King County Phase 1 burn ban takes effect tomorrow

July 14th, 2010 at 4:08 pm Posted in Environment, King County, Weather, White Center news | Comments Off on King County Phase 1 burn ban takes effect tomorrow

No forest/yard burning as of tomorrow morning, per this notice just in from King County:

In concert with the Washington State Department of Natural Resources and Pierce, Mason and Snohomish Counties, King County has called a Phase 1 burn ban to take effect at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 15, 2010 and will run through September 30, 2010. This burn ban applies throughout King County in both the incorporated and unincorporated areas.

Forest and yard debris burning is not allowed under a Phase 1 ban. This burn ban does not apply to federal forests or national parks, although these jurisdictions may have similar restrictions in effect.

This Phase 1 burn ban still allows recreational campfires in approved fire pits. However, campfires and fire pits are allowed only if they are located on private land with the landowner’s permission and if built according to the specifications below. These fires must:

• Be built in a metal or concrete fire pit, such as those typically found in designated campgrounds;
• Grow no larger than three feet across;
• Be located in a clear spot free from any vegetation for at least 10 feet in a horizontal direction, including a 20-foot vertical clearance from overhanging branches; and
• Be attended at all times by an alert individual with immediate access to a shovel and either five gallons of water or a connected and charged water hose.

King County Fire Marshal Jim Chan, in announcing the burn ban stated, “With local temperatures rising, we have called this burn ban to protect public health and safety during the summer months. This ban will be in effect throughout the summer and will be lifted on September 30, 2010.”


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White Center tonight: Jubilee Days Carnival eve

July 13th, 2010 at 10:41 pm Posted in Fun, White Center Jubilee Days, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center tonight: Jubilee Days Carnival eve

Not set up yet, but tonight, the rides have arrived at Steve Cox Memorial Park … and tomorrow night, the carnival opens, as White Center Jubilee Days festivities near. Tomorrow night also brings fireworks to the park, at dusk. Advance discount carnival tickets are on sale at locations including Full Tilt Ice Cream; a full schedule of events is on the Jubilee Days website.


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HAPPENING NOW: White Center Eagles’ blood drive (then, spaghetti!)

July 13th, 2010 at 2:06 pm Posted in Health, How to Help, White Center news | Comments Off on HAPPENING NOW: White Center Eagles’ blood drive (then, spaghetti!)

Get down to the White Center Eagles‘ HQ before 7 pm and you can be part of this – help save lives, and raise some money too. Here’s our earlier preview.

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If you ever think ‘one person can’t really make a difference’ …

July 12th, 2010 at 10:53 am Posted in Graffiti, Health, White Center news | 1 Comment »

In our coverage of the last White Center/South Delridge Community Safety Coalition meeting last month, we noted a trash problem outside the DSHS building, where the meetings are held these days. One meeting regular, who wanted to be anonymous, had expressed frustration with the problem, and had started documenting it:

Here’s a wider look at one area where trash was found, on the east side of the building, :

Once documented, it was time for action. The observer tried contacting someone in person, but was given a name, number and e-mail address for an office manager who finally was reached by phone the next day. After hearing about the problem, the observer says, the office manager said it was the problem of Prium Development Company, which owns the building, and is headquartered in Tacoma. Somebody in the building should be telling them about it, the observer insisted, and was told those in the building weren’t happy about it either, but that they expected the company to be sending a cleaning crew that day.

“Partial cleanup” ensued, according to our source. But not the dock area. If you’re thinking, well, so what, it’s just trash – as our source notes, it wasn’t just stray bits of paper. Examples of what was found:

So, the observer called the office manager again. Got only voice mail. Same thing the next morning, when our source tried yet again. No callback, so the next call was to the building owner. Our source was directed eventually to voice mail for a “facilities manager.” No callback. Eventually, contact was made. The onsite manager, our source says, continued to contend that it was the building owner’s responsibility, and that they’d been making requests too. However it played out, finally, after persistence from our tipster, the area got cleaned up:

Still tagged (we’ve blurred the tags as per our policy), but as our tipster puts it, “the public health menace is gone.” Will it stay gone? We’ll check back. We suspect the observer will too. If there’s something you’re concerned about, one message here is, don’t give up after one complaint, if action doesn’t immediately ensue. And find out who’s ultimately responsible. One helpful tool: Property ownership can be determined through the King County Parcel Vieweryou’ll find it here; have the exact address handy (or if you don’t know, trace it through the nearest intersection).

