King County Council considering requiring hazard pay for grocery workers in unincorporated areas

February 12th, 2021 Tracy Posted in King County, White Center news 2 Comments »

Seattle’s done it. Burien’s done it. Now King County might require hazard pay for grocery workers too. Here’s the announcement:

More than a year after the first death in the U.S. was reported in King County, grocery workers continue to risk their lives to serve people who need their groceries, often at wages near or just above minimum wage while grocery store operators have reaped windfall profits.

Members of the King County Council are now working to address that risk with legislation introduced Thursday that would require a $4 per hour hazard pay for employees at large grocery stores in unincorporated King County.

“For the last year I have visited with, and thanked the checkers, stockers, butchers and deli workers at the grocery stores I shop. I have seen and heard their fatigue, and also their courage and dedication to their customers,” said Councilmember Rod Dembowski, who drafted the legislation. “These extraordinary times call for governments like King County to respond with extraordinary help. I am proud to stand with these frontline workers and ensure that the risks they and their families are taking, and the dedication they are showing, is reflected in our laws, and in their paychecks. Four dollars an hour is a small price to pay to ensure the continued service they are providing to our communities.”

The legislation, co-sponsored by Councilmembers Girmay Zahilay and Dave Upthegrove, would require the pay until the COVID-19 emergency declared by Executive Dow Constantine ends.

“At a time when local governments are struggling to fund basic services, large grocery sites are making record profits while their low-wage employees face the hazards of working during a pandemic,” Upthegrove said. “This temporary bump in pay can alleviate the financial injustice experienced by frontline essential workers who risk their lives—and their families’ lives—without the dignity of a fair wage to support them.”

The cities of Seattle and Burien have recently approved and implemented similar measures, and other local governments have taken similar steps to ensure frontline grocery workers are paid for the risk they undertake in their daily work.

“The pandemic economy has worsened inequities for workers and communities,” said King County Executive Dow Constantine. “While small businesses and governments are stretched thin providing basic and essential services, many large grocery chains are seeing record profits. And while that’s good for them, it’s fair that they share with the frontline workers who show up every day to help keep our communities fed and our economy moving.”

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WHITE CENTER WEATHER: Snow, the first wave

February 11th, 2021 Tracy Posted in Weather, White Center news Comments Off on WHITE CENTER WEATHER: Snow, the first wave

Thanks to Gill for the photo as the first wave of snow arrived in White Center. It started as flurries and then intensified to a light but steady snowfall for the past hour or so – the Winter Storm Watch alert isn’t officiqlly in effect until Friday afternoon, though, and that’s when the serious snow is expected.

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What Camp Second Chance’s Community Advisory Committee heard at February meeting

February 9th, 2021 Tracy Posted in Myers Way, White Center news 1 Comment »

(Also published on partner site West Seattle Blog</strong>)

Camp Second Chance, at 9701 Myers Way S., remains this area’s only tiny-house encampment sanctioned by the City of Seattle, though the city wants to add more citywide. CSC’s Community Advisory Committee meets every month for updates and community Q&A; here’s what happened at its February meeting, which happened online this past Sunday afternoon:

CAMP UPDATE: CSC’s site coordinator Eric Pattin said 54 people are there now, 15 women and 39 men. One person moved into affordable housing; two others left. Four emergency calls were made over the past month. Asked to elaborate, Pattin replied, “Mainly medical, one domestic violence.” The latter resulted in one of the departures he had mentioned.

CASE MANAGEMENT UPDATE: José Ruiz from LIHI, the encampment operator, is handling this right now, until a new case manager is available to resume work at the site. He says a woman from CSC will be moving to housing this week; he’s also working with a social worker from Providence to help two people move. They also have three veterans who are registering with a program. In 2020, 52 percent of the people who exited CSC went to permanent housing.

