White Center benefit to help feral cats and their advocates

September 9th, 2009 Tracy Posted in How to Help, Pets, White Center news Comments Off on White Center benefit to help feral cats and their advocates

First published in the Forums at partner site West Seattle Blog – but it’s happening this weekend in White Center:

Let’s “Fix” the Problem, a benefit for Feral Cat Assistance & Trapping (F.C.A.T.), raising funds to feed, spay, and neuter feral cats and help low-income cat lovers with needs like Advantage™ and teeth cleanings.

Saturday, September 12, 5:00 PM – close
Dong Khanh Café
9655 – 16th Avenue SW (White Center)

Admission $10 (sorry, can’t take cards) or $5 with a 20+lb. bag of cat or dog food, children are free with parents. All ages welcome until 11:00 PM, 21+ after that.

No-host full bar and food (special menu for the night, yes – vegetarian options) and music includes live performances by Stingshark, Paddle Wack, and 80s Invasion. Silent auction and prizes too!

Just a ½ block north, our friends at Full Tilt will offer a special “Meow Mix” ice cream on Saturday with chunks of cranberries, almonds, and dark chocolate. Proceeds benefit F.C.A.T., so be sure to visit them too – yum!

For more information on F.C.A.T., visit http://www.feraltrapping.com

Hope to see you there and thanks for being part of the solution.

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9-month sentence for the man who attacked White Center church’s cat

July 17th, 2009 Tracy Posted in Pets, White Center news 1 Comment »

This afternoon, the man who attacked Scatt the White Center church cat was sentenced – and seattlepi.com reports he got 9 months in jail.

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Scatt (the attack-survivor cat) out of the hospital

May 2nd, 2009 Tracy Posted in Pets, White Center news 2 Comments »

This update just in from Pasado’s Safe Haven regarding Scatt, the Cross Church cat that survived a vicious attack:

Scatt reunited with Jennifer the Pastor’s wife

We are so happy to announce that Scatt was released from vet care Thursday, April 28th and is now living with The Cross Church Pastor and his Wife at their home.

“Scatt is home and doing well… He is “perched” near a window, where he can see out and have the sunshine on his stitches. He has had antibiotics, pain meds and warm packs -doing great- he also is eating and drinking a lot… AMEN!”

Meantime, Scatt’s accused attacker is due in court this Wednesday. Full details, and a new photo, on the Pasado’s Safe Haven website.

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Update on Scatt, the Cross Church cat

April 22nd, 2009 Tracy Posted in Crime, Pets Comments Off on Update on Scatt, the Cross Church cat

(photo from Pasado’s Safe Haven website)
As just published at our partner site West Seattle Blog – the animal-advocacy group Pasado’s Safe Haven has updated Scatt‘s condition; here’s the latest.

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Meet Swifty, the “shop cat” at Roxbury Complete Auto Supply

April 12th, 2009 Tracy Posted in Businesses, Pets Comments Off on Meet Swifty, the “shop cat” at Roxbury Complete Auto Supply

On partner site West Seattle Blog, we’ve been profiling local “shop cats” – who share their owners’ workplaces. Today’s featured cat is Swifty at Roxbury Complete Auto Supply on the West Seattle/White Center line, so we wanted to alert you too – see her story here.

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Reminder: New crackdown on unlicensed pets in unincorporated area

April 1st, 2009 Tracy Posted in King County, Pets Comments Off on Reminder: New crackdown on unlicensed pets in unincorporated area

Here’s the official reminder from the county – it kicked in today.

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License your pets – or you’ll pay a price

March 11th, 2009 Tracy Posted in Pets 3 Comments »

If you’re in the unincorporated side of White Center – make sure your pets are licensed, or else you may pay a price. That’s the bottom line on this news release from the county this morning:

King County will take a proven approach to enhancing pet licensing in
2009 with the introduction of a penalty for failing to license cats and
dogs. The $75 penalty is aimed at increasing the number of pet owners in
unincorporated King County who protect their pets with a license.
Penalties will begin to be issued on April 1st.

The introduction of a penalty for failing to license pets is modeled
after the successful City of Seattle program that increased pet
licensing after the agency instituted licensing fines. Owners of
unlicensed pets will first be offered the opportunity to purchase a
license before receiving a penalty. Those who refuse to license their
pet after this opportunity will be assessed a $75 penalty.