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White Center Jubilee Days Garden Walk today!

July 11th, 2010 at 9:48 am Posted in Gardening, White Center Jubilee Days, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center Jubilee Days Garden Walk today!

Noon-5 pm. We’re told it should be sunny by then! Here’s our original preview. Pick up your map at McLendon Hardware any time after noon and start walking!


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This weekend at Big Al Brewing: ‘Beers for Boobies’

July 8th, 2010 at 1:00 pm Posted in Fun, How to Help, White Center news | Comments Off on This weekend at Big Al Brewing: ‘Beers for Boobies’

From the good folks at the West Seattle-based Beer Church:

BEERS for B00BIES. A benefit for breast_cancer research.

Hello Seattle! Are you ready to Rock and Roll!

Beer Church wants to remind you that this Saturday we are hosting a fundraiser for Team Tracy and the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Please come out and help us support this wonderful cause. The weather will be great and the beer will be even better.

The event takes place at Big Al Brewing from 5:00 – 9:00 p.m. (address and map below).

Live music from Four on the Floor – classic rock from the 70s and beyond.

Big Al Brewing will generously donate a portion of the beer sales to the cause – $1 per pint and $2 per pitcher.
In addition to their considerable talents, Four on the Floor will donate T-shirts and tank tops. Make a donation, get a shirt.

We’ll be grilling up hot dogs/sausages. Make a donation, eat a dog.

This is an all ages venue. It’s an outdoor venue. Bring a lawn chair if you like and don’t forget the sunscreen. Consider earplugs if you’re noise sensitive. More event details on Facebook.

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White Center Jubilee Days: More details of what you’ll see

July 7th, 2010 at 6:37 pm Posted in Fun, White Center Jubilee Days, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center Jubilee Days: More details of what you’ll see

Just posted on the White Center Jubilee Days Facebook page:

7/17/ SAT Entertainment Main Stage
11:00 12:30 Perfect Weather
1:00-2:15 The Middle Age Crisis Band
3:00-3:45 Gadzooks
4:30-5:15 Blue Ribbon Boys
5:15-6:00 Rat City Ruckus
6:45-7:45 20 Riverside
8:15-9:15 Khingz
9:45 Gabriel Teodros

7/18 SUN Entertainment Main Stage
11 am -12 pm Gary Allen May
12:30 pm -1:30 pm Wrecked Chords
2 pm – 3pm Amateur Radio Operator
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Rat City Brass
5pm – 6 pm the Dusty 45’s


SAT.7/10 27th Annual Golf Tournament Foster Links Tukwila
12PM Scramble Start

SUN. 7/11 Garden Tour
Time TBD
WED. 7/14 – Carnival Opens
7 PM -12PM
WED 7/14 Ambassador Appoitnment
Eve. PM Precedes Fireworks At Steve Cox Mem Park
WED. 7/14 – Fireworks Ceremony
Dusk Steve Cox Memorial Park

THUR. 7/15 – Carnival
Time TBD

FRI. 7/16 – Carnival
Time TBD

SAT. 7/17 – White Center Kiwanis Club Pancake Breakfast
7:30 am – Noon 9615 20th SW, Holy Family School
Tickets on Sale Now see your Kiwanis Member

SAT. 7/17 – Street Fair opens 10am

SAT. 7/17 – Food Vendors Open 10 am

SAT. 7/17 – Beer Garden Open

SAT. 7/17 – Carnival
Time TBD

SAT. 7/17 – Car Show 10am

SUN. 7/18 – Parade
Staging at 9am
Parade starts 10 AM-11AM

SUN. 7/18 – Street Fair 10 am
SUN. 7/18 – Food Vendors 10 am
SUN. 7/18 – Beer Garden Opens
SUN. 7/18 – Carnival Opens


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King County Sheriff Sue Rahr’s message about reorganization

July 6th, 2010 at 10:43 am Posted in King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news | 4 Comments »

Given the recent changes in King County Sheriff’s Office matters regarding White Center, in case you’re not on the mailing list, we thought you’d be interested in this e-mail message from Sheriff Sue Rahr today:

Last month I talked about some of the ways we have been working to address and respond to the challenges of defining and sustaining a 21st century law enforcement organization. Because 85% of my budget is dedicated to labor cost, I have few discretionary resources and leeway.

