POLITICS: 34th District Democrats’ leadership election

(Also published on partner site West Seattle Blog)

After two years as chair of our area’s biggest political organization, the 34th District Democrats, Carla Rogers watched tonight as her successor was elected.

Graham Murphy (right) is now the 34th DDs’ chair, winning the only contested seat of the night; David Toledo also ran for the spot. Murphy promised to lead the group forward as it prepares for two key election years – with an open City Council seat this year, and a presidential race next year.

Others elected at tonight’s online meeting:

1st Vice Chair – Rachel Glass
2nd Vice Chair – Jordan Crawley
State Party Representative – Chris Porter
State Party Representative – Roxanne Thayer
King County Central Committee Representative Bunny Hatcher, Leah Griffin (alternate)
King County Central Committee Representative – Ted Barker, Preston Anderson (alternate)
Treasurer – Julie Whitaker
Secretary – Steve Butts

ENDORSEMENTS: The 34th DDs voted to support passage of Seattle Initiative 135, the “social housing” measure that is the only thing on Seattle ballots for the February 14th special election. (White Center/North Highline have nothing this time around.)

Also endorsed: Longtime 34th DDs member Chris Porter, in his bid for re-election as a King Conservation District supervisor. This is an entirely different election that’ll be held online, with three weeks of voting starting January 24th.

APRIL ELECTION? While votes were counted in the chair contest, the group heard from two elected officials – King County Executive Dow Constantine and County Councilmember Joe McDermott – who both mentioned the behavioral-health levy that’s expected to go to King County voters in April.

The 34th District Democrats meet second Wednesdays of most months – watch for updates at 34dems.org.

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One Response to “POLITICS: 34th District Democrats’ leadership election”

  1. Chris Porter, who is running a seat for King Conservation District, is the reason I even know that the King Conservation District even exists. I was shocked that it was not included in the February special election ballot and that you have to go online to vote. I felt that more people should know about this election, so I made a very short video at https://bit.ly/kcd_election that tells voters exactly where to go to cast their vote. If you are going to vote, do it before the election ends on February 14.