New fire chief, crime/safety issues, more discussed at North Highline Unincorporated Area Council’s 2023 finale

December 13th, 2023 Tracy Posted in King County Sheriff's Office, Libraries, North Highline UAC, White Center news 2 Comments »

By Tracy Record
White Center Now editor

The last North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting of 2023 was held online Thursday night (December 7). Here’s what happened:

LIBRARY UPDATES: Mary Sue Houser, a divisional manager for King County Library System – overseeing six branches including White Center, Greenbridge, and Boulevard Park – was the first guest. She reminded everyone that KCLS is now “fine-free” – if you have an overdue item, just take it in! (They will charge if you lose something, though.) Some hours have expanded, too (as reported here). She recapped the Freedom to Read celebration that was discussed at the last meeting, and mentioned the Welcoming Centers, “a place for people who are new to the country … anyone who has just gotten here and needs help.” Language-speakers are available to offer resources and answer questions. These are at six libraries (none in North Highline). NHUAC’s Liz Giba asked if a Welcoming Center could be added at WC Library; Houser said she’ll be sure it’s “on the radar.”

FIRE CHIEFS: After more than 31 years of service, Chief Mike Marrs is leaving. He’s been District 2 chief since 1999. He thanked everyone for their support, particularly the renewals of the Medic One levy every six years. He talked about how previously one in five people woule survive a heart attack in Seattle/King County – even at that, better than other cities, but a goal was set for three in five to survive, and that goal’s been met and surpassed. Ongoing training and policies help. 85 percent of calls are medical, a lot of them are heart attacks, and so, many lives are being saved, He also expressed gratitude for voters approving the Benefit Charge. It’s not based on property value but rather on the size of structure that needs to be protected, Marrs explained. And since it’s a fee, for example, the Housing Authority has to pay it too, rather than getting an exemption. “I think we’ve put that money to good use.” He noted that his role running Fire District 2 expanded to include North Highline around 2010, part-time as a stopgap measure, and “we just slowly migrated to where we came together.” After years of sharing personnel and equipment, and increasing efficiencies and cost savings, they originally realized it was time to “fully integrate” everything. In 2019, it all melded into a four-station fire department. They’ve been able to purchase new fire engines, a new aid car, and “with the funding we’re saving in other areas,” next year they’ll be able to return a full-time aid car to Station 18 in White Center. He also said he’s proud of “the workforce we have right now.” He said his “one litmus test” for hiring has been “who do I want to show up at my house at 2 o’clock in the morning when my house is on fire?” Marrs said he feels his legacy includes those people – who go out on calls 12,000 times a year.

In Q/A/comments, the chief was thanked for his advocacy for the North Highline fireworks ban. He didn’t have any stats about its effectiveness, though.

New Chief Jason Gay then introduced himself – 49 years old, father of two (20-year-old Marine and 16-year-old high school sophomore). He is a Marine Corps veteran, focusing on avionics, and went into aerospace after getting out, got a mechanical engineering degree, staying in that industry for a long time. Then he moved on to firefighting – “best choice I ever made” – and Marrs hired him in 2005. He went to school again for a Fire Administration degree and has been working his way up, becoming a lieutenant, then captain, for 10 years, then acting battalion chief for 6 years, and eventually went into the logistics office. More studies ensued; he pursued an online masters in Public Administration, and in October he became Fire Chief.

Chief Gay says his vision for the department is: financially responsible, well-funded, deep ties with service community, values its employees – helping them via education, professional development – he wants the department to be known for leadership and stewardship, among other things, Marrs, he said, has shown “you can be conservative and provide a fantastic service to the vommunity.” He “wants to be a good steward of tax dollars for the community.” He also noted the health risks firefighters face – like cancer risk – and wants to protect them as best he can. “There’s a lot of work we can do in continuing to ratchet our service to the community.” Stations 18 and 19 are undergoing remodeling to serve a diverse workforce – he notes that about 9 percent of the workforce is women, including two “line firefighters.” He said the department’s staff is relatively new – less than five years firefighting for almost half of them.

NHUAC’s Pat Price wondered about a timeline for the Station 18 remodel (that’s where NHUAC long met in person) being complete. Chief Gay said crews will be mobilizing right after Christmas and the 18 and 19 remodels should be complete by early May. “At that point we’ll have a wonderful meeting room to go back to,” he said.