MORE LIHI UPDATES: Josh Castle talked about the Hope Factory – the new tiny-house-building operation that has its roots at CSC – open house this past Saturday; “that was pretty exciting.” He replied to a question following up earlier concerns about behavioral/mental-health services for villagers. He said that though LIHI hasn’t signed a deal yet, it plans to contract with behavioral-health specialists “so they are available to multiple villages.” Discussion ensued about ensuring someone is available for CSC. Andrew Constantino said that some of LIHI’s older village like CSC will be adding staff, likely an evening person, though the job’s not posted yet.

COMMITTEE UPDATE: Chair Willow Fulton says things on Myers Way overall “are going fairly well” although she’s noticed more people who are likely staying in nearby unsanctioned camps. The recent stormy weather brought down trees on Myers Way, and power lines, and during one bout of bad weather she noticed Camp Second Chance residents helping direct drivers safely around the area. “It was a heartwarming and impressive thing … they were out there for hours.” She expressed appreciation and “huge kudos” to the campers who did that. … Arrowhead Gardens resident Judi Carr said they’ve seen “more people walking around” and some trash has turned up near the complex entrance, so she’ll be reporting that to the city via Find It Fix It. She’s hearing that some of her neighbors are starting to get vaccinated though she herself hasn’t had luck finding an appointment yet. Another AG resident in attendance said they’re trying to become a vaccination site but haven’t had any luck getting vaccine access yet … Committee member Cinda Stenger helped a former camp resident, who’s been in temporary housing, go look for permanent housing (in Snohomish County) … Member Grace Stiller said the weed-removal program at CSC is “going well – moving forward, digging roots” and is tackling a “huge pile of blackberries” before tree-planting. … Stevi Hamill from Fauntleroy UCC, which is continuing a partnership with the camp via its homelessness initiative, said the church id helping in any way they can.

CITY UPDATE: Shawn Neal from the Human Services Department said that “more villages are in the works … though it’s going more slowly” than they would prefer. City Councilmember Andrew Lewis has proposed expanding the tiny-house system; here’s the proposal (note that the potential site list does not show any West Seattle locations).

NEW MEETING TIME? The group has been considering a change from the regular 2 pm first Sunday. If you have an opinion on times that do and don’t work, email Fulton at Next meeting is likely to be in the regular spot, though, Sunday, March 7th, 2 pm, online.

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WHITE CENTER WEATHER: A little snow, and maybe more

February 8th, 2021 Tracy Posted in Weather, White Center news Comments Off on WHITE CENTER WEATHER: A little snow, and maybe more

If you missed the snowfall early this morning, Gill provides the photo of a roof with proof. We might see it again before the week is out – the forecast mentions possible snow just about every day and night through next weekend. Regardless of whether snow falls, it will be cold – overnight lows into the 20s. Just a reminder that 39 days remain until winter makes way for spring!

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White Center Food Bank search, King County plans, more @ North Highline Unincorporated Area Council’s first 2021 meeting

February 7th, 2021 Tracy Posted in King County, King County Sheriff's Office, North Highline UAC, White Center Food Bank, White Center news 1 Comment »

By Tracy Record
White Center Now editor

The White Center Food Bank‘s search for a new home and King County reps’ update on local services headlined Thursday night’s online meeting of the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council.

WHITE CENTER FOOD BANK: Associate executive director Carmen Smith was the guest. While she discussed WCFB’s search for a new home – since its current site is going to be redeveloped for affordable housing and other nonprofits’ headquarters – she offered some background and other updates first. WCFB is dedicated to ensuring that food is a right, not a privilege. WCFB has been around almost half a century.

COVID 19 has forced WCFB to switch to an outdoor grocery sort of model, Farmers’ Market-style.

Clients can visit the WCFB up to three times a month – here’s how their usage increased last year

“The community really showed up for us (last year),” Smith said.

Relocation has been at least four years in the making – even if they had chosen to be part of the redevelopment, they surveyed clients and found that the current location is “really hard to get to.” They were missing “a large pocket of northeast WC.”

