Will Unincorporated Area Councils survive the new budget? Discussion part of Thursday’s agenda

As we reported two weeks ago, next year’s county budget includes cuts and directives that raise questions about the future of King County’s Unincorporated Area Councils, including North Highline. They’re scheduled to talk with a county-government rep about the issue during this Thursday night’s meeting, 7 pm at North Highline Fire District HQ, 1243 SW 112th. Here’s the full agenda:

7:00 p.m. Call to order
* * Flag salute
Roll call
Approval of agenda
Approval of minutes
7:05 p.m. Public announcements
7:10 p.m. Public comment – 3 minutes for individuals
5 minutes for groups
7:15 p.m. KCSO Capt. Joseph Hodgson
7:25 p.m. Mike Martin, Burien City Manager
7:30 p.m. Lauren Smith, King County Executive’s Office (UAC’s)
7:45 p.m. Break
7:55 p.m. Treasurers Report
8:00 p.m. Corresponding Secretary Report
8:05 p.m. Committee Reports
1. Governance
2. Arts and Parks
3. Public Safety
4. Housing and Human Services
5. Public Outreach
6. Transportation
7. Steve Cox Memorial
8:10 p.m. Work Study Session
1. Priority’s
2. Budget
8:35 p.m Unfinished Business
Pat – proposed Bylaw change for Election Date
8:40 p.m. New Business
8:45 p.m. Open Council Position
1. Questions for Candidate
2. Executive Session
3. Vote
8:55 p.m. Adjournment


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