Update: Deadly shooting at 15th/Roxbury
ORIGINAL 3:09 AM REPORT: If you’ve heard helicopter noise and sirens, it’s related to the investigation of an apparent fatal shooting at 15th/Roxbury in the 2 am hour. Suspect was described as a black male in his 20s, black hoodie, white Crown Victoria with “big rims,” last seen driving northbound into West Seattle. No other details at this point.

UPDATE: This is a King County Sheriff’s Office case, as evidenced by the crime tape that was still up at the scene when we checked back just after 6 am. The tape ran from the 16th/Roxbury corner by Pho 54 to just west of the Texaco at 15th/Roxbury. No other details available so far except that one person is dead. 2ND UPDATE: Our partners at the Seattle Times quote KCSO as saying the victim was a man in his 20s, reportedly a gang member.
Tags: shooting
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May 17th, 2010 at 11:10 am
There is so much potential with White Center, that it just bums me out that late-night violence seems to be so rampant. Maybe it’s no more or less than other parts of the Seattle area, but it doesn’t certainly help the stereotype.
Is it time for cameras on street corners? At least it might be a deterrent, or at least help catch the criminal after the crime is committed.