They’ve been looking for a new home for “almost two years now and not having a lot of luck.” A property on 13th SW near Steve Cox Memorial Park looked good but someone else is buying it. They’ve looked at a wide range of possibilities and “nothing is the right fit.” They’ve got a few more to review, such as the former Bank of America building, finally on the market. Here’s what they’re looking for:

They really want to stay in WC but could move outside if it comes to that. Their deadline for getting out of the current location “might be within the next year” depending on how the permits for the redevelopment goes. “It’s super-scary,” Smith acknowledged.

Is the county helping? NHUAC’s Liz Giba asked. County Councilmember Joe McDermott said yes.

What about the never-used Top Hat quarantine site? “It looks kind of small,” Smith observed. McDermott said that could be a possibility – that site’s future is supposed to be decided with community consultation.

KING COUNTY: Councilmember McDermott was asked to offer some highlights of what’s going on. He started with the county’s COVID-19 response. He hit some recent highlights such as King County (and six others comprising two “regions”) moving to reopening phase 2 as of this past Monday. Vaccinations were the main topic of his e-newsletter last week (see it here).

He said it’s important for people to know they’re not alone in having trouble making appointments.

Though the county has never had to activate the aforementioned Top Hat quarantine site, it continues to maintain the site to be ready if needed, ‘for the duration of the pandemic.” He also acknowledged the ongoing interest in a Housing/Opportunity analysis for North Highline. There’s a similar type of review, for housing only, that’s been done and will be presented in a County Council committee; McDermott promised to let NHUAC know about hearings and meetings.

Next, KC Local Services director John Taylor presented updates. “We’ve been out a lot,” distributing masks and hand sanitizer, especially in unincorporated areas with a large low-income population:

Local Services also has been “working on getting local businesses to survive this pandemic”:

Community Needs List development is also big.

Money for participatory budgeting will come from sources including marijuana taxes.

Taylor also noted that Local Services’s major divisions have kept running throughout the pandemic – Road Services has been busy:

Permitting also has been going “full speed ahead,” Taylor said:

Then, Q&A: How will community members participating in the participatory budgeting be identified? asked NHUAC’s Barbara Dobkin. “We don’t know yet,” said Taylor, but noted that racial equity will factor into it. McDermott said they’re “making sure we have a broad input to decide how to spend these funds.”

What’s being evaluated for mass-vaccination sites? McDermott was asked. He noted that Kent and Renton were chosen because of the transmission rates in those areas. County sites are meant to be stopgaps but if you have a health-care provider, that’s your first stop.

When will the fireworks-ban bill be on a committee agenda? he was asked. It has been re-introduced, and on February 17th at 9:30 am, it’ll go before the Committee of the Whole, he said.

Other discussion included the concentration of low-income housing in White Center, and potential zoning changes compounding existing “substandard development.” Taylor countered that now is the time to speak up about what you want to see in zoning. “To be sure, there’s a tradeoff between more density and quality of life in a community … but there’s also a sweet spot.”

Giba thanked the county for allotting masks and hand sanitizer to the North Highline Fire District and said NHFD will have a distribution event in March.

McDermott wrapped up by reflecting on the effects of the pandemic beyond health and economy … even something as seemingly simple as the fact this meeting had to be held online. “I hope we will build back better.”

KING COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE: Maj. Jeffrey Flohr spoke about an emphasis patrol held around the turn of the year, adding an extra car to Skyway/White Center – making three cars at that time instead of the usual two – for a few hours a night. That happened in a time of rising violence, drug problems, and traffic trouble.

Firearms crimes and “narcotic distribution crimes” have been a focus. Most of the latter have been people coming in from other communities to sell drugs and guns “to our residents” …. “people in crisis” that were being “preyed on.” He showed the results of just one night:

One suspect known to deputies had a lot of drugs on him “and we were really excited to get him off the streets. Maj. Flohr qlso showed fake Oxy pills that are actually made from fentanyl and are endangering people.

