23rd, 2008 Ricardo Posted in Election, Government, Politics, White Center Comments Off on 700,000,000,000 for Wall Street – Conversation Cafe Returns Saturday at 2 p.m. – Cafe Rozella

Are you concerned about giving away $700,000,000,000 to Wall Street?  Feel a need to understand what this means?  Perhaps just getting your mind around the mind-blowing amount of $$$ that 700,000,000,000 represents?  Well, join us for a conversation cafe on the Wall Street Bailout this Saturday at 2 p.m. at Cafe Rozella.  We will pull together some materials and discuss just what the hell is this all about?  If you would like to contribute – materials, ideas or resources please contact Ricardo at email: guarnero@caferozella.com.  The conversation cafe on the Wall Street bailout will be held this Saturday at 2 p.m. at Cafe Rozella.  Cafe Rozella is located at 9434 Delridge Way SW, Seattle 98106.  Directions at www.caferozella.com.

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Voter Registration Drive Saturday and Sunday Afternoon at Cafe Rozella

September 23rd, 2008 Ricardo Posted in Election, Politics, White Center Comments Off on Voter Registration Drive Saturday and Sunday Afternoon at Cafe Rozella

If you know someone who is not registered or who may have fallen off the voting rolls, bring them by Saturday or Sunday afternoon after 2 p.m. at Cafe Rozella as we will be hosting a voter registration drive.  No need to mince words here, the issues at stake could not be higher:  war, civil rights, economic collapse and a cool trillion for Wall Street just to hit the high low marks.  Drag your neighbor, your cousin or boyfriend/girlfriend and get them signed up so they can exercise their citizenship rights obligations!  Cafe Rozella is at 9434 Delridge Way SW (just north of Roxbury and Delridge).  Phone (206) 763-5805.

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11th District Senator: Final primary results

September 7th, 2008 Tracy Posted in Politics, White Center news Comments Off on 11th District Senator: Final primary results

Results from the August 19th primary are official as of the last count and certification this past week. The State Senate race in the 11th District, which includes part of White Center (the rest is in the 34th), is an example of how the new “Top 2 Primary” worked — for the primary, there were three candidates, all Democrats; in the old-style primary, the top votegetter in each party would have advanced to the general – but now, it’s the top 2, whoever they are. In this one, it’s incumbent Sen. Margarita Prentice, whose final primary percentage was 48%, and Juan Martinez, whose final primary percentage was 28% (most of the rest of the votes went to a third Democrat who is now out of the running). You can find the full results of this and other races on the King County website; the general election is on November 4th.

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Happening tonight: North Highline UAC meeting

September 4th, 2008 Tracy Posted in Annexation, North Highline UAC, Politics, White Center news Comments Off on Happening tonight: North Highline UAC meeting

Want to find out what’s happening with major community issues – and/or speak out about something that’s concerning you? You’ve got the chance tonight at the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council (NHUAC) monthly meeting, 7 pm at North Highline Fire District HQ, 1243 112th SW (here’s a map). To see the agenda, click here.

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Vote-counting continues: 11th District update

August 26th, 2008 Tracy Posted in Politics, White Center news Comments Off on Vote-counting continues: 11th District update

One week after the primary election, King County is not quite done counting votes; after the latest count today, the race for 11th District State Senator seems settled – with Juan Martinez definitely challenging incumbent Sen. Margarita Prentice in November. Today’s count finished with Prentice at 48.6%, Martinez at 27.7%, and Scott McKay at 22.9%. (Both other 11th District races had only two candidates, so in those cases both automatically advanced.)

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Margarita Prentice to face off against Juan Martinez

August 21st, 2008 Ricardo Posted in Government, Politics 27 Comments »

Margarita Prentice will face off against fellow Democrat, Juan Martinez in the general election.  Although many are aware of the annexation issue regarding the unincorporated parts of White Center, few readers are likely aware of the critical role that Margarita Prentice played in the political machinations regarding whether Seattle would continue to vie for annexation of White Center.  Senator Prentice was responsible for legislation which basically made it unfeasible for Seattle to annex White Center.  Subsequent legislation, House Bill 1139 was introduced to allow Seattle the same access to annexation incentive funds as other cities.  Prentice was also at the heart of Seattle negotiations with the Sonics and controversy regarding predatory lenders.  “Juan Martinez, is an affable working-class guy from the South Bronx who’s pounding the pavement in an effort to make up the fundraising gap between his campaign and the Prentice juggernaut.” (The Stranger, August 6, 2008 – endorsement below).   For more information regarding Prentice and her challenger, Juan Martinez I invite readers to check out the following sites (and please feel free to suggest others):  Prentice, Martinez in Legislative District 11, Senator MoneyTree, Sen. Margarita Prentice website, Senate Democratic Caucus and Municipal League of Seattle Guide.  Information on candidate, Juan Martinez can be found at:  Juan Martinez website, State Sen. Margarita Prentice Likely to Face Challenger, Juan Martinez, Municipal League rating, The Bottom One Primary, The Stranger Endorsements.   While much attention is being paid to upper reach races, this is an important race and deserves our attention.

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Election update: Latest 11th District Senate results

August 20th, 2008 Tracy Posted in Election, Politics Comments Off on Election update: Latest 11th District Senate results

King County Elections will release daily vote counts till all ballots are tallied. After this afternoon’s count, the race to see who will face 11th District State Senator Margarita Prentice in November is still fairly close – Juan Martinez was 237 votes ahead of Scott McKay. (The 11th starts south of SW 102nd, east of 4th SW – here’s the map.)

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