Highline Public Schools levy update: District’s reaction

February 9th, 2011 at 8:57 pm Posted in Election, Highline School District, White Center news | Comments Off on Highline Public Schools levy update: District’s reaction

After today’s vote-count update, Highline Public Schools sent this news about, and reaction to, the levy vote:

Highline Public Schools’ Educational Programs Levy appears to be passing, with the latest vote count showing yes votes at 60.7 percent. The measure needs a simple majority of 50% to pass.

“We are grateful to Highline voters for this show of support,” says Highline Superintendent John Welch. “This shows how much our community values the education of our children. Even in these tough times, people are willing to invest in education and support our local schools.”

The levy makes up about 25 percent of the funding for operating schools. Most of the levy dollars pay for teachers and staff positions. The levy also pays for basics such as bus transportation, building maintenance, and textbooks. These costs are not fully funded by the state.

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Former ‘Hang Around’ proprietors looking for public support

February 9th, 2011 at 7:23 pm Posted in Businesses, White Center news | 2 Comments »

This came in from the former proprietors of the Hang Around Bar and Grill, regarding the lawsuit they filed following up on their eviction last year (here’s our report from November), and are asking for public support:

… We are requesting a Public Notice Regarding “The Hang Around Bar & Grill.”

Out Attorney Gerald Robison has filed suit against the landlord and now it’s time that we ask for witnesses and letters or just people who knew us and enjoyed the place…etc.

I personally would like to hear from the WC CDA , The Chamber and the safety comm. and folks around the area, business surrounding the place.

Please send all letters Snail mail or E-mail to:

Gerald F. Robison, PLLC
648 S.152nd Street
Burien WA 98146
or FAX to: 206-243-5061
OR EMAIL TO jerry@gfrobisonlaw.com

We are hoping that we get this case settled and reopen in White Center real soon.
Thank you all and God Bless

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Highline Public Schools levy on the way to passage

February 8th, 2011 at 11:03 pm Posted in Election, Highline School District, White Center news | Comments Off on Highline Public Schools levy on the way to passage

The Election Night results are in, and the Highline Public Schools levy – which only needs a “simple majority” to pass – has 60 percent approval. Here are the latest results.

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‘Green River Killer’ charged with killing former White Center resident Becky Marrero

February 7th, 2011 at 2:24 pm Posted in Crime, King County, White Center news | Comments Off on ‘Green River Killer’ charged with killing former White Center resident Becky Marrero

Today the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office charged “Green River Killer” Gary Ridgway in the murder almost 30 years ago of Becky Marrero. She grew up in White Center, as noted here last Christmas. Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg writes in “The Prosecutor’s Post”:

Today, the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office (PAO) charged Gary Ridgway with Aggravated First Degree Murder for the death of 20-year-old Becky Marrero, whose remains were found in December of 2010 by three teenagers exploring a steep ravine near Auburn.

Marrero’s remains were discovered within 100 feet of an area that had been thoroughly searched by members of the King County Sheriff’s Office’s Green River Task Force in 2003. Ridgway had directed the Task Force to that area, among many others, during the five months he was interviewed by the Task Force. An exhaustive search of the area was conducted, but only the remains of another victim, Maria Malvar, were found at that time.

Ultimately, Ridgway pleaded guilty to 48 counts of Aggravated First Degree Murder in 2003. The plea agreement required Ridgway to plead guilty to the original seven charged counts and any and all future cases where his confession could be corroborated by reliable facts revealed by the investigation.

Ridgway confessed to killing Becky Marrero in 2003, but was unable to provide details of the crime. The PAO determined that there were not sufficient supporting facts to warrant a charge at that time. Prosecutors expect Ridgway to plead guilty to Marrero’s murder under the plea agreement.

This is not a death penalty case because it falls squarely within the agreement made in 2003. Seeking the death penalty would not only be difficult, it would be impossible under the agreement. When Norm Maleng made the difficult decision in 2003 to trade the death penalty for the truth about unsolved cases, he had cases like this one and families like the Marrero’s in mind.

Becky Marrero’s family was finally able to bury her after a church service this past weekend. They finally have answers. They have provided a proper burial, and with these charges and anticipated guilty plea, they will have achieved some level of justice for Becky.