A traffic stop netted this gun and drugs.

Fury the drug-detection dog helped:

Dogs like Fury are NOT trained to detect marijuana, Maj. Flohr said … just illegal drugs. The table Fury is sitting on included drugs seized in White Center and elsewhere – worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Fake credit cards and tools to make them, too, plus thousands of dollars in cash; six people were arrested, and one child was taken into protective custody. “None of these people were from our area,” Maj. Flohr stressed, saying none were addicts, either – just involved in “business” with “poison.” In response to a question, he said the suspects are still in jail.

Here’s what KCSO is focusing on:

They are working on “wraparound services,” he said.

Whatever happened to Block Watches? asked an attendee. “We’re trying to get this going again,” said Maj. Flohr, as the result of many community comments.

Another question: What’s being done to address the root cause of all this? Best Starts for Kids is one thing, Taylor mentioned. also: Deputies are getting trained in LEAD, which has long been in the works for White Center, Flohr said.

Storefront Deputy Bill Kennamer‘s update was next. He said traffic complaints on 106th and 107th have been on his radar – literally – he spends time there clocking cars but is not detecting many speeders.

Commercial burglaries in the unincorporated South Park area and Beverly Park have been a problem – 9600 block of 4th Ave. S., “a very dark industrial neighborhood” – he’s met with businesses and discussed crime-prevention advice. Last month saw 8 commercial burglaries – “up a lot” – and 2 residential burglaries.

The 9800 block 18th SW problem house is believed to be linked to a trash problem that the county has cleaned up;

Kennamer is working on a case against the house.

Another recurring problem: RVs and abandoned cars. He tries to get RV dwellers into housing but “100 percent of the time it’s been unsuccessful,” he says. LEAD outreach services will be a game-changer, he believes. “There should be more counselors and advocates out in the area. Right now there are none.” Towing or impounding an RV is a last resort, said Maj. Flohr.

One last point – “a lady who is breaking windows in White Center” has behavioral issues and “we have nowhere to take her.” She broke windows on 16th SW with a hammer, he elaborated.

NEXT MEETING: 7 pm March 4th; watch for the link.

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SUNDAY: Camp Second Chance Community Advisory Council

February 3rd, 2021 Tracy Posted in Myers Way, White Center news 1 Comment »

Just over the North Highline/Seattle line on Myers Way is Camp Second Chance, the tiny-house encampment supported by the City of Seattle. Every month, the camp’s Community Advisory Committee has a community meeting for updates and questions, and the next one is at 2 pm this Sunday (February 7th). Here’s how to attend/participate:

Join Meeting instantly:

If needed:
Meeting ID: 858 5523 4269
Password: 9701

Sane codes apply if you dial in – 253-215-8782

Want to be on the mailing list for meeting announcements?

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THURSDAY: White Center Food Bank’s future, King County Local Services, more, @ North Highline Unincorporated Area Council

February 1st, 2021 Tracy Posted in King County, King County Sheriff's Office, North Highline UAC, White Center Food Bank, White Center news Comments Off on THURSDAY: White Center Food Bank’s future, King County Local Services, more, @ North Highline Unincorporated Area Council

Big lineup this Thursday at the online meeting of the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council – here’s the preview:

The Opportunity to Be Informed, Be Involved and Be Heard!

Where: North Highline Unincorporated Area Council Meeting
When: Thursday, February 4, 2021 at 7 pm
How: Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 987 5068 2577
Passcode (all caps}: NHUAC2021

Unable to join via Zoom? Please Call: 1 253 215 8782
Meeting ID: 987 5068 2577
Passcode: 956569157

Happy Groundhog Day to North Highline, movie buffs and Bill Murray fans! 2020 is over and 2021 offers new opportunities to support a healthy community that does not back away from our struggles. At our last meeting with Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon and Sen. Joe Nguyen, we heard that the White Center Food Bank (WCFB) may soon be displaced from its home near Dick Thurnau Memorial Park. WCFB’s Associate Executive Director Carmen Smith will join our first meeting of 2021 to update us on this essential community organization.

