Metro changes, WestSide Baby on the agenda for North Highline Unincorporated Area Council this Thursday

January 29th, 2012 Tracy Posted in Metro, North Highline UAC, WestSide Baby, White Center news Comments Off on Metro changes, WestSide Baby on the agenda for North Highline Unincorporated Area Council this Thursday

From North Highline Unincorporated Area Council president Barbara Dobkin, the agenda for, and a preview of, this Thursday night’s meeting:

Deanna Martin from King County Metro Transit will be providing updates on the scheduled transit service changes to White Center and beyond. Additionally, questions regarding safety at bus stops along 15th Avenue, as well as the 2-zone fare issue, will be discussed.

We also welcome Nancy Woodland, Executive Director, WestSide Baby, who will update the community on what is happening at WestSide Baby, as well as the “homeless summits” that she has been heading in White Center.

Metro’s revised proposal for fall “restructuring” is due out no later than this Wednesday, so that will be a particularly timely discussion. Click ahead to see the agenda in full: Read the rest of this entry »

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Happy Lunar New Year! Lion Dance at Ca’t Tuong Herb Shop in White Center

January 28th, 2012 Tracy Posted in Businesses, White Center news 1 Comment »

Story and video by Deanie Schwarz
Reporting for White Center Now

Au Lac Vovinam, a High Point-based martial-arts team, sent their Lion Dance Team to White Center this morning. Vanessa Nguyen, owner of the Ca’t Tuong Herb Shop, sought out the group for the annual ritual. According to Team Leader Doan Dinh, their group is open to young adults 14 years and older. (Au Lac is one of the ancient kingdoms of Vietnam and Vovinam is a lesser-known Vietnamese martial art.)

The video tells some of the story of a Buddhist monk charged with escorting the fierce, evil-spirit chasing lion-god from the street to the back of Nguyen’s herb shop, which she has owned for 19 years. Once the lion has done a thorough job of frightening all the dark spirits, the path of the New Year being celebrated during this month is made clear for the patrons and the shop. At last, the shop owner and the monk reward the lion with a head of lettuce and a small tip for the Lion Dance Team.

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Happy anniversary! Company Bar celebrates its first year

January 28th, 2012 Tracy Posted in Beverages, Businesses, White Center news 1 Comment »

Story and photos by Deanie Schwarz
Reporting for White Center Now

“It’s been a long year – in the best way, “ said Jesse Lovell, as he prepared the stage of his Company Bar for the first anniversary blowout Friday night. Some of Jesse’s rock-and-roll friends had put together an unnamed tribute band honoring the “Mighty Van Halen.”

When Company Bar opened in White Center a year ago, it happened to be Eddie Van Halen’s (a hard-rock guitarist) birthday. Jesse took that as a kind of cosmic sign because he had spent months remodeling the space to include the now nearly-famous men’s bathroom painted in the graphic pattern Van Halen had on one of his famous guitars circa “1984.”

On the anniversary, Jesse donned his VH shirt and a tie for the tribute:

The packed house of joyous rock and roll Company fans enjoyed menu items including fried chicken and Cuban pork sliders, and Hawaiian clam chowder as classic Van Halen tunes blasted down the performance space and out onto the street.

The rehearsed performances by patrons, a Company bartender and other friends were a way to say thanks to Jesse for what they say he has brought to the White Center community.

A regular patron told WCN that he has lived in White Center all his life and that he, like others in the area, gratefully have a safe place in the neighborhood to go for adult socializing and a reliable source of shared pride in their community.

(Company bartenders Aaron Garland and Ronnie Hill)
Jesse says he has thought about and learned a lot over the course of the year, but it is the tremendous support of the regulars from the White Center neighborhood he notes: “We have made a lot of friends; and we have seen people here making new friends. That’s been really satisfying.”

As for upcoming plans, Jesse says he is working toward upgrading the web site for the bar – perhaps sometime as soon as February, so keep an eye out on their Facebook page for updates.

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White Center Market temporarily closed by fire damage

January 27th, 2012 Tracy Posted in Fire, White Center news Comments Off on White Center Market temporarily closed by fire damage

The White Center Market at 98th and 16th SW is closed right now because of damage from a fire earlier this week, reports WCN contributor Deanie Schwarz (who also took the photo above). She talked with a fire-department battalion chief, who says it happened around 4 am Wednesday, when a King County Sheriff’s Deputy spotted flames on the alley-side exterior of the store. Multiple fire crews responded and kept the flames from spreading into the store’s wood ceiling and paneled exterior. The battalion chief tells WCN that the investigation so far suggests an electrical malfunction might have been to blame; WCN is told the store owner’s family does have insurance.

