ORIGINAL 6:35 PM REPORT, POSTED AS-IT-HAPPENED: About 20 people are at the White Center DSHS offices for tonight’s White Center/South Delridge Community Safety Coalition meeting. Early in the meeting, Liquor Control Board Lt. Woodrow Perkins (photo below, background left) has mentioned a special operation coming up in White Center and Burien next month – with up to eight agents working the area checking on compliance.
And now Triangle Pub owner Geoffrey “Mac” McElroy is bringing up the problem that led to a big law-enforcement response early Saturday – he’s concerned about this happening just a few weeks after the deadly shooting in the same 16th/Roxbury area. Coalition co-chair Sean Healy is talking about previous guest appearances at this meeting by the owner of the club now known as Evo (formerly Evolucion), which was said to be the source of last weekend’s event. “It’s affecting the reputation of the community,” McElroy said.
6:41 PM: Vary Jackson from the King County Sheriff’s Office says she read the report today, and the response totaled more than 30 police/KCSO cars, “from Seattle to Tukwila, and even Metro.” There was no evidence of shots, but apparently a pepper-spray canister went off and sounded like gunshots, she said, plus there were numerous “fights.” As for possible liquor violations – Perkins from the LCB says Evo has no license. They’re also talking about the “do not occupy” violations recently posted at Evo – Pat Price says that she’s been told they’ve been allowed to operate because the sprinkler system “is being worked on.” The discussion now has turned to how to address the problem – there are major groups inside White Center that aren’t represented at this meeting, for example, like the CDA and Chamber, it’s been pointed out. Meantime, KCSO’s Jackson says a multi-agency meeting is happening soon to discuss Club Evo and whether it’s in violation.
7:02 PM: Liz Giba talks about problems in the past and says “there is nothing new about this” – recalling other community efforts, such as walking the business district on a weekend night and even going into the club – but also says it’s clear that “this is an organization that doesn’t care about the community.” Healy says that it’s time to picket. Jackson says Evo’s owner owns 2 years in back taxes.
7:07 PM: Jackson has just confirmed that Deputy Jeff Hancock is no longer her partner as White Center storefront deputy. She doesn’t have any additional information beyond that. (We have had a request out to KCSO since yesterday for official information on what’s happening with Deputy Hancock and will renew our request in the wake of this news.)
7:23 PM: Coalition members are agreeing to do more research on what’s been going on with Evo – including seeking what’s available via public records – and also talking about a protest and petition. Another issue that’s come up at the meeting – Gill Loring says this building itself, the White Center DSHS HQ, has a terrible trash problem outside (we’re headed out to have a look – it’s now 7:36 pm and the meeting has adjourned).