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Reminder: Voting deadline tomorrow for Highline Public Schools measure

February 7th, 2011 at 10:36 am Posted in Education, Highline School District, White Center news | 1 Comment »

Your ballot has to be postmarked by tomorrow for it to count in the special election for Highline Public Schools‘ levy. As the district’s infopage points out, the levy will supply about a fourth of the district’s operating budget. If you still have questions about it, here’s the info on the district site;

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Seen in White Center: Bit of history in WC Pharmacy

February 6th, 2011 at 11:56 pm Posted in Businesses, White Center news | Comments Off on Seen in White Center: Bit of history in WC Pharmacy

Wander into White Center Pharmacy, WCN contributor Deanie Schwarz says, and you’ll find that authentic scale from the 1940s. She says the owner thinks it’s been a fixture dating all the way back to the original 1940s pharmacy!

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Regional TV picks up on Zippy’s White Center move

February 5th, 2011 at 11:15 am Posted in Food, Restaurants, White Center news | 4 Comments »

In case you missed it – longtime KING 5 reporter Jim Forman followed up last night on our Thursday night story about Zippy’s Giant Burgers, wildly popular in West Seattle’s Highland Park neighborhood, moving to White Center this spring. You can watch the full story above (including Zippy’s proprietor mentioning the newly coined nickname SoRo – south of Roxbury!).

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Lunar New Year celebration in Delridge Triangle

February 4th, 2011 at 11:39 pm Posted in Holidays, White Center Community Development Association, White Center news | 1 Comment »

The White Center Community Development Association published that video to YouTube today, accompanying its report on the Lunar New Year ceremony outside Café Tam Thanh in the Delridge Triangle – see photos here.

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Zippy’s Giant Burgers moving to White Center

February 3rd, 2011 at 7:56 pm Posted in Food, Highland Park, Restaurants, White Center news | 7 Comments »

(Crossposted – with a few amendments – from partner site West Seattle Blog)

(Photos by Deanie Schwarz for WSB/WCN)
Earlier this week, Zippy’s Giant Burgers said it would likely have news of a new location by the end of the week, since the foreclosure mess at its original Highland Park location didn’t seem likely to result in a continued lease, or purchase, of the building – and tonight, White Center Now/West Seattle Blog contributor Deanie Schwarz has just confirmed with Zippy’s ownership that the new location is finalized: A long-empty restaurant spot on the northern edge of White Center. 9614 14th Avenue SW (map), right behind the Roxbury Bartell Drugs, about a block and a half north of Big Al Brewing.

Blaine Cook from Zippy’s explains that among other things, staying at the current location would have meant triple the current rent. As for other possibilities around West Seattle and White Center, it would have cost too much for the “buildout” at other locations they explored. Staying in this area was important, since of their 11 employees, all but two live in West Seattle or White Center. It’s a three-year lease with two options for five-year extensions. It’s a lot bigger than the current location – 1,600 square feet, with room for up to 60 people to sit down. That means they might eventually expand their menu – breakfast is a possibility.

This also means:

–They can accept credit cards
–They’ll cut their own fries
–They’ll seek a license to offer beer

They’re hoping to open in late April or early May, with minimal downtime for a moveout from Highland Park before their lease expires on April 19th. The White Center site is truly turnkey, Cook says – some floor work and “kitchen tweaks” are needed, plus permits. But overall, he says, “We are stoked!” They’re looking forward to being part of White Center’s ongoing renaissance. And remember the term SoRo – South of Roxbury – if it catches on, he’s the one who made it up!

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Seattle backing off from potential White Center annexation? Decision timeline

February 2nd, 2011 at 1:55 pm Posted in Annexation, White Center news | Comments Off on Seattle backing off from potential White Center annexation? Decision timeline

When we reported last week on the new Seattle study suggesting that annexation of White Center (etc.) would be too expensive, and Mayor Mike McGinn‘s thoughts that it might be worth revisiting in the future, we also sought comment from City Council President Richard Conlin – since it’s the council that voted last year to put the city “on a path” toward an annexation vote this fall. We’ve heard back from Councilmember Conlin now. He says: “… we are still reviewing the data, and the Council will make a decision by the end of March. Personally, I continue to be enthusiastic, but I am not sure where my colleagues will be.”