NHUAC’s Barbara Dobkin wondered how the increased density affects the department. “Obviously our call volume is rising,” said Gay. They’re mapping things now and the upcoming added aid car at Station 18 will be part of addressing that. What about higher buildings? They have a ladder truck, which can get them up to seven stories, he noted. They also were asked about alternative responses, which have been explored by multiple jurisdictions around the region.

KING COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE: White Center Storefront Detective Glen Brannon began by saying “things are looking good in our neck of the woods.” He was asked about the disappearance of the Burien encampment in a triangle along Ambaum Boulevard; they had to disperse because of Burien’s camping ban, and many are now at a church in Burien that has an official camping/shelter program. Some have probably headed into White Center, Brannon believes. He mentioned working with The More We Love group, which has a contract with Burien to address encampments. He also mentioned that they’re working with Community Passageways and so they’ve got a lot of new resources to work with people on the street.

An attendee who recorded video of illegal dumping asked if Brannon had any interest. Send him the video, Det. Brannon said. ( He also asked about mail thieves. To charge somebody with mail theft, they have to have at least seven pieces of mail from different people, Brannon said.

He was asked about a crash in White Center, on 16th SW near Saar’s, the previous evening. It was a pedestrian hit by a driver; not life-threatening injuries.

A Block Watch captain gave props to Det. Brannon for handling some things his neighbors in Top Hat were worried about.

Det. Brannon said he wants to hear from Block Watches – and from people interested in starting one.

Then a WC resident said he’s concerned about dangerous driving and wondered about speed enforcement. Det. Brannon offered to come hang out in his neighborhood (a cut-through section of 17th) and try to be a deterrent/enforcer.

What about the former Bartell building, and trash/graffiti problems? He said he’ll look into that, and also noted that a new tenant is being actively sought.

Regarding the ongoing outdoor-music-venue noise concerns, Det. Brannon said he got the monitoring equipment he talked about at the last NHUAC meeting and has already tested it. He promised that enforcement is planned. “We’re done letting these guys get away with that.” He explained how the equipment records readings and times.

Also briefly discussed – the ongoing search for businesses to move into the storefronts that suffered fire damage. A variety of other issues came up too. Regarding gunfire heard from neighborhoods, Det. Brannon said that factors include a “gang war starting up,” and that they know who’s doing it – people driving around shooting into the air – “we just have to catch them.” He said someone high-ranking in a gang was killed recently, with a funeral coming up in less than a week, and a lot of retaliatory gunfire seems to be happening.

NEXT MEETING: NHUAC will skip January and be back the first Thursday in February.

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Remembering King County Sheriff’s Deputy Steve Cox

December 2nd, 2023 Tracy Posted in King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news 3 Comments »

The King County Sheriff’s Office posted this tribute on X/Twitter today:

If you’re new and don’t know the story of how Deputy Cox’s life was cut short, here’s a summary.

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CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Bus-murder suspect Miguel Rivera Dominguez surrenders

November 6th, 2023 Tracy Posted in Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news Comments Off on CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Bus-murder suspect Miguel Rivera Dominguez surrenders

(Also published on partner site West Seattle Blog)

(15th south of Roxbury, October 3)

The King County Sheriff’s Office has announced that 17-year-old White Center bus-murder suspect Miguel Rivera Dominguez is in custody. Here’s the entirety of the announcement:

This morning, November 6, 2023, at 9:55 AM, homicide suspect Miguel Rivera Dominguez turned himself into the King County Sheriff’s Office without incident. Rivera Dominguez was named as the suspect in the shooting of 21-year-old Marcel Da’jon Wagner, who was fatally shot while riding on a King County Metro Transit Bus in White Center on October 3rd.

We want to thank our neighboring law enforcement agencies and community members for their assistance, tips, and support during this extensive investigation. Together, we are working to make our community safer.

According to a tipster, he surrendered at the KCSO precinct in Burien, the city in which he had been residing. The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office charged Rivera Dominguez as an adult with first-degree murder last week, saying video from the bus suggested he shot and killed Wagner – who may have been asleep – without provocation or any sort of confrontation, without even saying a word. He’ll be held in lieu of $3 million bail.

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THURSDAY: Library, public-safety updates @ North Highline Unincorporated Area Council

October 29th, 2023 Tracy Posted in King County Sheriff's Office, Libraries, North Highline UAC, White Center news Comments Off on THURSDAY: Library, public-safety updates @ North Highline Unincorporated Area Council

The Opportunity to Be Informed, Be Involved and Be Heard!

