What to do about crumbling unincorporated-area roads? County task force’s recommendations

It’s been years since the county warned North Highline residents that the roads were in sad shape and bound to get sadder due to money trouble. Late today, the county announced the results of work by its Bridges and Roads Task Force to try to figure out how to fix that. The package is a big one, with reports and recommendations – read about it here. Short version – it suggests regional, even statewide solutions, that range from new taxes to trying to cut road-repair costs via prison labor; the full final report is here. The task force members are listed here (no NH names jump out at us, but let us know if we missed someone).

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2 Responses to “What to do about crumbling unincorporated-area roads? County task force’s recommendations”

  1. would also like to see more sidewalks in our neighborhood, particularly where schools are involved, sidewalks on both sides of the road would be ideal. I know on 12th Ave SW there seems to be need for a sidewalk on both sides of this street as Fire Engine uses the road and other large sized vehicles, many kids with headphones, etc. should have safety walking on both sides.

  2. Question Mark Says:

    The actions of the King County Road Services Division over the past 10 years, in terms of the effectiveness that taxpayers should expect the money they pay into earmarked funds like the Road Services Tax ($2.25 per $1,000 assessed value) borders on the criminal. Little of that money has been reinvested in the infrastructure of White Center in the past decade.

    And when the revenue from a year’s taxes has been spent elsewhere, there is virtually no chance that any portion of that revenue will ever be replaced to put to work in the White Center community.