But the challenges presented by the changing population, economic structure and new social expectations around technology, also present opportunities. Cumulatively, these changes provide me with some latitude in maximizing the 15% of my budget that I do control.

Annexations, contract city growth, and growing transportation needs have redistributed the population we serve as well as the way it moves. As a result, we are operating in a new geographic environment. On the policing side, the old Block Watch model is being reinvigorated and is reemerging as an outgrowth of new, electronic social networks. Now, once-small groups of neighbors are emerging as large, wired and connected organizations, such as the Greater Redmond Ridge Community Watch, who are proactively participating in each other’s lives and mutual safety.

These trends are driving a new reality with opportunities to change how we are operationally organized and physically distributed to best serve the citizens of King County. We simply need to be closer, more visible, accessible, and more responsive to our citizens.

Given these issues and the current economic situation, I have initiated an internal reorganization to first address how we are positioned for delivering our police services to you. We have reconfigured our 3 major precincts down to two primary and more efficient east and west operations. This will consolidate our largest unincorporated operations and concentrate a broader array of local and regional police services.

I am currently working with Executive Constantine to also look at our physical presence throughout King County. My goal is to find long term, cost effective, and mutually beneficial ways to increase our presence and visibility through our contract city relationships. We need more deputies who provide a variety of increasingly specialized skills closer to the people who need us. We are also examining ways to consolidate a variety of critical and interrelated regional operations such as Criminal Investigations, Property Management (evidence), AFIS, and Special Operations, into a centralized and logistically optimal campus-type location.

These ideas take time, vision, and hard work. But there is no better time than the current economic crisis to be constantly asking ourselves how, when and where can we do our job better and more cost effectively.


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WestSide Baby needs help today

July 5th, 2010 at 10:59 am Posted in How to Help, WestSide Baby, White Center news | Comments Off on WestSide Baby needs help today

From Nancy @ White Center-headquartered WestSide Baby – they’re putting out the call for help:

WestSide Baby Sorting Frenzy Volunteer Opportunity Today!

We will open today, Monday July 5th (12-3pm) for a special volunteer opportunity for adults or children over age 8 (with adult along). Have the day off and want to do something worthwhile? WestSide Baby has been fortunate to receive many of your donations of clothing items. Now we need a little help sorting through the donations to prepare them for distribution. If you can read the size tags, look for dirt and holes and inspect clothes for holes, we’d love your help to attack the pile of clothes in this picture taken this morning. We have empty shelves of many sizes but we know those gems are actually hidden in this pile.

If you can call or e-mail to let us know you are coming that would be great! If not, just show up at we’ll welcome you and give you instructions on how to make a difference TODAY.

WestSide Baby
10032 15th Ave. SW


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Happy Independence Day! White Center 4th of July 2010

July 4th, 2010 at 9:22 am Posted in Burien, Holidays, White Center news | 2 Comments »

Wishing you a safe and happy 4th of July. Till midnight, it’s legal to use fireworks within the unincorporated area – but just the type that are sold here, not the heavy-duty kind. No fireworks show in White Center itself, nor in Burien – but there’s one in Three Tree Point. Burien does have a 4th of July Parade – starts at 3 pm (more info here).

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White Center food: New bakery moving in along 16th SW

July 3rd, 2010 at 10:45 am Posted in Food, White Center news | 2 Comments »

In the spirit of Full Tilt and Proletariat – the latest entry in the creative-name-for-White-Center-food-business department! Thanks to Deanie for that photo of the new sign that’s gone up for the upcoming 3.14 Bakery, next to Pho 54 on the east side of 16th SW just south of Roxbury, formerly home to Sokha. The bakery operators have been updating their progress on Facebook (here’s their page).