Where? North Highline Unincorporated Area Council Meeting

When? Thursday, November 2, 2023, at 7 pm

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 823 9563 4169
Passcode: NHUAC2023 (Case Sensitive)

Unable to join via Zoom? Please call: 253 215 8782
Meeting ID: 823 9563 4169
Passcode: 696893428

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It’s November and time to exercise the right and responsibility to support our democracy by voting. Last month’s Candidate Forum featured candidates Sofia Aragon and Teresa Mosqueda, who are competing to represent our area on the King County Council. If you couldn’t attend, you can read the White Center Now post here.

This month’s meeting will focus on other important ways we support our democracy – reading and libraries. Our guests will include King County Library System’s (KCLS) Executive Director, Lisa Rosenblum; Mary Sue Houser, Olympic Regional Manager; Brenna Shanks, a Selection Librarian for the Teen Collection; and Melissa Mather, a Public Services Librarian from the Skyway branch.

Before Director Rosenblum joined KCLS in January of 2018, its relationship with our area had been quite tumultuous. She has been a positive leader for KCLS. When she visited NHUAC about three months in, the long-waited renovation of the Boulevard Park branch was settled. It reopened in May of 2019. A true success for our community, democracy, and Lisa Rosenblum!

KCLS understands that the freedom to read is fundamental to any democracy and protected by our First Amendment right. Last month, KCLS started a year-long campaign to create awareness and encourage conversations on the topic. Brenna Shanks and Melissa Mather will share Celebrate the Freedom to Read with us and Mary Sue Houser will answer questions specific to our library region.

Last, but surely not least – White Center’s Storefront Deputy Glen Brannon will update us!

Knowledge Is Power

Learn, share, and help make North Highline a healthier community.

Thursday, November 2 at 7 pm – Invite Your Neighbors!

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UPDATE: Here’s why the King County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Disposal Unit was in downtown White Center

October 26th, 2023 Tracy Posted in King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news Comments Off on UPDATE: Here’s why the King County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Disposal Unit was in downtown White Center

(WCN/WSB photos)

10:55 AM: Thanks for the tip. A worker on the vacant site north of the former Bizarro restaurant, on the west side of 16th SW in downtown White Center, found what’s described to us as an unexploded grenade this morning. The King County Sheriff’s Office called out its bomb squad (officially the Bomb Disposal Unit), which is there now. The street is still open and the stay-out zone isn’t affecting any open businesses, as that’s the side of the street that has yet to fully recover from fires.

We’re told this is a very old grenade, possibly World War II-era.

11:31 AM: If you’re in the area and noting a helicopter, our story seems to have attracted the shared TV helicopter. We’ll be checking back at the scene on the ground in a bit.

11:36 AM: Thanks to the nearby business owner who just texted to say the grenade has been safely removed from the site and the Bomb Disposal Unit deputies are packing up to leave.

6:19 PM: We followed up with KCSO, whose spokesperson Sgt. Eric White tells us the grenade was “eventually turned over to Joint Base Lewis McChord/JBLM EOD people. BDU was not able to discern if the item was a functioning grenade or not. Due to this, precautions were taken and it was treated as a functioning grenade.”

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CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: KCSO identifies, asks for help in finding White Center bus-shooting suspect

October 16th, 2023 Tracy Posted in Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news Comments Off on CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: KCSO identifies, asks for help in finding White Center bus-shooting suspect

Two weeks after a 21-year-old man was shot and killed on a Metro bus at 15th/Roxbury, the King County Sheriff’s Office has identified a 17-year-old suspect and is releasing photos, asking for your help in finding him:

King County Sheriff’s Office (KCSO) Major Crimes Detectives are seeking the community’s help in locating the suspect of a homicide in White Center on October 3rd.

17-year-old Miguel Rivera Dominguez (pictured) has been identified as the suspect who fatally shot Marcel Da’jon Wagner, 21, on a Metro Bus earlier this month.

Rivera Dominguez has strong ties to the Burien area and is known to use public transportation or seek rides from others. It’s likely he will be wearing a mask to conceal his face while in public. Rivera Dominguez is believed to be armed and extremely dangerous.

