Local students’ pet-food drive ‘an overwhelming success’

May 11th, 2013 Tracy Posted in Pets, Schools, White Center news 1 Comment »

The recent pet-food donation drive by White Center-headquartered West Seattle Montessori/West Seattle Academy brought in 2,471 pounds of food! Heather Aquino shares photos and a report:

The West Seattle Academy’s 7th graders collected more than a ton of dog, cat, and even bird food for their school-wide pet food drive. The drive lasted three weeks and was a spirited contest between all of the classes in West Seattle Montessori and West Seattle Academy. The Yellow Room donated the most food, with a whopping 724 lbs donated to the cause. They were treated to an ice-cream party hosted by the 7th graders on Thursday, May 9th.

The report continues:

On Friday, May 3rd the 7th graders loaded up the school van with all of the large bags of dog and cat food and headed to the Humane Society of Seattle to drop it all off, take a tour of their facilities, and learn about how their donations help local families, senior pet owners on limited incomes, and people with terminal illnesses lacking the essential resources needed to tend for their furry companions.

With the bulk of the collected food being donated to the Humane Society, there is still a substantial amount that will be dispersed to smaller, local animal shelters in our community. The drive was an overwhelmingly huge success. Thank you to the Yellow Room and all of the students of West Seattle Montessori and Academy for an amazing experience that benefited not only the Humane Society, but that also inspired the giving spirit of our 7th graders.

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Friday in White Center: Another free-tacos Friday for those in need; volunteers welcome!

May 9th, 2013 Tracy Posted in Food, How to Help, White Center news 1 Comment »

Announced by Mark Ufkes:

Alex Campbell (Evergreen High School senior) and other community volunteers will be serving free Taco Time tacos in Steve Cox Park tomorrow at noon to our homeless community. We can always use more volunteers. They should arrive around 11:45 at Steve Cox Park near the White Center Chamber of Commerce office.

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Lineup’s out for Thursday night’s RatCity ArtCity art walk

May 8th, 2013 Tracy Posted in Arts, White Center news Comments Off on Lineup’s out for Thursday night’s RatCity ArtCity art walk

Tomorrow’s the night – 6-9 pm … here are the places you can go!

Big Al Brewing (9832 14th Ave SW)
Chris Doelling: Acrylic on Panel

Chris does mostly ‘vaguely landscape or organic abstracts’. Her work is wrought with depth and contrast found in the work pulls people in for a more prolific eye journey.

Center Studio (9611 16th Ave SW)
Jennifer Forland Lately: Installation

“Lately, I’ve been working on very small art – jewelry. For this project, I am really excited about creating something on a large scale, installation style. My current job at an eco-friendly remodeling company inspired me to use mostly repurposed materials for the project, something I’ve always done to a point because of budget, but now want to do with more intention. I’m inspired by people who evoke feeling with their art – whimsy, nostalgia, longing. This project has made me think a lot about creation (science, religion or art) and whether the process is ever finished. I am intrigued by the time it takes to recreate nature (using man-made materials) and the level of success actually achieved in the attempt.”

Company (9608 16th Ave SW)

Dubsea Coffee (9910 8th Ave SW)

Full Tilt (9629 16th Avenue SW)
Simon Campbell

Simon first adopted photography as his creative outlet of choice. He has been taking photographs for 20 years, after receiving a cheap 35mm point and shoot camera in his early teens. Ever since then he has been developing an eye for things artistic; color, light and balance. Other than art classes at senior school in his native England, he didn’t pick up the paintbrush again until 2005 into his mid-twenties.

Already experienced in photographic composition a steady stream of collages, mixed media, and paintings emerged. Influenced by many genres of visual arts, from classic photography to modern contemporary painting, he paints in sporadic bursts and can never tell when a painting is going to be finished or exactly how its going to look…..he just kinda flows with it.

Travel Photography has remained a creative spark. He would still consider himself just as much a photographer as a painter, his work can be found at www.2700art.com

Full Tilt will also be featuring a musical set by Jody Mckane (solo acoustic) and the band Ache (guitars, cello and singing).

GnuOrganics (9988 15th Ave SW, Ste G)
Always supporting multiple artists:

Brent Holland
Morgan Smalley – no web presence
Kelly Sorbel
Devin Norris – no web presence

and holding over is:

Guy Lindenmuth

Herban Legends (9169 16th Ave SW)
Joseph Brooks – Painting, Drawing, Coloring

I love the process of making stuff with my hands. I really like creating a new style or a new way of working with materials that I normally wouldn’t use for a certain application. I make things I guess because it is my way of understanding this life. As long as I can remember I was always drawing. There is nothing like the way I feel after finishing something new. Some times the feeling is more prominent than others but it always makes me feel good, like I left something of me behind. It’s more than esthetics, because even pieces I don’t like as much still have something of myself in them.