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‘Pint for Pint’: Help the White Center Eagles save lives July 13

July 3rd, 2010 at 2:20 am Posted in Health, How to Help, White Center Eagles, White Center news | Comments Off on ‘Pint for Pint’: Help the White Center Eagles save lives July 13

Cool deal. 2-7 pm on Tuesday, July 13th, at the White Center Eagles‘ HQ, donate blood and get rewarded with a pint of beer or a spaghetti dinner – with the spaghetti being served on site 5-7 pm the same day. (Or just show up for dinner; it’s only $5.) They’re also signing up organ donors, AND collecting other donations including diapers for WestSide Baby. The big 8th/Roxbury crash on Friday afternoon reminded us all how important donated blood is – so do your part if you can, and be there.

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Update: Crash at 8th/Roxbury, 4 to the hospital

July 2nd, 2010 at 3:30 pm Posted in Greenbridge, West Seattle, White Center news | 1 Comment »

3:30 PM: We’ve been covering this on partner site West Seattle Blog but it affects White Center drivers too – by Greenbridge, 8th/Roxbury is mostly blocked by a two-car crash. People have had to be extricated from the wreckage of one vehicle. At least three people are hurt. We’re at the scene and gathering more information now. 3:55 PM UPDATE: One lane is open each way at the intersection but you’ll still want to avoid it if you can, for a while – the Seattle Police investigation team has just arrived, and their work at scenes of major crashes usually takes a while. Here’s the scene once they put up the tape:

We now know that four people went to the hospital (at least one of them, a child, according to the scanner) – two by medic unit, two by private ambulance.

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White Center Jubilee Days Garden Walk coming up July 11

July 2nd, 2010 at 10:29 am Posted in Gardening, White Center Jubilee Days, White Center news | Comments Off on White Center Jubilee Days Garden Walk coming up July 11

Now that July is here, it’s time for an avalanche of events. Jubilee Days is bigger than ever this year – and part of it will be the White Center Jubilee Days Garden Walk. Here’s the latest:

The White Center Jubilee Days Garden Walk is back this 2010 with generous support from this year’s Title Sponsor – McLendon Hardware, White Center. The walk will be held on Sunday, July 11th from 12 noon to 5:00pm. The event will start in White Center McLendon Hardware parking lot, where tour maps will be provided.

This will be a FREE Jubilee Days and Seafair sanctioned event that will be open to all ages. There will also be a vote for the favorite garden as well as prizes for those participating in the treasure hunt.

With the help of Garden Walk veteran Peggy Weiss, co-chair volunteers Donnie McDermott and Heather Huling will do their best to make this year as great as years previous.
For those interested in joining the fun just meet us at McLendon’s at 12 noon on Sunday, July 11th. For questions or more information, please visit us at:
Hope to see you there!

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Fireworks reminder: Where/when they’re legal, where they’re not

July 2nd, 2010 at 10:24 am Posted in Boulevard Park, Burien, Holidays, West Seattle, White Center, White Center news | Comments Off on Fireworks reminder: Where/when they’re legal, where they’re not

Just a quick reminder: Though fireworks have been for sale in the unincorporated area since Monday, using them is ONLY legal 9 am-midnight on Sunday. And if you are within the Seattle or Burien city limits, they are NOT legal at all.

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At North Highline Unincorporated Area Council: Club Evo, Deputy Hancock, more

July 1st, 2010 at 8:21 pm Posted in King County Sheriff's Office, North Highline UAC, White Center news | 3 Comments »

From the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting – Capt. Carl Cole and Major Jim Graddon from King County Sheriff’s Office are the main event. Nothing dramatic in the crime-stat briefing they gave first – but then, the big issues:

CLUB EVO TROUBLE: First, regarding Club Evo – which Capt. Cole described casually as “riots in the street” – he says, “We’re having a … challenge, with Club Evo” and mentioned a meeting back on Tuesday (apparently the same one mentioned during Thursday’s White Center Community Safety Coalition meeting). “The bottom line is, we have a number of agencies that have their hands in sort of regulatory situations with Club Evo – licensing, taxing, code enforcement, us … from a very open and objective perspective, every one of those groups has a violation or something to investigate with that business, so we came together to say, what can we do about this?” He described it as “an attractive nuisance” drawing “people from outside our area … who don’t have the same ownership of the area, and are causing a lot of problems.” He estimates there were 60 cars that recent Friday night, “and we were hosing everybody down with our industrial-strength drums of pepper spray. … These are volatile situations and we can’t tolerate that happening every Friday and Saturday night.”

