White Center Food Bank summer open house next Saturday, starring The Henriettas

We’re now less than a week away from the White Center Food Bank‘s next open house – which, WCFB notes, will star its chickens The Henriettas:
White Center Food Bank would like to invite everyone in our community to Meet the Henriettas, our food bank chickens. at our Summer Open House on August 4, 2012 from 11 am until 2 pm. It will be an opportunity to learn about volunteering, tour our facilities and demonstration gardens, which should be in full growing glory.
We love our Henriettas even though they only lay one egg a day per girl – we enjoy the delight on children’s faces when they see where eggs really come from. We will also be launching Team Henrietta – a new giving program to assist us in providing eggs to all our clients. Open to all, no RSVP required. For more information, contact Ann Kendall at ann@whitecenterfoodbank.org.
The food bank is at 8th and 108th in White Center.
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