King County Sheriff’s Office (9609 16 Av SW)
Daffodil paintings by Ms. Sager’s Roxhill Elementary 1st Graders

Luso Food & Wine (9614 16th Ave SW)

Mago Signs (10032 16th Ave SW)

Meanders (9635 16th Ave SW)

Proletariat Pizza/ Caffe Delia (9622-A 16th Ave SW)
Art from the personal collection of Mike and Stefanie Albaeck

Salvadorean Bakery (1719 SW Roxbury St)

Zippy’s Giant Burgers (9614 14th Ave SW)
Mike Mullins:
Mike Mullins is a Seattle artist whose love of pop culture and graffiti is combined in his work. He has worked in many mediums but his current obsession is recycling old records by putting monsters and pop culture icons on them. Everyone from Frankenstein, to Darth Vader, to Mr T, and Jack Skellington is represented in his work. You can view and purchase his work at etsy.com/shop/spookydesigns.

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Late-night house fire under investigation

May 8th, 2013 Tracy Posted in Fire, North Highline Fire District, White Center news Comments Off on Late-night house fire under investigation

Fire did major damage to a house on 28th SW just north of Explorer West Middle School late Tuesday night. A King County fire investigator was on scene early this morning trying to find out what started the fire; the incident commander from North Highline Fire District told WCN that the homeowner wasn’t home when it started – though he had arrived by the time we got there – and nobody was hurt.

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Remembering longtime florist Laurie Rosenthal, 1946-2013

May 4th, 2013 Tracy Posted in Obituaries, People, White Center news 1 Comment »

Family and friends are remembering longtime florist Laurie Rosenthal, 66, this weekend. (You might remember her from the now-closed White Center shop South End Florist.) Here’s the remembrance her family shared:

Laurie Jean Rosenthal, was born to Louis and Leona Hostak on December 31, 1946 and passed away after a short battle with cancer on May 1, 2013.

Laurie was a faithful, loving and passionate daughter, mother, aunt, grandmother and friend. She stayed in the Seattle area all of her life, and was a popular florist at Fran’s Flowers and South End Florist for many years. She will be remembered for her great sense of humor, practical jokes, love of animals, and most of all, her love of family. She adored the love of her life Lonnie, her son Joe and daughter-in-law Debbie, and her son Tony and daughter-in-law Tina. She also loved teasing her brothers and their wives Jim and Mary and Don and Myrna. She was preceded in death by her brother Bob.

She especially loved her grandchildren Anthony, Joshua and Katie. Anytime Josh and Anthony had a baseball game, you would find her in the stands cheering as loud as she could. She never missed a game! She also enjoyed camping and ice cream with Katie. Her numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins were near and dear to her heart. Lana and Bev were her dearest friends and she loved them and their families with all of her heart. She loved all of her many friends and cherished each friendship. All who knew her, loved her and will greatly miss her.

An open house to celebrate Laurie’s life will be held on Saturday, May 4 at 1pm in Enumclaw. Contact Tony at tlrosenthal@comcast.net for details.

In lieu of flowers, please make a donation in her name to your favorite animal charity.

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Reader’s open letter: ‘Here is what I would like to see Jubilee Days do to rebuild some bridges’

May 3rd, 2013 Tracy Posted in Letters to the Editor, White Center Jubilee Days, White Center news 6 Comments »

We’ve received another letter referring to the recent Jubilee Days-related controversy. This is from White Center business owner Justin Cline:

Yesterday a representative from Jubilee Days Board came in with the intentions of unburning some bridges. I think this is a wonderful start. Here is what I would like to see Jubilee Days do to rebuild some bridges.

Involve the community. All the smaller fairs in the area make it a point to include local businesses and art groups, not just take their donations. The Cambodian Festival, The Fair at Sacred Heart, and the various festivals and fairs that the WCCDA host throughout the year manage to bring in our local ethnic restaurants as vendors. Jubilee Days has the same guy selling hot dogs and Elephant Ears year after year. The parade has almost no local involvement. Instead groups from Eastern Washington and farther are paid well to march in our parade.

Thank the people that made your festival happen last year. Most of the people that put on the auction last year didn’t even get a mention in your program. Most of what they heard were complaints from the board. Is it a surprise they are not willing to help again? If you made some earnest and sincere apologies, I am sure it would go a long way.

Make good on the promises you made last year. Put up banners for all the businesses you forgot to last year. Put in the ads you forgot to print. Refund the money you took from Southgate Roller Rink.

