Drugs and gangs on the agenda for North Highline Unincorporated Area Council’s May 2017 meeting

Just in, North Highline Unincorporated Area Council president Liz Giba‘s announcement for the May meeting, coming up next Thursday:

North Highline Unincorporated Area Council Meeting

When: Thursday, May 4, 2017 at 7 pm

Where: North Highline Fire Station at 1243 SW 112th Street in White Center. (Parking and Entrance are in the Back of the Station)

Please join North Highline’s volunteer community council at our May 4, 2017 meeting.

The Opportunity to Be Informed, Be Involved and Be Heard!

Neighborhoods Matter: Eighth graders in the Highline School District have at higher risk of drug use than students in King County overall. The Coalition for Drug-Free Youth addresses youth drug use by educating, inspiring and empowering us to create a healthy environment in North Highline. Maddi Story and VeeVee Wang will introduce us to the Coalition’s “I Know What’s Right for Me” marijuana and vaping prevention campaign.

The Bad News: Detective Joe Gagliardi of the King County Sheriff’s Office was not able to make last month’s meeting.

The Good News: Detective Gagliardi will be joining us this month. Detective Gagliardi is an expert on gangs. Have you wondered whether the graffiti you’ve been seeing is gang related? Have you heard stories about local gang activity? Join us on Thursday and you’ll surely learn somethings about gangs.

More Good News: Deputy Bill Kennamer of the White Center Storefront will be joined by Captain Somers and our new Precinct 4 Commander Major Mitzi Johanknecht. Join us in welcoming her!

Good of the Order: Do you have a suggestion for King County’s upcoming Community Service Area meeting? Something of community import on your mind? Join us and share!

See you Thursday, May 4th at 7 PM – Because Knowledge Is Power!

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