Capt. Cole also has clarified the reason the Fire Marshal violations didn’t keep the club closed: “There are alternatives to sprinklers … like a physical fire watch, and that’s the agreement was made, and that’s why they were allowed to reopen.” White Center business owner and Legislature candidate Geoffrey “Mac” McElroy asked the KCSO duo, “So what can we as a community do?” Capt. Cole offered two suggestions: “Talk to the owner of Club Evo … and start writing letters to (the different entities that can enforce the laws that are being violated).” He says “we’re putting everything into it that we can” and says “we’re basically putting our entire Gang Unit into it on Friday and Saturday nights,” though “there are other gang problems in King County we’d like to deal with.”

(Maj. Graddon also confirmed that deputies are no longer allowed to hire on for “off-duty work” at Evo because it would be a conflict of interest given the alleged violations there.)

Capt. Cole has also revealed he is now focusing on Burien and has been replaced with Capt. Pat Buschley (we’re checking the spelling on that) for the White Center (etc.) area.

DEPUTY JEFF HANCOCK: Maj. Graddon first talked about Deputy Hancock’s move and distributed the letter that we published here earlier today, saying he felt it’s self-explanatory. He says it is an intense job and sometimes you don’t “I support him 110 percent in stepping off the storefront position” “he would love to work day shift Vashon because of where he lives and his family considerations … we are reaching a compromise so we have been able to accommodate him to a degree … he’s working some Vashon, some mainland … he’s soon going to get to go to his second-choice shift, graveyard, which will make it much more convenient with his five children, one on the way .. Have we had complaints invesigated up here? Certainly. A recent sustained complaint? No. As commander of the precinct … I make the decision and this is the outcome of things that he is facing in his life.”

He also mentions that all the storefront deputies have had to move out of the storefronts because of a personnel shortage, “We’ve had to pull them out of the storefront positions to do reactive patrol … while still trying to stay involved with the community … I don’t know how soon that situation is going to change” – he mentions that budgetary considerations remain paramount, and they’re hearing that up to 70 more positions could be cut in unincorporated areas, in which case, “We won’t have storefronts at all.”

Maj. Graddon says he doesn’t know why some people feel they’ve been lied to regarding this situation. He acknowledges that Deputy Hancock “has done a remarkable job.” He talked almost emotionally about what it was like for Deputy Hancock to fill Deputy Steve Cox’s shoes, and says he has done it maybe too well. He uses the word “addiction” – and how law-enforcement officers may get too caught up in your work. He doesn’t use the phrase “unhealthy relationship” but you might read that between the lines; he said, “When you have a dependency that starts to form when you feel he is the only thing between you and rampant crime in the streets … then Carl and I haven’t done our jobs … it’s not safe for him to continue to draw that much out of himself for the community. … This is where we find ourselves. I have not lessened my commitment to this community. … I’m still standing in front of you tonight, I didn’t have to, I could have handed this off, but this is important to me, you are important to me.”

Council member Patrick Mosley brings up the point that Dep. Hancock did not ask to leave White Center patrol, just the storefront. Maj. Graddon said yes, Hancock could patrol this area, but “I want to make sure that we are not still sucking the life out of him … there’s a healthiness issue that we need to be mindful of. He’s not leaving the precinct, he’s still an asset, he’s still part of our police force out here as much as all of our folks are.” Capt. Cole affirms, “He’s not restricted from patrolling White Center – it’s his choice (not to).”

Mosley follows up, “My concern with someone who’s put as much into the community as he can, the next officer is going to be starting from square one.” Maj. Graddon acknowledges that’s correct, but says Hancock’s “not the only person responsible for taking care of business” – another deputy who’s patroling the area, for example, has been in White Center for several months and, they say, is doing well.