Finally, elect a new President. Mike McGrath’s complete disdain for local business and the community in general is not doing you any favors. Last year when asked why he was blocking of the entry way to the Southgate Roller Rink. He said, “F**k them. I don’t have time for this. I am not here to make businesses happy, I am here to put on a festival.”

He said this in front of me and several other people. Southgate donated thousands of dollars in money and in-kind donations, and all they asked was that their entryway was left open so they could participate in the street fair. Mike deliberately cut them out. Even after the festival was over, Mike made no effort to correct this. He has a long history of burning bridges in this area using this festival. Chase Bank won’t donate to you again because Mike promised them a booth and an ad, took their money and then did nothing for them. No booth, no ad. He did something similar to a local couple that donated money for a memorial. They got nothing. It is time to find a new director for your festival if you are truly going to take this into a new direction.

Do that this year, and then come back next year and we will talk about donating again. Until then I will continue to encourage people to avoid this fair.

Justin Cline

The opinions expressed in letters are solely those of the writers, not of WCN. Letters can be sent to whitecenternow@gmail.com.

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Video: King County Sheriff, North Highline fire chief @ North Highline Unincorporated Area Council’s public-safety forum

May 3rd, 2013 Tracy Posted in Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, North Highline UAC, Video, White Center news Comments Off on Video: King County Sheriff, North Highline fire chief @ North Highline Unincorporated Area Council’s public-safety forum

That’s our video of last night’s North Highline Unincorporated Area Council public-safety forum, featuring King County Sheriff John Urquhart and North Highline’s Fire Chief Mike Marrs. One of the hottest topics: Whether the KCSO White Center Storefront Deputy position will continue to be funded. Sheriff Urquhart said he was committed to keeping it – but budget pressure could trump his intentions, so everyone who wants it to be kept should contact their representatives, particularly King County Executive Dow Constantine and County Councilmember Joe McDermott. (Their e-mail addresses: dow.constantine@kingcounty.gov and joe.mcdermott@kingcounty.gov … we’ll keep you updated on the county-budget process and potential touchstones along the way for this issue.)

The storefront deputy himself, Deputy BJ Myers, briefed attendees on current area crime trends – biggest news was an arrest of three alleged serial burglars.

White Center’s continuing-to-grow marijuana industry also was brought up, particularly the reported plan for the former Club Evo site to go into that line of business. It was noted that the injunction covering the site remains in force, so no one can open any kind of nightlife business there.

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Pancake lovers’ favorite day of the year is this Saturday

May 2nd, 2013 Tracy Posted in Businesses, Food, White Center news Comments Off on Pancake lovers’ favorite day of the year is this Saturday

You can’t beat a free breakfast. And this Saturday is the day some pancake fans wait all year to see – and taste: The annual free pancake breakfast at White Center’s McLendon Hardware (as well as the company’s half-dozen other stores). 7:30-10 am, they’re welcoming you for the free flapjacks at 16th and 102nd, in honor of their 79th anniversary – more info online.

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Just two nights till North Highline Unincorporated Area Council’s next Public Safety Forum

April 30th, 2013 Tracy Posted in Crime, Fire, King County Sheriff's Office, North Highline Fire District, North Highline UAC, White Center news Comments Off on Just two nights till North Highline Unincorporated Area Council’s next Public Safety Forum

Questions about crime prevention and crimefighting, fire prevention and firefighting? Here’s your reminder that you’ll want to be at the North Highline Fire District HQ this Thursday night (May 2) for the next North Highline Unincorporated Area Council Public Safety Forum. From the original announcement:

We are pleased to be hosting King County Sheriff John Urquhart and North Highline Fire Chief Mike Marrs.

Sheriff Urquhart will be here to take our questions, and listen to community concerns about public safety and the sheriff’s department staffing levels for the North Highline area.

Once again our White Center Storefront Deputy position is in jeopardy, as the special funding allocated in 2011 expires at the end of 2013. Will the 2014 budget include funding for this essential position?

The North Highline Fire District, which is funded solely by property tax money from North Highline, is facing critical financial challenges. Chief Marrs will discuss the history of our North Highline Fire District, operational status, and future challenges and options.

Storefront Deputy BJ Myers is scheduled to be there too. The forum’s set to start at 7 pm Thursday, 1243 SW 112th – everybody welcome.

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White Center homeowner gets help from Rebuilding Together Seattle

April 30th, 2013 Tracy Posted in How to Help, White Center news Comments Off on White Center homeowner gets help from Rebuilding Together Seattle

Last weekend, all over the metro area, Rebuilding Together Seattle brought help to dozens of homeowners who needed it – for cleanup, repairs, and renovations enabling them to stay in their homes. One of those homes was in White Center, where Jessica and her son got help from a volunteer group led by workers from Booz Allen Hamilton Consulting. Know someone who might need this kind of helping hand? Check out RTS by going here.

