Video: Suspect arrested after White Center bank robbery

(Photos by Patrick Sand for West Seattle Blog/White Center Now)
10:33 AM: There’s a search after a robbery was reported at Chase Bank in White Center. Seattle Police are helping search. There’s word of a possible suspect found to the south, but the search will continue until and unless that is verified. Updates to come.
10:46 AM UPDATE: A suspect was taken into custody at 19th/104th; we were there and will add photos. Right now we’re back at the bank to gather more information.

10:58 AM UPDATE: KCSO Sgt. Cindi West says deputies spotted the suspect “jogging” in the area. He was found to have a gun and a bag in his possession. The robber was reported to have shown a gun. So he remains in custody. Added a photo from the bank; arrest-scene photo shortly.
11:35 AM UPDATE: Just added the above clip, with Sgt. West explaining what happened. This is the second White Center bank holdup in less than two weeks. Just yesterday, we reported on the charge filed against the suspect arrested days after the one at KeyBank on July 13th.
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July 26th, 2012 at 10:08 am
I know this is off topic but why do they not have the big fair one block east? Where it is at now makes no sense. All the stores and resturants are on that street. You have fultilt, the pizza palor, the bbq joint, the company bar, white center pho, the police substation. I mean all the main stores are on that street. You would think that it would be better for there bussisnes. Instead we have it where there is nothing.
July 28th, 2012 at 2:30 pm
boy, I agree with you and have asked the same question since Jubilee Days was moved to 17th. Bottom line is the businesses on 16th at the time didn’t want it there.
August 1st, 2012 at 10:38 am
If the White Center merchants are not all happy with Jubilee Days using the main streets. Thier is an alternative Lakewood Park has thirty acres and next door the Evergreen Athletic fields has 22 acres. Parking is plentiful three lots at the schools and two lots at the Park.
Also three covered picnic shelters and restrooms at the park and one at the Athletic Fields. In the 1950’s Lakewood park was used for Futurama days coronation of Miss SW Seattle,Aquatic Ballet by 16 local girls trained by the Hicklin Lakes life guard,fireworks sponsored by the Chamber, and a brand new 1956 voltswagon was one of the 101 prizes given away.
Just a thought.