Because North Highline is an unincorporated area (not part of a city), King County serves as both our regional (county) and local (municipal) governments. Many of the decisions that will form our future are being made by King County Executive Dow Constantine and the King County Council and implemented by King County’s Department of Local Services. King County government is a common denominator for the people of North Highline. Its impact includes: COVID-19 to public health to economic and ethnic justice to segregation and discrimination to displacement, fair housing and opportunity to schools, parks and open spaces to density and permitting to roads and infrastructure, police, and public safety to fireworks and cannabis shops to taxes and the budget….

That is why NHUAC is pleased that we will also be joined by King County Councilmember Joe McDermott and John Taylor, Director of the Department of Local Services.

The King County Sheriff’s Office is another essential part of our community. This month we will be joined by Major Jeffrey Flohr and Deputy Bill Kennamer.

Knowledge is power.
Learn, share, and help make North Highline a better place.
Thursday, February 4, 2021 at 7 pm – Tell a Neighbor!

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WHITE CENTER FOOD & DRINK: Boombox, Bizzarro, Good Day Donuts

January 31st, 2021 Tracy Posted in Beverages, Businesses, Food, White Center news Comments Off on WHITE CENTER FOOD & DRINK: Boombox, Bizzarro, Good Day Donuts

Three White Center food and drink notes:

BOOMBOX BAR: For the first time since Boombox opened at 9608 16th SW, it’s opening indoor seating on Monday, as King County goes into Phase 2 of the governor’s reopening plan. 25 percent capacity. Boombox enthused online, “It has been SUCH a long wait for us but we know it is worth it because truly we have the best community and friends in the best neighborhood ever.”

GOOD DAY DONUTS: The mega-popular donut shop at 9823 15th SW is opening seven days a week starting tomorrow, Monday-Saturday 8 am-2 pm and Sunday 9 am-1 pm. The shop adds, “Pre-order available all 7 days, yay!”

BIZZARRO ITALIAN CAFE: The new White Center restaurant at 9635 16th SW just got its liquor-license approval and is offering wine specials. 206-453-4441 is the number to call with questions/orders.

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TONIGHT: Learn about Highline Virtual Academy

January 28th, 2021 Tracy Posted in Highline School District, Online, Schools, White Center news 1 Comment »

Tonight and tomorrow, Highline Public Schools is presenting informational sessions about a new – permanently – online option. Here’s the announcement:

The Highline Virtual Academy launches for students in 6th through 12th grades in Fall 2021. Students who thrive in independent and online learning are good candidates for Highline Virtual Academy.

“We’ve learned that despite all of the challenges of remote learning, some of our students thrive in this environment–they like learning online, and some of our staff like teaching online,” Superintendent Susan Enfield said. “We’re excited that online learning will become a permanent option for students here in Highline.”

Students will attend classes from home rather than coming into a school building. Flexibility and self-pacing are two components of the academy’s learning model. The staff at the academy will provide face-to-face experiences in an online environment and build relationships with students and families to deliver on Highline’s promise to know every student by name, strength and need. The school will accept a limited number of students in 6th through 12th grade.

Highline students can engage in athletics through their neighborhood school.

Students and families can apply for the academy now. If interest exceeds enrollment capacity, students will be selected by lottery. Students living in the Highline service area will be prioritized over students from other districts.

Learn More About the New Virtual Academy
Information sessions will include a 30-minute presentation and 15 minutes of Q&A.

