Friday afternoon in White Center: Spring Clean prep; Full Tilt treat

Thanks to Kate for sending word via Facebook that preparations are under way for tomorrow’s mega White Center Spring Clean event. Curb bulb work is happening at 16th and Roxbury – and that’s where we snapped the photo. Just around the corner, it was time for a treat:

Full Tilt Ice Cream, by the way, is featured this Sunday in a New York Times article, online now, about Seattle-area sweets. Read it here.
Tags: Full Tilt Ice Cream, White Center Spring Clean
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May 19th, 2010 at 6:59 am
Congratulations to Full Tilt for the great article in the New York Times. My wife and I love going to Full Tilt on a Friday or Saturday night and trying one of the very unique flavors. More local residents need to come to White Center in the evening and see that it is family friendly. Thanks to the presence of the King County Sheriffs Office, the good guys are taking our city back.
A big THANK YOU to Full Tilt and to the great citizens who participated in the clean up efforts.
May 22nd, 2010 at 1:20 pm
47 students from Seattle Pacific University came to Lakewood Park/Hicks Lake on White Center clean up day removing 2 dump truck loads of invasive weeds & bags of litter.Kudos to them and the hundreds more volunteers making WC a better place.THANK YOU Mark Cotton attended he is the President of SPU new Engineers with out borders and is looking for a Seattle area project in which engineer skills might be use full.Virgil from WCCDA we gave Mark our best shots on Hicks Lake long time pollution time will tell. Dick Thurnau