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Know anyone missing a puppy?

April 29th, 2013 Tracy Posted in Pets, White Center news Comments Off on Know anyone missing a puppy?

Know this pup? It’s been found – and here’s how to get it home again:

This is a lost puppy I found in White Center. Please message me at 206-353-9066 or e-mail me at sovannaryyy@gmail.com if this dog looks familiar to you.

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White Center community invited to Gathering of Neighbors next Saturday

April 29th, 2013 Tracy Posted in West Seattle, White Center news Comments Off on White Center community invited to Gathering of Neighbors next Saturday

White Center and West Seattle organizations and community leaders are gathering this Saturday for the annual Gathering of Neighbors, and you’re invited – the first half includes conversations on topics including WC history; the second half is a resource fair with community organizations, and entertainment. Here’s the announcement:

Gather with your West Seattle/White Center neighbors this Saturday at Chief Sealth.

On Saturday, May 4th, at 9:00 am at Chief Sealth International High School, VIEWS (Visualize Increased Engagement West Seattle), Southwest Youth & Family Services, the Delridge Neighborhoods District Council, and the Southwest District Council will present the 2013 edition of the Gathering of Neighbors. GON has also partnered with the City of Seattle, Seattle Public Utilities, Rainwise Program to offer Delridge residents the opportunity to learn how water barrels and rain gardens can help improve the environment. SPU and their contractors will be available to demonstrate and answer all your questions.

This year’s event will feature several plenary sessions that we hope will encourage residents, schools, agencies, and community leaders to create new partnerships to meet the changing and challenging needs in the community:
· 9:00am – Social/Refreshments
· 9:30 am – Welcoming Ceremonies
· 10:00am – Honoring our Diverse Northwest Culture
· 10:20am – Sessions
Ø Should We Elect Our Seattle City Council by Districts?
Ø Rain Gardens and Other Creative Way to Improve and Make Your Neighborhood Beautiful
Ø Working Together to Build Stronger Communities
Ø Connecting Resources to Needs When a Major Disaster Hits – Emergency Communication Hubs
Ø Diaries of White Center – A Historical Documentary
· 11:05 – Repeat Sessions
· Noon – The State of West Seattle/Wrap-up
· Resource Fair/Entertainment

During the afternoon the GON Resource Fair will feature neighborhood councils, non-profits and social service providers, a selection of representatives from various city and county departments, plus local entertainment to celebrate the Gathering of Neighbors and the connections we have made. Will you join us? Starting at 12:30 the entertainment will feature:

Ø 12:30 pm – Twelfth Night Productions – Broadway show tunes
Ø 1:00 pm – Ellis Brothers – Middle schools trio of Jazz playing brothers
Ø 1:45 pm – Trackademics – Sealth group
Ø 2:15 pm – DK Dwyer – Chicago style blues (acoustic)

Chief Sealth IHS is at 2600 SW Thistle in West Seattle.

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White Center weekend scenes: Cambodian New Year Festival

April 28th, 2013 Tracy Posted in Fun, White Center news Comments Off on White Center weekend scenes: Cambodian New Year Festival

A little chilly today for a street festival, but the hundreds who thronged the White Center Cambodian New Year Festival didn’t seem to mind. Along with almost-continuous on-stage entertainment and contests, there was food …

… and merchandise, including T-shirts to show off Cambodian pride:

The day’s events were detailed in the program on the sponsoring Cambodian Cultural Alliance of Washington‘s website. It’s traditionally the first street festival of the year in White Center, filling a closed-to-traffic block of SW 98th between 15th and 16th SW.

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At Southgate on Sunday: Skate to help a mom battling ALS

April 25th, 2013 Tracy Posted in How to Help, southgate, White Center news Comments Off on At Southgate on Sunday: Skate to help a mom battling ALS

This Sunday, you can rollerskate at Southgate Rink for a special reason: West Seattle resident Kathy Himes has organized a skating benefit to help her friend Pauline Hunt, a former professional mountain biker who now is living with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. They’re raising money for a Habitat for Humanity renovation for the home where Pauline and her family, including her two young daughters, live, so that it will be wheelchair-accessible. It’s an international effort – Pauline is in Canada and is getting help from friends around the world, including Kathy. So come skate 5-7 pm on Sunday, April 28, for $12, which covers skate rental and a suggested donation. Kathy says there’ll be raffles too, thanks to donations from generous businesses including White Center’s own Zippy’s Giant Burgers, Full Tilt Ice Cream, and Meander’s Kitchen. (See the event flyer here.)