McElroy asked if there will be a replacement – for now, no, says Maj. Graddon, because of the staffing uncertainties; he wants to see how July goes – he doesn’t want to get someone attached to the storefront when it might even be temporary. The captain and major are applauded after the Q/A ends.

(Later in the meeting, it was suggested that during White Center Jubilee Days, the NHUAC booth offer people the chance to write messages of thanks to Deputy Hancock. So at WCJD, be on the lookout for that.)

NUISANCE CONCERNS: Council member Barbara Dobkin says she takes the bus home and has seen an increasing number of problems – an assault, open drinking, prostitution. Capt. Cole says he hears anecdotes about this but not enough people are calling in to report it – so they’re not on record – but that’s “really important for us to get the calls.” They “may not be able to roll on it right away – but in order for us to make an argument to the King County Council that we can’t operate at the staffing level they’ve given us, we have to get the 911 calls.” The captain says not to worry about which line you call – emergency or non-emergency – they’re answered by the same people, who will make the decision on routing. “I say that to everybody – YOU GOTTA CALL US … you won’t be a nuisance.”

BURIEN BRIEFING: As usual (though he was unavailable last month), Burien City Manager Mike Martin briefed the council. (added Friday morning). Toplines: Burien City Hall North has issued its first business license … major road-paving program is about to start, with $9 million in bonds to be sold in August, which is when they’ll the “overlay” work – Ambaum’s the first road that’ll be done, from the northern border (112th) to 156th … Burien’s budget cycle is beginning and they do NOT anticipate layoffs or furlough days. Message to city employees, says Martin: “We’re suffering through the same thing as everybody else, but we don’t have the drama.” A “community survey” will go out in July asking Burien residents “big questions,” such as “do you feel safe” – “We’re not looking for data, we’re looking to find out how people feel,” Martin elaborated. Final note of interest: Burien is trying to move its car lots off 1st Avenue South into a new “car park” and looking for other dealers to join the project.

KING COUNTY BROWNFIELDS: We covered a sort of pre-session on this last month (here’s that story). The county team briefing the council says it’s a redevelopment project, not just a cleanup project. The project has a three-year grant, and they’re now working to figure out what the sites are going to be. They’re also pointing out that they are developing information on sites’ history so that if you want to buy property and it has history – say, as a gas station – there’s a way you can find out. Here’s more info about the program. (They also note that they’re continuing to look into the Hicks Lake situation, which had drawn some questions previously, regarding what its true level of toxicity actually is – the brownfields team says they would be looking for actual toxic substances, not something like algae, but research continues.) So how do people get involved with the program, WCCDA’s Virgil asks. There’s not a formal process, the team replies – but they’d be happy to meet with WCCDA or anyone else who’s interested, to talk more about possibilities.

LIBRARY: Council member Ron Johnson is reading a letter from the county library system pointing out that they are postponing capital improvement projects in this area until annexation – whether Seattle or otherwise – for the adjoining area is settled, because that raises questions about what area the library ultimately will serve. The library system will continue to provide operational support, the letter goes on to say.

The North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meets the first Thursday of each month, 7 pm, North Highline Fire Department HQ.

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Update: Deputy Hancock’s letter, in advance of NHUAC meeting tonight

July 1st, 2010 at 8:33 am Posted in Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news | Comments Off on Update: Deputy Hancock’s letter, in advance of NHUAC meeting tonight

When the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meets tonight, as reported earlier, two high-ranking King County Sheriff’s Office leaders are scheduled to appear, and the topic of “who’s responsible for White Center?” is certain to come up. Deputy Jeff Hancock‘s impending departure was first reported here last week, but now there’s a new development – his open letter to the “citizens of White Center,” shared by Village Green Nursery’s Vera Johnson, who is Block Watch captain in her area and concerned about the situation. The letter:

To: The citizens of White Center

As of 06-24-10 I have submitted a request for transfer from the White Center Storefront to Pct#4 Patrol. This request for transfer was made voluntarily by me for several reasons.