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One-Night Count finds 55 homeless people without shelter in White Center

January 27th, 2012 Tracy Posted in People, White Center news 2 Comments »

Organizers say they know it’s not the full number, but they do the best they can to muster a huge volunteer force to roam the county one night a year for the One-Night Count. It happened this morning, and White Center is among the areas that were visited. You can see the results here – including 55 people counted in White Center.

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Happy anniversary to Company! Join the party tonight

January 27th, 2012 Tracy Posted in Beverages, Businesses, White Center news Comments Off on Happy anniversary to Company! Join the party tonight

Jesse Lovell of Company in downtown White Center says they’re celebrating their first anniversary with a “great big rock and roll party” tonight, and inviting you to join in. 8 pm-2 am, with music, drink and food specials – details on this Facebook invitation.

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Update: White Center Pawn Pros robbery video

January 26th, 2012 Tracy Posted in White Center news Comments Off on Update: White Center Pawn Pros robbery video

3:40 PM: The King County Sheriff’s Office is making video available from surveillance cameras that were on during the Pawn Pros robbery night before last. It’s not available online yet but as soon as it is, we’ll make it available here.

4:09 PM UPDATE: The video’s on YouTube:

If you have any information, call 911.

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Mark your calendar: NHUAC’s Public Safety forum on February 9th

January 26th, 2012 Tracy Posted in Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, Safety, White Center news Comments Off on Mark your calendar: NHUAC’s Public Safety forum on February 9th

Talking about public safety is always timely – but in light of a few recent incidents, it’s an especially good time for a reminder that the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council is planning a forum on Public Safety in just two weeks. King County Sheriff’s Office storefront Deputy B.J. Myers has sent a reminder that it’s at 7 pm February 9th at North Highline Fire District HQ, 1243 SW 112th, with the evening including:

Guest Speaker: Detective Joe Gagliardi from the King County Sheriff’s Office and Burien Police Department Gang Unit will discuss what residents of White Center should know about gangs. Det. Gagliardi is one of the region’s foremost experts on criminal street gangs and has spoken in schools, courts, and community centers throughout King County. After serving with the Fairfield (CA) Police Dept., Det. Gagliardi has been working in White Center and Burien for years, making him uniquely knowledgeable about local gang issues.

Involvement: The Block Watch program will be highlighted and residents will be encouraged to get connected.

Forum: A discussion with Deputy BJ Myers about how to keep White Center safe and feeling safe.

That’s exactly one week after NHUAC’s next monthly meeting.

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White Center Weather Watch: Power outage; wind advisory extended

January 25th, 2012 Tracy Posted in Weather, White Center news Comments Off on White Center Weather Watch: Power outage; wind advisory extended

(Screengrab of SCL webmap with White Center-and-beyond outages as of 12:30 am, click for “live” version)
12:41 AM: Seattle City Light now has more than 7,000 homes and businesses out of power in parts of White Center, Top Hat, North Burien, and beyond, after hours of gusty wind. Earlier in the night, south West Seattle was hit the hardest by power problems, but those were fixed by 8 pm. Meantime, the National Weather Service’s wind advisory originally was going to expire at midnight, but it’s been extended till 4 am.

2:25 AM UPDATE: Looks like the White Center outage zone has been fixed.

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Update: King County Sheriff’s Office investigates robbery at White Center Pawn Pros

January 24th, 2012 Tracy Posted in Crime, White Center news Comments Off on Update: King County Sheriff’s Office investigates robbery at White Center Pawn Pros

9:16 PM: Thanks to those who tipped us about a major King County Sheriff’s Office presence just south of the White Center business district. Deputies were at Pawn Pros, where an employee’s spouse tells us the store was robbed tonight for the second time in less than two months, reportedly by six robbers, armed with “guns and bats.” No word of arrests so far.

10:09 PM: Channel 4 quotes KCSO as saying four men robbed the store, takeover style, and that they’re reviewing surveillance video. The TV account says one employee was hurt; our tipster’s spouse “got hit with (a) bat on the shoulder,” per the Twitter report.