Anyone with information on the suspect’s whereabouts can submit a tip by calling (206) 263-2090, via email at, or anonymously via the P3Tips app. If located, call 911 immediately.

We asked KCSO for any additional descriptive information. They tell us he is 6′ tall, 170 pounds.

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WHITE CENTER CRIME WATCH: Man shot, killed on bus at 15th/Roxbury

October 3rd, 2023 Tracy Posted in Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news Comments Off on WHITE CENTER CRIME WATCH: Man shot, killed on bus at 15th/Roxbury

(Added: WSB photo)

5:52 PM: A man is reported to have been killed in a shooting on a Metro bus on 15th SW just south of Roxbury. Seattle Police were the first on the scene so our coverage launched on partner site West Seattle Blog, but it’s in King County Sheriff’s Office jurisdiction, so they’re taking over the investigation. It was reported around 5:10 pm. The victim was described as “around 30 years old.” We haven’t heard anything else about exact circumstances; the bus was a RapidRide H Line headed for Westwood Village, our photo shows. Conflicting descriptions of the shooter have been broadcast so we don’t have anything for sure right now. If you’ve seen/heard a helicopter, that’s the shared TV chopper, not Guardian One. We’ll add anything more we find out; 15th SW is closed near the scene while the investigation continues.

6 PM: Now Guardian One is also over the scene.

10:08 PM: Here’s the KCSO news release, for the record (though it doesn’t say anything we haven’t already reported:

This evening (October 3rd) at approximately 5:10 pm, deputies from the King County Sheriff’s Office responded to the vicinity of SW Roxbury ST and 15th Ave SW for reports of a shooting that occurred on a Metro bus. Upon arrival, deputies discovered a single victim, who was unfortunately pronounced deceased at the scene.

Multiple specialized units, including Guardian 1 aerial support and a K9 Unit, responded to conduct a thorough search for the individuals involved. As of this moment, the search operation has concluded, and the suspect(s) in question remain at large.

The King County Sheriff’s Office Major Crimes Unit will be investigating.

11:20 PM: 15th has reopened, per a Metro advisory.

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August 14th, 2023 Tracy Posted in King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news 1 Comment »

8:01 PM TUESDAY: Thanks to Alki Resident for mentioning in comments that KCSO has announced Robin’s been found.


Read the rest of this entry »

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PHOTOS: Night Out celebration with King County Sheriff’s Office visitors

August 2nd, 2023 Tracy Posted in King County Sheriff's Office, Neighborhoods, White Center news Comments Off on PHOTOS: Night Out celebration with King County Sheriff’s Office visitors

Thanks to Gill for these photos from the Night Out party Tuesday in the 20th/104th area. Not only did neighbors gather for food and fun, but they had visitors from the King County Sheriff’s Office, too:

Gill says it was the KCSO entourage’s last stop of the night, so they were able to hang out for a while:

Along with food, the party included games:

Night Out celebrates its 40th anniversary next year as a coast-to-coast chance for people to gather with their neighbors and local public-safety personnel for a focus on safety and community-building.

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July 12th, 2023 Tracy Posted in Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news Comments Off on WHITE CENTER CRIME WATCH: Store robbery

A White Center store was held up this afternoon and an intensive search ensued for the robbers. We’ve been covering all this in real time on partner site West Seattle Blog because it came to our attention with the search centered on the city side of the line, but we eventually learned it had started with a White Center robbery: The Top to Bottom clothing store, 9651 15th SW, was robbed around 1:30 pm. KCSO says four people with guns were involved and got away with about $500 in merchandise. No injuries. Some of the stolen clothing was recovered in the West Seattle neighborhood a few blocks north where officers, deputies, and the Guardian One helicopter were searching for a while. Two possible suspects were detained but released for lack of evidence; this past half-hour, at least one other person was detained for questioning in White Center, but we don’t know yet how that worked out.

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WHITE CENTER CRIME WATCH: Parking-lot standoff

July 11th, 2023 Tracy Posted in Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news Comments Off on WHITE CENTER CRIME WATCH: Parking-lot standoff

9:58 AM: King County Sheriff’s Deputies are getting assistance from Seattle Police in what’s basically a parking lot standoff just south of (corrected) Bartell Drugs at 15th/Roxbury. They told us at the scene that a man who’s in a parked vehicle was making threats toward passers-by and may be armed, so they’ve closed off 15th south of Roxbury. No other info so far; avoid the area.

