POWER OUTAGE: 11,000+ customers lose electricity in White Center, South Park, Burien, beyond (updated Monday)

3:01 PM: Much of White Center is without power in an outage affecting more than 11,000 Seattle City Light customers, from southeast West Seattle east to South Park and south into Burien. No word yet on the cause. Updates to come. (Remember that intersections where traffic signals have gone dark are all-way stops.)

4:13 PM: Now down to just under 5,000. White Center is one of the areas where it’s back on. No word yet on the cause.

5:09 PM: Under 3,000 still out.

8:33 PM: Down to under 500, mostly in the Boulevard Park area. The exact cause hasn’t been disclosed yet – “equipment” problem of some kind, SCL says.

12:30 PM MONDAY: We followed up today with SCL spokesperson Jenn Strang, who says, “The exact cause of (this) outage in still under investigation but there is a possibility that it was caused by a bird. The resulting fault caused two lines to wrap together, resulting in the larger impact of the outage.”

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One Response to “POWER OUTAGE: 11,000+ customers lose electricity in White Center, South Park, Burien, beyond (updated Monday)”

  1. Benev Rene Brandt Says:

    That “electric avenue” sits right on 26th Avenue South just outside of the Veranda Green Apartment Homes in Burien. And right outside my bedroom window. Pictures are in the “X” app under Dr. Hacker.