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In case you saw it too: Unusual sight was a New Year’s offering

February 2nd, 2011 at 1:40 pm Posted in Religion, White Center news | Comments Off on In case you saw it too: Unusual sight was a New Year’s offering

It’s right out in the open, so in case you saw this too, we’re sharing results of our research. We got a photo of a sight that troubled (and sparked the curiosity of) the architects who found it today while visiting a future development site in the Greenbridge area. We’re not showing the close-up photo but it can be described best as a crucified rooster, in front of a decorated and ornately arranged box of food – it’s in the lower right corner of the photo, viewed from behind, from a distance. Online research matched it to a traditional Lunar New Year offering by some worshipers in a certain area of Cambodia – you can read about it here (the link should take you to page 117).

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Got primer? Donations needed to help fight graffiti vandalism

January 30th, 2011 at 7:55 am Posted in Graffiti, How to Help, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news | 2 Comments »

Story and photos by Deanie Schwarz
Reporting for White Center Now

Thanks to Gill, WCN got the heads-up that the King County Sheriff’s Office storefront is currently in great need of graffiti-paintout supplies — in particular, outdoor primer.

Unlike the city of Seattle, which has a graffiti program, unincorporated areas like White Center must rely on donated materials.

On Wednesday, the city of Seattle donated about 15 gallons of paint, some brushes and rollers to the “quality of life” program, which Community Service Officer Vary Jackson (top photo) helps coordinate. But Officer Jackson told WCN that they still are in dire need of outdoor-only primer.

The “quality of life” program deploys misdemeanor offenders to address such issues as cleaning up graffiti vandalism, retrieving abandoned shopping carts, and picking up litter. Officer Jackson says that the brief snow we had a few weeks ago seemed to encourage a lot of tagging around the neighborhood, though she emphasized that this was mostly tagger-style graffiti rather than gang-turf-war-type markings. Even so, there is just so much of it since then, that they have used up the outdoor primer they had.

If you have unused primer to spare or are able to donate new primer, they are welcome to call Officer Jackson at the King County Sheriff’s Office to make arrangements for donations that will be accepted gratefully. The phone number is (206) 296-3323. (Officer Jackson works out of the downtown White Center “storefront,” at 9609 16th SW.)

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Full house as Company opens in downtown White Center

January 28th, 2011 at 5:06 pm Posted in Beverages, Businesses, White Center news | 3 Comments »

Story and photos by Deanie Schwarz
Reporting for White Center Now

After nearly 11 months of painstaking build-out, the Company Bar (9608 -16th Ave. SW in White Center) had its Grand Opening Thursday night, drawing a packed house of new patrons from near and far.

Large crowds filled the house, roughly 1,000 square feet in the heart of the 16th Avenue “renaissance row,” joining Full Tilt Ice Cream, Proletariat Pizza, Uncle Mike’s Barbecue and 3.14 Bakery as the newest joint on the block.

Owner Jesse Lovell (above left), a former contractor, did the buildout himself, along with major contributions from his stepdad Craig, also a general contractor. The two, along with their team of assorted tradespersons, have created what is being called the “high end” bar of White Center.

The attention to detail and thorough design is evident in the warm space and was noticed by the opening night patrons, who lauded Lovell for creating a comfortable, upscale environment, as well as for contributing to the enhancement of the WC business district and community.

A dynamic, varied selection of art hangs on the expansive gray walls above tables Jesse built and painted. Clamshell style, ¾ round booths occupy every corner of the space and comfortably seat 8 – 10 people. Jesse and Craig built the bar too, a shiny, organic foil to the salvaged industrial lights above and stained concrete floors below. The high-ceilings is exposed, hand-sanded lathe and reflects the history of the building to balance the modern design sensibility.

It is said by some that the success of a bar is dependent upon the quality of the women’s bathroom. Company’s bathroom stands a good chance of becoming legendary among women because of the vivid abstract painting occupying the high ceiling.

But Lovell did not stop with the attention to detail there. The standard Lovell has risen to with the warm urban design is continued with a well-considered menu. Lovell’s friend and mentor, a chef at a popular, well-regarded Seattle restaurant, advised him on menu selections for an enhanced bar menu.

