Seen at the 2013 White Center Jubilee Days street fair

The fog hadn’t burned off yet when we stopped by the White Center Jubilee Days street fair earlier today – so Deano the Clown‘s bright makeup and costume really stood out against the gray sky. Another standout element, as always: The volunteers who put in so much time and effort to make your community a better place, like White Center Food Bank board member Jun Tay, photographed at the WCFB booth:

And the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council, whose booth was anchored by NHUAC members Liz Giba and Pat Price, along with Bob Price, when we visited:

Also on hand – robotics students from the Evergreen campus demonstrating their frisbee-flinging robot in the KeyBank lot:

Jubilee Days entertainment continues until 6 pm today. This is the 90th edition of the festival!
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July 22nd, 2013 at 4:02 pm
Good job, sorry I couldn’t be there. Noticed that didn’t carry a single story about it. Their schedule calendar doesn’t show it either but put something about ‘big bertha’ in that slot. hmmm.