Everybody has a story to tell.
South King County residents now have an outlet to share their unique stories with their community.
Their outlet is “7 Stories,” a monthly night of storytelling at the Highline Heritage Museum, 819 SW 152nd St., in Burien.

The concept is simple: Seven storytellers tell seven different stories in seven minutes each. Each evening has an overall theme, loosely interpreted.
The programs are introduced by the hosts for the evening who share a biography of each storyteller
From crass to delicate, told by wallflowers or clowns, these real stories are mesmerizing, raw, powerful or humorous. Don’t think fables, ghost or children’s stories. This is not a theatrical performance but true stories from friends, acquaintances or a community member you have never met. Storytellers are encouraged to use the language they feel most comfortable with. Stories are memorized and told from the heart. The event is livestreamed and later put on YouTube.
Storytellers are picked in advance. To apply, go to http://burienculturehub.com/7stories.
The mission of 7 Stories is to build community, strengthen our understanding and appreciation of our rich diversity and celebrate it, through the telling of our stories.
Organizers are seeking storytellers for the next event on Friday, November 19. The theme is “Plan B.”
We all had to have a plan B during Covid! Or maybe we didn’t. Or maybe our plan B was only developed when Plan A went sideways. Maybe on that vacation you wished you had a Plan B. You get the idea.
Upcoming themes include, “If Only I’d Listened,” December 17; “How Did I Get Here,” January 28; “My First Crush,” February 25 and “When I was a Kid,” March 25.
The concept for 7 Stories was imported down by Sybil Davis, who moved from Juneau to Burien in 2010. In Juneau, Sybil attended similar events, where they were called “Mudrooms,” to evoke people swapping stories on their front stoops.
Sybil felt the South King County and West Seattle area was ripe for a community building program that explores and shares the stories of its residents.
The Highline Heritage Museum, Burien Arts Association and Burien Culture Hub enthusiastically signed on as sponsors.