10:01 AM: They’re reopening 15th, but 14th will be blocked south of Roxbury.

10:15 AM: Via Twitter, KCSO describes the suspect as experiencing a “mental-health crisis.”

12:29 PM: We’re back in the area to check. The lot is still taped off, with many police vehicles. 14th SW has reopened, so this situation is now confined to the parking lot.

3:59 PM: The person has been taken into custody since our last check in the area.

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UPDATE: King County Sheriff’s Office investigating White Center stabbing

June 26th, 2023 Tracy Posted in Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news Comments Off on UPDATE: King County Sheriff’s Office investigating White Center stabbing

11:05 AM: Big callout right now for King County Sheriff’s Deputies and medics for what’s reported as a stabbing at 15th and Roxbury. More details as we get them.

11:20 AM: Our crew at the scene reports this happened at the service station on the southwest corner of the intersection. The victim has been taken to Harborview Medical Center. A suspect is in custody (and currently on a stretcher).

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CRIME WATCH: Charges filed in Top Hat gun, stolen-truck case

March 31st, 2023 Tracy Posted in Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news 1 Comment »

(KCSO photos)</em>

The King County Sheriff’s Office says those guns were seized in a Top Hat case in which charges have just been filed. The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office has charged 34-year-old Arthur Pessina with second-degree unlawful firearm possession and possession of a stolen vehicle. Charging documents say this all unfolded Tuesday at an apartment complex in the 11000 block of 1st Avenue SW. A deputy had gone there to investigate a threats report. That wasn’t panning out, but as the deputy prepared to leave, someone came up and told him about a backpack that had been dropped in front of one of the apartments. Inside was a semi-automatic pistol and three boxes of ammunition. Someone else told the deputy about video showing who left it there. The gun turned out to have been stolen in Kitsap County, and the deputy soon spotted the man shown on the video with it. Investigation also tied him to what turned out to be a stolen pickup truck – taken less than a week earlier from the Angle Lake transit station – in which 21 more guns were found.

The charging documents say that man was Pessina, and the deputy arrested him. He has a felony conviction and therefore can’t legally possess guns. The charging papers indicate the guns’ origins are still being investigated, so more charges might be possible in this case. For now, the jail register shows Pessina is being held in lieu of $150,000 bail, and also shows he has pending cases with charges including hit-run, eluding, and assault.

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WHITE CENTER CRIME WATCH: KCSO investigating deadly shooting

March 6th, 2023 Tracy Posted in Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news Comments Off on WHITE CENTER CRIME WATCH: KCSO investigating deadly shooting

King County Sheriff’s Office detectives are investigating a deadly shooting. They tell WCN that someone called in to report gunfire just before 10 pm on 16th SW near SW 107th. Deputies arrived and found a man dead of a gunshot wound. A KCSO spokesperson says, “We do not have information on suspects at this time.” There was a report on Seattle Police frequencies that a “gray or red Honda” might have been associated with this shooting and was seen heading northbound. We’ll add anything more we find out.

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What the Guardian One helicopter was doing over White Center

February 13th, 2023 Tracy Posted in Helicopter, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news Comments Off on What the Guardian One helicopter was doing over White Center

Thanks for the tip. The Guardian One helicopter has been over White Center for a while this morning. We asked the King County Sheriff’s Office why. Reply: “This looks to be a violation of a court order in progress. Our Guardian One was helping to locate the known individual who violated that court order.” That’s it for info so far.

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UPDATE: Shooting investigation in Greenbridge

February 1st, 2023 Tracy Posted in Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news Comments Off on UPDATE: Shooting investigation in Greenbridge

11:20 PM: Police and medics have responded to an apartment complex in the 9700 block of 8th Place SW in Greenbridge. We have few details aside that they’re seeking three shooting suspects. We’ll add anything more we find out.

12:06 PM THURSDAY: We followed up with KCSO. They say the 911 call came in around 11 pm: “Deputies arrived and located a male adult victim with gunshot injuries and was transported to Harborview Medical Center. It was reported there were possibly two suspects involved in this incident. Deputies conducted a search of the area along with K-9 but were unable to locate any suspects. This case is open and active, and no additional updates are available at this time.”