Thursday, January 28
6:00 p.m. – 6:45 p.m.
Zoom Link

Friday, January 29
4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Zoom Link

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UPDATE: Another power outage affecting parts of North Highline

January 22nd, 2021 Tracy Posted in Utilities, White Center news Comments Off on UPDATE: Another power outage affecting parts of North Highline

2:29 PM: Second big power outage this week – this time with about 5,700 homes and businesses affected, from Burien northward to southeast West Seattle, including parts of North Highline, as you can see above on the screengrab from the Seattle City Light map. This started around 1:10 pm; no word yet on the cause.

3:20 PM: Via Twitter, City Light says this was caused by “a downed tree that came into contact with overhead power lines.” A commenter on our partner site West Seattle Blog says the culprit tree appears to have been one that fell near the 509 ramp on the Olson/1st/etc. hill.

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UPDATE: Another power outage in White Center, West Seattle

January 21st, 2021 Tracy Posted in Utilities, White Center news 2 Comments »

7:24 AM: Thanks for the texts. More than 3,700 homes and businesses have lost power, from White Center to Westwood. No indication yet of the cause. Updates to come.

8:01 AM: Most have been restored after about an hour. Map shows one pocket remains, almost 400 customers in the Greenbridge area. (Added) SCL attributes the outage to “an underground issue.”

8:15 AM: The outage footprint, and cause, is similar to this December outage.

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You’re invited to talk about anti-displacement recommendations for North Highline

January 20th, 2021 Tracy Posted in King County, White Center news Comments Off on You’re invited to talk about anti-displacement recommendations for North Highline

As part of charting North Highline’s future, strategies are being developed to fight displacement. You’re invited to talk about it on January 30th. From King County’s David Goodman:

I would like to invite you to the upcoming Anti-Displacement Recommendations Discussion on January 30, 2021 from 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM, where community members will work together to develop recommendations for preventing displacement and increasing affordable housing in Skyway-West Hill and North Highline (White Center).

We will go over the strategies being considered and review the community feedback heard in the 2020 anti-displacement workshop series, but most of this meeting will be devoted developing recommendations and generating additional ideas for the County to consider.

Registration is now open!

All Skyway-West Hill and North Highline community members are invited to join this important conversation, even if you have not attended the prior anti-displacement workshops. Since this is a working meeting with limited time, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the strategies being discussed before January 30. Here are a couple easy ways to do that:

Check out our Anti-Displacement Strategy Toolkit – this toolkit contains the slides from each workshop session and helpful written explanations of each strategy. We will also be adding case studies to the toolkit in early January.

Watch the recorded Anti-Displacement Workshop Sessions. Each session is over 1.5 hours so it’s a bit of a commitment, but something you could listen to and watch while doing dishes or other activities.
Please register by January 26. To register go to:

This meeting will be held over Zoom, with meeting access information emailed to registered attendees. For any questions, please feel free to email Yasmeen Perez at

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POWER OUTAGE: Windstorm takes out electricity for 4,000+

January 13th, 2021 Tracy Posted in Utilities, Weather, White Center news 1 Comment »

Mid-evening, the National Weather Service issued a Wind Advisory alert … and a few hours later, the wind arrived. So far in the North Highline area, we have two major power outages with almost 11,000 customers out of power, plus another big outage in Burien. Stay indoors – lots of trees and wires down around the region.

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REOPENING: Southgate Roller Rink’s plan

January 10th, 2021 Tracy Posted in Coronavirus, Fun, southgate, White Center news 1 Comment »

Though the new statewide reopening plan still prohibits some things in Phase 1 – like indoor dining – it opens the door starting Monday for some indoor fitness and entertainment. Southgate Roller Rink has a plan under what’s allowed with the latter – here’s what they plan to do:

Reserve your space today! Under the new phase 1 guidelines for Entertainment Establishments, you can rent the rink privately for $78 per hour for up to 6 people beginning January 13th, 2021. Masks are required.

Reservations available 7 days a week from 12 pm-10 pm. Please give us a call at (206) 707-6949 or email us at!