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White Center restaurants: Proletariat Pizza expands into space next door

April 24th, 2013 Tracy Posted in Restaurants, White Center news 3 Comments »

White Center’s wildly popular Proletariat Pizza is expanding – into the former tattoo-shop space next door. That means more room for sit-down dining, including a long space that could accommodate bigger groups, like youth-sports team parties. And there’s a quiet space off to the side intended as an adults-only area. The work isn’t done yet, note proprietors Stefanie and Mike Albaeck, so what you see in our photo is not the final look, nor the final table/chairs setup – it was just this past Monday that they knocked out a few walls to connect the spaces. But they’re expecting the expanded space to be at least partly usable, with temporary tables, tomorrow (Thursday) night when Proletariat takes part in Dining Out for Life, so stop by and take a peek. Proletariat’s been open 3 1/2 years now, at 9622 16th SW; in the mornings and early afternoons, the space is home to Caffé Delia.

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2013 White Center Cambodian New Year Street Festival this Saturday

April 23rd, 2013 Tracy Posted in Fun, White Center news Comments Off on 2013 White Center Cambodian New Year Street Festival this Saturday

Music, dancing, food, and more will fill a block of SW 98th (between 15th and 16th SW) in White Center this Saturday, 10:30 am-5 pm, and you’re invited. The occasion: The annual White Center Cambodian New Year Street Festival. It’s presented by the Cambodian Cultural Alliance of Washington; our coverage from last year is here; from 2011, here; from 2009, here.

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Earth Day in action: Greening and cleaning White Center wetland

April 22nd, 2013 Tracy Posted in Environment, White Center news, Wildlife 2 Comments »

A beautiful Earth Day at the White Center Pond wetlands! Thanks to Gill for sharing photos, including a Washington Conservation Corps member who was out with a group doing cleanup and planting as part of ongoing restoration work here.

Some of the local wildlife posed with the new plantings, too:

The mallards (above) were joined by Canada geese:

The pond is not only a functional wetland, but also helps the area handle stormwater.

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Two White Center restaurants in Dining Out for Life

April 22nd, 2013 Tracy Posted in Food, How to Help, White Center news Comments Off on Two White Center restaurants in Dining Out for Life

Two White Center restaurants are signed on for this year’s Dining Out for Life fundraiser for Lifelong AIDS Alliance: Company and Proletariat Pizza. The event is this Thursday (April 25th), and both are participating at dinnertime, donating 30 percent of their proceeds.

P.S. If you’re reading this in neighboring West Seattle – four participants there (also for dinner); they are Buddha Ruksa, Eats Market Café, Skylark Café and Club, and Talarico’s;

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Sheriff, fire chief to headline next North Highline Unincorporated Area Council public-safety forum

April 22nd, 2013 Tracy Posted in King County Sheriff's Office, North Highline UAC, White Center news 4 Comments »

From North Highline Unincorporated Area Council president Barbara Dobkin, word of the slate for NHUAC’s next public-safety forum:

Mark your calendars.

The North Highline Unincorporated Area Council invites you to a Public Safety Forum:
Thursday, May 2, 7 pm at the North Highline Fire Station (1243 112th Street SW).

We are pleased to be hosting King County Sheriff John Urquhart and North Highline Fire Chief Mike Marrs.

Sheriff Urquhart will be here to take our questions, and listen to community concerns about public safety and the sheriff’s department staffing levels for the North Highline area.

Once again our White Center Storefront Deputy position is in jeopardy, as the special funding allocated in 2011 expires at the end of 2013. Will the 2014 budget include funding for this essential position?

The North Highline Fire District, which is funded solely by property tax money from North Highline, is facing critical financial challenges. Chief Marrs will discuss the history of our North Highline Fire District, operational status, and future challenges and options.

Also on hand will be our White Center Storefront Deputy, BJ Myers.

Please plan on attending and being part of this very informative and important conversation about life in North Highline.

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Highline Schools’ district-wide food drive continues this week

April 21st, 2013 Tracy Posted in Highline School District, How to Help, White Center Food Bank, White Center news Comments Off on Highline Schools’ district-wide food drive continues this week

If you have a child in Highline Public Schools and can donate money and/or food to local food banks – the district-wide food drive’s second and final week starts tomorrow (Monday, April 22nd). As is pointed out in the official announcement, beneficiaries include White Center Food Bank – and one dollar donated to a food bank can have the spending power of up to four! Plus, donations before the end of April count for more at food banks such as WC that are participating in the Feinstein Challenge.

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