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King County Sheriff’s Office and LEAD in the spotlight at 2023’s first North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting

January 29th, 2023 Tracy Posted in King County Sheriff's Office, North Highline UAC, White Center news Comments Off on King County Sheriff’s Office and LEAD in the spotlight at 2023’s first North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting

Just announced for Thursday (February 2nd):

The Opportunity to Be Informed, Be Involved and Be Heard!

Where? North Highline Unincorporated Area Council Meeting

When? Thursday, February 2, 2023, at 7 pm

The death of Tyre Nichols, the young father who died as the result of a traffic stop in Memphis, is heartbreaking and points to the importance of police knowing the communities they are sworn to serve and protect.

Deputy Bill Kennamer of the King County Sheriff’s Office is a regular participant in NHUAC meetings because he is an important member of the North Highline community. This month we are going to expand the public safety discussion. Deputy Bill will be joined by:

Undersheriff Jesse Anderson
Precinct 4 Commander Major Mark Konoske
Community Service Officer Nate Hammock

For the past 4 years, KCSO has supported the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) a/k/a “Let Everyone Advance with Dignity” program in North Highline. At a 2019 NHUAC meeting, then-Major Anderson said: “The bottom line is, we want people to turn their lives around.… It’s a great tool, like many other resources we bring in.”

To update us on LEAD’s work, we will also be joined by Reese Abram and Tanisha Davis-Doss of King County LEAD and Aaron Burkhalter, LEAD Program Manager with the Public Defenders Association.

Knowledge is power: Learn, share, and help make North Highline a healthier community.

February 2, 2023 at 7 pm – Invite Your Neighbors!

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 817 6325 0231
Passcode: NHUAC2023 (Case Sensitive)

Unable to join via Zoom? Please call 253-215-8782

Meeting ID: 817 6325 0231
Passcode: 155949808

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CRIME WATCH: Roxbury 76 robbery

January 27th, 2023 Tracy Posted in Crime, King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news Comments Off on CRIME WATCH: Roxbury 76 robbery

King County Sheriff’s Deputies are investigating another robbery at the 76 station/mini-mart at 2851 SW Roxbury. As announced in a bulletin a short time ago over the Seattle Police airwaves as an FYI, five armed people robbed the station, then left in a blue sedan, last seen heading eastbound – that’s all the information we have so far.

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CONGRATULATIONS! Peter Truong retiring from KCSO – you’re invited to his sendoff

December 13th, 2022 Tracy Posted in King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news 3 Comments »

Thanks to Liz Giba for sharing this – all are invited to celebrate retiring CSO Peter Truong, but please RSVP, as shown below:

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Want to be on the first-ever King County Sheriff’s Office Community Advisory Board?

December 12th, 2022 Tracy Posted in King County Sheriff's Office, White Center news Comments Off on Want to be on the first-ever King County Sheriff’s Office Community Advisory Board?

From the WCN inbox:

King County Executive Dow Constantine and King County Sheriff Patti Cole-Tindall announced the launch of a new Community Advisory Board for the King County Sheriff’s Office that will bring together public safety experts, community members, and advocates to support and advise in the creation of a just, dynamic, and responsive public safety system.

The advisory board is part of a renewed partnership with the community stemming from the new plans Sheriff Cole-Tindall shared in July regarding how KCSO will transform the way it delivers public safety.

“Our ability to deliver genuine safety in King County depends on bringing the community into the process, ensuring that diverse experiences and perspectives can help shape a robust and effective public safety network,” said Executive Constantine. “I look forward to partnering with this group to provide accountability and tackle root causes to bring about systemic change.”

“As a premier law enforcement agency, we must continue to center our work on accountability, equity, and the vision and values of the communities we so proudly serve,” said Sheriff Cole-Tindall. “I am honored to work with a panel of King County community members who share our commitment to evaluating and reimagining how we can enhance trust and preserve public safety.”

The Community Advisory Board will have between 10 – 15 members, selected to represent different backgrounds and geographies reflective of the communities where KCSO provides policing. The group will be comprised of residents living in both urban and rural areas, and individuals affiliated with BIPOC groups, civic organizations, and business groups. Additionally, the board will strive to include youth and individuals with prior justice system involvement.

Individuals interested in serving on the Community Advisory Board should submit a letter of interest, explaining their desire and qualifications. More information about the board and details on the application process can be found here. Applications will be accepted until January 31, 2023.

The board’s first meeting will take place in March 2023, and the organization’s charter will be finalized and the work program for the year will be set at that time.

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