Hot finds at the swap meet!

There may not have been a lot of vendors, but the ones that were there were great! And they’ll be back tomorrow. Check out my new work shoes, only $15!

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4 Responses to “Hot finds at the swap meet!”

  1. very cool…now I need to come get ice cream just to see them :)

  2. mmmmm ice cream. Yes please.
    We couldn’t make it to the swap meet this weekend for health reasons, but next weekend we’re all over it! Neither of us have been to a swap meet since we were in So. Cal. I remember the big ones in the parking lot of the sports arenas. They were a really big deal. I love a good swap meet.

  3. while this event was small, i got a few really fun things at the swap meet- a earing/necklace set for $10, an old ‘black sheep’ cassette tape and a yummy loaf of pumpkin bread! i hope that vendors/shoppers were not discouraged by seeing just a few vendors. i hope that as word gets around and more folks check it out- this will grow. i too grew up with swap meets and would be really psyched to see one evolve here.

  4. We checked it out, too, and though small, it was fun. We’ll be back regularly, and looking forward to seeing this grow.