The menu for opening night is strong on appetizers and cocktails. Lovell plans to serve happy hour from 4:00 – closing each night through Sunday for the Grand Opening. While the menu and the tap list are likely to be rotated regularly in the next days and weeks, here is what Company is offering for now:

From the bar:

Tap list: Big Al’s IPA, Manny’s Pale, Rainier, Fremont Universal Pale, Old Seattle Lager, Skagit River Brewery Sculler’s IPA.

Cocktails: All are $7.00 and include Rita Sidecar, Blueberry Lemondrop, Grapefruit Cosmo, Martinique Crusta, Company Old Fashioned.

From the kitchen:


Spiced nuts – $3; Chickpea, eggplant or sweet potato fries – $5; salt cod fritters – $6; metaballs – $6; samosas $6; sopas (with la fondita salsa!) – $6; bacon wrapped dates – $6.


Iceberg, beets, barley or mixed greens $7


Kebabs $12

Peppered beef, lemon thyme chicken, curried lamb, chili cumin pork

Comes with choice of 2 sides: braised greens, lentils, basmati rice, barley.

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Drug-disposal discussion at White Center Community Safety Coalition

January 28th, 2011 at 12:05 pm Posted in Environment, Health, White Center news | Comments Off on Drug-disposal discussion at White Center Community Safety Coalition

From last night’s White Center Community Safety Coalition meeting: Will Perry from King County Public Health told the group about getting rid of unused drugs instead of leaving them around the house. What you see above is the demonstration box he takes around during presentations – it’s similar to the one used where this program is in place. The program has three points of emphasis, he explained: Keeping the environment free of drug pollution (which happens if they are flushed or poured down drains, since the water-treatment system can’t excise the chemicals, or if they are thrown away, since landfill decomposition puts the chemicals into the environment); preventing abuse, especially important if the unused drugs are narcotics or stimulants; third, poison control, to keep the unused drugs away from babies and toddlers.

Right now, he explained, the county works with Group Health and Bartell Drugs – both of those companies’ Burien branches can take in unused drugs for disposal. However, they can’t accept narcotics; those can only be taken to sites in east and southeast King County that are overseen by law enforcement. The disposal laws are changing, Perry said, but the details haven’t been finalized yet.

More info on the drug-disposal issue? Go here.

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North Highline Unincorporated Area Council’s next meeting

January 28th, 2011 at 3:49 am Posted in North Highline UAC, White Center news | Comments Off on North Highline Unincorporated Area Council’s next meeting

Thursday (February 3rd), 7 pm, North Highline Fire District HQ, it’s the next meeting of your North Highline Unincorporated Area Council. Here’s the agenda:

February 3, 2011

7:00 p.m. Call to order
Flag salute
Roll call
Approval of agenda
Approval of minutes
7:05 p.m. Public announcements
7:10 p.m. Public comment – 3 minutes for individuals
5 minutes for groups
7:15 p.m. Mike Martin, Burien City Manager
7:20 p.m. KCSO Capt Joseph Hodgson – Crime Stats
7:30 p.m. Jeanne Johnson, ECOSS – Powerful Neighborhoods Program
7:40 p.m. Dan Perzynsky, King County Parks

7:50 p.m. John Starbard, Director King County DDES
8:15 p.m. Treasurers Report
8:20 p.m. Corresponding Secretary Report
8:25 p.m. Committee Reports
1. Governance
2. Arts and Parks
3. Public Safety
4. Housing and Human Services
5. Public Outreach
6. Transportation
7. Steve Cox Memorial
8:35 p.m. Unfinished Business

8:40 p.m. New Business
Community Meetings

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Who will annex White Center? Seattle’s pulling back, for now

January 27th, 2011 at 11:02 am Posted in Annexation, King County, White Center news | 5 Comments »

The prospects of Seattle annexing White Center (and other parts of the still-unincorporated area) brightened at one point last year – as first reported here – when the Seattle City Council voted to put the city on “a path” toward a potential annexation vote this fall. However, that path seems to be dead-ending, at least for now. A new report has led the mayor’s office to throw cold water on the idea, because of budget woes. The report was prepared for the City Council, which wanted more information on the potential costs, among other things, and you can read it in its entirety here. Lots of detailed reading, but bottom line: The annexation area would cost the city $16 million more to run each year than it would bring in. And the deferred street maintenance needed by the area would cost tens of millions of dollars to catch up with – leaving the city with “one-time” expenses of annexation running $91 million.

