Update: Village Green Perennial Nursery’s Vera Johnson celebrates: ‘Keep going, just keep going’; benefit nets $1,000+

(Vera, daughter Johanna, White Center Food Bank’s Rick Jump)
Story and photos by Deanie Schwarz
Reporting for White Center Now
Supportive friends, businesses and well-wishers from White Center and beyond arrived through the evening at last night’s party/rally/benefit at Big Al Brewing – to listen to music, put in bids on generously donated auction items and congratulate Vera Johnson, a local hero to many and an inspiration to struggling homeowners well beyond White Center.

Her monthly payments have been reduced on her new Fannie Mae loan and in this economy, she says, it still will be a stretch and it will still climb every year for five years to cap at 6%, she believes, but she has yet to see the actual paperwork and is hoping that she will on Thursday. Even so, the burden has been lightened so that Vera can pursue strategies for increased revenue that she hopes will include regular events at the nursery, such as weddings and music performances.

(added Thursday afternoon) Co-organizer Aileen Sison (above) says the event raised more than $1,000, in addition to Big Al’s donating a portion of the proceeds.

(Dave & Christine Spencer (of Triangle Tavern with dog Peanut, Ronda Stapleton of Full Tilt and son Zeke share in the celebration)
Vera mentioned that the first time she went to the Bank of America Customer Assistance Center in downtown Seattle, she was the only person there. The next time she went there were only a handful of people getting assistance from the five or six people she believes work there strictly on loan modifications. “I am not convinced that people know that that Center is available to the extent that they should, “ wondering aloud why that information hasn’t been made more available to Bank of America customers.
 did a lot for me. There are almost 17,000 signatures on it at this point and that is what got me the media attention, I am convinced…but beyond that, people cannot stop working toward their goal of modification. Don’t take no for an answer. Keep going. Just keep going.”</p>
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September 2nd, 2011 at 6:36 am
This is great news – congratulations! Wish we could have made the event, but it’s great to see all the community support. Go, White Center!