“The new penalty will get people’s attention but licensing your pet is
really about being a responsible pet owner,” said Carolyn Ableman,
Director of the Records and Licensing Services Division. “It is simply
a tool that will increase the chances that you will be reunited with
your dog or cat if it get lost by making sure animal control staff have
a record of how to reach you. We’re confident that this new penalty will
increase the number of pets in unincorporated King County that are
reunited with their owner, rather than housed and put up for adoption at
the county’s expense.”

There are many benefits that come with a King County pet license:

* The first time a licensed pet is found running loose, King
County will attempt to give it a free ride home.
* If a licensed pet ends up in a King County shelter, staff will
hold it for a longer period and make every effort to call or write the
owner to inform them that the pet is at the shelter and available for
* Owners of licensed pets are eligible for the Vacation Pet Alert
program. You can alert King County when you are on vacation and provide
the number for your pet’s caretaker so that if your pet gets loose,
animal control staff can reach the right person in your absence.
* Your pet can be picked up at no charge at your home should you
need to release it to King County.
* You can use King County’s humane euthanasia service at no charge
if your pet ever needs the procedure.

In 2009, King County Pet License fees increased for the first time in
five years. The fee for a pet license for a spayed or neutered pet is
$30 per year. The licensing fee for an unaltered pet is $90 per year and
both must be renewed each year. Discounts are available for owners of
juvenile pets (under six months of age), and for senior citizens, who
are eligible to purchase a license for lifetime of each pet.

King County Animal Care and Control is striving to become completely
supported by pet license revenue and other fees, and not reliant on
general tax dollars. The agency is about three-quarters of the way

Licenses can be purchased on-line, by mail, and at more than 100
convenient sales outlets in King County’s service area, including many
local QFC stores, local veterinarians, city halls, general licensing
locations, animal shelters, and King County community service centers.
For a complete list of pet license sales outlets or to purchase a pet
license on-line, please visit the King County Animal Care and Control
website at www.kingcounty.gov/pets.

The revenue from pet license sales supports King County’s animal care
and control program, providing shelter, adoption services, and medical
treatment for more than 12,000 cats and dogs that come through county
shelters each year. Licensing revenue also supports animal control
enforcement, and to bring those that abuse animals to justice through
the animal cruelty investigation program.

King County is building a model animal care and control program that
focuses on saving lives through proactive licensing education and
enforcement, enhanced pet adoption programs, and a stronger veterinary
medical program. Pet license sales provide the primary revenue source
needed for this important effort. In the last two years, King County has
used pet license revenue to make significant improvements to its animal
care program, lowering the euthanasia rate to 21 percent, making it one
of lowest in the country. Pet license revenue has also been used to
revamp King County’s animal cruelty investigations program, increasing
the number of cases sent to prosecutors by more then 300 percent.

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New White Center Lost/Found Pets page

September 15th, 2008 Tracy Posted in Online, Pets 2 Comments »

Figured we would start one of these the first time someone wrote us asking for help in finding a lost pet, or finding the owner of a “found” pet – and our first such e-mail just came in, so the page is launched. See it here (and check out the missing-kitty photo); check the page any time from the list atop the left sidebar; and if you have lost or found a pet in the White Center area, e-mail us information (and a photo if available) to whitecenternow@gmail.com.

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Goats on the loose!

September 4th, 2008 Tracy Posted in Pets, White Center news 1 Comment »

Phoebe sent that photo to the mailbox for our partner site WSB – but it’s in the unincorporated area, so we’re sharing it here first. She writes:

There were goats running around loose near SW 106th Street and 28th Ave SW this AM! (map) I saw them darting out into traffic and then ducking into this yard for a snack! I parked my car and tried to find where they had escaped from without any luck. Eventually I called animal control who told me the goats are technically in King Co (Seattle city limits end at SW 106th & 32nd Ave SW) and that she would “see what she could do”. I drove by again at 10:00 and I didn’t see them in the area…I hope they made it home safe & sound!

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Update: Stolen pugs found

August 21st, 2008 Tracy Posted in Crime, Pets, White Center news Comments Off on Update: Stolen pugs found

I just posted this bulletin on West Seattle Blog, and wanted to share it with White Center Now readers since the story had been posted here too: The stolen pugs turned up today at the Kent Animal Shelter. Read the details at WSB.

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Update on missing pugs: Definitely stolen

August 20th, 2008 Tracy Posted in Crime, Pets 1 Comment »

Ricardo posted about the missing pugs below, and we reported on it at West Seattle Blog, where we now have an update: A witness called police with information indicating the dogs definitely were stolen. Here’s the latest. Call Seattle Police with tips.

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