Feathering the nest – or at least, the coop – at White Center Food Bank

Story and photos by Deanie Schwarz
Reporting for White Center Now
Audrey Zemke, Volunteer Coordinator for the White Center Food Bank took a peek to see if WCFB’s brand new hens had laid any eggs on Tuesday. The count was three!
The chicken coop and three hens (Henrietta, Henrietta and Henrietta, respectively) were donated by a couple who were moving out of state and have only been on site since Friday.

Audrey says they still have some research to do about how the hens will participate as new members of the WCFB, but it is certain the hens will be used in an education program for those interested in backyard farming.
As recently noted in a Washington Post article posted on the food bank’s Facebook page, the cost of staple groceries, especially milk and eggs, has risen 16 percent globally. Whether the food bank ultimately provides eggs to their clients is not known, but the rise in certain grocery products might be reason for some to try their hand at raising chickens for their eggs.
The food bank now has four food gardens which are providing community members instruction in how to grow their own fruits and vegetables. Now, those folks will have a place to learn all about urban chicken husbandry, if they have the interest.
More information on the White Center Food Bank can always be found on their Facebook page or their website whitecenterfoodbank.org. And remember that since it’s Feinstein Challenge time through the end of April, any donation you make now counts extra.
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