Medical marijuana dispensary Herban Legends to open in White Center

WSB contributor Deanie Schwarz has been investigating reports of potential medical-marijuana dispensaries opening in White Center, and has just confirmed one.
First, a little context: While the state says dispensaries are illegal, county and city authorities have said that since medical marijuana itself IS legal, dispensaries are doing business in a gray area, and they are hopeful that the State Legislature will vote soon to allow regulation of these types of operations. (There is a bill, SB 5073, that has passed the State Senate and is now making its way through the State House.)
Now, Deanie’s report:
Property owner Tan Chung confirmed to WCN earlier this week that he had leased his space, the former EZ Aquarium at 9619 16th SW, to a medical marijuana dispensary, but was unable at that time to identify the company name.
WCN has confirmed this morning with the new store’s owner, Chris Cody of West Seattle, that Herban Legends dispensary is tentatively scheduled to open there around May 1.
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April 3rd, 2011 at 1:32 pm
We don’t need this kind of thing in White Center. These dispensaries aren’t fooling anyone, they sell weed. Anyone with a nonsense medical diagnosis can go in and buy weed. If Mr. Cody wants to sell it he can just do it discretely from his home in West Seattle. We have enough to worry about in White Center without a bunch of stoners coming around. Anyone who has ever been to Amsterdam can tell you that with the weed stores come people selling hard drugs on the street. We are just starting to see some positive changes in White Center, we don’t need this.
April 4th, 2011 at 9:26 am
One opened up at the old Hang Around Bar at 9810 16th avenue SW Too! this is getting pretty bad!
April 4th, 2011 at 9:53 am
I’m not sure what part of White Center Mr Merta is living in but the White Center that I live in is already riddled with hard drugs. Every time I go on a walk I see little empty plastic bags (with white and brown residue, not green) and have seen used hypodermic needles around as well. Spend any real time on the street and it would be hard not to see some sort of illicit transaction happening at any given time. To say that a medical marijuana dispensary will invite hard drug dealers into our community would be to ignore the harsh and unfortunate reality is that they are already here and thriving.
Mr Merta, I’m very happy that you don’t have a “nonsense medical condition” that you need to “buy weed” in order to help ease your pain and suffering. For those dealing with cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, glaucoma, and epilepsy (to name a few of what I’m guessing you consider “nonsense medical conditions”) medical marijuana is often times the only drug that helps. Marijuana is not for everyone, this is absolutely true, but to force those that it does benefit to continue to buy “discretely” seems to encourage the same activity you don’t want happening. Are there people that will be buying marijuana that might be using it recreationally? Yes I’m sure there will be. People have been getting high for a very long time, but to place blame on “a bunch of stoners” for the social ills of society is pretty far fetching.
Of course if you are worried about longer lines at the taco truck and Full Tilt running out of ice cream, I can totally see your point…
April 5th, 2011 at 1:19 am
So businesses selling weed are going to be so much worse then the chronic drunks that hang out in front of the Locker Room, Papas, or the short lived Hang Around? If they can make security a priority, I have no issue with them being in business. At this point though, there is still a huge black market for pot, and dispensaries are getting robbed. Our legislators need to figure out the rules for these business and enforce them.
April 5th, 2011 at 7:30 pm
White Center is already riddled with hard drugs. Every time I go on a walk I see little empty plastic bags (with white and brown residue, not green) and I have seen used hypodermic needles around as well. Spend any real time on the street and it would be hard not to see some sort of illicit transaction happening at any given time. To say that a medical marijuana dispensary will invite hard drug dealers into our community would be to ignore the harsh and unfortunate reality that they are already here and thriving.
For those dealing with cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, glaucoma, and epilepsy (to name a few of what I’m guessing some may consider “nonsense medical conditions”) medical marijuana is often times the only drug that helps. Marijuana is not for everyone, this is absolutely true, but to force those that it does benefit to continue to buy “discretely” seems to encourage the same black market and illegal activity people are worried about. Are there people that will be buying marijuana that might be using it recreationally? Yes I’m sure there will be, but they worry me far less than the local drunks or hard drug addicts already hanging out at any given time. People have been getting high for a very long time, but to place blame on “a bunch of stoners” for the influx of hard drugs (which is unfortunately already in our community) is pretty far fetching.
Of course if you are worried about longer lines at the taco truck or the ice cream shop running out of your favorite flavor, I’d be worried too…
April 6th, 2011 at 9:24 am
You all let this happen in White center, The drugs, the close downs of nice places and drug activities. This is OUR neigborhood. how dare us to complain when WE can just do whats nesessary to take care of it once and for all!
Lets all wipe our tears dust off our feet and kick some butt. ORDER the cops and area management to move their behinds.
April 6th, 2011 at 8:51 pm
I understand there is a fear of heavy drug activity in White Center, but I agree with Cory that White Center already has drugs in our community. For those who wanted to live among a different demographic, WELCOME!!
When you choose to live among working class people you take the hardship. Which by the way, the hardship has been here even before you got here. Let’s take a breath…marijuana is a less violent drug then any other, including your glass of wine. Relax people, it’s not that bad.
April 9th, 2011 at 8:51 pm
Heloo! I am one of the co-owners of the new dispensary and I am excited to be joining the white center community.
To some of you who have voiced concerns about our business I would like to say that we hope to service the community in a beneficial way. We will be offering a unique service that will, we hope, bring business into the area.
If any of you have doubts as to what kind of people we are or whether our intentions are good I would invite you to come talk with us about your concerns. We hope to be open by may 1st so allow us an opportunity to try and ease your minds.
We want friends and allies in this community!
April 11th, 2011 at 5:26 pm
The END is NEAR !
April 15th, 2011 at 2:29 pm
They are nice guys trying to help people out. Just because Chris Y. is creepy looking does not make him a criminal. The store should be a good addition to the neighborhood. Plus if the street is so nice why is there porno shops on it.
April 15th, 2011 at 7:29 pm
The porno shops have some of the cleanest store fronts there, you do not see people loitering out front of them either,and Stans always has the coolest window displays! The porno shop owners are nice people too.