12:49 PM WEDNESDAY: King County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Sgt. Cindi West says detectives are still working on getting that surveillance video. The only descriptions of the four robbers, she says, are that they were “black males” who got away on foot, with “an unknown amount of jewelry and cash.” At least one had a gun, the others had baseball bats, and they ordered everyone in the shop to get down on the ground.

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North Highline Fire District board meeting tonight

January 24th, 2012 Tracy Posted in North Highline Fire District, White Center news Comments Off on North Highline Fire District board meeting tonight

Continued from its regular third-Monday time slot, the North Highline Fire District Board of Commissioners meets tonight, 7 pm, NHFD headquarters. Read on for agenda details: Read the rest of this entry »

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Why there’s a roadblock in the heart of White Center

January 23rd, 2012 Tracy Posted in King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news 1 Comment »

(WCN photo by Patrick Sand)
Thanks to those who tipped us on this (206-293-6302 or any time): We went over to check out reports police had blocked off an area in the heart of White Center. We found 15th blocked near the dollar store, as you can see in our photo, with Seattle Police helping King County Sheriff’s Office deputies. We were told at the scene that they are talking with a man in a vehicle who is threatening to harm himself, in hopes they can get him to safely surrender. We will check back later to see if the situation is resolved.

ADDED: King County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Sgt. Cindi West confirms the man was successfully talked out of his car, and taken to Harborview Medical Center for evaluation.

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Update: Boundary Review Board votes to recommend approval of Burien annexation

January 23rd, 2012 Tracy Posted in Annexation, White Center news 3 Comments »

8 PM TOPLINE: The Boundary Review Board has just given its unanimous preliminary approval to Burien’s proposal to annex most of what’s left of unincorporated North Highline. Final approval wouldn’t come till its meeting next month. But that doesn’t make annexation a reality – Burien would still have to decide to take the matter to voters in the proposed annexation area. Below is how the board’s deliberations unfolded tonight, as the third and final session of its consideration of the matter (the previous two involved public testimony – tonight was only for board questions/deliberations and voting). A major supporter of Burien annexation, North Highline Unincorporated Area Council president Barbara Dobkin, is among those who were here, and she is all smiles, telling WCN, “This is great.”
(as-it-happened earlier coverage, leading to the vote:)

7:10 PM: We’re at Cascade Middle School in White Center. The Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County has just begun its third and final session considering Burien’s proposal to annex most of what remains of unincorporated North Highline. No public testimony tonight – just board deliberation.

Executive Secretary Lenora Blauman has just explained that February 16th is when the decision will be finalized; that triggers a 30-day appeal period, during which an appeal can be filed with the Superior Court. Whatever decision they reach tonight will be only preliminary until the rest of the process plays out.

Board member Charles Booth says he considers the presentation at the two previous meetings to have been comprehensive.

Board member Michael Marchand wondered about the finances of the proposal, and how much of a factor they should represent. Nobody else wanted to comment on that. Board chair Mary Lynne Evans brought up the comprehensive plan. “It’s going to be literally impossible to be 100 percent confident in the city’s” (ability to handle it), board member Claudia Hirschey then observed. “I think what’s very dramatic is that Burien is in a better financial position than the county itself,” she noted, particularly when it comes to potentially policing the area – citing testimony from Burien’s police chief that the city would be able to afford more policing of the area than the county. “I think there’s adequate enough information for citizens to vote on regarding annexation to Burien,” she concluded.

Marchand then said he appreciated Burien’s candor regarding the annexation not making sense if the sales-tax credit from the state is not available.

Board member Evangeline Anderson was impressed by testimony from those who were in the first Burien/North Highline annexation.

Marchand noted that the board had been asked to require some conditions but noted that it does not have that power. Board member Sylvia Bushnell followed up by saying she was frustrated that some of the districts did not have relevant agreements in place. Board member Laura Kiselius added some concern on that issue but said she doesn’t feel it needs to be resolved before they make a decision – but wondered about a finding that would ensure the areas not included in the proposal, known as the “sliver by the river” and the Delta Marine area, would still be covered by fire services.

7:22 PM: Board member Paul MacCready asks if it’s possible for them to find out what progress has been made toward agreements. The board’s lawyer, special assistant attorney general Bob Kaufman, says it’s not possible for them to have testimony on that – their decision must be made based on what they already have heard. Marchand says he feels comfortable things will work out on that front.

