(WCN photo of Hicks Lake, 1/7/09)
From Dick Thurnau at Friends of Hicks Lake:
King County has allotted $25,000 in the budget for Lakewood Park / Hicks Lake improvements and has asked Friends Of Hicks Lake for suggestions. We have many; however, we wish to gather input from the community to provide the best and wisest recommendations.
Suggestions (including, so far):
*Water fountain with an aeration system to help cleanse the lake water and display a beautiful attraction. (will need volunteers)
*Walking path around Hicks Lake might require use of a small section of school property (safety reasons)
*Volleyball, basketball court in half of the tennis court, horseshoes
*Full-time caretaker for the park house to control graffiti, litter, illegal alcohol usage, and vandalism
We welcome the community’s input.
You can reach Dick by e-mail at hdthurnau@juno.com or by phone at 206-244-4558.