We asked the Seattle mayor’s office for comment. From spokesperson Aaron Pickus:

The mayor thinks that the financial reality of the City’s budget, now and in the near future, make annexation difficult for the City to pursue at this time. The City simply does not have sufficient resources (and resource growth) to meet existing demands and take on the new demands that the annexation of Area Y would require. When our City’s finances are more robust, the Mayor would be interested in re-evaluating the annexation.

We’re also checking with City Council leadership, among other potentially interested parties. The county has said that *somebody* has to annex the urban unincorporated areas such as White Center, because it’s not supposed to be in the business of providing urban services. So, what about Burien? We asked its city manager, Mike Martin (Burien has a slightly different structure of government, so while there’s also a mayor, the city manager is the person who runs the city day to day), who replied:

Frankly, the ball is in Seattle’s court. You’ll probably remember that Burien signed an MOU with Seattle (they didn’t sign) basically agreeing to give them the first shot at annexing that area, as long as they did it by the end of this year. We also agreed not to interfere if they decided to go for it. We’ll stand by our word. If Seattle decides they’re not interested, my council will have a decision to make. But for now, we’re waiting on Seattle.

Martin also says he’s shared the Seattle report with his council.

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Opening night tonight for White Center’s new Company

January 27th, 2011 at 9:13 am Posted in Beverages, Businesses, White Center news | Comments Off on Opening night tonight for White Center’s new Company

(WCN photos by Deanie Schwarz)
As first reported here earlier this week, after almost a year of work, Company opens today at 4 pm in the heart of White Center’s main business district. Prior to Company’s “soft open” event last night, owner Jesse Lovell was busy with last-minute details – finalizing the menu, making sure the local art and salvaged industrial signage/lighting is all in place, stocking the bar shelves, de-papering the windows. He told WCN’s Deanie Schwarz that the Grand Opening celebration will include an extended Happy Hour through the weekend, starting at 4 pm daily. Company is at 9608 16th SW.

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West Seattle news: Sketch released in attack investigation

January 26th, 2011 at 8:57 pm Posted in Crime, West Seattle | Comments Off on West Seattle news: Sketch released in attack investigation

(Note: While our West Seattle site is down – its server-management company says they’re under denial-of-service attack – we’re posting stories here, since this site is unaffected, using a different server-management company. When the outage is over, we’ll move them to WSB and delete them here unless they’re of White Center relevance too.)

New development tonight in the wake of yesterday’s Lincoln Park attack and arrest. Tonight police have gone public with that sketch they say was made because of an attack in the park last December. They want to hear from anyone and everyone who not only might have had a suspicious encounter in the park, but anyone who might have been subject to “unwanted touching” elsewhere in West Seattle. As we reported earlier today, the man arrested yesterday, 46-year-old Duane Starkenburg, is currently charged only in one incident – and police are working hard to see if there are others he might be responsible for. Here’s their full update.

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Car fire at Olson/Myers causing traffic jam

January 26th, 2011 at 7:32 pm Posted in Traffic, White Center news | Comments Off on Car fire at Olson/Myers causing traffic jam

We’ve heard from numerous people wondering what’s causing the backup at Olson/Myers, on the way from White Center (and West Seattle) toward Highway 509 and South Park. It’s on the 911 log as a car fire. Some folks tell us they’ve been stuck as long as 45 minutes.

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Update on 10th SW fire/marijuana investigation

January 24th, 2011 at 12:12 pm Posted in Crime, Fire, White Center news | Comments Off on Update on 10th SW fire/marijuana investigation

An update this morning from King County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Sgt. John Urquhart, with the cause of the weekend fire and the scope of what KCSO calls a grow operation:

An early morning fire in a single family residence did more than burn up the house. It sent a good-size, illegal marijuana grow operation up in smoke as well.

The fire was reported about 1:00 AM on Sunday morning, January 23rd, in the 10400 block of 10th Ave SW (White Center neighborhood of unincorporated King County).

Responding firefighters called the Sheriff’s Office after they found the marijuana grow operation in the basement of the residence as they were knocking down the fire. There were about 55 medium size plants, lights, timers, ventilation equipment, and other growing supplies in the house.

No one was home at the time of the fire and there were no arrests.

A fire investigator from the Sheriff’s Office believes an electrical malfunction was the likely cause of the fire.

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