No one else has any comment to offer – so Hirschey makes a motion directing staff to prepare a resolution in favor of the annexation. “I feel this would complete the area between Burien and the city of Seattle,” she says, adding that she feels Burien annexation would be less disruptive to the unincorporated area’s current library and school service than Seattle annexation would. She adds, “The vast majority of the boundary is a logical service area.”

Evans asks for discussion. MacCready says, to “play devil’s advocate,” since part of White Center is considered to be in Seattle, how does annexing the rest to another city preserve a “natural neighborhood”? He cites testimony that “a third” of WC is believed to be within the Seattle city limits. Hirschey counters that she heard testimony that many in the area are more focused toward Burien. “If we did not annex this area to Burien, some would feel we hadn’t preserved natural neighborhoods.” Anderson then said she only heard one person saying they felt they were part of Seattle – “everybody else said they shopped in Burien, did their entertainment in Burien …”

Marchand jumped in to say it’s not unusual to hear that an annexation area “could go either way” – and “is the glass half full or half empty, is really contingent on how it’s drawn out.” Board member Charles Booth added that he felt he heard there was more affiliation and affinity with Burien than Seattle; Kiselius agreed. “This didn’t just come from individuals within the potential annexation area, but also from individuals within the previously annexed area … and that this annexation would be completing the North Highline community,” resolving “a fragmentation” that some felt occurred when Burien incorporated.

7:36 PM: Board chair Evans goes back to the financial issues, and saying that without the state sales tax credit being guaranteed, “I am worried” (about Burien’s financial stability, potentially post-annexation). Marchand says “the city will ultimately have to find a way” and doubts Burien would be pursuing this if it felt it was potentially ruinous, though he does say the city could have ‘done a better job’ of presenting “how those numbers would pan out,” particularly for questioning citizens.

Anderson says she’s impressed with Burien’s “prudence” in taking on North Highline annexation one bite at a time. She says that helps her have “faith” in its potential; she also remarks on those who said they felt that if the area became part of Seattle, it would seem “swallowed up.”

MacCready asks about the original concept that Seattle would most likely annex this part of North Highline and Burien the part it has since annexed. Blauman clarifies that the entire area was at one point considered a potential annexation area for both – and that led to a process resulting in some agreements and timelines, followed by the developments that led to this, when Seattle said it was OK with Burien pursuing this area too if they wanted to. Anderson recalled testimony from the previous process including people who wanted Burien to annex them at that time too. However, MacCready points out, this proposed annexation area includes more than one community – not just one big area that calls itself North Highline. He wants to make sure it truly qualifies as a “natural neighborhood” as state law spells out.

Kiselius picks up on that, saying that yes, some in the area identify more with the city of Seattle, but more people “who turned out to testify” said they identified with Burien. “No decision will ever make everybody happy.”

7:47 PM: “Ultimately, I’m comfortable with this because it goes to a vote [of the people],” says Hirschey – the board’s decision is not a final verdict on whether the annexation happens or not.

“It’s not uncommon (in annexations) to have factors that basically conflict with each other,” notes Marchand – you’ll have some place where one side of a street is part of city A and the other side is part of city B, “that can happen. … In this case, I do think, based on where Seattle and Burien came to agreement on … it was very compelling, and as board member Hirschey pointed out, it will ultimately go to the people, and for the people to decide, is very important.”

Then they discuss whether to amend the motion or append it, with some recommended conditions. Kiselius proposes “staff be directed to include language in the board’s resolution that the board strongly encourages the city of Burien and the two fire districts and whatever other parties would be appropriate to such an agreement to work very hard to reach an agreement … regarding fire service” for the “sliver by the river” and “Delta Marine” areas. Hirschey accepts the amendment. It’s seconded.

Anderson says she’s worried about writing this in, since “we don’t have any jurisdiction over their making this agreement,” fearing it could lead to some future legal liability. “I like clean motions that don’t leave any stepchildren out in the cold.” Kiselius clarifies she does not intend it to have any legal effect – just “to express a desire that the fire districts work together to resolve this issue.”

Asked for his opinion, Kaufman says the motion “does not give me any heartburn.”