As many of you know I have five children, and one on the way. The oldest is eight so it can get pretty hectic at home. My wife is truly amazing. She is a stay at home mom and home schools the two older boys. My job as the store front deputy has demanded much of my time over the years. My wife and kids would argue that on many occasions too much. The schedule for the storefront deputy is definitely not one conducive to family life. It is a 4-10 schedule (four ten hour days), which after my commute turns into a 4-13 schedule. Not to mention, this past year I have been working the Byrne grant gang overtime on Tuesdays and Saturday nights making my average week a 55 to 60 hour work week. It has taken its toll on my family life. With my wife being pregnant, as well as just recently being diagnosed with a serious medical illness, I need to spend more time at home. Along with this is the fact that I will receive a 3-4% pay increase by leaving the storefront and returning to patrol. With all of my kids and my wife’s illness this extra money will really help.

I thank all of you for your support over the years. Many of you have asked me to stay in the store front and have hinted that you intend on petitioning the command staff to achieve that end. I assure you that the decision is mine and has already been made. I apologize for the lack of timely information in regards to my leaving the storefront, and any confusion it has caused. I want all of you to know that the Sheriff’s Office, from the Sheriff on down to every deputy on the street, wants what’s best for White Center. I have grown to really love and care for this community.

Having said that, it would be very troubling for me to know that my leaving somehow, or in any way, has weakened the bond the community of White Center has with the Sheriff’s Office. The Sheriff’s Office on top of just serving White Center is part of the White Center Family. Unlike any other community I have worked in, White Center and the Sheriff’s Office have a unique bond. We are family. Now is the time to strengthen that bond.
I have been honored to work here and please know that you will always be in my thoughts and prayers.

Deputy Hancock

Tonight’s NHUAC meeting is at the usual place and time – 7 pm, North Highline Fire District HQ.

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RIP, South Park Bridge: White Center represented at ‘wake’

June 30th, 2010 at 9:34 pm Posted in South Park, Transportation, White Center news | Comments Off on RIP, South Park Bridge: White Center represented at ‘wake’

That’s one angle we had on the final three minutes of the South Park Bridge‘s life – as the gates went down, the warning bells and siren sounded, and then, the drawbridge went up forever, as the crowd howled. Then – an impromptu round of “Amazing Grace,” and a toast – all in that clip. White Center was certainly represented at the wake – we saw WC Food Bank executive director Rick Jump atop the bridge in its final hour, and community activists including Liz Giba. King County Councilmember Jan Drago was there in a pink hat and pink tulle – same kind that decorated the bridge’s leaves as they rose. State House Position 2 candidate and White Center business owner Geoffrey “Mac” McElroy was there too. More coverage to come – this event was really all about the moments captured in video and photos. We had some photos in as-it-happened coverage on partner site West Seattle Blog.

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North Highline Fire Commissioners’ special meeting Thursday

June 30th, 2010 at 3:54 pm Posted in Fire, White Center news | Comments Off on North Highline Fire Commissioners’ special meeting Thursday

Just got word of this. It’s open to the public. 10 am tomorrow (Thursday) morning, the North Highline Board of Fire Commissioners meets, with two items on the agenda: “New-hire firefighter,” and “chief administrative position.” The meeting’s at NHFD headquarters, 1243 SW 112th.


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Reminder: South Park Bridge closes tonight; buses already rerouted

June 30th, 2010 at 12:02 pm Posted in South Park, Transportation, White Center news | Comments Off on Reminder: South Park Bridge closes tonight; buses already rerouted

(Photo courtesy King County Department of Transportation)
The bus reroutes kicked in this morning; the bridge closes tonight. Here is a preview from partner site West Seattle Blog. Note that the South Park community is hoping to have a strong show of support from all over the area as they say goodbye to the bridge tonight – and say hello to an interim time, before a new bridge is built, that they know will be challenging, but survivable with support from neighbors. P.S. A traffic alert from Jim, in WSB comments:

Watch your driving through the area. SDOT has already changed lane assignments as of Noon. You are going to be down one right turn lane off of E Marginal Way southbound.

Also the right lane on Cloverdale is no longer a left turn lane, it is right turn only.

This seems a little premature, and is bound to screw up the afternoon commute.

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