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CANCELED: Tonight’s North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting is off

January 7th, 2021 Tracy Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news Comments Off on CANCELED: Tonight’s North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting is off

Just received:

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council Meeting scheduled for tonight, Thursday, January 7, has been cancelled..

Please plan on joining us for our next scheduled meeting on Thursday, February 4th.

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January 7th, 2021 Tracy Posted in Weather, White Center news Comments Off on WHITE CENTER SUNSET: Midweek marvel

Thanks to Gill for the view of Wednesday’s vivid sunset!

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THURSDAY: White Center Food Bank’s future, King County Local Services, and more @ North Highline Unincorporated Area Council

January 5th, 2021 Tracy Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news Comments Off on THURSDAY: White Center Food Bank’s future, King County Local Services, and more @ North Highline Unincorporated Area Council

Thursday night, you’re invited to 2021’s first North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting:

The Opportunity to Be Informed, Be Involved and Be Heard!

Where? North Highline Unincorporated Area Council Meeting

When? Thursday, January 7, 2021 at 7 pm

HOW: Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 979 1900 5010
Passcode: NHUAC2021 (case sensitive)

Call in:
253 215 8782
Meeting ID: 979 1900 5010
Passcode: 030143620

Good News! 2020 is over and 2021 offers new opportunities to support a healthy community that does not back away from our struggles. At our last meeting with Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon and Sen. Joe Nguyen, we heard that the White Center Food Bank (WCFB) may soon be displaced from its home near Dick Thurnau Memorial Park. WCFB’s Associate Executive Director Carmen Smith will join our first meeting of 2021 to update us on this essential community organization.

Because North Highline is an unincorporated area (not part of a city), King County serves as both our regional (county) and local (municipal) governments. Many of the decisions that will form our future are being made by King County Executive Dow Constantine and the King County Council and implemented by King County Local Services. King County government is a common denominator for the people of North Highline. Its impact includes:

COVID-19 to public health to economic and ethnic justice to segregation and discrimination to displacement, fair housing, and opportunity to schools, parks, and open spaces to density and permitting to roads and infrastructure, police, and public safety to fireworks and cannabis shops to taxes and the budget…

That is why NHUAC is pleased that we will also be joined by King County Councilmember Joe McDermott and John Taylor, the Director of the Department of Local Services.

The King County Sheriff’s Office is another essential part of our community. This month we will be joined by Major Jeffrey Flohr and Deputy Bill Kennamer.

Knowledge is power.
Learn, share, and help make North Highline a better place.

Thursday, January 7th, 7 pm

Our coverage of last month’s meeting is here.

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LOST DOG: Near the golf courses

January 4th, 2021 Tracy Posted in Lost and Found, Pets, White Center news Comments Off on LOST DOG: Near the golf courses

Be on the lookout!

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January 2nd, 2021 Tracy Posted in Lost and Found, Pets, White Center news 2 Comments »

(Willow is back home – previous information removed per our protocol for lost/found pet posts)

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Time to take out the tree: How to recycle yours

January 1st, 2021 Tracy Posted in Environment, Holidays, White Center news Comments Off on Time to take out the tree: How to recycle yours

O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree … time to take you out before you dry out. If you have curbside service from Waste Management, you can put yours out with your yard waste – just be sure it’s cut into sections no longer than four feet. Or if you just want to drop off the entire tree, here’s an option the next two days:

Annual Scout Troop Christmas Tree Recycling will be Jan. 2 & 3

January 2, 2021 – January 3, 2021

Burien Eagles, 920 SW 150th Street

9 am-4 pm both days

Local Scout Troop 375/8375 will be holding their annual Christmas Tree Recycle the weekend of Jan. 2 & 3, 2021. Bring your tree to their recycling station at the FOE Burien Eagles Lodge parking lot, located behind the Countryside Cafe. No flocked trees please. Suggested Donation $5.

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