The motion passes to amend the main motion. And it passes unanimously. At 7:58 pm, chair Evans gavels that part of the meeting, and there’s a break before the regular meeting convenes (with business not related to this matter, which now moves on to their February 16th meeting for finalizing).

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Reminder: Boundary Review Board’s final annexation meeting tonight

January 23rd, 2012 Tracy Posted in White Center news Comments Off on Reminder: Boundary Review Board’s final annexation meeting tonight

They reiterate that no public testimony will be allowed – but if you want to see and hear firsthand how the Boundary Review Board discusses the Burien annexation proposal for North Highline, following the two previous sessions, tonight’s the night, 7 pm, Cascade Middle School (scene of the two previous hearings, both of which we video-recorded).

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Monday school closure: Shorewood Elementary

January 23rd, 2012 Tracy Posted in White Center news Comments Off on Monday school closure: Shorewood Elementary

Thanks to Elissa for the heads-up: Shorewood Elementary School is still closed today – not snow/ice this time, but a power outage, one of three Highline Public Schools campuses with that problem this morning.

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Update: White Center Food Bank now OK on volunteers – thanks!

January 21st, 2012 Tracy Posted in White Center Food Bank, White Center news Comments Off on Update: White Center Food Bank now OK on volunteers – thanks!

A group of volunteers who were to help suddenly canceled – so Audrey Zemke at White Center Food Bank says they need “five to seven people” from about 10 am-1 pm. Can you help? Call 206-762-2848.

9:38 AM UPDATE: Handled! Thank you!

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White Center Art Walk delayed one week

January 21st, 2012 Tracy Posted in Arts, White Center news Comments Off on White Center Art Walk delayed one week

In the midst of the ice and snow, the advisory arrived … instead of happening tonight as usual, the White Center Art Walk will happen one week later than usual. January 28th will be the night, this time around.

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Metro hoping to return to normal this weekend

January 20th, 2012 Tracy Posted in Transportation, White Center news Comments Off on Metro hoping to return to normal this weekend

From Metro:

While King County Metro Transit bus routes remain on snow routing through the end of Friday, the agency hopes to begin returning to normal operations over the weekend.

People riding the bus Saturday and Sunday should check the Metro website before traveling, and do not expect all routes to return to regular service at the same time. Some parts of the county are still dealing with slushy and tree-covered roads, and snow routes or detours for the buses may be necessary for a few days in those areas.

It continues to be very important for Metro customers to watch for updated information online or through Transit Alerts.

Metro uses an online color-coded map to keep riders informed of the status of its bus service during storms. All bus routes are assigned into one or more of seven geographic areas within King County. When there is snow or ice on the roads, the service status of each area will be color coded and displayed on the online map.

Green indicates buses are operating on normal routes; yellow that some – but not all – routes in the area are on snow routes; and red tells you that all bus routes in the entire geographic area are on snow routing.

People can also call the Customer Information Office at (206) 553-3000 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Due to the volume of calls, there may be longer-than-normal waits on the phone.

Once again, Metro would like to thank its customer for their patience in dealing with service disruptions and delays caused by this week’s series of storms.

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White Center Snow Watch: Ongoing Friday updates …

January 19th, 2012 Tracy Posted in Schools, Weather, White Center news 1 Comment »

*Metro will remain on snow routing – Friday morning details here

*Seattle Public Schools already have announced they’ll be closed
*Highline Public Schools are closed Friday.
*So is West Seattle Montessori.
*Holy Family closed too.

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White Center Snow Watch: Thursday closures/changes

January 18th, 2012 Tracy Posted in Highline School District, Schools, Weather, White Center news 3 Comments »

(White Center snow fun photo courtesy of Gill)

Highline Public Schools have now announced they’ll be closed Thursday too.

ADDED 8:07 PM: Holy Family School and West Seattle Montessori are closed too.

ADDED THURSDAY 8:29 AM: White Center Food Bank closed.

Most trash pickups around the region are also canceled for today. And King County government is opening late, 10 am.

ADDED THURSDAY 10:29 AM: Via Facebook, we see the White Center CDA office is closed.

We also have received word that the White Center Kiwanis‘s Key Club dinner tonight is postponed – since the school’s closed! We’ll update the calendar listing with the new date (note – that’s 6:30 pm February 16th).

Any other closures/changes, please let us know – or you can call our 24-hour phone line (at West Seattle Blog HQ), 206-293-6302.

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